Roosh V Bang


American Women:

European Women:

The choice should be clear.

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Bang Book
Bang is the book I wrote after swimming in game for six years after college. Inside I teach everything about meeting girls, dating them, and finally sealing the deal. Check out the homepage for reviews, excerpts, and a detailed outline.
6 years, 5 months ago

DCB you hit it on the head with this one yes yes European women are much hotter than average American women. Have you been out to D.C. recently they should have scales at some the clubs and lounges seriously. The european women I know hold the bodies and appearence much higher than most american women I know. These women being from Eastern European countries. Date European!!!

6 years, 5 months ago

Come on. That’s a pretty broad generalization don’t you think?

I’m American and would KILL MYSELF if I looked like that.

6 years, 5 months ago

The same can be said about European men vs. American men. European men….definately hotter and more cultured. Have you been to the Netherlands…the Dutch men are espcially hot.

6 years, 5 months ago

you are comparing a day in Richmond versus an evening at 1223, Blue Gin, Saki whatever. You should also consider Carribean (Trinidad) women. Definitely beautiful and fit.

6 years, 5 months ago

Yes i agree Trinidad women are great! I also attend to agree that Most American woman are just FAT Beer drinking, out of shape, hoagie eaters.

6 years, 5 months ago

This is just a generalization.
Some of the German coworkers (men and women) I have worked with when they were here in the US for a few months, told me the opposite - they thought the American women were hotter. One of the things they liked about the American women was the ‘diversity’ in the looks.

6 years, 5 months ago

I think the choice you present is absolutely clear. When you’re choosing between a 30/40something and a girl in her 20s - take the 20 year old.

Maybe comparing a Euro and an American from the SAME GENERATION next time would be a bit more fair.

6 years, 5 months ago

You should also look at the two couples. They are similar in, ummm…tastes I guess. The ‘American’ couple you have displayed looks equally white trash, and the ‘European’ couple looks equally stylish, classy, etc.

A redneck, Budweiser pounding good old boy is probably more likely to snag a redneck woman as opposed to someone cultured.

6 years, 5 months ago

You’re all missing another key point:

The American women is looking at you with a friendly, easy-to-approach smile while the Euro girl is ignoring you with her back turned to you because she’s a snooty biatch.

6 years, 5 months ago

What about latinas?

6 years, 5 months ago

I think this one was biased. Come on, the first one was taken at hick town, Arkansas.
I am sure you can find pasty white unattractive girls in Eastern Europe too.

6 years, 5 months ago

Back when I was in college, we had exchange students, British and French, that I became friends with. The British girl (there were only three students from England) was kind of thick-boned.

The French girls were all thin, no doubt. On average, I would say they were thinner than a sample of American women. But thin doesn’t help much if your face would crack a mirror. I’ll take an American girl with a little weight on her if I can look her in the eyes without wincing.

6 years, 5 months ago

If your being serious DCB, I have to disagree with you for once. I have traveled a fair amount and I will say there are some really really beautiful women in places like Venezuela, the Netherlands, Germany, etc. but I have also seen a lot of hags in those places as well.

As someone already pointed out- the comparison here is silly- it’s a NASCAR race versus a friend of yours walking around in Adams Morgan or something. I could just as easily take a picture of some of the absolutely gorgeous southern belles in places like Texas or Louisiana or…the list goes on. Certainly you are going to see a big difference between the NASCAR race and the sorority house at Univerity of Texas.

I think the main difference– and this difference exists between parts of the US is attitude. Women definitely have different attitudes about body image, men, and dating depending on where they are from. As for actual physical differences- you’ll find attractive and unattractive just about everyplace.

6 years, 5 months ago

I too have traveled abroad and I find that one must always look a gift horse in the mouth, domestic or international…or at least their dental plan.

6 years, 5 months ago

Of course i picked photos to prove my point.

on average, foreign women i meet in dc are thinner than american women in dc. for example i’ve been to russian parties where 80% of the women are thin. big difference.

6 years, 5 months ago

Anywhere you go in the world, there will be hot people and ugly people.

The gene lottery is international.

6 years, 5 months ago


6 years, 5 months ago

Let’s re-caption:
American Men

European Men

It’s ok to make the same generalities, right?

6 years, 5 months ago

I guess my point is that the key difference likely has a lot more to do with attitude than with looks, dress, etc. For example, in most latin cultures women are very submissive and take what most people would consider a very traditional view when it comes to family, men, and work.

I imagine a key problem with the DC area is a lot of the American girls are politico types, career types who moved there after graduation specifically for work and are focused on work, which makes Jill a pretty dull girl.

6 years, 5 months ago

Is no one going to comment on the tacky, shiny dress that the “euro” girl is wearing. Is she kidding? I think she went shopping with the “American” woman at Wal-Mart.

jessa j
6 years, 5 months ago

the european womans bra straps are showing and her dress is ugly.

6 years, 5 months ago

THANK YOU JESSA! There is a fine line between Euro…and Euro Trash. I think this girl is walking that line.

6 years, 5 months ago

Hating on Euro women is fun!!! Latinas are good too, but if the point was to compare the body size and level of hotness then we must speak geographically regarding latinas. In Central America, you have a lot of tortilla wrapping, bean eating, ranchero singing, novela watching women. THey stay home, make babies, take care of thier machismo men. The closer you live to the coast, you find the tortilla loving, fish frying, deep sea diving, fruit loving, sun bathing mamis. Maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but I visit my family in Roaton, Honduras, I can clearly see the difference between interior Honduran folks and coast people. Think about Brazil, Chile, Venezuela and Spain. Despite all this, beauty is how you carry yourself, I think confidence is a major accessory and if you got that then everything falls into place.

6 years, 5 months ago

Wow…I think this post is ridiculous. You cannot put an american woman who is obviously in her 40s and overweight against an european chick that’s thin and in her 20s and then say that the Euro girl is hotter. This would onely be fair if they were both in good shape and in their 20s.
Besides, you can’t even see her face! How do we know she is hotter? Just because she is thin doesn’t mean she is beautiful. Your argument is flawed. American and European women come in all colors, shapes and varying degrees of attractiveness. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Just because you may not find someone attractive, that doesn’t mean that someone else will feel the same way.

6 years, 5 months ago

Remind me again how we know the blonde is Euro just based on a photo? What if she’s really just an American traveling in Europe?

6 years, 5 months ago

Personally, I think the “euro chick” looks like an American late 80s chick. Her dress is border line tye dye. Her hair looks like it has the 80s curly/semi feather look going on.

Eastern European Man
6 years, 5 months ago

well, that’s him on the picture next to her.

6 years, 5 months ago

yeah. . . what a class act. over-processed hair, a dress made out of a shimmery material of some sort, and bra straps showing. mon dieu!

6 years, 5 months ago

Arguments against European women:

Armpit hair, don’t bathe.

6 years, 5 months ago

Go Canada!

6 years, 5 months ago

Q: How do you find the pygmy women in the tall grass?

A: Pretty damn good.

Benny Hill still rocks.

6 years, 5 months ago

typing this from germany, I have to agree with you

6 years, 5 months ago

In terms of personality, American women are cold… iceberg cold. Latina, asian, and to varying degrees, european women, are not submissive to their men, but have found a balance between independence and being loving, warm, and attentive in their relationships.

American women have made such a ridiculous effort for independence, female equality, girl power, and the whole “Woman of the future” garbage, that they have lost the balance and have become cold in relationships. Destiny’s Child is partly to blame, they can kiss my ass.

That’s why Latinas and Asians are becoming more popular among american men. They TAKE CARE of their man, and their man takes care of them. Don’t get me wrong, it needs to be reciprocated for it to work, but American women have pulled away so far, that they don’t give a chance for anything to be reciprocated.

6 years, 5 months ago

“Go Canada!”

Indeed. I plan on being in Toronto a couple times in September. The Canadians know how to party from what I have heard. I was going to go to WEMF but couldn’t get off work. Instead I shall go to Labour of Love and Goodfellaz.

And back to the topic, I just noticed how tacky that chick’s dress is. Ew.

6 years, 5 months ago

The grossness of this overgeneralization and the ignorance required to actually let this sort of gem spew forth from the mouth (or keyboard, as it were) boggles the mind absolutely. Knowing it was uttered by one who is purportedly educated confounds the spirit utterly. If this weren’t so unfortunately typical, it would be monumentally sad - of course, the fact that one must even say such a thing is more than depressing enough. Truth be told, that a person capable of conjuring such nonsense exists at all easily sets upon one an unmitigated nausea.

6 years, 5 months ago

But check out his fuckin striped shirt. Its awesome.

6 years, 5 months ago

I wouldn’t call it awesome. It is a nice shirt, but it looks like a regular shirt to me. Nothing too unique about it.

6 years, 5 months ago

A little heavy with the verbiage John? Is that how you usually speak?

6 years, 5 months ago

Yes, greg, I suppose it is how I usually speak, but I thought it was appropriate given the fatuity with which I was dealing.

6 years, 5 months ago

Struck a nerve with this one huh? :)

That is one scary picture. But what’s with the guy in it smiling like he won the lottery?

6 years, 5 months ago

You’re COMPLETELY right, DCB. One look at that picture, and my choice was clear right off the bat.


(Cause if you can’t have a beer drinking woman at a major sporting event — even if she IS two ax handles broad across the back end — then I wouldn’t want her anyway).

Funny post.

6 years, 5 months ago

well well… I’ve traveled to a lot of places, and I have to agree that there are beautiful and ugly people everywhere, no matter where you go. also, the USA is VAST - can’t just generalize what an “American woman” looks like. that’s just impossible and would lead to great inaccuracies.

6 years, 5 months ago

Are Native Americans included? :D

Mr Mak
6 years, 2 months ago

I agree, with that person who said that beauty is in the ey of the beholder and that beautiful women can be found in every corner of this planet. BUT….honestly, north american women eat tons, i’ve been in canada for like 2-3 years now and everywhere i see are fat hungry massive women waiting to grab some food with their sausage like fingers, and all day on TV its commercials on how to lose wieght, by weird diets and chemicals or some bogus machine. Forget the united states, Canada is filled with faaaat women, can u believe it that 1 outta 6 kids in canada is obese!! Oh don’t even talk about manners, these fat women are past manners they’re passing air everywhere they go and burping loudly, and their cars ALWAYS smell of food!

6 years, 1 month ago

Everyone in America (with the exception of Native Americans) is descended of the people of every other continent. Europeans, Asians, Africans—we have ‘em all. So how you can argue that the women of Europe are better looking than the women of America is beyond me. Thinness aside, certain beauty is universal. The women of America possess EVERY kind of beauty, whereas European women can only claim the European kind.

6 years, 1 month ago

Well I can tell you this: I lived in Poland for a year and I can honestly say that women in Eastern Europe beat the shit out of North American women any day. Not only are they 10 times thinner and have Goddess bodies, but they have something called culture, which is absent in the US. In North America, you always have to choose between a girl that is brilliant, but often ugly, or a beautiful but mindless girl. Not so in Poland. Girls typically speak 3-4 languages + they can discuss architecture, history, religion, arts and so on and so forth. If I can find a girl in North America that speak more than English I consider this exceptional. Oh yeah, and I forgot this: Eastern european women know how to dress stylish and with class! They look hot all the time. In the States, girls go out to clubs in running shoes and jeans..So sad.

6 years ago

Why are all the American chics trashing the Euro woman? It doesn’t matter whether the European woman has a cheap dress on or half off, what maters is that the Ami woman is obese and the Euro chick has a nice shape..

If you don’t believe that this is common fare, I challenge the Ami’s to go to German, France, Belgium, England, Ireland, Scotland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc, etc, etc, and THEN tell me they don’t “get it”

American women are self-serving, arrogant, and want to be put up on a pedestal. Eoros put their MEN on one.


6 years ago

Oh, and BTW, I’m half German, half American, and men don’t give a rip about hairstyles or clothes on a woman anyway. We like it when the clothes come off and when the woman can speak (at least) one language clearly without having to run to the dictionalry. Mostly though, Euro girls aren’t spoiled and catered to, like American women are.

And yes, I too speak German, English, Spanish, Swedish, Italian, and American sign Language. Just as many Euro girls do. And no, I’m not a woman.


6 years ago

One last item:

Personally, I think that (true) Causacian (not white) women from the old eastern block are the hottest things on the planet, complete with white, pasty, rosey-cheeked, blonde-haired, heavenly bodies like Venus.

How could there be anything better?

6 years ago

first of all I am the ordinary guy from eastern
europe. I moved to US couple of years ago.
And the bottom line is this: there are myths about
people on both sides. / US and Europe/
Did everybody here slightly forget that 70%
of US population /white caucasian/ come from
Europe? / 1492 AND 2006/ THAT’S NOT THE AGE OF
DINOSAURUS ETC. seriously I have seen american
women ,girls and generally they do not look unattractive. The problem is elswhere: mentality
of american girls are harder to approach, have more
feministic background and highly materialistic
with tendency to prejudge. This is what mostly
turns me down. US indvidualistic consume culture
does not support her sensitivness with money
that might lead to financial problems as a couple. On the other side not every eastern european girl / you have to understand that there
are more than 10 independent countries in eastern europe with their own cultral background
and economy level and usually countries with
worst economies will “produce” women willing to
do everything to get out of the country usually
the pretiest ones?/ not all of them are pretty
honestly!/simply because of better materialistic
conditions! So usually if there is a love it’s more
about the fact of money attractivness than anything else.That way you will see sometimes
totally unatractive overweight US guy who would not stand the chance with above average looking
american girl but you see him with the eastern
european girl that could easily stand up next
to Miss Texas and get off her crown. so make
your own conclusion and try to look on both sides…

5 years, 11 months ago

I have traveled and studied for several months in London where I met people from literally more countries than the United Nations represents and can tell you this…my personal decision is to never even LOOK at an American again for these reasons:

1) Less cultured
2) Less educated
3) More self-centered/feminist
4) Snotty bitches that use sex as a weapon

European girls I was with there, especially Easetern European, had sweeping characteristics that highly outshine any American girl you can ever think of such as the following: multilingual (3+ languages usually), highly intellegent (masters degree not uncommon), ambitious and moving up career/social ladder, beautiful (almost exotic looking), highly erotic aura (and great in bed), etc.

Fuck American women! Fuck you all!

5 years, 11 months ago

I’m from Liverpool and can say that your views on American v European women are general to say the least. In Lisbon I had to just sit and stare at the most beautiful of women,but then took one look at the mothers and realised most beauty would be fleeting! Yes there are stunners, especially Northern European,in particular German,Dutch and Scandanavian. Recently in Spain, away from the tourist traps, I was in a disco that was full of just Spanish and the girls were so erotic the way they looked and danced! Now as for American women,surprise, I love the attitude, especially in New York! Confidence is an aphrodisiac as is the sophisticated look of the city girls around Wall Street! Now, here is a phenomenon, English women have got so tacky,and porky, just look at the winner of Big Brother…she was a model!! Of what… demolition sites?
Anyway, I’m surprised about the direction of this argument because to be honest most American men are seen as a joke in Europe… loud, arrogant, ignorant and more interested in appearance than substance!
Maybe that’s why European men are so successful with the Americam woman?

5 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for the post. I’m not like “most” Americans, friend. First, there is a difference between confidence and arrogance…I have the former not the latter. My girlfriend is from Tbilisi, Georgia, and fits every quality (and more) that I outlined above. We met at LSE and are both going to live wonderful lives of riches and traveling in high social circles together. She is an international consultant and I’m a rising star with a global investment bank. An American girl would not only hold me back in my career, but she would be as boring as hell with merely common ambition.

The Truth
5 years, 10 months ago

Finally, it had to be said. This posting is so true - American women are the worst. I live in New York City where you would think there would plenty of hot gals but guess what? They are 80% tough masculine women who are often fat, if not ugly, and have no clue how to dress. They are like men wearing dresses (if they even bother). There are so many repulsive women in the USA who have 6-foot slim guys hollering at them, it is almost embarassing. What ticks me off more than anything is that so many ‘average’ or even awful-looking American girls in the USA, act like they are super-hot princesses when they are so completely average. Anywhere else in the world, they would not even get a look.
European women absolutely destroy AMerican women and so do women from almost any other country in the world, including Canada. The only redeeming quality about American women is that they are not really snobby and they will aggressively pursue you, if they are into you. But if you have any taste at all, you will see that they are so trashy, who cares ?

5 years, 10 months ago

I just have to wonder if us american women are all so fat and ugly, why are you all trying to hard to get in our pants?

5 years, 10 months ago

just to pass the time

5 years, 10 months ago

I lived in Europe for a year and trust me, they have their share of fat women. And I can honestly say, the women weren’t that great looking. American women are far more put together. Now, when I went to Spain, yes I will say there was some beautiful women there. They dressed more like us though. Germans have horrid style. Just my observation in general, I’m not saying all German women. And yes I speak more than one language. Shock!!And to the guys saying american girls are snotty or uptight, etc, you guys are kust pissed we won’t hop in bed with your sleazy asses. That is why you like foreign women. You get the sleazy sex you want and you can treat the girl like a whore in the process. And most american women want to be respected and treated as such by men. That doesn’t make you a snot, it means you have a thing cAlled self esteem! How dare american girls expect to not be treated like whores!! Shame on us. I totally agree with what someone said about any ugly fat guy getting an eastern european girl because they need a meal ticket and way out of their country. And as far as men go, I would take an american man over most european men any day. They are sleazy womanizers and their women put up with it.

those yankees
5 years, 10 months ago

Hmm … its sad that you guys are bashing on your own women for the imported one, where are you all trying to get this? what accomplishments are you all looking for? I myself think eruo women are a grade higher than American ones, I also think that Australian women are pretty hot too! ( not just that their accent is pretty sexy too) oh andanotherthing to the individual that said they can speak many lenguages who the hell you trying top impress!? do you think just because of that you are automatically right! dumb@ss who gives a rats @ss

5 years, 10 months ago

america home of the the lazy, proud, fat, arrogant and stingy, not forget dirty and hi crime

5 years, 10 months ago

To “Marc”- I’d hope that after being in Poland for a year, you would realize that America isn’t absent of culture. Ask any non-American about American culture, because they seem to know more about it than you.
Second, for everyone that is raving about European women being multilingual: yeah, guys, they have to be. American women (and men) don’t need to speak that many languages to get by.
And who can honestly believe being a feminist is synonymous with being self-centered? Are you kidding?

Eastern European Trailer Trash
5 years, 10 months ago

I from rural area of Poland-Ukraine border. Our lifestyle is more like American “redneck white trailer trash lifestyle” cause we poor. In our village we like watch “Duks of Hazard” So girls wear like Dasy Duk. Working-class Euro women are beautiful and also cool, like “girl nextd door”
So, every man in America you should talk with Euro woman whos a working class background. You will have wonderful relationship.

Antonio Lavigna
5 years, 10 months ago

Here’s how we can settle the dispute! When your at any U.S. Airport, look around and look at the way the people walk, talk, dress, and eat(men and women). Then the moment you land in your European destination, look around again. Americans, especially wealthy one’s, have zero class. My uncle raises sheep in Italy, but when he arrives at the airport, he’s wearing Versace!

5 years, 9 months ago

I have love euro-vagina.
Last week I spent time in Berlin and slept w/4 german women. They’re freaks and all had beautiful bodies.

5 years, 9 months ago

Euro-vagina even smells better than American-vagina.

5 years, 9 months ago

It’s true that on average American women are fatter. But as an American cosmetologist I can tell you their faces are more symmetrical. Americans have mixed their genes more and have more average facial features. White Americans are usually some combination of English, German, Irish, and to a lesser extent, Italian and/or French. And many are also 1/8th African or American Indian. This makes American women have slightly larger eyes, shorter noses, fuller lips, and broader facial structure. Look at Laura Bush, she is an all American woman. All this cross breeding has made American women’s faces more symmetrical. European women have more distinct faces. Americans move from state to state all the time, and mix with partners of different regions and backgrounds. Europeans tend to stay together in their own country, even their own region, the way it’s been for centuries, almost like inbreeding. That’s why on average in Europe there are far more ugly girls who are not mixed, that have asymmetrical faces. Now days in America, it is harder to find a young woman whose face is very asymmetrical. Probably 5-7%, compared to 15-20% in Europe. And for moderate asymmetry, it maybe 20%, compared to 30-35%. The majority of American women tend to be average looking, whereas European women tend to be more spread out at extremes. For example, go to Eastern Europe. There may be a few very attractive women, but there will be a lot of ugly ones. Even small villages in Italy often have many ugly girls. But the bottom line is that regardless of personality (a whole another story), a thin American looks better than a thin European. There just are less of them. So take your pick–fat or ugly.

5 years, 9 months ago

I have lived in Brazil for the past year, both on the coast (Salvador) and in S?o Paulo (one of the largest cities in the world), and let me tell you–even in a country known for producing some of the most beautiful and exotic women in the world, not everyone comes straight from a fashion magazine. We idealize foreign men and women because we see the amazing exports of these countries–the wealthy, attractive and educated cream of the crop that comes to the United States for its opportunities. But if you?ve lived abroad and claim that all foreigners are truly better, well…maybe you?ve found your match. Congratulations. But please don?t stereotype against a whole country of American women. Some of us work out, speak 3 or more languages, enjoy life and love sex. Just like you.

5 years, 9 months ago

And if you?re not multilingual with a Master?s and hot body, then SHUT UP, because you?re just like the American women you?re trashing.

5 years, 9 months ago

I am an American women who adores learning about her international community there are bueatiful men and women all over the world. To A European man an American women might not be exactly beautiful but she is different and that makes her a bit exciting. But once that excitment wears off there are the basic feelings that speak volumes in any language. So to say one ethicity is more attractive than the other just makes the person sound stupid and extremely uneducated.AND AMERICAN WOMEN ARENT STUPID WHORES,WE JUST HAPPEN TO FIND WOMENIZING TRADITIONS AND MEN UNACCEPTABLE.

5 years, 9 months ago

True beauty doesnt need a country specific label true beauty is timeless, ageless, without a standard attached to it. There have been amazingly beautiful, intellectul, culturally savy and confident people from every corner of the world.When the history of the international community is written down in the history books no one will give a damn as to which country the most beautiful person came from the good they have done with their lives is all that will matter. I think that all of these comparisons as to wether American men and women or European men and women are better than each other is ridiculous and close minded.

5 years, 9 months ago

To Daniel: Laura Bush?! Ugh!

5 years, 9 months ago

I find the biggest difference between European and American women is one of attitude. Cheesy American capitalist culture inculcates EVERYONE — male and female — with a “hypermasculine” attitude. On American men, the cultural drivel we are fed (shows like “Men Behaving Badly”, the “Man Show”), just reinforces American stereotypes of vulgarity and objectification of women. (European men objectify women too, but with FAR more panache and class than American men do, if that is possible!)

One of the most unfortunate impacts of this cheesy American, anti-intellectual, hypermasculine “jock” culture, however, is found in young American women, who are pressured to “act like men” — feign an interest in male team sports, hang “with the guys” in sports bars, and end up emulating men and losing almost every drop of femininity until they are beer-guzzling, barfing, football-jersey-wearing wannabe guys with tits… Then comes the “entitlement complex” of many (not all) American women — the spoiled attitude. I’ve had three European girlfriends so far and they never cease to be amazed and disgusted by the selfishness and lack of femininity of many American women.

To be fair, American schlock-capitalist culture also bombards women with negative, self-esteem-undermining imagery. The result of this is that American women tend to have FAR lower self-esteem than European women, and are FAR more self-conscious. It seems American women are in a constant rush to keep up with what others are thinking about them, so that they never truly feel comfortable with themselves.

These are just some observations for what they’re worth.

5 years, 9 months ago

There must be some reason why the european woman’s back is her best feature… what about the face? does it “crack a mirror”? Probably, else she wouldn’t be hiding it.
Plus, she could only be 18 years old.
I bet the american woman was a whole lot thinner at 18.

I’ve been traveling through europe many times, and have been mistaken as a “hot” european woman. I make sure to let everyone know that I’m an american.

5 years, 9 months ago

I wouldn’t say a European woman’s back is her BEST feature… but I was travelling in Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia last year and I will say that they tend to look much better in jeans than the “average” American girl on the street. In the US we see the two extremes — either the disappearance of the waist (a straight up-and-down figure), which I believe is the result of our national penchant for greasy fast food — or else the anorexic look. I will say that virtually ALL of the Eastern European girls I peeped over there had the traditional “hourglass” figure — small waists curving outward to nice hips and butts that filled their jeans OH! SO WELL!! ;)

In the US, you have to walk a mile down a crowded street (like King St. in Old Town, Alexandria for example) on a busy day to see, maybe 3 examples of such effervescent gluteal pulchritude. Go to Europe and that’s the NORM — every girl got it goin’ ON up in the derriere!

Victoria Spriggs
5 years, 9 months ago

All those American guys out there who are making fun of American women.Would you ever tell your mother or sister or any other American women that you loved that she was a dumb fat whore.What about those American women who do care about what they look like and those women who are active.

5 years, 9 months ago

:thumbup: I would say that I think what annonymous is trying to say is that European girls have more cultural diversity, not neccesarily better looking. Although, the American eating is very different compared to the European eating. europeans eat much healthier, I mean Mcdonalds didn’t come to Europe till about 10 years ago or so. I am Polish, but live in Canada and I understand where all of you are coming from.

5 years, 9 months ago

I am tired of people constantly downing on Americans. If our country is that bad why are so many foreigners border hopping to come here? If you dont like America shut up and stay in Europe.I love America and realize that because I was born here that instantly makes me one of the luckiest people in the world.

5 years, 9 months ago

My experience has been interesting: always dated american girls from my socio-economic class in america, which meant pretty, very educated women from households with a very rich father, and a non-working mother.

Needless to say, these women were insufferable: nothing was ever enough, the smallest slip of the tongue was construed as a direct attack against their deepest unknown neuroses (like asking where the tea towels should go in a new apartment). Spoiled, spoiled spoiled, entitled, entitled!

I was on the internet dating scene a little, and emailed a girl with a blurry picture (the tagline she had that got me was “you figure it out!”) I thought, spunky can be fun. We ended up chatting a few times, for hours at a time. She stole my heart, and she was estonian (but living in san francisco). She was intelligent, very very clever, funny, good natured, and full of humor and soul.

I met her after a week or so. She arrived, and I was so stunned I couldn’t speak for basically the first 3 hours. People tell her she looks like Scarlett Johnasen at least 3 times a week. But she is actually prettier. Her body, as Jerry Seinfeld said “possesses all the attributes prized by the superficial male.” 5′6, 34-24-36D to double D. Wonderful laughter, voice….a perfect package. She used to run part of the EU’s ministry of education.

9 weeks later we were married.

My freinds who married american, well, their wives never let them go out, and they never show up to be social. They complain about there wives, with their tight tolerances for correct feminist behavior. Screw appearances, what makes my wife wonderful is her outlook on life. She is more beautiful than Scarlet, yet spent her childhood helping her father clear forests and driving in shitty Soviet cars. Hers is a realistic and open world.

5 years, 9 months ago

What makes you yourself less “spoiled, spoiled, entitled, entitled” than the American girls of your own class whom you used to date? I’m glad you’re happy but it seems that there is a major beam in your eye. I also have to laugh at the entitlement complex of men who believe they have a right to an Angelina Jolie lookalike even though they themselves hardly resemble Brad Pitt.

5 years, 9 months ago

Hi Suzanne!
Well, I think you’re right, everyone has things they feel entitled to around the world. For me, the only thing I feel entitled to is to reap what I sow. Mainly, I feel entitled to having a stable job whose salary matches whatever training I have. And that is hard to attain, sometimes.

I can’t answer your question in comments on someone else’s blog. It would be far too long, and as a sweeping generalization, I can’t prove a thing, other than relate countless stories I know, which would not be convincing either. We’d be left with random parables. Without getting into that, I think there was a major lack of appreciation in their lives of hardship, sacrifice, and free lunches. The european women I know seem much more level-headed, not on-edge all the time, and are strong psychologically. There is an absence of the minefield that the American privilged existence and in some cases therapy have provided the american women I have known. Really, the most attractive thing about the Europeans is their strength - I feel like I am talking to a woman, not a girl in a 30-year old’s body, who can shatter and lash out under the slightest impingement on their fragile worlds.

As for Brad Pits… there are a lot of good-lookin guys out there (he is from Ohio, after all). Who knows? And Angelina seems to be quite a nutty handful…I woudn’t want that ;-) !

5 years, 9 months ago

Well, I am a single man living in San Diego. My fiancee is a Finnish woman. She will relocate to San Diego from Helsinki in September. I traveled to Europe a lot and observed a lot of women. Here is my conclusion:

a) Most of American women have bad skins. They look awful when I see them very close. Probably for this reason, they look rapidly worse when they get older. In contrast, most European women have great skins (except in Austria, Germany and England)

b)Average American women are too heavy. Average European women are in shape.

c) Most Americans have unbalanced intelligence. Either they are particularly good at certain intellectual intelligence and bad at other things, or they are only good at emotional connection. I can go on and on. Americans tend to be good at 1-2 things (usually their jobs) only while Europeans have a broad range of emotional/culture/intellectual development. For example, some in American are excellent workers but have no idea how to develop a meaningful relationship. Americans are like children with toys; because they are good at their jobs they produce a lot of wealth and power but they are so immature in the rest areas. Too bad.

5 years, 9 months ago

Eddy, how stoked are we with our baltic chicks? Damn they’re great, and great lookin.

5 years, 9 months ago

I am not sure but usually there is a supersition that american girls are easier than europeans. i live in australia i think auissie girls are the best

5 years, 9 months ago


5 years, 8 months ago

Concerning the European woman in the pic…
he he he

who said she was in her 20’s?

Many russian, ukrainian and eastern euro women
look that good with bodies and faces that resemble
those of a hot 20 something.

On this whole subject though, it really comes down to attitude.

I have dated more American women in one year than the average guy does in a lifetime and from experience and observation, Im siding with the guys who stated that American women were self-absorbed, arrogant and had entitlement complexes.

Oh and by the way it is true, many russian and european women Ive met find it appalling how selfish, superficial and self centered American women are.

Then again, I was dating one “Russian” girl I met here in Los Angeles, that was born in Tbilisi, Georgia and her family moved here when she was 12.
Now at 34 years old, she is quite attractive, and interesting because of her culture but
being here since 12 years old…
She is very Americanized and very very jaded and spoiled like women who are born here.
Her attitude and superficialness turned out to be no different than any other typical L.A. female who works and lives on the trendy west side.

So again, I believe its all about attitude
but I still find Euro women and Russians way way
more attractive , physically, emotionally and just about every other way you can think of.

Mister E

5 years, 8 months ago

Eddy again. One more.

If I want to compare the average female population: American

5 years, 8 months ago

FWIW, I am an American woman madly in love with a Haitian man. It is SO WONDERFUL to be with someone who makes you feel like the most desirable woman in the world. I can’t imagine dating an American man again.

5 years, 8 months ago

i aint fat or nothing but why r u making fun of american girls by saying that they r fat n ugly by the way im colombian from baranoa n i wanna give all my shout outs for all my well dont make fun of them cuz there cud be fat or ugly girls in europe. gosh

5 years, 8 months ago

What a strange debate! A good lady will be a good lady. I have flirted with a few American girls, and they have mostly been rather lovely. I would never blaim a persons negative traits on their citisenship, that would be way too simplistic. As a Norwegian, I found that American girls found me fascinating and found my accent to be sexy or cute. However, that is not so important. I’ve found that just being charming, kind, polite and maybe a bit funny is a great way of getting to know some wonderful people. Well, be yourself of course, but usually there are SOME good qualities about you. Anyway, I love American girls and I love European girls, and Asian girls, and Carribean girls, and Australian girls, and African girls, and Middle Eastern girls. I love a girl who makes me smile, who I can talk to without looking at my watch every minute, who gives me a special warm feeling on the inside, who is sweet, intelligent and fun. Just treat a girl like a human being, and maybe tell her what you like about her.

Oh, and it’s true that a lot of European guys find American girls to be a bit exciting. You’re rather popular among many European guys. :)

5 years, 8 months ago

Anyone that thinks American(U.S) women are better looking then European or South American women are gay. This is a fact.

The Norwegian guy sounds like a faggot since most European tend to be gay since they did not join the U.S. in Iraq.

Anyway European and South American women have beautiful faces, bodies, and personalites.

Particularly if someone ever been to Eastern Europe like Czech Republic or Hungary, the girls there are drop dead gorgeous. They have tight bodies and are more sexually open.

Another place is Brazil, Venezuela, and Argentina wear you will see tight and tanned bodies. The girls there are wild yet caring.

American women are basically obese foul smelling fat cow bitches that treat there husbands like dirt. They are all career minded dogs.

Eastern European and South American women are the most beautiful women in the world.

Again if anyone thinks American women are better then they are a gay faggot son of a bitch.

5 years, 8 months ago

I hate american bitches! Let all the nigger black guys have them!

5 years, 8 months ago

American chicks are bad, especially the Black ones! All they ever do is sit on their fat asses, have loads of bastard kids, their too loud,too ugly,unfeminine, collect welfare, emasculating, man-hating, and are poor excuses for women. Sometimes I think that most American women are secretly gay. And why do you all say that American women are fat,greasy pigs, what about the bony anorexic bitches!? their just as disgusting! Maybe we should send all of the American women and send them to one of those Arabic countries where women aren’t allowed to work,or go to school, and it’s pefectly legal for their husbands to beat the shit out of them without getting arrested for “domestic violence”. Someone’s gotta teach these bitches that the men are in control!

5 years, 8 months ago

Blame that crappy show “slags(er,Sex)in the City” A show about four old hags talking about sex, and their all single! No wonder their not married(except the really prissy one), men don’t want to marry skanky hoes! What happened to ladies being ladies nowadays? American females obviously need Jesus in their lives. So therefore, they’ll have some self respect,and stop looking and acting like garbage! I think you guys who dispise Amercian women should tell them so straight to their faces, and not on some website. I think more husbands and boyfriends should tell their women if their not looking or acting good. This will make them wake up and do something about it. Guys should beat it into women’s heads that they need to look good for men, and they shouldn’t make themselves look dumpy and frumpy. It should be illegal for women in America to wear sweatpants, cause most of them look like hell!

5 years, 8 months ago

What the bloody hell is wrong with our American girls nowadays?!They all look and act like shit! They have absolutely lost all kinds of self-respect and common sense. Look at that skankbag Paris Hilton and all those other losers in Hollyweird? Even stupermodels like Sindy Crawfish, and Tyra Skanks look like busted old bags! And If I see another pic of that fugly rat Britney Spears, I’m gonna puke! I mean really! No wonder we leave these idiots for foreign women! Atleast they know how to maintain their figures,and cook and clean without talking back! They are mo betta than these sad American chickenheads. I say send these pigeons to Iran!

5 years, 8 months ago

To Scorpion, way to sound like a classy American dude. All foreign men are fags and all American women are fat hogs that bitch. Right, I can just picture you barefoot in a wife beater with your don’t tread on me beer warmer, what foreign women could resist that. So classy, I mean why any chick would go for a well dressed foreign guy when they could have you, or the countless American men like you.
Whatever I suppose you men know best, because real men beat their women, real men piss and moan on the internet about their country?s women.

5 years, 8 months ago

Indica your a dirtbag piece of shit.

American women are obese cow pigs.

Any American women that is hot is nothing more then a shallow career minded scum of shit.

Eastern European and Latin American girls are the best. They are physically beauitful and they have good mileage.

Mileage means they can still be smokin Hot in there late 30s or 40s. They qualify as MILFS.

When American women give birth they remain like cows forever.

Also thanks for calling me a wife beater you faggot.

Those well groomed foreign men you refer to are all faggots. European men are all gay. None of them joined up in Iraq, and the are all pussies that watch soccer.

Hot Eastern European, South American, and Asian women are means for the U.S.A and maybe U.K.

American women are nothing but ugly bitch scum shitface looking dogs.

5 years, 8 months ago

yeah well i live here in iceland
and we have tons of pretty nordic girls
most are fit and fine

but of course there are fat and ugly people in every country

but the fattest people here in iceland are NOTHING like the fattest in the us
fucking sea cows

anyway the reason for so many healthy people
i think has got to do with our clean natrual water and fresh air
well it has to be a factor anyway

like so many us women i ve seen
their faces are so weird
not all of course,, but they seem so unnatrual
but there are probably many hot girls in the us
maybe im full of shit > but i think the avarage eu girls and boys are better looking than the us ones and more intelligent

i think this debate
is not all about looks

i think because the us is not popular today
people tend to look pass the good things

5 years, 8 months ago

Scorpion, you give Americans a bad name. By the way, are you writing on this blog from the frontlines in Iraq? Do you have family over there? Probably not, because I?ll bet you?re just a loud-mouthed, racist, misogynistic white trash piece of shit who doesn?t really do anything for this country. Shut your uneducated mouth and go back and finish high school. Loser.

5 years, 8 months ago

Hey last poster, your just liberal left wing gay faggot.

You really are gay and a son of a crach whore.

Anyway American women are nothing but shit faced bitches.

Eastern European women are a billion times more beautiful and more sexually open then the disgusting American women.

Women from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia, strive to be slim and tight unlike American women.

Fucking BBW is now an acceptable thing for women. WTF is that!!!

There needs to be a law where single hot women must be imported from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia. If anyone does not agree then they are gay piec of American feminist slime.

5 years, 8 months ago

You always want what you don’t have, or don’t easily have access to. I hate cliches, but I also hate sweeping generalizations.

I think differences in the socialization process affect attitudes between european and american women. I attribute this mainly to the drinking age. Europeans socialize in an “adult context” at a much younger age. They lack the educational, financial, or social status that is so common when american’s start interacting this way at 21. I think they might be more comfortable relying on who they are as a person to attract others, rather than their job, car, or condo. This goes for both sexes.

Yes, obviously both american and europeans are drinking at a much earlier age…but drinking with some mates who have known you for years is different than trying to impressive people at a bar you’ve never met. Starting at 18 is advantageous. Less binge drinking, less immaturity.

Anyway, my point is. I’m an american. I would get hit on in america, but not nearly as much as I did when I moved to London at 18. I’m a nice looking girl, but let’s face the facts. I get hit on in europe because I have an accent, and I’m different, and new and not what they’re used to. The same reason why american guys think europeans are hot.

I’m 20 now, I’ve lived in other parts of europe as well. Trust me, the accents, the mannerisms, or any other nuances that everyone above is listing as desirable, the novelty wears off. Live anywhere long enough and you’ll find an equal amount cultural attitudes or behaviors that annoy you.

You’re all so idealistic! Any group of people has their merits, or demerits, as the case may be.

However, the american experience, although shared by a large number of people, is still incredibly unique. Consummerism, mass media, fast food (fast eveything), and a 24 hour lifestyle, is something that americans share and understand. Diversity is all well and good, but the longer I live here, the more european people I date or befriend, the more I sort of miss my car, and drive through restaraunts, 40oz. cans of beer, 122 channels, and the people who know what it’s like to have those things. Or better yet, know what it is to miss them.

5 years, 8 months ago

ha ha, go scrach your balls you crab infested hick.

5 years, 8 months ago

Indica, go fuck yourself you ugly fat cow butch fag STD ridden crack whore America cunt bitch.

5 years, 8 months ago

Scorpion, you really should stop posting. You’re not helping your case in the least.

5 years, 8 months ago

American Women
First of all I have lived on both continents. I know what I am talking about.
American women
think they are superintelligent fueled by OPRAH and other talk show shit( ever noticed that US commerials portray men as idiots).
apperear in groups. Tell me one European country were women go out with other women.
usually pretty,nice teeth, good physical, makeup
talk fast to make up lack of knowledge
society allows them to kill almost unpunished. Yes my fellow Americans, Karla Faye Tucker is the second woman put to death since the Civil war
want to serve in the military for benefits but FEDEARAL LAW PROHIBITS THEM TO BE IN COMBAT ZONES
Have hardly contributed to societies development
50 killed in Iraq vs 2500 men!!

5 years, 8 months ago

Good comment,
in regard to other postings
Have you ever seen an European woman beha
ving herself like a BLACK AMERICAN woman???
Go to Europe to a stripclub and find me lesbian women as they hang around here in strip clubs !!
Now, beware of Eastern European economy refugges from Russia aso, they can be very calculating.
Another thing about American women,have you ever seen a lady in Europe drinking out of a bottle.
Now, some American women are wonderful, especially those less attractive. They are very wonderful human beings.

5 years, 8 months ago

Nurse you should stop treating patients because your fat American cow just like many of the nurses that work in the USA.

American women are nothing but disgusting fat cow pieces of shit. They are the WORST women in the world.

Women from countries like Czech Repubic, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Thailand, are all loaded with hot DROP DEAD GORGEOUS women.

I have actually visited those above nations and the girls were more cultured, had a an excellent personality, and physically more beautiful, and more sexually open.

Even if an American dirtbag bitch is hot, she always complains about sex and only wants to do it when it is convenient.

While a Brazillian or Hungarian girl loves to have sex and is always better at sex then an American bitch.

Plus when a foreign women moans in bed in there own language it sounds so much better, for example “aye papi”.

A law should be set up where hot women from those countries are imported to the USA because American women are the worst women ever.

Anyone that thinks American dog looking women are better then Eastern European, South American, or Asian women, is either a gay faggot or someone that likes his women fat.

5 years, 8 months ago

I think that to say that European women are better than American women is another example of why the world is in the state that it is. To divide people into segregrated groups by were they come from is ridiculouse. We all have flaws even the most beautiful and educated women from Europe has flaws and that is not something she can help. Besides intelligence is by far more sexy than a specific hair color or body type. I would much rather be with a kind and intelligent American than a sexy and classy European. Besides class has nothing to do with money or titles rather it has everything to do with the way that you carry yourself. Many Europeans that i havemet have been completely rude to me for absolutley no reason and i also haev met Americans the exact same way. I wish that all of this blind ignorance would stop. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

5 years, 8 months ago

I?m currently living in Brasil, and the sex tourism here is exploitive, degrading and disgusting. Scorpion, I?m guessing that the only reason any Brasilian women here came near you–since your personality apparently has nothing to offer, as you seem like a very bitter and ignorant person–was because they assumed they?d be getting something (materialistic) in return. And I?m sure they did. I hope you feel good about yourself, exchanging your inflated American dollar for some South American ass. Well done.

5 years, 8 months ago

First of it is clear FACT that European, South American, and Asian women are more beautiful and cultured then American dog bitches.

Now as for Mandy, your just a piece of American feminist shit.

The sex tourism industry is a good thing in places like Brazil, Eastern Europe, and Asia. Beautiful women in those places are just more open sexually then American prude cunt loser biches.

Also Women in those regions of those world know there role, unlike American prude bitches.

Your just jealous that the average American man, who would normally get a fat cow women in the states, is going to Brazil to meet and have sex with drop dead gorgeous women.

Mandy your just a fucking feminist shit face.

Also to the poster before you, your just a gay faggot. The fact that you prefer American women over European women means that your either gay or have a fat women fetish.

American women have no personality and 99 percent of them are all ugly sewage reeking bitches. And in that 1 percent that is hot, the majority of them are career minded bitches that are selfish and femenist slime that cheat while at work, and never earned anything legally.

Believe Me I Know The Pain
5 years, 8 months ago

AMerican women are the absolute worst and many are disgustingly overwieght and shameless about it, but it is not all because of their looks. Even when you a pretty-AMerican girl, their demeanor is so completely asexual and masculine that their is no point with those either. Face it: Dating an American woman is like dating a man. Somehow feminism and pro-female for American women means acting exactly like a ‘male’. (Figure that one out). I had the worst time when I moved to the USA because of this, but, fear not, my fellow US immigrants, there is an escape in Canada (particularly Toronto/Montreal)where there are still pretty euro- and international girls everywhere who still think it’s okay to be somewhat feminine.

5 years, 8 months ago

the most calculating female human beings comme from latine america believe me i know them deeply

5 years, 8 months ago

A huge number of American women are jaded, spoiled, scheming and manipulating bitches!! Almost nothing about them is real. I know this sounds like a generalization but I’m afraid it;s true. Meanwhile the men are really wussy and have let all this take place with nary a whimper. They even back the women in their quest to be male! The American male deserves nothing better than they’ve got. It’s a sad business, really. I’ve lived here for 30 years but NEVER dated American women and never will. Women from ANYWHERE else for me!

5 years, 8 months ago

It seems as though there’s a lot of talk on this blog about American women, but what about American men? They suck, too. I am Slovak and Hungarian (although I live in the States) but I date only men of my own background. American men throw on baggy jeans and plaid shirts and except women to fall all over them. They objectify women to the extreme, and are obsessed with living up to the American “ideal” of a man: macho, into football, etc.

I grew up with a father who read the newspaper on Sundays and took me to a small Slovak parish for Mass. He didn’t sit on the couch with a beer and watch the game. He played piano; he spent his free time with my mother and her children (including me.) My mother, while educated (with an M.A. from a prestigious school), opted to stay in the home once she had children. She cooked, she cleaned, and esteemed my father, as he did her.

I’m now in my early twenties, and I decline to date American men. My boyfriend, like me, is from Eastern Europe, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. He could care less about living up to American standards of what “male” means, and this gives him more substance and sensitivity than any American “man” I’ve ever met.

It's this city
5 years, 8 months ago

American woman can look pretty tragic, but DC women really take the cake. Literally. I thought this was an East Coast city? Where are the pretty people?

5 years, 7 months ago

Katka your a fat cow piece of shit. Your just one of the few shit face women from Europe that acts no different from American dog looking women.

By the way your boyfriend is a faggot since most European men are gay since they sit around and watch soccer.

The reason you are in this country is because you needed to come to a country where fat cow women can feel secure. Basically you came to the USA.

I have been to Hungary and the women there are beautiful and more sexually open and they treat Americans men with care.

They hate there own men because just like most European men, they are either drunkards or faggots.

Again American women are pieces of shit and American men are meant for beautiful European, South American, and Asian women.

5 years, 7 months ago

I could type essays dispelling all the illogical idiosyncrasies that have just evilly manifested this page… but I won’t.

However, it does seem that all guys want are maybe are girls that are easier? Well, that might only tragically increase the population when it’s not completely impossible that a future mass genocide is in the works by those of higher power than us. There is a slim chance that this is theory, but, nonetheless, extremely possible. :(

It all revolves around thinking about what you really want before drawing quick, hormone driven conclusions.

But YES, I do agree that more women are overweight here, in the U.S., but unfortunately, this is happening all over the world — to women, men, & children. I’ve done way too many dissertations to ignore this fact.

ALL IN ALL, this is a worldwide problem we’re facing, but put aside trying to find someone who’s going to look when you’re 60 and married for a moment…

it’s more an issue of POOR HEALTH (for every gender)…

can anyone here (male and female) think outside THEMSELVES enough to…


do you even have enough power/concern to do that?

5 years, 7 months ago

(I will never come across this website again as this was a very random click, so might as well repost.)


I could type essays dispelling all the illogical idiosyncrasies that have just evilly manifested this page? but I won?t.

However, it does seem that all guys want are maybe are girls that are slightly easier and more open-minded? Well, it seems women who want your money and not quite as ’smart’ persay might be like that. But hey that might just be here in America, right? Nobody knows for sure anymore…

This also might only serve to tragically increase the population when the theory of a future mass genocide is in the works by those of a higher, greater financial power than us. Not good. The chance that this is untrue is slim, but, nonetheless, extremely possible. :huh2:

Anyway, it all revolves around knowing what you truly TRULY want out of life in the long run before drawing quick, possibly hormone driven conclusions. Not knowing might be causing most of you pent of frustrations as most of the posts demonstrate (i.e. reactive, defensive posts). But, hah, using psychology on a vast amount of reactions on the internet won’t necessarily help everyone so moving on…

YES, I do agree that more women are overweight here, in the U.S., but unfortunately, this is happening all over the world at alarming percentages of 60-70% on average ? even to men, & children of all ages… And is not shy of killing needlessly, as well. I?ve done way too many dissertations in college to ignore this fact. It is a very interesting subject that now haunts and repulses me daily it seems.

ALL IN ALL, this is a worldwide problem we?re facing. Put aside trying to find someone who?s going to look ‘totally hawt’ when you?re 60 and married, for a moment because it?s more an issue of POOR HEALTH at the very CORE of all this (for every gender). Unless you (male or female) are the type who prefers to take from the world what you want now and not give a damn about the mess you’ll leave behind for others… then NEVERMIND…


It would be atonishing though if anyone here can think outside themselves enough to..

… HELP CHANGE IT? In someway?

If it’s your passion to criticize it — I guess there’s a 90% chance you have more than enough guts to care? :huh:

5 years, 7 months ago

Seriously, everyone is designed the same to the extent that we are all human. To discuss women (or men for that matter) by race or country of origin is really riduculous. Everybody breaths,thinks and feels and we all bleed red. Get over it, have a conversation with whoever you’re with, where ever you are, and focus on the stuff that actually matters. Because the small ‘general’ comments that you are making here, grow into the racial bullshit that ends up in genocide. There is beauty and ugliness in every corner of the world, so just choose who you want to be with and shut the fuck up… Its not about where the’re from, it’s about who they are!

5 years, 7 months ago

Beauty tends to be in more places then in others.

Beautiful women tend to be more in Eastern Europe and South America versus the U.S.

Also Eastern European and South American women are hotter and more sexually open unlike prude American bitches.

If anyone thinks beauty is equally everywhere then they are gay.

5 years, 7 months ago

Can i just say that i’m quarter british, quarter swedish and half italian and, although raised in britain, i have lived and travelled all over europe & america and in my experience, what men expect of their women differs in each continent and the woman act accordingly. in europe, men like women to be slim, healthy, beautiful, intelligent, witty, fashionable and cultured whereas in america, the men only really look for women to “serve them” and expect their wives to have their food cooked by the time the men come home from work. as a result, the men get fat and the women have no need to try hard with their looks or personality. give me a european woman anyday! Europeans are better looking because of their society, not their genes. you never see men walking into nightclubs wearing horrid, check lumberjack shirts, ripped jeans and a truckers cap in europe, men and women go out wearing expensive, smart clothes and take their time getting ready.. the way it should be everywhere, america especially! also, ive always found it curious how americans r so quick to portray european women for being so stylish then attacking their arm-pit hair, ive never personally encounted a woman with such a feature so that must be an american urban myth along with the suggestion that europeans have bad teeth :-S. (my girlfriend is danish by the way)

5 years, 7 months ago

Guess what David, Eastern European, South American, and Asian women are excellent in serving men.

The whole purpose of attractive women in life is to serve men.

American women are ugly fat cows. Those few American women that are hot dont compare to numerous Eastern European beauties that make great wives.

Generally people that criticize foreign women tend to be American men married to American women. These men tend to be closet faggots. Also American women that feel not so great looking men should be with ugly women also dont like foreign women because the not so great looking men end up with drop dead gorgeous women.

5 years, 7 months ago

European women rock! Well most of them anyway. Top of the list are the Scandinavians - beautiful and great personalities, smart in their work too. Bottom of the list come the dutch ladies - they just need to open their mouth and that’s already a major turnoff (awful accents - goes for both dutch and english). Once they start talking, you’re gone.
Besides, they look and act like men - not a touch of feminity about them at all. Then we get down to attitude - high maintenance, vain, bitchy, manipublative, insecure, bossy. Well, need I say more?? Go for the Scandis, the Irish are cool, Italians sexy….whatever, something for everyone!

5 years, 7 months ago

I know that no matter what’s my opinion on the subject, Scorpion, true to his name, will bite me and call me a faggot. You are a funny guy, Scorpion.
On to the discussion at hand. I am an American man
who have had the priviledge to live in Europe, Asia and South America; thus, feel that I am somewhat qualified to offer my opion on the subject. To say that American women are inferior in appearance to women from other parts of the world is absolutely idiotic (easy, Scorpion, down, boy). Overall, Americans, men and women both, tend to be more overweighted then their counter-parts in other parts of the world. Different in lifestyle and culture are the main culprits. However, when it comes to feminity and attitude, I
have to say that American women are just a tad too
loud, a bit too crass, and a little too self absorbed when compared to non American women. The attraction that most American men have for foreign women is in the attitude, the behaviors and the traditional values, not as much as the physical appearance (there, Scorpion, I’ve thrown you a bone. Happy now?).


5 years, 7 months ago

that redneck mama is damn hot. whoo hoo.

5 years, 7 months ago

Dido your a retarded moron.

I actually lived in South America, Eastern Europe, and Asia also. However unlike you, I slept with the beautifuol women from those parts of the world.

Foreign defeat American women in ALL aspects, such as looks, personality, feminity, kindness.

Again if you think American women are more attractive then foreign women, then you either are attracted to fat cow obese women or your a gay faggot.

5 years, 7 months ago

What has this world come to? Is this a contest to see how many four letter words we can use to offend others. I believe that everyone has the right to express there opinion but, why be so judgmental and rude. Is hurting those around us supposed to make us look better.
Getting back on track, why americans in general are less attractive to the rest of the world and each-other apparently, would be the way the italians express it “bella figura”. Which is the way people present them selves. Is it possible that americans are so worried about making money and trying to stick to there diets that they are forgetting about manners? Which is what makes euro’s more attractive, they know how to carry them selves to the better advantage, and be polite, proper etiquette, ect.

5 years, 7 months ago

Hey, Scorpion, if paying to sleep with foreign whores is your game, then, you are the man. You just don’t like our women because they probably wouldn’t spit on you if you pay them. Not surprising, you being such a nasty little bug that you are. Call me a fag, but, I think there are a lot of physically beautiful AMERICAN women out there. Choke on that, buddy


5 years, 7 months ago

I?m an european woman, proud to be one, and still I have to say that I see more women like in pic 1 at the streets here :)

5 years, 7 months ago

Didier, the only thing you choke on is dick since your either a fag or attracted to fat obese women.

The fact that you said that American women are physically more beautiful then European women proves your a dirt bag piece of shit.

First of all Eastern European women are a billion times more beautiful then Amerian women. Plus they are better at sex and have more open personalites compared to American dog looking women. Aloso they have better mileage and last longer and end up being MILFs, while American women end up being pigs.

Didier you know nothing of women. The fact that you like American snot nose women proves that your a worthless human being.

As for Maria, I think your one of the few fat cow European women. Your upset that American men go to Europe and bone the hot European females.

Nika-Eastern Europe
5 years, 7 months ago

For starters, European women do not find American men incredibly attractive, thus, it would be difficult for American males to ?bone? them. What you boys are lacking is exactly what you claim American women need to acquire in order to be more attractive-politeness and being cultured. I found that American girls are warm and sweet as opposed to their male counterparts. You must, however, realize that us, the European women, try extra hard to look our best. But we have wonderful men by our sides for whom we care to look great. Perhaps this is what American women are lacking?
Ps. American girls-you are beautiful. Come to Europe and find men who will appreciate you for who you are.

5 years, 7 months ago

Hey, Scorpion, you must have some homosexual tendency to feel so threaten by fags. Come out of the closet, already, man. What’s the matter? Why are you so bitter? I bet you couldn’t even score with ugly and fat American chicks, so, turn nasty. All this blustering is just a front for a lonely, bitter existence. Come on, man. If you are so keen on foreign women, what are you still doing here in the States, whinnig ’bout American women? Leave already, why don’t you; or, just come on out of the closet; then, you problems are solved.


5 years, 7 months ago

I am an American, who has lived in French Canada, Germany, and currently the UK. True, there are ugly men and women everywhere - but it does seem that there are more of these in the US. Why is that? Americans have a problem with over-eating and poor diet, a cultural attitude (similar to much of Britain outside of London) that doesn’t place much value on fashion/style, and unfortunately a lack of grace, cosmpolitanism, and acculturation. I have seen foreign women who might qualify as “ugly” exhude incredible sex-appeal, simply because they are healthy, fashionable, confidant, cultured, and seductive - things that many American women (or men) simply aren’t. To that generalization I will add another - American women tend to be very sweet, chatty, friendly, and down-to-Earth. Also, American women seem far more interested in courtship, family, and commitment. Those seductive foreign women are too often fickle, coy, and allergic to commitment/marriage/family. So take your pick, depending upon your preferences.

5 years, 7 months ago

It is quite clear that Diddier or Dildo whatever your name is, that your a gay faggot with AIDS.

You have proven that you are a closet gay AIDS ridden queer since you think American women are more attractive then foreign women.

American women look and act like men. If a man is attracted to a woman that looks or acts like a man then that man is gay. American women look like a man(obese or butch build) or act like a man(loud or unsubmissive).

I am attracted to women that act and look like women. Eastern European, South American, and Asian women meet that standard.

Another reason why you are gay is because you constantly use the word “cheers”. This is clear that you are a British faggot.

European men are all gay since they participated little or non at all in Iraq. European men are all gay queers since they act like pussies and watch soccer like you Dildodiddier. Most of them have AIDS and its no wonder the hot women in Europe go for American men, since American men are straight.

Also as for Dave, your a retarded moron. American women DO NOT value family. Eastern European, South American, and Asian women value family alot more and submit to men. The fact that you prefer fat obese American women means your gay like Dildodiddier.

Also Dildodiddier, your from the UK, and English women are also really ugly.

Thats why I prefer hanging out in Budapest, Prague, Moscow, and Bucharest because I sleep around with beauitful women that are more open to sex compared with the ugly fat cow women in the U.S. or UK.

Face it Dildodiddier, your a gay faggot with AIDS and a product of a street hooker and a pedophile father.

5 years, 7 months ago

Hey scorpion, let me guess. You listen to lot of eminem don’t you?. P.s. How do you feel about black chicks?

5 years, 7 months ago

I am not a big fan of eminem, although some of his works are good. I mostly like rock.

I dont mind fair skinned black women.

As long as a woman is tight, slim, and acts like a woman and is at least 80 percent submissive then she is a great woman.

5 years, 7 months ago

American women SUCK! I am an American and will tell you fist hand..they are Greedy,Whiney,Stuck up,Materialistic,Wallet stealing, Gold diggers!

I have not met one that was NOT.

5 years, 7 months ago

For starters: If it ain’t Dutch, it ain’t much. :p

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

I’m a Dutch woman myself, so ofcourse I agree. ;)

But I must say that thanks to an American friend, who pointed a datingsite out to me, I’ve seen a lot of very materialistic, US women. And they are so full of themselves….

I’m still shocked at what the women had on their wishlists….

Anyways…could talk about this forever..

So to finish it off:

Go Dutch! =p

5 years, 7 months ago

All I have to say that American women are such ingrates! All they ever care about is a being “strong” & “independent” WHATEVER! when are they ever going to learn there’s a difference between being independent, and being a twat! To scorpion, right on brother! bitches need to know there place! American women wouldn’t be talking shit if this country was ran by Muslims,they would get their F$%#ing heads cut off! I say let the spooks, spics and dykes have ‘em.

5 years, 7 months ago

Hi I will travel to Europe and I need counselling. Which are the best European women.
I am talking about the beauty-attidude ratio
beauty-you all know what im talking about
attitude:down to earth-ness, openness(in every sense)
which are the best women in Europe, Swedish?Italian?Spanish, Ukranian, Lativan?
Please somebody tell me where to go
I have a slivakian friensd and told me that women in Slovakia were very open, but you guys say they are uptight and superficial…

5 years, 7 months ago

I was so enjoying comments by Scorpion. You so remind me of my friend Pee Cyborg (formerly, Pete Vedborg), who even pronounces okay as “o-gay”.
I agree with Scorpion that American women are on the average looking very unattractive. There are some physically attractive women here in America but they are like less than 5% I think. However, those good looking American women are more common in southern California where I now live; I used to live in the east coast.
American men have a lot of problems too but as I understand women in America pose much bigger problems I think. American men have goods and bads and relatively comparable to men outside, but women in America are so much worse (young-generation). Furthermore, American women are mostly too heavy and almost 99% of them do not have a balanced education/intelligence. Can any woman in American have intellectual knowledge/insight, emotional maturity, curiosity about the world and outdoor activity altogether? I commonly found those qualified women in so many different countries (even including Canada). What is wrong with America? By the way, my fiancee is Finnish.

5 years, 7 months ago

Just one more. Hi, Scorpion, I have a question for you. What do you think of northern European women (i.e., women in Norway, Sweden and Finland)? I think that they are better looking and less feminine than American women. By the way, I do find that women in England, Germany and Austria are quite unattractive too.

5 years, 7 months ago

Eddy, women from Northern European or Scandanavian countries are hot. I like them too.
Some English and German girls are hot, but England and Germany import alot of hot girls.

My favortie region though is Eastern Europe. The girls from countries like Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, are excellent in bed and are more sexually open.

I also like South America, for example, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Columbia, Cuba, Costa Rica, the girls in those countries are also excellent in bed. They have great hip movement.

For Asia, the best place is Thailand, Malaysisa, Japan, Turkey, and South Korea.

I have actually visited all the above places and dated many of the beautiful women. They are all physically hot and have much better personalites compared to American dog shit looking women.

That is all American women are. Dog shit faced physically and personality. There is no such thing as a nice hot American women. They are all feminst pieces of shit that only care if you are buff.

American men that prefer American women or think American women are the hottest are closet gay faggots like Diddier. If a man wants a strong career minded woman, then that man is a gay faggot piece of shit.

American women dont have any traditional values and all they care about is if the man is buff. Therefore American women are the worst living creatures on thisi planet.

5 years, 7 months ago

[quote]In terms of personality, American women are cold? iceberg cold. Latina, asian, and to varying degrees, european women, are not submissive to their men, but have found a balance between independence and being loving, warm, and attentive in their relationships.

American women have made such a ridiculous effort for independence, female equality, girl power, and the whole ?Woman of the future? garbage, that they have lost the balance and have become cold in relationships. Destiny?s Child is partly to blame, they can kiss my ass.

That?s why Latinas and Asians are becoming more popular among american men. They TAKE CARE of their man, and their man takes care of them. Don?t get me wrong, it needs to be reciprocated for it to work, but American women have pulled away so far, that they don?t give a chance for anything to be reciprocated. [/quote]

This comment hit the nail on the head!

Come on, is any American man here really happy with the way things are in our country these days?

1. Women are given preference in everything, from jobs to scholarships to even sports. Funny thing is, men built this world and now we need to cater to some feminists trying to tell us what to do?


2. American women are plain rude. Most American women at my work would get their teeth rearranged in other countries from what my foreign coworkers tell me.

Girl power = joke.

I know a lot of you fellas agree with me, don’t be shy and be men and speak up!

5 years, 7 months ago

I agree Greg, American women are the worst of the worst.

Even if I see an American women that is hot, I do not say anything at all, because all I will get is a cold ignorant look. Even if she says hi to me, its usually because she knows how much money I am making.

However in Prague, Budapes, Rio, or Bangkok, if I say hi, 90 percent of the time, the girl will respond with a smile.

Also Greg all foreign women submit, however some do more then others. Asians are the most, followed by South American, and then Europeans. However Eastern Europeans submit and are more sexually open and willing to try new things.

American women are all just rat face ugly feminist bitches. Anyone that thinks American women are better then foreign women is a gay faggot and has no taste in women at all.

oh my!
5 years, 7 months ago

This is all making me slightly sad.

5 years, 7 months ago

A message to Scorpian, you sound like a stupid American white trash who use foreign women !You think you know the world but you don’t !! You only know words like faggot and have poor use of vocabulary.

5 years, 7 months ago

Man I hate feminism. If there’s one thing that’s screwed up TV that’s it. Why is it every hollywood movie shows a girl kicking a guy’s ass or trying to be a dominating boss? Seriously I miss shows like MacGyver, Fall Guy, Knight Rider. Female empowerment is entertaining?

Please. Put that reel in the nearest garbage can.

5 years, 7 months ago

I went to America last summer and I think the American men/women are the most beautiful, charming and friendly people in the world. I went to the Czech Republic at Christmas time and I thought the Czech women were tarts and ugly bitches. The Eastern Europeans are unfriendly and rude. Men please use your eyes, Eastern Euopean women wear lots of makeup, if they take that makeup off and fancy clothes they look terrible. Also I would like to remind people that Chicago had the most fattist people per-se in America. Now there are lots of Polish and Czech people in Chicago. People become like their culture and these so called thin Eastern European women will soon be fat if they move to America. I think that American women are 100 times more beautiful in side and out than the ugly Eastern European women who are just after American men’s money. I also noticed that Czech people do not like other nationalities learning their language.

5 years, 7 months ago

Mel you dont know jack shit about America.Your just a gay ridden faggot and your mother is crach whore.

You say Czech women are fat?? Wow your either retarded, gay, or just like American women cause there all fat.

Most of the female models and many of the porn actresses are Czech.

Also Chicago has a majority German and WASP ancestery. Also a huge number of people in Chicago are black and most black women in America are as fat as the white women.

Any Polish or Czech woman in Chicago is most likely a 6th generation Americanized dog.

Fact is I have been all over Eastern Europe, Prague, Budapest, Bucharest, and Moscow, and the girls in that region are the most beautiful in the world.

They are slim and tight and open to sex unlike American prude dogs. Also many of the women are hot even into there 40s and make excellent MILFs unlike dog looking american bitches.

By the time an American women hits 30 she becomes a fat cow. Mel likes fat cow women.

The reason Eastern European women dont like you is because your faggot piece of shit woose.
Mel you have no taste in women. Since you like American women over Eastern European women your a gay ridden faggot thats a son of a hooker.

5 years, 7 months ago

I actually don’t care what nationality a woman is. I’m open to all races hehehe. Black girls, white girls, chinese girls, all are nice to look at. They become repugnant mentally more than physically when their attitude becomes a problem.

5 years, 7 months ago

I wish I was open to American women but since 99.9 percent of them are either ugly or have attitude.

Therefore I go to Eastern Europe, South America, or Asia.

The women from those places of the world know there role and the majority of them are not into the feminst bull shit. They know how to submit and know that being sexually open to men is important.

People like Mel are queer gay ridden faggots that want strong women. Any man that wants a woman to be strong and independent is gay.

All American women care about is if he is GQ material and is buff. They are shallow pieces of shit. All of this crap was fed into American women by feminism.

America should really import hot women from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia. We need women that strive to be slim and tight and more sexually open. These type of women make better wives.

If anyone does not agree then there gay.

5 years, 7 months ago

Scorpion’s posts are fun! Get it out Scorpion! You know what they say about someone who “doth protest too much!” — YOU are a faggot!!! I bet your snatch is up your ass and being fucked right now.

5 years, 7 months ago

The last poster is someone that likes American women. He most likely is gay since American women are equivalent to men..

You know what they say about people that are “anonymous”.

They tend to be gay faggots that got AIDS like yourself.

5 years, 7 months ago

I have no problem with our women because women are the same everywhere. If you don’t keep them in check they’ll become monsters. I just wonder how much longer other American men are going to allow this farce to go on?

5 years, 7 months ago

Gary, you are a retarded moron.

American women are the only monsters in the world.

They refuse to submit and open up to sex. They also are boring and dull.

Women from places like Prague, Rio, Budapest, Bangkok, all are open to sex, cook, clean, and make excellent wives.

American women are equal to shit since they dont have any traditional values.

5 years, 7 months ago

My ex gf was an American girl. She was pretty and nice basically but had some blocks in her head. I’ve been on the dating scene quite a bit and I think American women are attractive physically. They keep themselves fit and nice looking. Except for the trailer trashy women, which you can’t count because the trailer trashy men are the same.

The problem of repulsion by American women is that they make good sex objects. But they don’t make good wives. Or good women in general.

1. They’re RUDE, one of my major problems with them. In the last 15 years I’ve noticed their rudeness level go up +20 pts. Women don’t think as much when it comes to what is leaving their mouths. But they would be trained to keep it in check. Now they’re not and think they can say anything they want without repercussions.

2. They have little to nil housekeeping skills. Most can’t sew, cook anything other than microwave meals. Unwilling to allow husband to manage their finances. If I ever get married I will be in control of my wife’s earnings.

Point #1 = Bad women
Point #2 = Bad wives

End result = Good for sex and to look at, bad name for womankind and bad potential wives.

My $.02 thoughts.

5 years, 7 months ago

Listen Gary,

American women dont take car of the themselves.

The average American woan is 150lbs. Compare that to the average Czech girls thats 115lbs.

Also American women are horrible at sex. They only want sex when they need something. Plus sex with an American woman is dull and boring.

Try having sex with a Czech or Brazillian girl. It feels like heavan when thet moan in there own language.

Again American woman are the most ugliest women on the face of this planet. The only men that like American women are gay men.

5 years, 7 months ago

Well I still think you’re being biased. I find American women physically attractive but their attitudes is what turns me off totally. If you want good sex only, an American woman is the way to go. She’s uninhibited and will f*** all night long with no problems. Foreign women are great at sex too, but they’re also polite ladies. If you want good sex AND a woman who respects men AND a good wife, don’t even think about an American woman. They’re worthless in those departments.

5 years, 7 months ago

Gary, if you want good anything a European woman is to go.

If you think American women are more phsyically attractive then European women then you either have poor taste is women or you might be gay.

Have you ever heard an American woman moan in bed versus a European woman.

The American woman sounds like a rat while the European sounds like an angel from heavan.

Its quite clear European or any foreign woman for that matter dominate in every category, looks, personality, cooking, cleaning, etc, etc

5 years, 7 months ago

Well I can’t post them here but I have links to many porn sites showing American women moaning in bed. Sounds damn nice to me, just like any other nation’s women moan in bed I’m sure. As far as real life my ex-girl moaned just fine and her voice really turned me on in the sack.

If you go to high-fat states like Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Alabama, you’ll see some fat women there. You’ll see fat men there as well. If you go to California or New York, you’ll find attractive white girls who are not anorexic and great for sex. On average, an American female is good at sex and good to look at.

Like I said, it’s their mental attitude that’s the problem. They don’t want to cook, don’t want to clean, only interested in pushing women up the corporate ladder. They’re aware, just like all other women everywhere, of their inherent inferiority to the master species, MAN. But women in other countries won’t make a big issue of it, as the women in America didn’t 20 years ago. Now American women have chips on their shoulders and their rudeness level is that expected of a 7 year old. It’s enough to make a person puke.

5 years, 7 months ago

Gary the more you say American women are better looking then European women the more I suspect that you are a closet gay faggot.

Lets be honest American women act like men, even in bed. Maybe you like it when a woman acts like a man. Maybe your ex gf was the real man in the relationship.

Also why do you care whether men are fat or slim?

Eastern European and South American are the best in bed. They have the best hip movements and they are always willing to have condomless sex. Plus a women moaninig in a foreign language is a billion times better then a woman moaning in American style English.

American women are the worst at sex. They are never willing to try other positions, they always insist on condoms even for bj, plus there attitude about sex is “lets get it over with”.

Also American women are never submissive. Its always about them. While with foreign women, its about keeping the man happy.

Also New York is considered an obese state. I lived there for a long time and they are all fat cows. Plus if they are hot they have an attitude problem.

Again the average American woman is 150lbs versus the average Czech woman thats 115lbs. The more you dispute this fact the more gay you sound.

On the otherhand I lived in Southern California and Miami and they for a fact have hot women. But guess what, alot of them are starting to get imported from other parts of the world.

American women are the WORST in every category. Stop trying to defend them in any category. I experienced them in all categories and they lose hands down to any hot girl from Eastern Europe, South America, or Asia.

5 years, 7 months ago

I think an uninhibited female in certain situations is appealing to most males. A woman who’s sexual moral compass is gone is appealing. That’s the definition of an unfettered slut. Why else do you think so many men like getting a female drunk? The female starts behaving “wild”. It’s sexually attractive when women are eagerly stripping their clothes off. I don’t see why a heterosexual male wouldn’t like this. I definitely do.

Outside that scope, I don’t like manly women. Who wants a domineering wife? Not I. I will run the household’s major decisions. I will control her wealth and mine unless she’s got a degree in finance. Even then, she’ll give advice to me and we’ll make a joined decision. I want to wear the pants in the relationship because I’m the husband. That’s natural because men wish to dominate other men, women, and the world. So to answer your questions, no, I don’t like manly women.

European women are attractive. No one’s denying that. I’m simply saying that American women aren’t unattractive physically. It’s the “manly” attitude they always have that’s unappealing. I want my daughter to become a doctor or the president or an athlete. But she should do it gracefully and not look at it as a competition in men.

You will always lose against someone a bit better, ladies :-) I

5 years, 7 months ago

I have been to many countries in Europe and Asia,also south America,its true that they have beautiful women with great complexion,specially Latina,I know 67 adult in America are over weight many are obese and sadly most are women too,to me I prefer to be slim always,I know here in the US to be Fat are acceted but once I live in small island ,in the Pacific,they dont like fat people at all,specially women,I saw some kids throw stone at one fat teenager girl and said dirty words,no one care about it.
as for myself I wont make fun for others but I know I wont never make my self look over weight,its all about self respect ,most women in that island are size 7 and lower any more than that they consider fat.
I was only size 3 going up to size 5 and many of my friends call me names.

5 years, 7 months ago

what I meant was 67 percent adults in the US are over weight

5 years, 7 months ago

Only less then 5 percent of American women are physically attractive.

95 percent are ugly fat rotten cows.

Within the 5 perecnt only less then 1 percent just MAY be make good wives.

In Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia, the overwhelming majority make great wives.

Its no wonder marriages to foreign women are 80 percent successful, compared to an American marrying an American.

5 years, 7 months ago

Well, we American aren’t perfect either. I just think the pendulum’s swung way too far the other way and now western men in general are having to put up with a dissolute lot of spoiled females.

It all starts at academic levels. Women are favored for funding in sports and studies. This is a grave error. Like it or not, funding for men in these areas is MORE IMPORTANT than giving the same funds to girls. Should girls’ programs have equal funding? I’d say “NO” because total parity can’t be achieved, so why should we attempt to create an illusion of it?

Example: Spend $1 million on a men’s athletic program and you get something like the NBA-level playmanship. Spend $1 million on a similar program for women and you get the quality of the WNBA. Now which would you rather watch? Women simply cannot match men physically in anything, nor should they try. It is futile.

My next post will address the sizable problems with equal academic funding for girls. As it is, they get much more $$$ for “women’s” scholarships than a man does. To all the feminists who say this is to make up for the past, my response is:

Until I have 6-inches of meat down there and you don’t, get back in the kitchen.

Red Dragon
5 years, 7 months ago

I love this country so much,as a great country,we should taking care big problems as almost 70 percent adult people here are over weight ,which causes many diaseases and I read on goverment statistics, there are only about 25% people have college graduate.thats definately very low even compare with third world countries i have visited.
I read on many website and news over seas in europe and asia,many of them make fun of us as the Fattest country in the world,and many of us does not have college degree,I would love us to work on that.

this is bad
5 years, 7 months ago

I feel like i just went to a KKK meeting :shudder: and am about ready to throw up!!!! Hey Scorpion, If you and Gary are getting so much action :hump with everyone out side the US. Why is it that you are watching American Porn, sence you commented that before kindof a self contradiction don’t ya think. :amused:

5 years, 7 months ago

Hi “this is bad”. Maybe we haven’t been totally fair to the ladies but you’ve not addressed any real concern I’ve posed.

What of the unequal funding between men and women?
What of the divorce inequalities?
What of the highly unrealistic movies and games coming out of the big companies?
What of the fact that boys aren’t allowed to be boys in school because the majority of women cannot handle boys’ natural tendencies?

Answer some of these first please. And “historical disadvantage” as an excuse to prop feminism can suck my d***, just letting you know that now if that’s your rationale. As far as porn movies go, I don’t have any problem with porn from any country, including mine. :)

5 years, 7 months ago

You know bad,

I stopped dating American women because most of them are destined to end up as fat obese pieces of slime.

Eastern European, South American, and Asian women are destined to be slim and tight.

A woman should only strive to be slim, tight, and have traditional values.

American women fail on ever category because they belive in feminist dirt bag principles.

USA has the best of everything except women and public transportation.

I make my trips to Eastern Europe and South American because the women are more physically beautiful and more open to wild sex and having fun.

5 years, 6 months ago

Scorpion, I have a question.

You said that most American women are either fat or unfeminine. Do you admit that there are some women here that are beautiful, feminine, receptive and respectful? Probably 0.5-1%. I found some of these nice women in church communities in the midwest (Montana, Dakoda, etc.). What do you think? These women are the best because we don’t even have a language barrier.

Second question is how we can revert the society back to how it was. In the 50’s, women were feminine and respectful and submissive. How do we restore our true humanity here in America? Do we need a military coup? If you love America, give us your answer to how to solve this sad problem in American women!

5 years, 6 months ago

Only 0.01 of American women are hot on the inside and out.

As to your second set of questions.

The only way to go back to the 50s is to import single hot women from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia.

We must import hot women in mass numbers from those regions in the world.

5 years, 6 months ago


I like your solution of importing a large number of quality women. I think we need to import at least a million single women from Eastern Europe, South America and Asia. How do we accompolish this? I think some of foreign women on international dating websites might not be as feminine; feminine women tend to be passive and wait for their princes to come and rescue them. Thus, opening our immigration door widely might not solve the problem. Our government, instead of wasting money in Iraq, should send specialized agents to other countries to find and invite quality women to help hard working single American men. Once we have enough foreign women, American women might be humbled out and change their attitude. It is all about demand and supply. When American women can’t afford to continue their attitude/lifestyle, they will be forced to change.

5 years, 6 months ago


I like your plan on importation of hot women to the USA.

The United States must change its policy and allow hot single women based on physical descriptions and character backgrounds to come to the USA.

Since 99.99 percent of American women make horrible wives, we single American men have no other choice but to allow importation of hot women.

We should import hot women from nations like Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Brazil, Russia, Thailand, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Turkey, and certain parts of India and China.
As you said we should sent reps to recruit these women to come to the USA. Most of these women from those nations will decide to come to the USA.

If single men have beautiful attractive females with trad values at there side, then morale will be up, and crime will be down.

Those against importation of hot foreign women tend to be obese fat cow feminst women, and the small minority of american hot women that enjoy seeing single men suffer

5 years, 6 months ago

Well that plan isn’t going to happen guys. I don’t think it should matter if women are “hot” so much as if they have good values. I’d rather have average looking women who have traditional values than super-hot American chicks with no morals or manners.

5 years, 6 months ago


that plan may sound far fetched, but its not impossible.

If people would lobby for a better immigration bill, then the one the Republicans and Dems keep botching then our plan could happen.

Eastern European, South American, and Asian women are Hot AND have Values.

Wake Up Dudes
5 years, 6 months ago

Yes. It’s true - American women are absolutely the world’s most disgusting women. The guys in thw USA are so delusional about this, it is almost funny to look at them. Every girlfriend I have ever had is considered a regular good-looking girl in my country, but in the USA, whenever they travel there to the USA, they are hounded by American men and treated as if they are goddesses. Even average chicks I know are totally sweated by AMerican men. It is hilarious to look at them, going nuts over average women. But the reason why you Americans are so crazy for even dreaming of ever having an influx of hot girls from foriegn countries? Why America will never have the beautiful hot girls imported to the USA ? Because the foriegners who go to the USA are predominantly males or women raised in poor impovershed families. America’s rep is as a dangerous place the world over. Not a place for pretty girls. Who else would allow their daughters to live in the USA which has a reputation for being one of the most dangerous criminal-inclined population in the world? I know girls that are scared crapless of even walking down the street in the USA. Unless, USA can subside their dangerous rep, America will always have disgusting women.

5 years, 6 months ago

Free eastern european mail-order bride for everyone when this thread hits 200 comments!

What country? I don’t think you can beat czech republic.


5 years, 6 months ago

I think that women in Eastern Europe, South America and Asia are feminine. These feminine women focus more on how much they feel loved by men. Whether the US is dangerous or not, if our American men show interest and pursue these foreign women, they will be drawn to us and willing to come to the US. These feminine women need to be invited. These women need to know that they can feel so beautiful and cherished in the US.

Luckily, my Finnish fiancee is very faminine but most of Finnish women are not very feminine. We should target countries like former Soviet Union countries, Czech, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Costa Rica, Turkey, southern India, Egypt and Israel/Lebanon.

5 years, 6 months ago

I agree with Eddy and DCB.

Also dont forget Hungary and Slovakia. They have an incredible amount of beautiful women.

If hot women are imported to the USA, American god looking bitches will realize that they are not needed.

The only men that would marry or date American women are closet gay men.

5 years, 6 months ago

its true most american women are fat ,ugly,foul feminist man hating cunts

5 years, 6 months ago

all euro women are much better appart from the foul ones found in the uk

5 years, 6 months ago

dont forget that aussie women are all ugly man hating cunts even worse than americans if possible

5 years, 6 months ago

Slade, are you talking about women in Austria? I was in Austria in 1997, the women there looked the worst. I could not find any good looking woman at all - much worse than America. I guess America is not the worst country after all.

5 years, 6 months ago

No American women are the WORST.

At least Aussie women have an accent, while American women are basically flea infested dogs.

However Iwouldnt rank Aussies as great women. There only maybe slightly better then American women.

Eastern European, South American, and Asian women are the BEST.

5 years, 6 months ago

very true scorpion

5 years, 6 months ago

Yeah! We should either send these hos to iran, or exterminate them all and start over again.

5 years, 6 months ago

Scorpion, you give Americans a bad name. By the way, are you writing on this blog from the frontlines in Iraq? Do you have family over there? Probably not, because I?ll bet you?re just a loud-mouthed, racist, misogynistic white trash piece of shit who doesn?t really do anything for this country. Shut your uneducated mouth and go back and finish high school. Loser.

Comment by Anonymous on 04/22/06″

Hehehe. Well said!

Ok I’m a British girl and I can honestly say I have never heard so many generalisations about different peoples/cultures/countries.

Love us hate us. The world would be a lonely place without us.Ultimatly, if European/American/RoW girls don’t quite do it for you- don’t engage in reltionship. Leave us alone boys.

5 years, 6 months ago


I doubt very much a European women would ever,ever go out with you.Or, for that matter even interact with you. For one, how would she find you in the darkest depths of West Virginia? I’m also going to assume that you have a 6th toe on your left foot and embarrasing stutter and look amazingly like your first cousin.Who in two years you will marry.

I personally find you vile,rude and offensive.

5 years, 6 months ago

Omg! I’m an American Woman! Does this mean if I don’t start being submissive and obedient, keep up a Giselle Bunchen-like figure, and keep up an immaculate home, my children from becoming delinqents,and let my husband wield all the power, I’ll(sob,sob)be force to live out my days as an old haggy spinster and live with a dozen cats, and just wither up and die?! What are pigs gonna do? Start a revolt and take all the American women and force us into slavery? you can start an american version of The Taliban! Yeah, you can have all the women wear burkahs,forbid them to learn how to read, forbid them from getting an education, forbid them from working outside of the home, never let them go out in public without a male relative accompanying them, and beat them for showing their ankles! And did I mention Mercy Killings? That would be just fabulous and fun wouldn’t it?(right Scorpion?). So go ahead, get those euro women, I bet they just love it when their men go Ike Turner on them! They probably can take a better punch than us American broads ever could!

5 years, 6 months ago

Hey,does this mean if american women don’t start acting like european women, what kind of guys will they be forced to get? you are just angry because you feel that american women have been brainwashed by the “evil jew” media, and hooking up with too many black men, and you feel that hooking up with european women will make you feel more manly,and keep your proud white race alive? I think thats the real reason why your passing up americans and going foreign.

5 years, 6 months ago


As I said, Austrian women are worse than American women I think. Don’t feel too bad.

Women in Eastern Europe, South America and Asia are very feminine. They feel delighted when they are chosen by a man. They make a man feel like a king. They make a man feel more manly and more willing to sacrifice for their women. By this, both a man and a woman are happy. A feminine woman focuses on how special she feels and how much the man loves her. An unfeminine woman thinks a lot of how much she likes the man. An unfeminine woman tries to choose a man and get him. An unfeminine woman demands equality between man and woman, which makes both unhappy in the end. Unfeminine women are unwise, and they are American women. Don’t take this to the other extreme; I don’t think Taliban is right. Women in Eastern Europe and South America are just right.

5 years, 6 months ago

One more to add.

Men need to feel needed. When they don’t feel needed, they become depressed. Women need to feel cherished and given.

When a woman is receptive and seeking to be chosen, she is feminine. She is in touch with her femininity because she seeks to feel cherished. A man finds her, likes her, tries to win her heart over by trying to please her. Thus, he feels needed. This is a very healthy dynamic. When a man is in touch with his masculine heart, he can not like American women. American women try to choose a man; they make a man feel chosen and patronized. Only weak (mentally weak) men will accept this non-sense unhealthy dynamic.

I believe that Scorpion is in touch with his heart. I understand why he said that anybody liking American women has no taste in women. I wish Scorpion watch his language. Nonetheless, I understand his points and agree by 99%.

5 years, 6 months ago

Just one more. I have so much to say.

Scorpian says that any guy who likes American women is a gay. I feel that those men who accept unfeminine American women are not manly enough. These men did not overcome challenges growing up. They are not interested in pushing themselves to go through challenges and achieve something great. These weak men are so many in America. Because of these weak men, American women can afford to continue their unfeminine attitude.

My fiancee is Finnish. She is extremely feminine. However, most of Finnish women are as unfeminine as American women. Later I found that my fiancee is only as feminine as average women in Eastern Europe or South America. Any strong man (manly man) can not possible desire an American woman after meeting feminine women in Eastern Europe and South American. These feminine foreign women make a man feel like a king. If you are a man and don’t appreciate these feminine foreign women, you are not a man yet. Be a man. Go after challenges and push yourself. Use the same energy and courage to go after a woman you like; only focus on how much you like her. Be a man, and get the woman you like most.

5 years, 6 months ago

Well said Eddy. Scorpion and I disagree on the physical part of it. I think American women are still physically attractive, he feels they’re not. But there’s one thing that Scorpion, you and I totally agree on: American women’s attitude is definitely unfeminine. It is revolting and disgusting in many ways.

I believe that women are women everywhere :)

Sadly, something has gone very wrong with our women in America.

5 years, 6 months ago

Thanks, Gary.

I have a lot of single men/women friends here in San Diego. For 2 years, I have been wondering how I can help women to become more feminine and men to become more manly. My conclusion is that it is much harder to fix women than to fix men. Women should grow up learning to be feminine. Once they grow up, it is too late. If you are a man, do not think that you can change your woman. It is very hard and almost impossible. Get a feminine woman in Eastern Europe.

5 years, 6 months ago

I take back one thing.

I don’t think American women grow up learning to be unfeminine. I see that every little girl around the world is very feminine. Women elsewhere grow up keeping their femininity. On the contrary, American women grow up destroying their femininity.

Every little girl wishes to feel beautiful and cherished. These girls enjoy drawing others and surprising them (especially men) by unveiling their beauty over time. Girls are grateful to little things they get. All these qualities are feminine qualities.

5 years, 6 months ago

That’s true, women are definitely harder to change than men if they’re brought up in a feminism culture.

5 years, 6 months ago

To Sonia,

Perhaps what you expressed represents the thoughts of typical American women. Sonia, I think you missed the point. I don’t think you understand the frustruations men feel, at least the frustruations I feel.

Personally, I think that when a man abuses his woman, she needs to address the issue. When a woman is suppressed, she deserves freedom. What we men want are feminine women. The issue is not about submissive and unsubmissive (though feminine women are somewhat more submissive).

American women feel like robots that have strong wills in a wrong direction. They rebel against their own good and happiness. I want a feminine woman. I feel that a feminine woman can make me happy and I can make her happy. Why on the earth do women try to be equal to men so that they make men unhappy and they themselves become unhappy too? A woman needs to be strong when somebody threats her family or when she is having hardship. However, a woman needs to be receptive when a man expresses interest. Sonia, do you feel and believe that you will be happiest when you are most feminine? If not, you are rebelling against your happiness. Fight when you need to, and don’t fight when you should not fight.

Women in South American and Eastern Europe are incredibly strong, when it comes to persevering hardship or protecting family. Their patience is incredible. Also, they are understanding and selfless. Furthermore, they are so feminine. They have all the best combination. American women are the opposite. They are impatient, and only strong in keeping feminism which is against their own happiness.

5 years, 6 months ago

i noticed a few man hating feminists from america of course (the land of the not so free) have infiltrated this site and its no wonder america has the highest divorce rates in the world, if all the women are like this no wonder guys from usa want euro/asian girls as they know how to look and act like women ,its a shame for americans it must be hell living there, but ok for a holiday i suppose lol

5 years, 6 months ago

anyway america does have some good looking women if u want to find the real dogs try north africa/pakistan and the middle east wot a bunch of howlers they are if your unlucky enough to see theyre faces that is

5 years, 6 months ago

So what shall American Women and Girls? Demand that they start being feminine, obedient ladies? or kill them and start the breeding process all over again?

5 years, 6 months ago

Jeremy, I don’t think American women or any woman should be killed. Please get that idea out of your head as it’s sick. All we need to do is pass a few laws that are fairer to men, make movies that are realistic, and encourage morality in schools once again.

You’ll find that women will be what we train them to be.

5 years, 6 months ago

Where’s the Jerry Falwell when you need him huh? Maybe if we made it illegal for women to work outside of the home, maybe our sons wouldn’t be locked up in prison, and our daughters wouldn’t be whoring themselves for every Tom, Dick, And Harry, and raising fatherless bastard kids. I say, BLAME THE JEWS!

5 years, 6 months ago

Let’s face it, American women act too butch!

5 years, 6 months ago

Funny, everyone is so focused on the woman… look at the piece of shit American man in the picture with her! Yep, that’s what we have to look forward to! Wife-beatin’ beer-swillin’ uneducated loser who has a world of expectations on the chip of his stupid redneck shoulder.

Too much of pussies to handle an educated, smart woman, only looking for someone who wants a fucking meal ticket. Please leave America. Please.

5 years, 6 months ago

lets face it most american men are now either red neck losers or a bunch of spineless liberals and yes men, so no wonder you have such horrid bitch women grow a spine you american men before you all start wearing dresses

5 years, 6 months ago

I would like to direct your attention to the equally unattractive AMERICAN MAN!

5 years, 6 months ago

american film star women and men are mostly good looking so wots up with the rest of you

5 years, 6 months ago

I don’t even know where to begin.

My favorite part was when somebody said American women just needed Jesus in their lives. Interesting, then, that about 80% of Americans consider themselves religious while in a lot of European countries like Czech and Germany only about 5% of the population goes to church.

I’m going to believe that Scorpion, Gary and Eddy are kidding. It’s really great satire.

Over all, though, it just makes me sad how many sweeping generalizations everybody has made in this discussion. Not “every little girl in the world” is feminine, there’s no way every American woman is a “man hating cunt”, and nobody can claim to know that “every European woman” is better than “every American woman” because nobody has met “every European woman” and “every American woman”.

"Jonathan Swift"
5 years, 6 months ago

Great ideas, men. Ship off the fatty bitches, I say!

5 years, 6 months ago

how come so many americans are fat?

5 years, 6 months ago

Felicity or Fecality, whatever your name is,

your just an example of the typical ugly feminist American woman that are nothing more then a waste of slime to this world.

American women have horrible attitudes and are the worst wives on the face of the planet.

The reason Eastern European, South American, and Asian women are superior to U.S. slime, is because they actually care about there husbands and are not shallow career minded bitches.

They maintain there beauty, yet they also realize that taking care of the man and childeren is more important then being career minded bitches.

American women are the lowest scum on the planet. The only men that like American women are closet fags.

American women lose on looks and personality.

Mike Seneca
5 years, 6 months ago

As one who actively dates Eastern European women in the past and in the present (Russian, Lithuanian, and Polish), I find that they are much more interested in being women than American women. They tend to be more familiar with the great works of literature and to be schooled in ballet (the incredible Russian ballet!) and in the music played at the Symphony.

It is part of their nature to be hot and sexy. Their hair is longer and their makeup is perfect. They tend to be manicured and pedicured. They are not as business-like in their dress as Americans, and their asses are not as wide. Unlike Americans, they are almost drug-free, but sometimes, perhaps often, drink like fish.

While Eastern European men may be more slender and masculine than American men, they tend to be severely drunk and beat the hell out of their women. They also are terrible at giving oral sex and don’t have much concern for the sexual satisfaction of their women, other than being very proud of non-stop intercourse. My Russian friends, instead of referring to “sex”, often instead speak of “non-stop sex”, then giggle.

My Polish friend much prefers Americans, as she never had an orgasm until she got with an American who cared about her satisfaction. Subsequent Americans treated her the same way, caring about her satisfaction.

Russian women very much prefer American men, as we get drunk and beat them far less. They do not prefer black-eyes and broken noses over “non-stop sex”. EVERY ONE of my Eastern European friends was routinely beaten by her ex-husband!

Having said that, I believe that American women are better in bed, as they more enjoy the full range of activities, such as kissing and giving and receiving oral.

Overall, I’ll vote for the Eastern Europeans by a wide margin. However, my ultimate is still the American stripper girl, slender, toned, long shiny hair, with a great smile and full of fire and sass! Damn, I love stripper girls!!! Guess everyone does!!!


5 years, 6 months ago

I think its the culture and not the ppl! Americans eat too much. I was one of them, lost about 35 lbs recently, but thats just me due to my arm breaking and the meds kicking my ass to sleep instead of too the fidge. We must get healthier physically and sexually! But sex is something that this American girl loves. I love being feminine, but also love throwing the hair back and putting on a baseball cap and hanging with the guys with a beer or two. This does not make me less of a sexual woman but rather a woman who chooses to live both sides and enjoys both sides. A chick in a ball cap and tight jeans is just as hot sometimes as the lady in the red dress. I am glad I have the choice. The American shown in the picture does not do our country justice at all.

Americans ALWAYS do it best! :)

5 years, 6 months ago

how come americans are so secretive and control freaks for the rest of the world

5 years, 6 months ago

Amy you can do what you wish as long as you remember that your husband is your boss. Everything will be fine then, seriously.

5 years, 6 months ago

i live in the pacific rains here so much and the women are 80% fat cows.its really depressing being a single guy here.i just want a woman with a decent body.not hot or anything.but the women here who look average think there gods gift to i say fuck the lard asses here im going to the philippines in september to get me a sexy asian girl.haha eat your bon bons ladys you aint getting none of this!!

5 years, 6 months ago

I’m 25. My dad was a model photographer for several years. I’ve seen very pretty American women indeed but there’s one thing, every last one of them was stuck-up. Any woman knows when they look good but (southern) American women like show it off and rub it in and act like they’re too good for anyone.

On the other hand, I went with him in his BMW down to a photo shoot in Destin, Florida and I was surrounded by these European women. They were more retro looking and had natural beauty and I have to agree about the feminity. The all talked to me and didn’t turn their nose up (and I’m nothing to look at), they’re playful because I swam with them out in the ocean and even wrestled one in the sand. They invited me and my dad to eat with them for dinner and they were also very well mannered and talkative. No X boyfriend drama, no complaining about the trip over here, no nothing. Just positive, free-spirited attitudes and lots of fun coming from these gorgeous women.

That trip alone was enough to convince me.. Sorry America.

5 years, 6 months ago

Craig, the problems with American women are real. But I’m seeing that a lot of us men in America have a lot of problems too. I think it’s a cultural problem.

5 years, 6 months ago

the problem with american women is apart from being fat and ugly is the fact that most of them are very neurotic and revert to hideous plastic surgery to look good and it makes them even more repulsive

5 years, 6 months ago

The only type of man that likes an American woman is a closet gaylord.

American women are the worst women on the planet.

The great thing about women from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia, is they have traditional values.

They have sex because they know it is very important for men.
They also suck balls, swallow cum, lick ass, etc etc.

An American women would never do any of that because she nothing more then a self centered slime bag.

5 years, 6 months ago

Snake, only one sentence of what you’re saying has any truth at all in it. Please come back to reality.

5 years, 6 months ago


only one sentence of what you?re saying proves your gay.

5 years, 6 months ago

I’m gay because I admit American women have problems but they also have some good qualities?

5 years, 6 months ago

American men do have bad qualities too. I would have to agree that this is “culture” problem. But the forum is about women so thats why I posted what I did. But I’ve heard Russian men are nothing to gawk at so I dunno.. That last post was about Russian/Ukranian women by the way.

5 years, 6 months ago

the only hot american women are porn stars but these are aslo plastic fakes

5 years, 6 months ago

I rebuke every negative comment and offensive remark against anyone and any group of people whether it be European or American women in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST!!! It saddens me to see people argue over such shallow things and have such shallow ideas! Everyone is beautiful because God made everyone! To anyone who was personally attacked by any of the garbage on this website, please never place your value on your looks. Anyone who is caught up in looks is shallow and has no depth or substance. I suppose the attackers don’t look like what the world considers a beautiful supermodel themselves, but miserable people aim to put others down in order to lift themselves up. They only end up hurting both themselves and the other person(s). What if the woman in the first pic was someone’s mother, sister, grandmother, best friend? How would feel like having your picture posted and then without even knowing it, have it put online and people pick a part and label you such mean and evil names? How sad this is! There are real issues out there and this is definitely NOT one of them! Please lets respect one another and stop judging each other on how we look. Lets stop judging each other period, male or female! Look at the spirit, the heart, not the physical beauty because no matter how good a person looks, everyone will not think they are physically beautiful as physical attraction is subjective. Shallowness is why we have so many young girls and women falling prey to anorexia, bulmia and other eating disorders! Physical beauty has become the new American dream and it’s sick! “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting”…even if someone is considered to be hot, they won’t be hot at 90…my heart just breaks to hear people tear each other down…and I only stumbled across this website…I should not have continued to read the racist, evil garbage that I did. Words can hurt worse than bullets…it only takes a few seconds to say something hurtful and sometimes a lifetime to heal from those wounds. I was taught that if you don’t like something, you can do 1 of 2 things. You can either accept it and stop complaining about it, or change it…in this case, if one doesn’t like American women, then move out of the US for good and vice versa!

God Bless you all!

5 years, 6 months ago

Why are you hating on American Women? I bet the men on this message board hating on them are probably all of bunch of angry, ugly white dudes with small penises, and no testosterone! No wonder so many White American women are dating and marrying black and latino guys! White american men would rather shag some anorexic cow than a chick with some junk in the trunk!

5 years, 6 months ago

Bla bla …another religious crap (see above comment)targeting to hide the ugly american women.
I have been in USA for three yers and I dare to say that I couldnt see any beautiful woman (I lived in student town where the average age was 18-25). However, you can see some good women (I am not saying beautiful) but you have to wait 5 hours.Indeed, you can find a beautiful woman in USA but if you start talking to her she will have strong russian, czech, polish or bulgarian accent.
Keep away from USA women coz they are ugly (no feminine features), as bar of wood and as one american said ” Gold miners, wallet stealers”

5 years, 6 months ago

I believe that American women are much colder to the shy guys nice guy types.They are much more interested in the bad boy player types.American 30 something women are more materialistic and would never date a guy working as a cashier at walmart.I believe that immigrant women are more friendly and socialible.American women are much more cockier than women from other countries.

5 years, 6 months ago

“some junk in the trunk!”

more like junkyard

5 years, 6 months ago

What’s the use dating american chicks. Their going to end up dating each other anyway.

5 years, 6 months ago


5 years, 6 months ago

Hey if dating a fat american women with some “junk in trunk” is your thing, dude go for it. We all know American women DO NOT get thinner as they get older. If they’re plump in their 20’s, you can bet there gonna 400 pounds in their 50’s….it never fails. I’d have to pick the anorexic cow.

5 years, 6 months ago

the thing is u american guys are stuck with em or go for an immigrant girl would be the best bet for u poor american sods who have to put up with the american bitches everyday i feel sorry for u all down trodden

5 years, 6 months ago

We have Betty Friedan to thank, who died not that long ago. I think that they should have buried her dead body out in the desert somewhere, and let the buzzards tear at her flesh.She is responsible for brainwashing a generation of American women in to believing that marriage is a form of slavery.

5 years, 6 months ago

Wow….just wow. I’m a woman from Spain who has traveled extensively all over the world, and I have to ask, what has happened to you all to make you spew such hatred for women? The reason I say “women” and not just American women is because a man who truly loves and is passionate about the opposite sex would not make such broad generalizations. You think you’re honoring women from different countries, but in reality, you’re only showing intense disrespect with all this talk of sex w/out condoms, submission, different moans, and such. Please don’t lump all people into one category…to do so just makes you sound like ignorant children. There are good and bad people everywhere. If you don’t like how one woman treats you, fine…move on and find one who does. It’s not necessary to call names and persecute a whole nationality just because of your own personal experiences.

5 years, 6 months ago

Been reading through these posts and what comes across loud and clear is that Eastern European/Asian and LAtin American women are hot and good in the sack. I think guys you’re forgetting that women from less developed countries spend way more time on how they look and invest everything in their appearance and in how they treat men as they see this as their winning ticket to a better and wealthier life. So many times in Asia, I have seen the most awful fat, bald 60-something year old American (and European) men with young (as you would say hot and sexy) 20 year old Asian local. Come on ..give me a break. What on earth do you think a young girl this age, or a goodlooking 25 year old Czech supermodel type would want with an overweight, ageing, ugly American (or European) guy. It’s all about the money!!!

5 years, 6 months ago

Anyone noticed that the dutch women are “she-males”? No kidding - deeper voices than the average male, hairy legs, hips a mile wide, fat ass and boring as hell. And their attitude, well let’s not go there. But somehow someone somewhere told them they were the best thing on the planet so they believe it and will even tell you how lucky you are to bag one of them.
Danes are cute, Germans hot, Belgians cute … what went wrong? Maybe something to do with being under sea level?????????

5 years, 6 months ago

This sucks! You say American ladies are all are bitches, please! A bitch is bitch no matter what country she comes from.

5 years, 6 months ago

all american women are man hating feminists brainwashed by twats like germaine greer an australian dyke pig who hates all things male just like the american bitches of today and its all your goverments fault that all you men are now a simpering small dicked bunch of wankers

5 years, 6 months ago

To the woman from Spain that is defending American women.

Your one of the few ugly rotten bitches that exists in Europe. You are nothing but a rat face piece of shit born out of a crack whoring mother

If anyone says American women are better looking then Eastern European, South American, or Asian women, then they are gay or have no taste in women at all.

As for Paul the reason foreign women date and marry american men is because there men, particularly men from Europe and South America are all gay faggots.

European and South American men enjoy watching a pussy sport called mens soccer. That is clearly a sign of gayness. Plus Europe and South America sent few or no soldiers to Iraq, so thats another sign that they are nothing but cowardly pussies.

American women are nothing but career minded feminst dog bitches that only care about themselves.

Brazilian ,Czech, and Thai women are so much more hotter and down with non-stop sex.

The most beautiful thing is hearing and seeing is a Brazilian woman moaning in portugese and moving her hips, or a Czech woman getting creampied, or a Thai woman licking ass.

It is quite clear that foreign women are always willing to have sex and treat there man with respect, while american women are nothing but prude feminist fat obese cow jabb the hut man wannabe pieces of scum.

5 years, 6 months ago

Hey guys, I started a forum for this site where you can post and start other conversations…

This is to supplement the blog part of dcbachelor

European girl
5 years, 6 months ago

American women are the most shallow and stuck up.
When i first came to the USA (Minnesota) 15 years ago wanted to make friends and join some girly conversation at a college I just started to attend. Boy, the look at these women faces did kill me! And they are still the same after 15 years of being hear.

American men ROCK - most sexy, tolerant and hardworking. American women - just the opposite - most bitchy and stuck up creatures who will definitly let you know that you are nothing but a cocroach if you were not born one of them.

5 years, 6 months ago

European Girl, you are very right. We need more hot european women to come to this country like you.

American women are nothing but pieces of trash. They are ugly fat disgusting vermon. All they want in a man is a guy that is buff, yet American women are ugly creatures.

American women cant cook, clean, hell they are not even good at sex.

I never look at American women. Even if they say “hi”(which they do only when I am with one of my Eastern European, South American, or Asian female friends), I do not respond because they are scum.

American women just want to be men. Thats what these feminist rats are. They want to have equal everything. However they would never hold the door for a man.

European girl is right. American men are the greatest men in the world while American women are the worst women in the world.

5 years, 6 months ago

-: European girl is right. American men are the greatest men in the world while American women are the worst women in the world. :-

I have to disagree with this one. I’m an American man and many American men I know are total scum as well. American women aren’t any good but many modern American men have a lot of problems too.

*Only interested in sex and objectification of women.
*Ignorant about the rest of the world

The more time I spend with coworkers from other countries the more I am convinced that it’s not an American man or American woman problem. It’s an American culture problem and we’ve got a lot of fixing to do. Who’s with me?

5 years, 6 months ago

I am live in Canada but was originally from Iran. Having moved to Canada at a young age i never developed an accent when speaking english. I totally agree that Euro chicks are more beauiful and more cultured than american or canadian girls. Canadian girls are just American wannabes who wear more makeup and have uglier bodies(no ass and love handles). They don’t understand anything about my culture, when i talk with a Canadian girl about Iran I’ve heard responses like “is that like iraq” many times. Also they tend to stay away from foreign men, i’m half asian and Canadian chicks look at me like thinking”i wanna fuck him, but not date him.” Whereas euro girls have a greater knowledge of Iranian culture. My uncle was married to a German woman before he passed away, and his wife learned everything of the persian culture, how to speak cook and the history and even when he died she didn’t think of marrying again, and still is single. That is faithfulness that is not in the North awerican woman. They are complainers snobby and spoiled bitches who don’t know how to party, (even iranian girls party better than them) which is somewhat sad since according to most Canadian girls we iranians are all abunch of religious oil seekers. The only good american woman is a south american woman. Na women never truly love their men like educated working Euro girls do.

5 years, 6 months ago

By the way I have been to europe, i lived in Germany for 1 year and had a couple of German girlfriends, one of them even coming to Canada to visit me after we broke up. I’m also tired of all the NA girls bashing east euro girls as being golddigging whores, because not all of them are like that and if NA girls were in their position they would do worst. East euro girls with no make easily beats NA girls with make up. Euro girls are hot with a great sense of humour and culture NA girls complain too much, are spoiled, and have no sense of culture and most don’t want to except others culture. For the best chicks go to europe or central asia (Iran,Uzbekistan etc) think half asian girls with persian and russian blood that are faithful, funny and beautiful as hell.

5 years, 6 months ago

It is said that when you get drunk your true personality comes out, if that is so when Canadian chicks get drunk (too easily if I may say so) they practicly take their pants off for you. With Euro girls that is not the case. Sure some will do it for money because they are poor as hell, but euro women with good situations won’t. Also euro women get closer to you in a quicker time (if you ever dated one you will know) not because they are whores, but because they are more open. In Germany the saunas are clothing optional and most hot german women wouldn’t hesitate to go nude because they are pround to show off what they have. NA women however only tease, tease, and tease, and when you finally get them in bed you are extremly diappointed because what they have didn’t live up to the hype.Most NA girls i have had sex with put their clothes back on after having sex, even before going to sleep, which is just sad. Finally if you’re a guy most NA guys will take your side and treat you like your one of them, but NA girls never side with Euro girls, (especially if they have an accent) they only side with themselves and create a social group of complaining about why their bfs are talking to other girls. (Fuckin makes me sick)

5 years, 6 months ago

Congratulations Anonymous moron, you just managed to prove my point. Your whole 3 posts were centered around sex sex sex. Might behoove you to talk in a civil manner for a change instead of like an ape.

5 years, 6 months ago

Dude Gary do you just have to bash everybody, i mean for god sake your the one talking like an ape, you fuckin sad excuse for a human being, if i’m such a moron let me ask you what makes you so much smarter than me? how many languages have you spoken? How many countries have you been too? You seem like one of those cocksucking fuckheads who likes to oppose everything. I bet you haven’t even slept with any euro chicks or any american chicks for that matter, your one of the assholes who base your opinion on the subject by the porn you jerk off too. So fuck you too eh

5 years, 6 months ago

Whatever you say my friend, but you still need to cut down on your objectification of women.

5 years, 6 months ago

Gary, you need to cut down on your gayness you faggot.

I cant belive your blaming American men for American womens fucking problems.Your nothing but a gay cuckhold traitor. The fact that you are siding with American women proves your gay.

American men have a right to objectify women. If you dont like it then your a faggot.

As for the Iranian who posted. I met some Iranian girls while in London and once in L.A. and they are so beautiful. They have tight bodies and seem more fit.

Your right, American women have no clue about Iran, because American women are uncultured pieces of shit. They do not know the difference between Shite, Sunni, and they cant distiguish between Arab, Persian(Iran), or Turk(they got hot women too). To them its all them same.

North American women are all uncultured dirt bags.

Thats why I only date girls from countries like Czech Republic, Hungary, Brazil, Turkey, and Asia because they treat men with respect and are obedient and actually have sex when they are told.

Anyone that dislikes hot foreign women or is against them being imported to the U.S.A is a gay faggot.

5 years, 6 months ago

Scorpion can you actually go one entire post without spewing cuss words? It would help.

Just be more respectful of women and european men. In case you think the europeans are such “pussies” then how did Napoleon lose 600K men when invading Russia or Germany lose 8 million people in WW2? Does that sound like “pussy men” to you since even back then soccer was popular all over Europe.

5 years, 6 months ago

that scorpion fellow needs to get facts right true most europeans did not go to iraq but we british did and football you idiots called soccer is not a gay sport its enjoyed by every other country in the world apart form americans who like what i can only discribe as the most boring sports ever created worse even than golf and those being american football,baseball and basket YAWN ball, you all seem to live in a bubble in america you want to rule the world but have no interest in it, you have no real history or culture its no wonder your women are all pig whores

5 years, 6 months ago

oh yeah and who waited 3yrs before even trying to defeat the japs and naziz not us

5 years, 6 months ago

foreign women are hot though but brit girls are stuck up bitches or chav skanks

5 years, 6 months ago

Slade going to Iraq is not exactly “manly”. Easy to pick on someone 500 times smaller. If British and American men are so “manly” why hasn’t a British or American man won the ‘World Strongest Man’ competition in 12+ years? See

It has been all Scandinavian winners and the last 5 years Eastern Europeans who’ve won those titles. American and British men rarely even make the podium now. The American contestants though do WHINE like women, seriously. When asked about why they lost, 2 separate guys started crying and complaining about the rules. One was a huge burly guy named Mark Phillipe from Iowa or somewhere. Truely shameful for our country.

My ancestry is German/Polish/Hungarian with my first ancestors settling in North Dakota in 1920’s. If anyone thinks my ancestors were “pussies” then he’s badly mistaken.

5 years, 6 months ago

Gary your as usual a gay faggot feminist supporter son of a crack whore with AIDS.

You really are a faggot. Not just do you defend American women, but you defend the gaylord infested European men.

European men USE to be manly BUT they became faggots around WW 2. Especially the French and Scandanvian who let the Germans and Italians gang rape and DP them from both holes.

U.S. didnt go to WW2 for 3 yrs because they had no reason to. It was a European and Asian conflict. Once the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor, the gloves came off.

The only European men I respect are Napoleon, Ceasar, Augustus, Caracalla, King John, Henry VIII, they are all real men. Those are great European men.

Todyas European leaders Chirac, Schroder, Zapatero are all fags.

I dont consider UK Europe since they essentially have mimicked America. However I do respect the UK for being with us in Iraq.

By the way Gary, Iraq was not some defensless nation. Non of the Middle Eastern countries are.

Yes the Scandanavians always win Worlds Strongest Man. However most of those guys are gay faggots. Have ever heard there girly voices???

Plus I was in Sweden and Norway last year and the women are mostly dating Asian or Black men.

A real man conquers other nations, and takes there women(if Hot) away.

Also real American men HATE soccer. The greatest sport is American Football, the (NFL).

Plus mens soccer is gay.

Why the hell do they cry like little bitches when they get a yellow card???

In the USA when a yellow flag is thrown by the ref, the players get angry. They dont cry like bitches.

The truth of the matter is American women are the lowest scum on the planet. They are disgusting pieces of slime, and only closet fags like American women, cause they want the woman to be the man.

5 years, 6 months ago

Scorpion, you have my pity. It is obvious that some vile woman took you to the cleaners and all your money was lost unjustly. But remember that men as well as women can be evil and lashing out at europeans, American women, or homosexuals is not gonna change anything.

Peace dude.

5 years, 6 months ago

Eastern European Women:Good
American Women:Evil
Eastern European Women:Friendly
American Women:Rude
Eastern Women:Prefer Nice Guys
American Women:Prefers Bad boys with Tattos
Eastern European Women:Happy
American Women: Always Miserable
Eastern European Women:Like the nice shy type
American Women:Thinks that every shy guy is a rapist or a child molester.

5 years, 6 months ago

scorpion your american footballers wear all that padded fag gear we have proper contact ball games such as rugby where we dont wear any, some euro men are weak and faggy such as swedes,frogs and italians the rest are ok the leaders are very weak also now,middle eastern countries are not defenceless the uk has taken on many nations much bigger and stronger than ourselves and won,terorism is a danger to all, countries should fear muslims as they hate all western countries not just usa and uk, soccer players do wine to get free kicks and penalties but its still not a fag sport in fact most gays hate sport apart from tennis ,ww2 was that a WORLD WAR its a typical american attitude to only intervine when it suits them to a make a big show, it could have been over much sooner thanx to them it wasnt

5 years, 6 months ago

Geez listening to Slade and Scorpion is like listening to 2 bratty teenageers trying to show off who has bigger muscles.

FYI Iraq is a weak country compared to most other countries. I remember when my father served in ‘Nam in 72 and he came back telling us how a rag tag army of North Vietnam, a third world country, was so disciplined while in his unit alone there were deserters every day much higher than told to the public. Then when he came back to the US he and his soldier friends weren’t treated so nicely by the public.

Slade and Scorpion you 2 need to stop hating on everyone ok? Just chill and grab a cold one and be merry

5 years, 6 months ago

I am not hating on anyone except American women.

As I stated before, I respect the UK for taking part in the War on Terror.

Now Slade, American Football uses padding and gear because it is a tactical game. It is more of a chess match, while soccer is more like tic tac toe. Soccer is a girly sport. I mean why do the players literally cry like girls when they get carded?

Also I think Rugby is more gayer then soccer. Why do the men hold hands.

The majority of European men are gay. Except the UK which is majority straight. The European men in other countries are gay because they act like girls.

As for you Gary, Iraq was never a weak country.

-In the 1970s and early 80s, Iraqs GDP was greater then Portugals.

-Iraq had the 2nd best military in the Middle East around that time period. The 1st was Israel.

-Iraq(rightfully backed by the U.S.) invaded much larger Iran in 1980, and inflicted a massive gas attack. Although it ended in a stalemate, the Iranian casualties were much heavier.

-Iraq crushed many internal rebellions started by the Kurds and Shiites.

-Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1991 and defeated them in a matter of days.

Again Gary, I suggest you open your mind to more readings then Fahrenhite 9/11.

Also the reason your dad was disrespected by the public when he got back was because left wing liberal feminists led by Jane Fonda coined the phrase “baby killer”.

It is further proof that American women are nothing but retarded pieces of feminist piles of crap.

5 years, 6 months ago

Scorpion you’re comparing apples to watermelons. Iraq’s GDP may have been bigger than Portugal’s but both of them had a much lesser GDP than ours. My dad says that Vietnam kicked us so hard in the psyche that it kept us from a war for 15 years. I believe it too from all the stories he tells me. We lost Vietnam and that’s why my dad and his buddies were given a bad rep. Kinda hypocritical of the public don’t ya think?

5 years, 5 months ago

I don’t care for Asian women much. I just find them simply unattractive. Their faces are too monkey looking. My 56 year old dad is married to a Chinese girl from Bejing and actually, she’s the biggest bitch in the world (but maybe thats because my dad beats her)…no wonder my mom left him. Anyway, I much prefer Eastern women. I think honest American women DO exist, its just a small, small handful of girls that are just outcasted by feminist snobby Americans. Its just hard to find a good looking American woman that has self-respect for herself w/o all the other arrogances. If someone doesn’t want to work too hard, they can certainly find them a foreign wife easily but I don’t have a lot of money so I’m going to have to just take a very high risk over here in my own country… Its sucks..

5 years, 5 months ago

i dont know where u gary get the idea that i hate anyone i dont only certain people like man hating feminists,muslim terrorists and lipstick lesbians,scopion is right on certain things said yes american women are vulgar feminits on the whole and euro women are much better looking and are much friendlier and feminine also gary says that attacking a country much smaller is like the big kid picking on the smallest weediest kid but look at the bible david and goliath and the american loss to vietnam, its never an easy decision to got to war againt any country because they will fight back and casualties are going to be an inevitable result to both sides but i still support us/uk stance on terrorism in the middle east and its dangers to the west the anti war stance against it has become something like the viet vets suffered after vietnam and it needs to stop as i know the biggest supporters are the left wingers/feminists and liberals and the hard working forces men and dare i say women are in danger of being public hate figures when they are doing a justified job in trying to sort some kind of law and order in the middle east and stop the development of weapons of mass destruction.

its harsh to say that most euro men are gay its just in some countries the feminists have moved in such as sweden but the americans have much more liberal laws on gays, you have had gays much longer than we brits in the armed forces and also the repulsive idea of gay marriage/women priests has also been in your country for yrs, we brits were forced to go along with the idea by euro liberals in the european court of law but we still hate the idea of it, alot of those liberal ideas are still outlawed by eastern euro countries, so to say these countries are full of gays is completely false they are much more straight than most americans, other countries such as france/spain and italy amongst others are majority catholic so these abide by laws of the church and in general hate gays so are completely opposite of what u think scopion

5 years, 5 months ago

Gary, your obviously a retarded moron.

You obviously read one fact in my post and reacted to that only. You still cannot disprove Iraq was even a “defensless nation”.

Even before Saddam, Iraq was ruled by dictators, Ahmed Hassan Bakr, Abdel Kasem. You obvously dont know jack shit.

As for Slade, most European countries are full of homo men EXCEPT the UK.

HOWEVER I do not think all men in Europe are gay, but the majority are.
For example I respect many men in Europe that help American men date foreign women.

The fact of the matter is, American women are feminist pieces of shit. The only people I hate are American women, and those that defend american women, and prevent american men from marrying or having sexual relations with foreign women.

American women are for those men, that want the woman to be the man in the relationship.

Women from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia, are clearly superior to American women, in beauty, personality, sex skills, and obedience.

5 years, 5 months ago

my father is an american and my mother is from madrid so i am a little of both but i have to agree that european women take care more of themselves and have more pride in their bodies. American women, in general, as we all know the majority is well over weight and dont even realise. its not part of the american life style to take care of yourself as much, its just not important! i mean who cares u you have some flab hanging out from your bikini? they dont care! look the other way if you dont like it… rather in europe they enjoy looking nice and feeling nice and dressing up. in american.. we wear sweats tshirts, hot dogs in one hang and thats life!!!

5 years, 5 months ago

the main prob scorpion about the horrid us women is the feminists and your goverment that gives these foul organisations more than a billion dollars to crush white straight men and normal family life and prevent foreign women marrying you by telling them that all white amercan men are murderers/wife beaters
paedophiles/mysogynists and lazy dirty bastards something needs to done

5 years, 5 months ago

scopion check this out on the net this is what i’m talking about

The Violence Against Women Act slipped into law in 1994

its av ile manhating law brought up an thought up by the american femist bithches you so hate

5 years, 5 months ago


American women are nothing but career minded dogs that ruined my country.

Universites in the U.S.A admit women(white anglo) into there colleges because all they have to do is suck a few dicks and there in.

The same thing happens in the work place.

American men work so hard to acheive things. It was men that built America, not women. Hell it was men that built the world and started great empires and destroyed those very great empires.

American women are just feminist independent career minded scum that want to compete and take jobs from the American men that work harder then any women.

What I hate most is the young women in America. They feel they are entitiled to do anything a man can do. WTF???
Yet the typical American girl does not know jack shit about the world and only thinks with her narrows minded MTV brain, and sucks a few dicks so she can advance.

People like Gary support them cause he is gay.

American society should NOT be like the Taliban, it instead should be like Brazil or Czech Republic where women shut there mouth and know there role and are devouted to there husbands.

5 years, 5 months ago

I live in the Socialist People Republic of Maryland(The State of Maryland).The women in this state overwelmingly vote for Marxist Democrats.I have to live with that Ultra Feminist Barbara Mikulski who voted for things like WAVA,Abortion on demand,Who support Gay Marriage,and the like.The women in this state are very third rate.The vast majority of the women voted for Clinton-Gore in 1992 and 1996.Most of the women in this state are walking around with tattoos on their arms or butt cracks and they seem to go after the bad boy thugs,drug dealers,and the like.

5 years, 5 months ago

I hear you Mike39.

Whenever I go to DC for conferences, I will mostly see fat cow obese women. Or if there are hot women, they are rude, buff men seeking bitches.

I like your earlier post comparing Eastern European Women and American women.

What you said is 100 percent true. I will repost it again so people will stay away from American dirtbag women.

Mike39 says,
1 day, 21 hours ago
Eastern European Women:Good
American Women:Evil
Eastern European Women:Friendly
American Women:Rude
Eastern Women:Prefer Nice Guys
American Women:Prefers Bad boys with Tattos
Eastern European Women:Happy
American Women: Always Miserable
Eastern European Women:Like the nice shy type
American Women:Thinks that every shy guy is a rapist or a child molester.

5 years, 5 months ago

-:People like Gary support them cause he is gay.:-

I DO NOT, repeat DO NOT support American women at all. I’m merely saying that they’re not entirely responsible for the way they are. We must look a little bit within to see why they’ve gone so wrong.

5 years, 5 months ago

who else is responsible if theyre not i know alot of it is down to your sickening liberal laws that gives women/gays/blacks every chance to succeed but not hard working white american guys

5 years, 5 months ago

Slade agreed that’s very much part of the problem. Affirmative action laws aren’t fair to the hard working white man and women/gays/blacks do get undue preference.

The more I read our history though it becomes clear women were thought of as very inferior life forms like blacks were. My coworker who is from Turkey said he couldn’t believe how disrespectful even now me and my buddies were towards women. I told him we don’t make our women wear veils. He laughed and said that’s in public view and the woman is never objectified where he comes from. In fact a man will get his thumb cut off for doing that, such is the penalty. Inside the house she has equal rights and doesn’t have to put up with her husband watching cheerleaders on television or women wearing practically nothing on every other ad.

After a couple of arguments I saw his point.

5 years, 5 months ago

First of all, Turkey is not a “real” muslim country.

The women there are more open sexually and actually have very good blow job skills.

As for Affirm Action. It was basically created by feminists in order for women to enter grad/law/med schools.

Neither White men or Asians for that matter benefit from Affirm Action.

Speaking of Asians, I found out only 2 percent of Asian are on welfare. Proves libearl left wing scum ruined America.

5 years, 5 months ago

We can sit here arguing each other till we’re blue in the face. But the bottom line is, are you doing anything apart from whining day and night here?

5 years, 5 months ago

You havent done anything either.

The ONLY way is if people lobby to the government to import hot women from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia.

5 years, 5 months ago

America is waaay to Westernized. I’m sick of hearing country music and seeing huge saws and deerheads hanging on old walls like decorations. Not to mention all the nasty niggers with their gold teeth and un-intelligible music and 22’s. Our country is just so stupid. Maybe its because I live in the South, I must admit, I didn’t see that when I was up north much. Our country, (well, I mean the Southeast) definetely needs an overhaul.

5 years, 5 months ago

maybe the real problem is that american men, or men in general, are self-righteous bastards who think a woman’s sole purpose in existence is to be a sexual object, lack the ability to think on her own, be quiet and submissive (aside from loud moaning in bed, of course), and cater to a man’s every whim.

5 years, 5 months ago

Scorpion my point is that you should stop whining and and do something about it if it’s bothering you so much.

5 years, 5 months ago

p.s. in response to Scorpion’s criticism of feminist hipocracy, i have held the door for men on multiple occasions, only to find that most of them are too bullheaded to walk through.

5 years, 5 months ago

angelina its not surprising the likes of scorpion moans so much as its obvious you are one the sort of women he hates so much a left wing feminist that hates men ,i know that the likes of you would prefer a single sex society but it not going to happen and more white american men will eventually turn on the likes of you and your government ,the worm will eventually turn

5 years, 5 months ago

angelina your just a feminst career minded American women piece of shit. Your the real problem a disease.

The only reason you earned anything is because you sucked a few dicks to get by. When I was in Japan, I was so glad when smiling women held the door for me.

Hypocrisy exsits because feminst scum like yourself are against American men marrying hot foreign women from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia, yet you believe that all American women should strive for buff muscle bound or supremely rich men.

You also believe men should have no desire. Men deserve to have desire more so then any woman. America was built by men, not by dirtbag feminst women. Hell the worlds empires were made and brought down by men only to lead to greater advances and periods in history.

Feminst scum like yourself have no traditional values or culture. Your basically the typical generation Y MTV scum that takes American freedoms for granted. You also believe that american women should do anything they want and that its ok if the woman cheats on the husband, but not good if its the other way around.

You think we want women as slaves. As usual you feminst scumbags are dead wrong. We just want women the way they were before the feminist disease came to the USA.

Whenever I go to Rio, Prague, Budapest, Moscow, Istanbul, Bagkok, Buenos Aires the women are a billion times more beautiful, they have traditional values, obedient, cultured, caring, and yes way more open sexually .

Angelina, you American women are all dirtbag feminist trash. People like you destroyed this country. No wonder the legal system is so screwed up. You are equivalent to shit.

Any man that likes any career minded independent feminst aka all american women is basically a closet gaylord and dirtbag scumbag.

5 years, 5 months ago

Scorpion, you’re disgusting and I highly doubt you have any success with the exotic, obedient foreign women that you claim.

How can you sit there and tell me how I feel or what I believe when all I have expressed is that I am repulsed by men who think of women as objects? (you, for example)

I haven’t sucked any dicks to get by, thankyouverymuch. And I don’t give a damn about marrying a rich man. Despite what you may think, all women arent after men for their money. And I think it’s rather hypocritical to get after women for liking guys who have muscle, when you are clearly drawn to “hot” women with tight bodies. The only thing your rant against women attracted to “buff” men leads anyone to believe is that you have an inferiority complex about your own stature.

I don’t think women should cheat on their husbands just as much as I don’t think men should cheat on their wives. I think breaking such a sacred promise is both sick and devastating no matter which gender commits the act.

I take care of my body, and I stay faithful in relationships. But there is really no need for me to defend myself to you.

Your generalization about American women is false. And your views of the role of women and their dependency on men is antiquated and idiotic at the very least. Your diatribes against them only make you sound like a giant jackass.

I don’t care if you, or any other American man, marries a foreign woman. Good for you if you can find one who will tolerate you. Or can stifle her nausea long enough to sleep with you.

5 years, 5 months ago

You cant defend yourself because your just the typical feminist dirtbag scum that is a a product of a crack whore mother.

I have been all over Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia. The women there are a billion times better then you. Yes they are hot and have tight bodies, unlike you, you fat obese piece lump of slime.

I have no inferioty complex. I am actually fit and healthy, but I am no Vin Diesel which is what American women want.

I dont just care about look, but about looks AND personality as well. Generally foreign women are really hot and they have traditional values unlike American dog women. So your theory on me hypocritical is wrong.

American women like yourself will either gold dig or try to marry some buff tattoo “bad boy” closet gay type person.Everything I said about American women is true. Right now your a cunt that proves everything about American women.

The only thing you rant about is how bad it is for American men to want hot foreign women with traditional values. Obviously you have a feminist cunt agenda.

I highly doubt you really are a woman. Actually I think you must be some type of hermphrodite or eunich. You sound like a man. Then again, American women basically are men, so I should not be suprised.

5 years, 5 months ago

“The whole purpose of attractive women in life is to serve men.”

“You think we want women as slaves. As usual you feminst scumbags are dead wrong.”


5 years, 5 months ago

Theres a big difference between “serving” and “slaves” you retarded obese piece of shit.

5 years, 5 months ago

well if your “purpose in life” is to serve, then what are you, you big, intelligent, superior man?

5 years, 5 months ago

i sometimes think scorpion can be a bit extreme in his wording but is basically right, theres nothing wrong with equal opportunities for men and women but your american government has twisted the so callled equal agenda by using terms like positive discrimination to empower women/blacks and gays over white straight men ,so how the fuck you american women can moan all the time about the white blokes is beyond me its no wonder they are looking elsewhere for decent women with good old family values that the amercan witches hate so much like u angelina
(no jolie lookalike i bet)lol, more like godzilla i bet

5 years, 5 months ago

Its obvious someone has a little anger issue…. :)

5 years, 5 months ago

Scorpion, you must be REALLY UGLY if you’re so bitter. Are you like physically malformed maybe? I’m not trying to be mean, just trying to understand your blow ups!

5 years, 5 months ago

Angelina, Scorpion has some anger problems but,

A lot of what he says is true. American women unfortunately are becoming more and more useless in many ways. Foreign women aren’t perfect but they’re definitely better than many American women!

And not all American women are becoming useless. However the majority are.

5 years, 5 months ago

Gary, you must be REALLY GAY with AIDS if you care so much on my looks.
Whats with your obsession on mens looks? Are you one of those faggot metrosexuals?
You say things that support the feminists and you say things that support straights.

I guess you must be a closet AIDS ridden
bi-sexual queer. You either are with the straights or your with the fag/feminists.

There is no in between.

As for AngelinaGodzilla, I guess in your twisted world, police offices are slaves, since there purpose is to “protect and SERVE”

Also I belive in rewarding hot beautiful women, when they are obedient. Slave DO NOT get rewarded.

Again AngelinaGodzilla your a typical American obese fat cow feminist dirt bag piece of shit waste.

5 years, 5 months ago

Who says because a woman speaks her mind and stands up for herself she is ugly and obese?
What a pathetic generalization on all of your parts. You have no idea how I look. But I suppose that’s the biggest insult you could possibly give me, considering a woman’s only valuable asset is her looks.

Oh right- and her obedience.

I dont hate men. And I dont hate foreign women. I have nothing against white men marrying foreign women. I have no reason to care one way or another about that.

I only think that the general majority of you have outdated and degrading views of how a woman should be.

Feminism originally meant a belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. So, in that sense, yes- I am a feminist. But I am not a bra-burning man-hater. I just think women should be treated with respect.

Why can’t a woman be independent and sexy at the same time? Why can’t a woman love and nurture and have dreams and goals of her own as well? Who wants a woman whose only notable quality is that she is “obedient”? What’s so great about a beautiful mindless robot who will do whatever you say? Or are you not men enough to handle women who don’t depend on you to tell them what they think?

5 years, 5 months ago

Angelina you said -: Feminism originally meant a belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. So, in that sense, yes- I am a feminist. But I am not a bra-burning man-hater. I just think women should be treated with respect.:-

This is unrealistic. Women are inferior to men physically by a very high margin. Mentally it has been shown they are slower at maths and sciences. Do you want links that prove this?

It’s also my personal belief that their imaginations are limited. Artistic ability leads to innovation, which leads to empirical inquiry. So fully equal treatment between the sexes is not only unrealistic, it will never happen.

A woman is inferior to a man in most ways that count. If this is offensive to a male or female, then you need to get a reality check.

5 years, 5 months ago

Scorpion, yes yes I know I’m gay because I think women should be respected. You and Angelina are like to extremes. You both think you’re “so in the middle” but you’re actually dangling from the edge of the teeter totter. Try to find the fulcrum and THINK before posting.

5 years, 5 months ago

Scorpion, a police officer’s CAREER is to protect and to serve. It is not his/her purpose in life (though i doubt you believe in female police officers).

But I suppose you’re right, slaves don’t generally get rewarded when they do what you want them to do. Dogs do. A woman is not a pet that is yours to reward or punish.

Gary, a woman is not inferior to a man in most ways that count, or at all. And they certainly don’t have limited imaginations. If you want to speak in stereotypes, women are generally much more creative than men. I acknowledge that men are physically stronger than women but I don’t think that makes them superior. And I don’t believe you when you say women are slower mentally than women. Women, as a general rule, do better in school than men do. Send the links

5 years, 5 months ago

its been tested positive that women have a slightly lower IQ than men i believe its 108 men 106 women not much i suppose but all the greatest scientists and pioneers in history are all great men women in history have contibuted very little,you should be greatful to men to be living in the world you have today because if it was left to you lot we ould still be using spears and living in caves wearing animal skins

5 years, 5 months ago

angelina are you a dyke

5 years, 5 months ago

i dont believe women should be obedient that would be like having a pet, everyone deserves to have their say but american women in general are pretty horrifing creatures you need to take a long good look at yourselves to see what you have become a bunch of power crazed ugly physically and mentally marred bunch of carpet munching manhating freaks and not women in the real sense anymore

its sad what has happened in the states and to some parts of europe as well, you should build a wall down the middle of the country and have two halves a male and female side as its obvious thats what you would all like

5 years, 5 months ago

Angelina, you are truly a very stupid woman. I thought you may be a normal woman but you have completely lost my faith by saying women do better than men in school.

1. Women get WAY more money than men for scholarships now.

2. Lack of male teachers in schools means boys get put on ritalin much more than girls do.

3. Sports funding for boys is dwindling in both college and high schools.

4. If women are so smart, even after all the major cheating and help they get in academics have they not made a great invention in the last decade? Even now very few of them win Nobel prizes and almost no woman wins a nobel prize in science.

5. For every 5 very high IQ males there is only 1 female.

Angelina, you are brainwashed by feminism and don’t even know it. I’m a very average male and I don’t know any female who has half the imagination that I do. I’ve met girls smarter than me but I’ve met a lot more guys a lot smarter than me. And of course, I’ve never met a woman physically able to do half of what I do. And remember that I’ve an average male so there are guys who can do much more than I can.

Do all these facts bother you? If so, you are a brainwashed feminist who is insecure deep inside. Here are numerous studies supporting what I’ve just stated. You need to read with an open mind and have your husband by your side to guide and edify you. Does your husband know you think this way? You certainly wouldn’t if you were my wife :-)

“According to Professor Rushton (, on average, men score better on visio-spatial/mathematical tests, and he has also found that men, on average, have slightly more brain neurons after adjusting for body mass. He believes these extra neurons give men a boost in analytical thinking. So, though many women can be good at physics, men will produce a larger amount of physicists/scientists due to brain biology”

5 years, 5 months ago

we used to suffer from feminism in the 80s when we had an old witch called thatcher for prime minister,but they seem to be dying off now most are old all middle aged bitches you dont see or hear much of them though nowadays.

we have other problems now just as bad, the highest teenage pregnancy in europe,the worst imigration problems,the worst violent crime in europe and something called yob culture that has gangs of teenages boys and girls terroroizing/vandalizing and beating up people just for the fun of it and filming it using video phones ,also gun crime and nigger gangs pushing drugs, so you think you got it bad

5 years, 5 months ago

The reason women have contributed so little to history, and especially science, is because they were given so few rights, Slade, not because they have a lower IQ. I am not at all grateful to men to be living in the world I am today. But thank you for reminding me of where my gratitude should lie. I suppose I do have men to thank for eliminating the credit and opportunities that women deserve.

It is widely known that women have been making contributions to science for five thousand years. But, because of social ideals, many women were not given credit for their work, did not seek it, or published under male pseudonyms to avoid persecution as well as to ensure that their work be taken seriously.

But being the well-educated, intelligent man you are, I’m sure you already knew all that. Or in the words of Gary, “Do you want links that prove this?”

And in answer to your so eloquently posed question, Slade, no, I am not a dyke. Not that you’ll believe me or that it matters. Notice I haven’t asked any of you about your sexual preference or vulgarly demanded (the only way Scorpion knows how to write) that you must be hideous and obese. That is because such digressions have nothing to do with our argument at all. Whenever any of you hit a weak point, you decide to attack something completely irrelevant that, what?s more, you know nothing about– such as my appearance or sexual orientation.

You will never know what I look like, just as I will never see any of your assuredly Adonis-like faces and physiques. If you ?men? are pigs enough to believe that a woman who writes the way I do could not possibly be physically attractive, I’ll leave you to it. It doesn’t weaken my argument in the slightest. And it certainly doesn’t strengthen yours.

Gary, I will read the links you have posted, but I won?t need anyone to guide or edify me while I do. I will forgive that comment as I know it comes from the depths of your chauvinist roots. I feel very sorry for whoever your wife may be, because it seems she is more brainwashed by her sorry excuse for a husband than I have ever been by feminism. :)

But like I said, I will read the links when I get a chance. For now I am on my way to work. A woman with a job. ::shudder:: What is America coming to?

And, Slade, I don’t want a damn wall dividing the country. I wouldn’t prefer a single-sex nation. And furthermore- quit telling me what I want. Isn’t it obvious I’m not your ideal, obedient little woman, and I won’t submit to it? I’m not some flighty little girl who will listen to you tell her what to think and believe she must agree. You can tell me what I want all YOU want but it won’t change what I really do want.

5 years, 5 months ago

Women are inferior creatures, at least for this planet. The evolutionary hierarchy here is Man, Woman, then Children. If this bothers anyone so much then get a sex change.

I think women are “cheating” now by getting way more help in academics and sports. And yet they still can’t make 1/100th progress men have. :-)

I wonder if men and women are different, ya think LoL?

5 years, 5 months ago

its obvious you really havent a clue about anything as most americans in general dont, as we in the rest of the world know that most of you think britain is somewhere near the middle east and have absolutely know idea about history and cultures of other countries as you all live in a bubble of superemicy/arrogance/ and egotism.

furthermore like i said i dont want obedient women most men dont whats the point of that i may as well have a dog,theres nothing wrong with you working my mum and sister both work all people should unless they have young children also most only work out of need rather than enjoyment i mean how many people really enjoy working

also what wrong with being chauvinist as most women are anyway, also the dyke thing was a joke as most lesbians are not even feminists these days, but thats not to say you dont like men apart from weak willed shandy drinking effeminate types,
also how can you call or compare me to scorpion i havenet called you any of the nasty names he has and wouldnt unles you called me first

i know women didnt have the opportunities they have nowadays but still i dont see any pioneering women in any field that will benefit society its still men that are the brains of world and social politics/science and technology, i know women dont have as much of an interest in these things as you tend to be more into the artistic side of things like design

women dont deserve credit ,i mean credit for what ? what have you ever achieved that blokes have not done already apart form giving birth come on do tell i know you, want to maybe some do i dont know

you go about like i hate women i dont only some manhating feminists and lipstick lesbos only, men and women are differnt physically and mentally we and prefer different things which i what makes who we are but women like you hate us for being differnt to you,

your country needs to change as its hated by the rest of the world and thats down to your ludicrous policies and laws that make you a laughing stock and stop being so obsessed by the battle of the sexes that most other countries dont even think about these days its so old hat, feminism is dead or dying everyone hates it except american women ,even some of them may be tiring of it by now after 30yrs its old news get over it girl

5 years, 5 months ago

oh yes i’m not obese or ugly by the way as i cycle and go to the gym not sure about you though

5 years, 5 months ago

You raise a lot of good points Slade.

5 years, 5 months ago

the thing i hate most about american women is that they are so weird, they look weird and sound even weirder

what with the artificial white teeth and plastic faces and the vacant look that you have its so strange its like the stepord wives for real its some up america its such a throw away society, and your eco laws are shit your poluting the planet as your country give of more bad emissions than anyone else and you just dont care typical american its all fuck you rest of the world

5 years, 5 months ago

your country is fueled and ruled by the oil and motor industy infact your economy would collapse without it, so thats why your goverment panders to every whim these industries oppose its a disgrace

5 years, 5 months ago

women in the usa try to fuel up and keep alive really old subject matter and try desperatley to keep it alive when everyone else has forgotten it, its so sad and desperate its like trying to keep someone whos brain is dead on a life support machine, its futile and pathetic

5 years, 5 months ago

Slade you don’t have to keep reminding us Americans about how bad our country us. There are those of us that are trying to make it better you know. So chill man.

5 years, 5 months ago

another thing i hate about yankee women is that if a woman choses to stay at home and raise a family they are looked upon as weak pathetic creatures ,this is an attitude you dont see in other countries,what is it with the women over in the US why cant you just be normal and be happy with what ever you do, whats the point of having kids then hiring a nanny to look after them when it should be the parents bringing them up, the kids grow up without any proper love or attention and you then you send them to some kind of private boarding school what the point of having kids if this is what you do thats feminism for you destroy proper normal family life and values

5 years, 5 months ago

There are only TWO reasons why I dislike America.

1)UGLIEST and most UNCULTURED women in the World.
2)Shitty Pathetic Rail system.

If hot women were imported in mass numbers from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia, and we created a regional high speed rail system similiar to Europe and Japan where trains go
200-300mph, this would truly be the greatest nation ever.

However that day has yet to come thanks to the feminst nazis like AngelinaGodzilla.

AngelinaGodzilla, no one is saying what you want.

This may shock you, but I actually like hot women that have a brain BUT at the same time I like those that have traditional values, cultured, and sexually open.

One of my best friends married a really hot woman from Hungary a few years back. She has a smokin body and she has masters degrees in Education/Engineering, plus she speaks 4 languages. She didnt study in the USA, but back in Budapest. She didnt suck a bunch of dicks to get into college or use affir action like most American scumbags do.

Anway here is the catch. She does not go to work. I know this increases the blood pressure out of the diseased feminists. Instead she takes care of her husband and takes care of her young daughter.

For feminists this is considered bad and evil.

Scumbags like Angelina, hate women with traditional values. Instead they want women to be anti-men.

Strong career minded Indendent women are the lowest scum on the planet. They also tend to end up obese.

The reason I stopped dating American women because most of them are obese bound, foul smelling, wicked, un-cultured, and have horrible personalites.

As for Gary, I respect women. BUT I draw the line when they want to bring down male chivalry and honor.

Women are slightly inferior but NOT expendable. Yes there have been some women who have done great things, for example Marie Curie.

HOWEVER the greatest empires and dynasties Egyptian, Roman, Persian, Mongols, Mugals, Turks, French(Napoleon) were all started and defeated by men Goths, various Germanic tribes, Huns, and Mongols and .

So American dog women, you really have no business in demanding anything.

I am so glad that places like Rio, Prague, Budapest, and Bangkok exist. Hell for American women, and Heaven for straight guys.

5 years, 5 months ago

Women are not slightly inferior Scorpion, they are very inferior physically and substantially inferior mentally. Still, try not to blame American women for everything okay?

5 years, 5 months ago

Gary, please just admit your either a bi-sexual faggot or you like fat obese american cow women.

I think I need to plan my next trip to either Rio or Prague earlier then expected.

5 years, 5 months ago

What do women have against shy men?I notice that women use to go crazy over shy men.Now they Ignore them like the plague.Now they go after that bad boy type with the tattoos and the control freak types.When I worked in a college bookstore,there was this girl from the Former Czech Republic Named Illena, she was very nice to me.She let me walk her to her car and we went our seperate ways.She walked up to me and struck up a convesation and was very open with me.I can’t get an American women to give me the time of day without her striking up a conversation with me.

5 years, 5 months ago

i know some american girls who are very beautiful, big appetites, but are nice bodies, i guess they are the lucky ones. but since the u.s. is becoming more and more mixed i think more americans could be very beautiful if they stopped thinking that drinking a diet pepsi is going to make up for the fact they just wolfed down 3 big macs

5 years, 5 months ago

Lmao. Funny stuff. Yeah, I can’t talk though, I eat like the crops are dying. I think its the corporations that make America the money minded fuck you country it is. Take Dell Computers for instance, an “American” name but everything about about is not American such as outsourcing our jobs to India, Indonesia, etc. Not to mention the actuall assembly of the computers where they can pay some poor Mexican guy or girl a few pennies on the dollar and then advertise all these “GREAT SUMMER DEALS!” to Americans. I think that right there plus the oil/auto industry as well has just made our country look so bad despite the small number of good people working for them.

As for the women, yes I believe the whole man is superior thing. Women have been looked at as child bearer weaklings for so long, they probably haven’t had a chance to prove themselves. The ones that do are the career minded obese fat cow women. (joke).

I’m a straight, young guy and I like be in control. I’ll admit it. I like my women submissive but not brainless. I’ll talk to her but in the end, its what I say that goes. I think most men are like that. When a woman (low IQ or not) starts to spread her feathers, it kind of insults a guy’s masculinity I guess. Men have been the bosses for so long, its traditional and thats what we are used to. Think about it, who DOESN’T like to be in control. Men have the advantage because back in the day, how strong you were DID COUNT a lot, so women didn’t get very far, as far as deciding what sex was going to do what. Keep in mind, this was THOUSANDS of years ago. So of course we’re not going to like independent women who don’t need us. Thats why I like foriegn women, they fit my every want just about. I can’t help it. If thats what makes us or me happy for that matter then oh well.


5 years, 5 months ago

Yep Craig is right. Plus if a man wants the wife to wear his pants he’s probably a bit weak or homosexual.

5 years, 5 months ago

i dont think things are going to get much better in the states at least not for the foreseable future and i noticed that angelizard bird has gone quiet

5 years, 5 months ago

Big-ups to the tdot (Toronto). They still gots some womyns up dere dat be lookin aright.

5 years, 5 months ago

what are canadian women like

5 years, 5 months ago

Slade from what I’ve heard Canadian and British women are even worse than American women. Can someone confirm?

5 years, 5 months ago

Slade, dont belive Gary the gay. He watches faggot ridden MTV.

Any woman is better then an American shit face woman.

Actually if you want Canadian women the best parts are Whistler,BC and Montreal, Quebec.

Montreal is heavily influenced by Europe and the women there are more cultured and beautiful then American women. They have a slight accents and are great in bed when they moan and they give excellent blow jobs.

Whistler has many girls with fit bodies since its a great outdoor place in winter and summer. Girls there are good at sex as well and have upbeat personalities.

Only closet gay men think American women are the best.

5 years, 5 months ago

Just a thought…..The more I travel, the more I appreciate:
1)euro cars
2)euro clothes, and
3)euro women. Period.

Each generation of American Women (since the 70’s) have exhibited a remarkable degradation in ethics, intelligence, creativity (sexual mores and other areas), with an intensive rise in narcissistic, nihilistic behaviors.
Subsequent generation of American men have become neutered, spineless POS’s. Hence the ramping up of Femdoms as the defacto std of American women. If women (Pacific NW region) are not heifers, then the cute ones are Femdoms. Oh, and lavishly mix in toxic doseages of ‘man hating cunt elitism’….Gag!

Btw I’m a lot older than the majority of the members of this board. After 45+ girlfriends and 400 dates, all will I say (about American Women) is the quality has been going downhill for 25+ years.

Screw reducing the national debt, start importation of quality women (re Scorpio’s manifesto), not another reproduction cycle of watered down American female DNA!


5 years, 5 months ago

i dont think brit girls are worse than american but a lot of them are full of their own self importance and are either snobs or tarts but some are ok, but are no where near as good as other euro girls, so in some respects a bit like americans but not quite as bad but bad enough, i prefer french/italian/spanish or eastern euros anytime

5 years, 5 months ago

Scorpion I didn’t mean that American women are gems just because Canadian and British women are worse.

I know that British males complain a lot about the unfair laws in Britain against husbands. Also a lot of the Canadians in “Canada Light” near Jersey say that things are bad there with feminism.

5 years, 5 months ago

Gary, I can’t figure out if you’re stupid or just evil. You (purposefully?) left out the other half of the news on intelligence and gender. There are more male geniuses to be sure, but if you actually READ the research results you’d also know that there are also more mentally retarded men than women.

Down Syndrome (also Asperger’s and Autism, BTW) are primarily masculine afflictions. The reason for this that men are more varied when it comes to intelligence. Womens’ IQ’s cluster a little bit more around the mean. Just a little bit.

I could easily point to the same research and say men are dumber than women, because just look at who’s riding the short bus: BOYS!

5 years, 5 months ago

And I must say . . . I just skimmed this thread, and what a bunch of bitterboys.

I always found it strange how when I’m on business travel, the businessmen men think I’m visiting from Europe. Now I get it.

If you can take gender out of your premise, you could have a valid argument. It’s true that Americans in general are too fat, too rude, and too sloppily dressed compared to their Euro counterparts. AMERICAN MEN, especially, are the fattest, rudest, and most poorly dressed men of all. The American men I’ve dated compare very poorly to my European lovers, in terms of intelligence, social savvy and consideration of women. There simply is no comparison.

What makes me snicker, though, is the idea of you beta bitterboys on this thread leaving for Europe to find yourself some submissive European pussy. As if they’d even have you? How many languages do YOU speak?

5 years, 5 months ago

Hedonistic, women can’t:

1. Drive
2. Do math very well
3. Make comic books, even cartoons for kids. Have you noticed how bad cartoons have become since more women “artists” were hired? The best cartoons were in the ’80s and early ’90s with Ducktales, Thundercats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman.

As Napoleon Bonaparte said: “Women are only good at being baby-making machines.” :-)

I don’t actually believe that but probably some truth in it.

5 years, 5 months ago

Hedonistic yes American men in general also have a host of problems. I agree with this even though I’m an American male. The problem is that our women are even worse, and nothing’s worse than a spoiled female!

5 years, 5 months ago

-:Gary, I can?t figure out if you?re stupid or just evil.:-

Quite a bit of both!

5 years, 5 months ago

Women can’t drive? THAT explains why women pay LESS for auto insurance!! WOW, thanks for pointing that out! I had it all backwards.

So, a few weeks ago when my Calculus professor told me I could skip the final because I aced everything and there was no point to my taking the test . . . that was a fluke, I suppose? Maybe I just gave him a blow job. Um, yeah, that. :tard:

I suppose I should call up my mother and tell her she’s really not a mathemetician, and that her career as an officer at the Federal Reserve Bank was a hallucination. I’ll up her meds.

I’ll also tell my daughter that the straight As she’s getting in math are an embarrassment to her gender and enroll her in Home Ec toute-suite. She’ll hate me, but thank me someday when she’s up to her knees in babies and housework. NOT!!!!!

Is that better?

As for the comics . . . (slaps forehead) . . . WTF??????? That’s a measure of INTELLIGENCE? WTF WTF WTF?!?!?!?!? Oh, I get it, silly me. I can’t believe I’ve been pulled into a debate with some punk with the emotional and mental makeup of a nine year old boy. Joke’s on me. AUGH. I’m out of here, dudes.

5 years, 5 months ago

get lost u fat ugly cunt lol, as scorpion would say, its no supprise american men and women hate each other so much ,i mean u got american women with their over zealot views and superiority complex and the men cant be bothered anymore because of this and your goverments bias against them ,no wonder they only like euro girls and you have the highest divorce rates in the world because of the feminist ideals the women love so much, what ever happened to good old family values get back to 50s i say

yes its true our goverment along with yours is bias against men when it comes to families and divorce the bitches get it all its shit i know, but unless you get enough people to stand and demand for change nothing will ever happen

5 years, 5 months ago

its true women are shit drivers along with most other things, when did you ever see a women champion in indy/nascar/F1/WRC and other motor sports as well as motorcycle racing the answer never even though they have been given chances in the past when i comes to the crunch they just cant make the cut

they get lower insurance because its another bias against men to make us look bad as the tv/media always try to do its fucking bullshit again, the only reason i know of is because men get road rage and drink drive more buts it a very small minority so we all have to suffer

5 years, 5 months ago

i cant believe that cow saying men are evil for daring to say what witches they are ,they just hate hearing the truth

5 years, 5 months ago

its really funny this page the way it evokes so much anger towards each other

5 years, 5 months ago

the main prob in america is that everyone thinks the problems they have are everybody elses fault, whats with all this whining “i need to see my therapist” its only americans that do this bullshit the rest of sort our own problems and get on with it,you should do the same

5 years, 5 months ago

“women in the usa try to fuel up and keep alive really old subject matter and try desperatley to keep it alive when everyone else has forgotten it, its so sad and desperate its like trying to keep someone whos brain is dead on a life support machine, its futile and pathetic ”

Yeah, like this thread… being run by the fanboys in here.

5 years, 5 months ago

Women’s insurance rates are lower because men like to think with their dicks when they drive and kill themselves more often behind the wheel because they like to do stupid shit.

There’s intellectual superiority for you.

5 years, 5 months ago

Look what we have here.

More shit faced american shit trash feminits.

Hedonist your nothing but an un-cultured dirt bag fat obese cow women.
Just like most american women, your nothing but a career minded piece of shit waste of a life.

I have traveled all over the world and women from
Rio-Prauge-Bangkok, put American women to shame.

Unlike you hedonist, women from those places are more cultured, smart, obedient, caring, they cook an excellent meal, clean, and more willing to have non-stop sex. They also strive to be slim and tight unlike American dirt bag women who think its good to be BBW like yourself.

Also American women only suck dick to get promoted or enter a university. The only reason why there alot of women in college is because
they(mostly the hot ones) sucked a bunch of cocks to get in.

Oh by the way, what is so wrong with Home Ec?

In Mexico, it is a mandatory class for the elite women in Mexico. For your information, the elite of Mexico are fair skinned or beautifully mixed.

There not the dark skinned nannies that takes of your kids while you suck your bosses dick while your at work.

Face it hedonist your just angry that American women are turning to foreign wives. Feminists get angry because they feel average men should accept BBW obese ridden women, instead of the the leggy tight bodied, bubble butt girls from Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia.

Maybe if American women were more cultured, sexually open, and were not career minded, then we would have no need to turn to foreign wives.

However you American women are such evil scum that American men will avoid you like the plague.

5 years, 5 months ago

This thread keeps going on because DCB drew attention to it in a recent post.

. . . mmmm . . . yeah. Scorpion knows what I look like, whether or not I have a career or any culture, and whether or not I wish to marry, and whether or not men avoid me. Oh, and apparently I’m a fat cow too. Moo!

DCB, you need to add a smilie of rolling on the floor laughing!

And this takes the cake: I’m “just angry that American WOMEN are turning to foreign wives.” Well, if I were gay I suppose I might be! :banana:

I’m not shitfaced yet, but Friday is a comin’ so at least Scorpion will have the “shitfaced feminist” part right. :crazy2:

5 years, 5 months ago

every bloke i know hates feminists and if they were to go out with a girl that started prattling on about this they would tell em to shut the fuck up you silly cow or get rid,its obvious that this hedonistic bird is a real sour faced bitch as you never get to hear anything about her being married, so its obvious you are the type of witch scorpion hates so much about yankee birds, no 1s bothered about women gettin equal opportunities its about the fact the feminists hate this fact, they dont want real equality as they would have nothing to gripe about they want women to the dominant sex and push the need for men out of the equation all together, they want to destroy all traditional family values and curse any woman as a traitor who does not go along with their vile spittle, what on earth is wrong with the idea of a normal family life you stupid bitches

5 years, 5 months ago

and the main feminists i am talking about are the you guessed it the american ones ,though aussie and some brit middle class bitches are also the same or similar in views, they all need to rot before theres a riot to kill you all, lol

5 years, 5 months ago

hmm. I’m a delivery driver for a pizza company with insurance for a Mustang, V8, single, 25 and not in college BUT my insurance is a quarter of my female boss’s (who has totalled 9 cars). Hence why she’s not a driver anymore and stays in the store.
The confusion about lower rates for females was probably determined and authorized by female corporate CEO who takes a limo to work everday.

Good to see that your working your ass off in school Hedonistic. Maybe your daughter and her A’s will land her a position with her feminist friends as an insurance CEO. lol

Since your Reserve Bank mother is sooo good in math, just ask her to calculate the rate of men leaving American women for foreign wives!


5 years, 5 months ago


I’m actually laughing at men like Scorpion. He has bad manners, poor impulse control, and no culture of his own to speak of. He has the emotional maturity of an 11-year old and puts off the vibe of someone who would love to be in the military but can’t because he failed the psychological screening process.

The sex lives bitter beta-boys get to enjoy involve internet porn, rubber dolls and their left hands. And, if they ever earn any money to speak of, the occasional sex tour to a third-world country where desperately poor women will put up with them for 10 minutes in exchange for a handful of bills or a sandwich. Yeah, that’ll be their “international culture,” and the totality of their experience with women overseas. Barf.

I feel sorry for men like Scorpion.

Men: You’ve all been duped, by everything from Maxim to television sitcoms to pornography, to the point where the average, uncultured, undereducated, dumpy American man feels entitled to a Hot Chick. So entitled that you will cast bitter, resentful aspersions on the normal American women who won’t give you the time of day. Here’s a news flash, guys: You’re not so hot yourselves. Even if you have pretty faces your vibe screams Ugly. I’d probably pass every one of you on the street without paying you any attention, not because I’m stuck up, but because men like you have nothing to offer a woman of ANY nationality. Nothing.

(That said, half of the males dominating this thread are probably still in high school. Which means, by typing this I’m giving them more attention than they’d rate in real life.)

5 years, 5 months ago

Hedonist you obviously dont realize that its MEN that travel to places like Eastern Europe, South American, and Asia.

For us men those places are Heaven on Earth.

Unlike American shit faces like you, the women there are more sexually open and they also know how to cook a great meal.

You on the otherhand are a product of crack whore feminist.

Every average men has a right to a hot beautiful women.

Thats why I visit Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Aregentina, Costa Rica, Thailand. I thank God every day that places like this exist for American men.

Unlike you I have a six figure salary so of course I was able to visit these great destinations.

The women from those destinations are meant for us avearage guys because guess what,they consider American men are the GREATEST husbands in the world.

I had a blast visiting those places and enjoyed non-stop sex with those high quality women.

American women like yourself Hedonist are obese BBW pieces of shit that care more about being “independent” and having “careers” just so they can be like men.

Hedonist I know your scared that foreign women are more beautiful physically and personality wise then your.

I know your scared by the fact that average American guys are going to get these high quality women over your morbidly obese sisters.

Now go to Jenny Craig after you finished watching that pile of crap show Oprah.

5 years, 5 months ago



5 years, 5 months ago

its true american women are vile/arrogant/egotistical/vain/plastic/fake/foul mouthed/ugly/worthless bitches that deserve all the abuse they get and i’m not even american

5 years, 5 months ago

i dont even remember how i stumbled across this page as i only use the net for buying/selling and looking for torrents files, it makes me laugh though the extremes of view people have

5 years, 5 months ago

Well maybe thats something Hedonistic and I have in common because I don’t give American women a second look either because they have nothing to offer.

You might actually do better with a foreign man? Who knows? One that is apparently smarter, more tactful, and last but not least, richer..

(by the way, I don’t even Scorpion’s posts, I skip over them)

5 years, 5 months ago

Craig, you nailed it: My last two lovers were Swiss-Canadian and Israeli. The next (we’ll see?) has dual citizenship (British-Sierra Leone). I haven’t completely written off American men, but it’s clear that over the past 2 years or so I’ve developed a taste for brilliant, highly educated and gallant foreigners, deeply decent men who would never dream of even reading a thread such as this, let alone participate on one. They are also shrewd businessmen, so yes, what you said. None of them worry where their next meal is coming from, that’s for sure . . .

The only American who still manages to get into my pants every now and then is an “ex” I can’t seem to get over. I’m sure the fever will pass eventually.

5 years, 5 months ago

maybe that the best thing then american men can get the sexy sevile foreign women they want and the women can get a weedy nerdy weak willed smalled dick gimp they can use as a dog or a doormat

5 years, 5 months ago

Men’s auto insurance is higher because a man is much braver than a woman. This bravery makes him reckless and stupid in some cases but more times than not, songs and great poems are written about it :-)

Here’s my favorite one in fact, I’ve always loved it since I was a kid.

5 years, 5 months ago

i think in general youger guys use cars as toys and tear around flat out everywhere and older guys go out on the piss and drive home and get pulled by traffic pigs

5 years, 5 months ago

American women are nothing but the lowest scum on the planet.

American Women=obese, foul smelling, career minded, independent, dirtbag, gold digging, STD, ridden, fenminist, men wannabee, piles of druggy trash.

Foreign Women=beautiful ,cultured,
sexually open(condomless sex), slim, tight, traditional.

Hedonist all you resort to is retarded images beacause just like every other American women, your a disease. You can date the gay ridden Euro men, while we take there hot women. If a pussified man is what you want, then by all means, go European. Guess what European men, except Brits, are all little bitch faggots. By the way I think your daughter is also a crack whore.

5 years, 5 months ago

I don’t see the a heap of difference between American Women and women in the Ancient Roman Empire.They are just as degrading and they have a very low IQ.I blieve that 99.9% of the women in America are rude,unfriendly,ant-social,stuck up.I believe that women in America truly date bad boys and players,so that they can prove that the women at the N.O.W.are correct when they say all men are evil.If these women went after the nice, shy type of guys then that would prove that the people at N.O.W. are a load of crap.I come to believe that if you are a nice guy living in America women tread you like you are a ghost or your invisible.

5 years, 5 months ago

Hedonistic makes a lot of sense and is just about the only person posting who sounds intelligent.

Scorpion, do you ever read what you type? (slade too, actually) Most of your sentences sound like they were written by an 11-year-old. Maybe they were? For goodness sake, sometimes it’s “you’re” and not “your.” Not that fixing your typing errors would really help anyone take you seriously. What with such intelligent content.

5 years, 5 months ago

Anonymous, until you have six inches of meat down there be quiet. Next.

5 years, 5 months ago

Ninety percent of what you say is a logical fallacy, if not more. Including your response, Gary.

C’mon, men are supposed to be the intelligent ones, remember? At least be a good representation.

5 years, 5 months ago

But it’s true. Until you have 6-inches down there you will be a woman and hence not fully capable of independent thought. And truthfully, I like women just fine the way they are as long as they’re kept in check :-)

5 years, 5 months ago

And that, my dears, is why Gary sleeps alone. I rest my case. Next?

5 years, 5 months ago

condomless sex… you really are a stupid ass, Scorpion. Not “brave” - stupid. Yes, indulge all those “sexually open” European women without a condom… please. It won’t take long before you catch your death, and from the sound of what you write here, that’s a good thing.

5 years, 5 months ago

The last two Annonymous posters and hedonist are gay ridden child molester pedophile faggots.

Only gay liberals try to correct grammar.

American women are all feminist rats. Especially the Anglo-White women. They are totally asexual unless some bad boy biker comes along.

The ONLY American women that are good are the fair-skinned Latinas. The type that you would see on the Spanish channel. You can find them in Southern California and Miami. They cook, clean, work less, stay home, and actually give awesome BJs and swallow.


An example is Hedonist who also has a daughter that will grow up to be a hooker(ugly one), since single women raising daughters are low class.

Again the last poster that criticized me for going to Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia for sex is gay.

Defending American women is clear sign of gayness and only faggot pussified men defend obese or bitch attitude women.

5 years, 5 months ago

theyre just the sour faced cunts u and i hate so much, the cheek of the twat criticising grammar and spelling, its a forum for voicing oppinions not a high school literature test

5 years, 5 months ago

Good thing- because if it were, you would fail.

5 years, 5 months ago

I’d rather sleep alone than with 90% of American women. They’re in severe need of taming.

Who wants to go first? :-)

5 years, 5 months ago

you cheeky cunt you no nothing about me or my education so shut the fuck up

5 years, 5 months ago

Dont worry about it slade.

These left wing radical feminists and there faggot allies are all dirtbags.

They cant win so now they resort to attacks on grammar/spelling. Truly pathetic.

It is a fact. American women are threatened by hot foreign women.
There scared the average male will be walking down the street with hot woman.

If American women were more kinder to the nice guys, we would not need hot foreign women.

However American women dug there own funeral.

5 years, 5 months ago


I have questions for you. Do you plan to marry one of the women in Easter Europe, Latin America and Asia? Or do you just want to have fun with them? How old are you? When did you discover the beauty of foreign women? Do you plan to bring a foreign wife to where you live? Where do you live? How do you get hooked up with women when you travel? I am just wondering.

5 years, 5 months ago


I frequent Eastern Europe, South America and Asia alot. Right now I frequent those places in order to have fun with the beautiful women of those areas of the world.

Eventually I plan on marrying. Right now I am focused on my career(which is what ONLY straight men are suppose to do).

If I had to choose which girl I would marry. I would say either a Brazilian or a Czech girl.

I became attracted to foreign women, after many rejections by american women. Also many american women I dated were very deceitful and uncultured.

A friend of mine one day asked me to join him on a trip to Budapest and Prague, since he noticed I was down on my luck. Since that moment I got a new job that allows flexibility and travel, and as a result, I have been dating only foreign women.

If I do date an American woman, its only Latinas from Miami or Southern California, because
Anglo-American women are feminist scumbags.

5 years, 5 months ago

its true white american women are lowlife,i hear also it might be coming to an end,an end to the nerdy ,weak,faggoty, spineless men the women in the states love so much, and a return to the John Wayne hero types the feminist bitches hate so much

5 years, 5 months ago


as an American, things continue to get worse here.

White American women have destroyed this country. They either want a bad boy tattooed freak or a closet faggot.

White Women in this country do not want honest, kind hearted men.

THe day white American women start working short hours, attain traditional values, and maintain proper weight and appearnce(short skirts), and more sexually open, it will be a great day.

5 years, 5 months ago

they like them gold toothed niggers as well hung like a donkeys

5 years, 5 months ago


So you had many rejections with American women before. Do you know why you got rejected? Did you feel that their rejection was done with a wrong reason? It would be nicer to overcome American women and foreign women both.

What I hate American women most about is that they try to choose a man. That is so unfeminine. Can they seek to be chosen and cherished? Being cherished is for their own good as well as the good of the chooser (man).

5 years, 5 months ago

though mostly an american disease feminism has spread to other parts of the world, parts of europe,new zealand and australia, but never really took off the way it did, and still does exist in america ,its definately something you dont hear much about in the UK anymore thankfully, though there are a few left in left wing politics and media but thankfully theyre all getting on in years and will fade away with no apparent wannabees to fill theyre shoes.

its just the american white women that continually fuel its fire, its about the the yankee men ganged up and did something about it,as the rest of the world thinks your a bit of a joke the way you let women run the show

5 years, 5 months ago


two reasons why I hate America.

1) Worst women ever
2) Worst rail system(I wish we had high speed 200-300mph rail like Japan or Germany) Amtrak Sucks.

Other then that I would die for what my fore fathers intended for this nation.


American white women do not like me because I am nice and have chivalrous values.I will give you 2 examples, and you see why I hate American white women.

Example 1

I remember many years back, when a girl in college that was in my history class. This girl was hot and would constantly ask me about helping her with her papers. However when I asked her if she wanted to go out for some coffee, she would constantly mention her boyfriend and that would be the end. Turns out this cunt never had a boyfriend

Example 2

I was in NYC on a rainy night and I was walking to the subway. I saw a very attractive women walking towards me. Her purse slipped from her hands and all the contents she had fell out onto the soaking wet pavement. I proceeded to pick up all those contents and give give it to her. I volunteered to get her a cab but she essentially said “get lost”. She did not even say thank you which is all I really wanted.

So as you can see Eddy, my reasons are justified for hating american women. Plus when I refer to american women, I am refering to white american women.
Thats why I prefer hot foreign women because they are more physically beautiful, cultured, and kinder then American women.

5 years, 5 months ago

An American woman has several fundamental problems that will never go away and that will get much worse a few years after she is married:

1. Her inherent anti-male bias and pre-occupation with fairness that was drilled into her at high school, college, and through the media. Her constant confrontations and trying to prove herself and to make a point.

2. Her self-centeredness, her ridiculously high expectations, her sense of entitlement, her high-maintenance, superficial, and stuck up attitude, her snootiness and her sense of superiority. This “princess” syndrome means that she will always think that she is better than you, and that she deserves and she is entitled to whatever she wants from you.

3. Her general mental instability and psychological disorders.

4. Her using sex as a weapon and reward to get things.

This is just further reinforced everyday through my work. For any of you who read my very first post on this thread, the choice IS clear.

5 years, 5 months ago


that sounds about right what i’ve seen and heard about american women they are real ballbreakers, i dont blame american guys turning theyre backs on them,thats why you have the highest divorce rates in the world it has nothing to with the men its all your hateful bitch women thats the cause, yet the women still claim its the mens fault and your ludicrous government and judicial system agrees with them

5 years, 5 months ago


I am sorry about the two women in example 1 and example 2. You must’ve felt disrespected, used and lowered. I am sorry about that. I get reminded of my bad experiences with American women. You could’ve won some American women over if you kept trying the same woman with confidence.

To my belief, a single available woman should not say “no” to any man approaching her. However, after spending some time, she can say no on the following grounds:
1) He does not really love her for who she is;
2) He can’t understand her;
3) He is financially unstable or extremely ugly; and
4) He is too selfish.

5 years, 5 months ago


you do not want to hear about the ones I “won” over.

They seriously had some psychotic personality disorders about them.Its actually one of the other reasons whyI date only foreign women or american-born latinas.

White American women are nothing but scum of the planet. They care more about themselves and seem to always have evil motives.

Slade is right, more then half of the divorces in America are the fault of women. The legal system in America has been destroyed by women. I am not advocating a Taliban(there gay) approach BUT, men deserve more power.

The divorce rate with foreign women is only 20 percent.
Clearly this means American women are nothing but trash.

5 years, 5 months ago


Did you ever try women in the midwest or south? Mosf of them are not physically attractive but many of them have traditional values.

I find Russians (women and men both) somewhat dishonest. What do you think about that? Is there any possible good quality about American women?

5 years, 5 months ago

most of the women i hear from the deep south states are from very poor backgrounds so tend to be whores or junkies, more likely both,you discribe them as trailer trash or white trash i believe

you do have to be careful with some dodgy dating sites offering beautiful russian/ukranian women, as a lot of them are a scam and are run by mafia type organisations

5 years, 5 months ago


if a woman has trad values but looks like jabba the hut, thats just as bad. I have talked to them, but picturing them naked makes me vomit. I have been to the midwest and South and came out not too satisfied.

The only hot women in America exist in Miami and Southern Cali. In Miami you will encounter many tight bodied latinas descending from Cuba. In Southern Cali, you can find latinas are mixed in with some whites and have beautiful features. For example Jessica Alba.

Eddy I also have been to Russia. Russian women are more honest then American women. There extrememly beautiful and have more trad values.

However I would reccomend that you stay away women from places like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kazakstan. These us to be part of Russia before it broke up in 91. They tend to NOT be good looking.

Also Slade is correct. Many agencies in Russia are run by the Russian Mafia, you would have to becareful.

5 years, 5 months ago


I still have one more question. Would you please share with all of us your secret of how to meet women when you are on travel? Do you just approach a beautiful woman? After conquering a foreign woman, do you keep in touch with her? Or do you leave her for another woman? You know that the biggest fear for women is to be abandoned, don’t you? Every woman fears this, whether American or foreign. Feminine women fear it more though.

5 years, 5 months ago


Honestly all you have to do is be yourself.

However if being yourself means being arrogant, loud, and being an asshole, the foreign women will not like that.

Be chivilarous and talk slowly. Most important is to learn about the culture and history of a particular country you intend to go to prior to visiting.

Most of the time I try to keep in touch, but if I am in one night stand mood, then I abandon.

The great thing about visitig Eastern Europe, South America, or Asia, is that the atmosphere is more peaceful, and more cultured the the U.S.A.

5 years, 5 months ago


With due respect, please be aware that foreign women you value and cherish are vulnerable and giving to you. Please be likewise giving and considerate of their needs, their needs to be loved. I hope that you invite these women to your US home at your expenses and treat them well. I also hope that once these women give you their hearts you don’t break their hearts. Love these wonderful women. Love is patient, kind, committed, respectful, humble, sacrificial and forgiving!

5 years, 5 months ago

Eddy you’re very right about your last post.

5 years, 5 months ago


I treat foreign women with respect. I actually hate some American men that go there witn an abnoxious attitude.

There basically drunk bastards.

There should always be a balance.

5 years, 5 months ago

love em and leave em eh lol

5 years, 5 months ago

Thanks Gary. Thanks for your reply, Scorpion. I am now quite relieved. Now I know that you are indeed a good man appreciating good women.

5 years, 5 months ago


I read a news article today. It says that according to recent votes (votes by Europeans and Asians) Braziliam women are the most beautiful. Wow. Best women in Brazil!

5 years, 5 months ago

I’m working in a predominantly Mexican neighborhood right now and the Mexican ladies are very pretty. Plus they seem feminine and normal women.

Man I sure wish American females would become like that again

5 years, 5 months ago

yes brazilian girls are amongst the best, mexican ladies are also very nice along with other south and central americans

5 years, 5 months ago

i dont think theres much chance of american women coming back to being anywhere near as close as them again gary

5 years, 5 months ago

Just a note on women from the deep South. If you cherish your sanity -STAY AWAY!

5 years, 5 months ago

Brazilian women are very beautiful.

They are kind, caring, and keep there bodies tight, toned, and tanned.

You get a beautiful mix of women. I prefer the White or White-Native combination. They are drop dead gorgeous and have sexy accents.

Having a brazilian riding and screaming in Portugese is a great sight, unlike the Anglo white women that sound like dogs.

In Mexico there are very beautiful women as well who have trad values. Contrary to the sterotype by feminists saying Mexicans are only dark skinned; if you go to Mexico city, you will see a wide assortment of beautiful women.

Having sex with the is great since they like to say “aye papi”.

However STAY AWAY FROM CANCUN. ONLY American white anglo dirt bag cunts are there. All they do is tease.

All white anglo women=trash

5 years, 5 months ago

Living in the Communist Peoples Republic of Maryland,I can tell you that the women her are the worst.The white women here are the pits.I have to live in this state with that ultra feminist politician Barbara Mikulski.Barbara Mikulski supports putting voting booths in the jails so crimnals can vote.She votes to the left of Vladimir Lenin.The women in this state have crooked teeth,are obese,high drug abuse problems,having babies by several men,the tightest gun control laws,and etc.I feel like I am living in the last Days of the Pagan Roman Empire.The white female trash in this state helped to bring this state to ruins.

5 years, 5 months ago

sounds shit mike

5 years, 5 months ago

wheres all the bitches gone theyve gone quiet all of a sudden

5 years, 5 months ago

shoot the cunt i say mike

5 years, 5 months ago

the worst possible thing that will probably happen at some stage in the future, in the US, is that you idiots will end up voting for a woman as president and mens lives will become even worse than they already are how i’ll laugh, scorpion will probably either emigrate or put a gun to his head

5 years, 5 months ago

Other places have had and do have women presidents. Only difference is that they’re not crazy feminists. I will never vote for a woman candidate for president in the USA!

5 years, 5 months ago

Unless that women is maybe and I mean just maybe Condi Rice, then maybe and again just maybe I would vote.

However Slade is correct though if any other woman did become president like Hilary Clinton or some other Nazi feminist.

I will either emigrate or put a gun to my head. Actually those were my plans if Kerry had won.

5 years, 5 months ago

Scorpion are you mad? Condi is a known feminist and has the same views as Bush. I wouldn’t vote for ANY American woman as president except maybe my mother.

5 years, 5 months ago

i think gary is right i wouldnt trust that women as far as i could throw her, shes a woman in power after all, and would likely bring in even more laws promoting women in power ,and and ball crushing policies against white men

yes hilary clinton as a president would be your worst nightmare scorpion get the gun ready

5 years, 5 months ago

sweden is the worlds worst country for feminist bitch laws even worse than the US, they even brought out a law that states that prostitution is a form of male violence towards women, and another to make men sit down on the loo when going for a piss as its a form of empowerment against women (this cuntry wants bombing)

now dont let the american bitches find out about this lol

5 years, 5 months ago

Anonymous said (Re: insurance rates):”There?s intellectual superiority for you.”

Riddle me this:
1)Women pay higher interest rates for loans
(housing/consumer basis: consult any F&I mgr at an car dealer. Quite enlightening.)

2)MAYBE 1 out of a 100 bizjet (corporate flight departments) pilots are women, while about 5 out of 100 flight instructors are women….after 25 years of being in the business aviation sector, it’s not difficult to see constant trends.

and 3)You’re still screwing your ex? Really?
Why not try the ‘Black market’ if you desire to be worshiped….no wonder why 80%+ of antidepressants perscribed are to women (ask any pharmacist or pharmacist tech)….now that is a disturbing trend.

The older I become, the more dismal the quality of American women. Now, Ms Anonymous, what was the focal point of your “intellectual superiority”……? Amuse me.

5 years, 5 months ago


I have more questions for you, since you travel a lot. How do you compare Braziliam women/culture to Arjentina women/culture? Are people in Arjentina as warm as people in Brazil? Did you feel safe when you were in Brazil? Which city do you usually vist when you go to Brazil? Did you ever consider relocating to one of these countries, leaving behind all the non-sense in America? It will be nice to live half of a year in Latin America if affordable.

5 years, 5 months ago

the bitches who come on here try to use sarcasm to put their ponintless,groundless points of view across because they have no grounds to gripe about anything these days its only men that do because we have been so hard done by over the years by unfair bias laws

5 years, 5 months ago

spcwby, excellent points

5 years, 5 months ago

I was kidding, I would never really vote for Condi, unless it was Condi vs Hillary or Condi vs Michael Moore.

Slade, Sweden has good looking women, but I wish the U.S.A and the U.K. invade Sweden, kill all the men, and make the women sex slaves. Sweden is nothing but a country full of pussies.

Eddy, I would have to say Brazilian are slightly more warmer then Argentinians. Both women though are equally beautiful.
However if your looking for black women then go to Brazil, because Argentina has a much smaller portions of black.
I usually pefer White or White mixed Amerinidan looking women.

Cities in Brazil to visit are Rio of course and Sao Paulo. However at night time becareful. They are notorious for being the one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

Bueonos Aires in Argentina is safe. You will find a load of beautiful women there. They have European features and are fun to talk to.

I still prefer Brazil because of Deep kisses and the fact that they will swallow cum. Its awesome.

Whichever place you chose, the women are ten times more beautiful then american dog looking women.

5 years, 5 months ago

its true the swedes do have have hot birds but the men they are stuck with are a bunch of blonde spineless wimps yes we should kill the guys there we’d be doing em a favour

5 years, 5 months ago

its true along with columbia, brazil and the south african town ships are amonst the most dangerous places to go at night or even in the day if u end up in the gun crime areas by mistake watch out

5 years, 5 months ago

American women remind me of the really religious fucked up women who serve in the army in Iran. They are jealous of the more modernized girls who are damned beautiful, so those unibrowed religous bitches beat other girls up on the streets. This is because these bitches are dirty ugly animals. The same goes with American women,they are always jealous of Euro chicks so they come to websites like this and disagree with everyone. Also to Scorpion, i have been to East Europe too when i lived in Germany and the women there are gorgeous and cannot even be compared to American women.

5 years, 5 months ago

I love Eastern European girls.

American white women hate Eastern European women because they know that the nice shy guys will end up with the Eastern European women.

American feminist w hite cunts only want average guys to be with ugly women. That is there belief. They feel only muscle bound men should have the beautiful women.

Since Eastern European women are more realistic, they prefer the average shy nice guy. In the end average guys win because Eastern European women along with South American, and Asian women are drop dead gorgeous.

5 years, 5 months ago

also the men in eastern europe are very hard on their women and often beat them and treat them like dirt,american and brit average guys are alot less likely to do this and treat them with respect, and they like this

5 years, 5 months ago

We men are really in trouble if we wake up the day after Election Day and have to hear the words”President Elect Hillary Clinton”and a new Democratic Elected House and Senate,With Nancy Polosi as the new speaker.I believe that we will be done as a Republic.The men will be barred from leaving the country to find a foreign wife,and the women will be barred from coming to this country to meet and marry their fiance.

5 years, 5 months ago

If the Clinton/Pelosi-Dem Nazi ever wins, and they try to stop me from immigrating to a country full of beautiful women, I dare them to shoot me.

No feminist has the right to stop an average man from seeking nonstop gratutious sex from beautiful women from Eastern Europe, South America, or Asia.

I rather get shot then stay in a county full of obese bound feminist career minded dogs.

5 years, 5 months ago


Why don’t you emigrate to Brazil? You will enjoy your life over there. I am getting married this year, and my Finnish fiance would very like to settle in Argentina or Brazil with me in a few years.

5 years, 5 months ago

clinton for president lol

5 years, 5 months ago

its true if them feminazis get in the white house you wont even be able to leave the house without asking yor wife for permision , you will be forced to marry carreer obesessed feminists that hate men and will treat you as slaves, force you to impregnate them with females only until you are no more than a gimp on a leash

i’ll be laughing so hard my sides will burst

5 years, 5 months ago

itll become so bad that no men will be allowed to leave the country only women, you will be forced to stay at home as house husbands looking after you daughters, the republicans will lose all their power and a new female dominated democrat party will take over for good after mens votes will be quashed, you will have female presidents from then on for good,the male population will deminish to a minimum leaving a few as sperm doning slaves, and others doing meanial task jobs like toilet cleaning

scorpion get you tickets out before its too late

5 years, 5 months ago

I guess I am on my way to Brazil if the Feminazis ever win.

5 years, 5 months ago

Someone asked where the women went. I think they left the neandrethals to whack off by themselves.

Rather like real life, I wager.

Circle jerk, anyone?


5 years, 5 months ago

The last poster is a gay feminist supporting faggot.

5 years, 5 months ago

probably just another feminazi they hate the truth the cunts

5 years, 5 months ago

So Uh, I haven’t heard much about French/Belgian women? Anybody seen, been, talked, slept or “all of the above” with one of them? Are they as hot as they are in those foriegn films that come on Showtime late at night? How about their personality?

5 years, 5 months ago

think they are ok so i hear, not into all that feminazi shit amercan women are

5 years, 5 months ago

how come the states has more feminazis than the rest of the world put together

5 years, 5 months ago

nazis were no where near as bad as feminazis, nazis killed aroud 12 million people but the feminazis want to kill off about 3 billion

5 years, 5 months ago

the thing is feminazis are the most evil creatures ever to have lived, they want all women to abort male foetuses along with other anti male legislation, no male group i know of
(i may be wrong) has ever expressed the term of male orientated gender rule and the abortion of the female foetus, and to have a male only society what the femicunts want, not sure what anyone else thinks such as scorpion

5 years, 5 months ago

feminists, career minded, sexually un-open, independednt, women are a disase.

5 years, 5 months ago

how do these vile creatures get away with the things they say,if a man were to come out with such statemnts about culling women he would likely get arrested or white supremists the same about niggers

5 years, 5 months ago

i saw an hilarious site, it was about a woman who had the great tattoo, it was a blood clenched fist and emblazended below the word cunt puncher, apparently dozens of feminazis came out to protest, all i can say to everyone is get one of these tattoos and really piss em off, as thats what they all need , a good punch or kick in the cunt, how funny

5 years, 5 months ago

hey Slade,

what is the website where you dound that.

5 years, 5 months ago

I despise the media because they portray American women to look like supermodels.I was watching MAX network late one night and it was the porno night (Friday).This women was bathing naked in a river,and this guys was watching her bath(If you or I would do that in the real world we would be charged with sexual harrassment).The guy was built nice(no beer belly),had tatoos on his back,good looks,drove a nice looking car,and lived in a nice mansion(financially secure).They go back to his mansion and have sex.I have seen several movies that always portrays the same type of men.The women has a supermodel type body, and the guy is either good looking with a six pack stomach,tattos,and drives a nice car.The only time you ever see some guy with a beer belly with a nice looking women,if the guy is a bad boy biker.

5 years, 5 months ago

american media/tv and film always portrays good looking guys and girls all getting along so harmoniously, what a joke nothing of the reality is ever portrayed, youd think feminazis didnt even exist but they do

5 years, 5 months ago

cant remember the exact site it was on there was lots of funny comments about cunt punching though here the tattoo#

5 years, 5 months ago

Slade that tatoo is hilarious. I think I might get one now. HOly shit.

As for Mike39, the media shows either buff faggot guys or herpes looking biker guys with hot women, because the media is controlled by the feminazis.

American Feminists cunts hate shy kind hearted men They only like buff fag looking guys or std ridden biker guys. However when those guys beat the women, the feminists will blame all men.

5 years, 5 months ago

very true

5 years, 5 months ago

support this and sign the petition

5 years, 5 months ago

easy listening lol

5 years, 5 months ago

From section on ‘Modern American Women’….My, my, how the bar has been lowered. What icons for modern young women to follow, Paris Hilton could learn a few tricks…Oh, wait, never mind.

NOW I understand DC’s frustrations, just a manifestation of American women values. And to think that I presumed the Pacific NW had problems with the abundance of skanks. Wrong!

The Skanks on Capitol Hill by Michelle Malkin

“Meet the new Monica Lewinsky. Jessica Cutler, a 24-year-old mailroom clerk and phone receptionist, worked for Sen. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, until last Friday — when he fired her for using Senate computers to post to an Internet Web log that chronicled her trysts with six different men in Washington. Cutler’s partners reportedly included government officials who gave her money for her sexual services.

Diary excerpt: “I just took a long lunch with F and made a quick $400. When I returned to the office, I heard that my boss was asking about my whereabouts. Loser.” In another entry, Cutler explains: “F(equals)Married man who pays me for sex. Chief of Staff at one of the gov agencies, appointed by Bush.”

Cutler, who aspired to be a journalist, spouted: “I’m sure I am not the only one who makes money on the side this way: How can anybody live on $25K/year??” When I was 24 and making less than that, I did it by eating Spaghetti-O’s, Ramen noodles and Swanson pot pies for dinner; driving a Toyota Tercel with no air conditioning; and sleeping on a $30 futon. I did it the way most parents teach their daughters to succeed: through hard work, thrift, faith and perseverance.

The Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post featured Cutler, who dubbed herself and her online diary “Washingtonienne,” in a prominent story last Sunday headlined “The Hill’s Sex Diarist Reveals All (Well, Some).” Cutler posed for a fetching photo and supplied juicy soundbites. “It’s so cliched. It’s like, ‘There’s a slutty girl on the Hill?’ There’s millions of ‘em,” Cutler told the Washington Post’s Richard Leiby. Millions? Follow-up dispatches appeared in Roll Call, the New York Post, the London Independent, United Press International and the Associated Press, whose wire reports on Cutler were reprinted everywhere from the Akron Beacon Journal to the Houston Chronicle to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The news media originally caught whiff of Cutler from an online D.C.-based gossip site,, authored by “edgy” (read: profanity-laced and sex-obsessed) writer Ana Marie Cox, who herself has been recently touted extensively by adoring media fans. CNN terrorism analyst Peter Bergen hosted a tony party for Cox last month; Washington Post reporter Howard Kurtz invited her on his CNN show, where she boasted, “I’m the expert at talking dirty.”

Cutler and Cox, 31, appeared together on Fox News Channel this week, where they giggled and guffawed and rolled their eyes as they reveled in their sleazy celebrity. When Fox anchor Brigitte Quinn (who deserves a medal for her restraint) asked Cutler whether her parents knew about her raunchy sex life, she snorted: “They do now!” Cox cackled and went on to coo about Cutler’s writing talent and future book publishing prospects. Cox generously mentioned she didn’t want too much “credit” for Cutler’s newfound notoriety. (”Credit?” Quinn mused subtly. “That’s an interesting word.”)

This female Beavis and Butthead duo illustrate what normal Americans hate about the Capitol scene: narcissism, moral bankruptcy and self-congratulatory media-political incest. The Washington Post’s legitimization of this shallow “story” illustrates something else: the mainstream media’s perverted moral values. The paper’s recent profiles and features of social conservatives drip with condescension and ridicule. Religious activists are portrayed as intolerant homophobes; Republicans as gun-toting rubes; abstinence promoters as freaks.

But give The Washington Post two vain, young, trash-mouthed skanks who couldn’t care less about what their parents think of their sex-drenched infamy, and the newspaper can’t wait to help make them full-fledged members of the media elite.

Cutler and Cox apparently have no trouble looking at themselves in the mirror every morning. I pity the mainstream journalists-turned-pimps who can do the same.”

5 years, 5 months ago

we have loads of them media skanks in the UK as well selling sleazy stories to tabloids about who they been sleeping with, usually sports stars,politicians and tv or film celebs ,they do anyhing for money and to reach z list celebrity status they nothing more than cheap whores

5 years, 5 months ago

i saw a riduclous article about how weird and insane feminazis are, one lesbo femicunt said any woman that sleeps with men is a traitor to all women, some of the so called straight or slightly saner nazis said we dont all agree with this statement, the mad nazi then denied she said it and said i would never say this as i dont see men or women, what this is supposed to mean is anyones guess i suppose it means that she sees people as A-sexual hermaphrodites or something thats how fucked up the minds of these femcunts are

5 years, 5 months ago

another one about feminazi they now call themselves womyn, notice the speling i’m glad because i dont even class these creatures as women theyre not even human as far as i’m cocerned

5 years, 5 months ago

Feminazi is a funny term. I will start using it.

5 years, 5 months ago

it is funny and them bitches hate it

5 years, 5 months ago

no american hot(the few that remain) women ever works honestly for anything

they all sleep there way too the top

5 years, 5 months ago


5 years, 5 months ago

all hot american women are either film or tv stars , porno sluts , or strippers

5 years, 5 months ago

From an MSN article (and blog) ?Does it pay to be married??

Btw check the income levels that are utilized as basis in the article, is it just me or was there intentional skewing of economics to develop the author?s theme? Then, again, what do I know?

Message #1 - Posted by BusinessAl on 07/27/06 09:46 AM

Is matrimony a detriment to your bank account? Tell us how marriage ? or being single ? has impacted your pocketbook.

Message #2 - Posted by miami advice on 07/27/06 10:35 AM

Marriage is only good for the male because its convenient for them. What male wouldn?t want to be married when he gets all the care done (cooking, washing, cleaning, and children etc.) and come home from work and not do a damm thing. The woman always gets the short end of the stick because she loses her independence and her youth if she?s not stupid. Don?t become married to the house because that?s what most husbands want.

The answer is it pays for the male and not the female in a marriage. I tell all women to keep some of their independence for a rainy day??

Women don?t love anyone more then yourself except the great creator of this great planet.

(truly an American Girl attitude, eh?)

Btw Scorpion, you’re spot on with your concepts.
I’m 42 swm (never married) who has seen every pathetic aspect of American women (coast to coast and border to border)and am gearing up for my 1st trip to Eastern Europe. Advice? Suggestions? Thank you in advance.

addendum I’m not into Latina’s as I don’t do well with their drama levels, and a J-Lo body shape does not ring my bell! Petite does …..

5 years, 5 months ago

that deffo sounds like an american bitch attitude, no bloke in their right mind would marry one of them and its crap the man always comes off worse in a marriage to an american or brit bitch

5 years, 5 months ago


I recommend you go Prague, Moscow, or Budapest.

Also Not all Latinas look alike. Jlo is ugly. She is from Puerto Rico which is just another American territory.

For South America, I suggest Rio and Sao Paulo. The beauty of Brazil is that it has women with many features. If you want White, Amerindian, or Black, slim, tight bodied, fat(if thats your fetish) whatever, you want you can get.

However I stress this to all American and UK men. Do NOT ACT LIKE A DRUNK or an ASSHOLE. Be courteous to the beautiful women of Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia, and you will have a great time.

5 years, 5 months ago

i agree about puerto rico all women and men from there are scum and are hated by south americans and central americans mexican women say that all women from puerto rica have razor teeth cunts

5 years, 5 months ago

Why I dislike American Women:
.They play games like giving men the wrong phone numbers
.They hate and despise nice friendly guys.
.They treat shy guys like they are rapist and child molesters
.They are either having sexual relations with 12 and 15 year old boys(there are so many teachers having sexual realtionships with boys)
.They are writing to and marrying serial killers in jail.
.They are attracted to the mean bad boy players types.
.They keep putting far left radicals politicians back in office.
.They look down on guys with low paying jobs(The same way the Ancient Romans looked down on the Plebians in the Roman Empire)
.They are the most rudest,most unfriendliest,crudest,self-centerest women to walk the face of the earth.

5 years, 5 months ago

The reason women date bad boy players,so they can use it as a tool to hate men,so that they can turn lesbian.

5 years, 5 months ago

i agree they are foul creatures your better off going to mexico and getting a nice hispanic girl

5 years, 4 months ago

I am Czech girl, live in Prague and have never been outside of Europe (I am sorry for my bad English). I happened to find your discussion and was quite surprised.

For Scorpion: OK, I have never met an American women, but your way to talk about them (extremely dirty) makes me distrust you. You criticize the arrogance of American women but seem to be arrogant in the same way. I see in my surroundings (Czech) quite happy relationships and married couples, but when there are some problems - in 80 percent it is a fault of the men. Many of them are selfisch, rude, lazy or just weird in a sense. I can not say the same about women.

Advices for spcwby: Try to give English lessons ?you will meet normal people, not like in bars etc. As an American you will be considered for rich - be careful. Please, don?t validate the clich? that the American and other foreigners come to Eastern Europe to look for ?sexually opened women? and ?cheap whores?? But of course I don?t know your priorities.

5 years, 4 months ago


To Czech Girl: Thank your for your input!

Sadly, Mike39 (3rd post up) has experienced the same source of narcissistic & nihilistic behaviour(s) that have evolved into such a toxic feminist standard for most (save 5%?) of American women.

I do not drink (ok, red wine), smoke, or do drugs. Additionally I do not watch tv or sports (though have built various racecars) or do the ‘bar scene’. Read from many sources of independent media. I’ve managed to do a great many things (yes, some regrets).
I love and respect women, though (from my experiences) American women cannot love and respect themselves. Not sure what American women have for values but, in an overview, it seems to reflect a corrosive and self-centered basis. Just like American society.

One of my employers (I’m a contract bizjet pilot for wealthy familes/private companies) just went through wife #5 in less than 30 days. Yikes, and it only cost him 1M as he had a prenup…smart dude, eh? Yeah, he’s no Angle either! Americans have damn near no morals, any guess why American CEO’s get the outragious compensation while the investors get screwed? What I’ve seen (and heard) you would half to cut by 50% for the public to believe. Alas, I digressed…just reflections of America that I’ve seen.

Btw Czech Girl, your English is a whole lot better than most Americans (both genders). All The Best in your journey through life.

“There is no such thing as a favorable wind for a man who has no idea where he is going”

5 years, 4 months ago

its best not to get married these days as english women can be as bad as americans, some not all are only in for what they can get out of you in the divorce courts, alot young women in the uk are not interested in careers like their mothers were they are only interested in either marrying a rich guy , becoming a z-list celeb by sleeping with famous guys then selling stories to newspapers or appearing on reality tv shows such as big brother, you see it all the time over here its become the new popular culture and way of thinking but thankfully most are not interested in feminizm which is a blessing its pretty old hat over here

5 years, 4 months ago

American women are money greedy ,materialistic +
false christians they are demons. A lot of them look ugly with flat butts and out of shape.They go after men who have a lot of money so they can use them.

5 years, 4 months ago

you get a lot of that in the uk as well

5 years, 4 months ago

To Czech Girl
I haven’t just been picking on American Girls.I have been picking on the bad boy players just as well.I don’t go to bars to look for women,I go to singles groups and the women there are just the same because I don’t have a college education woman,and I am stuck in a low paying job women look down on me the same way people the people look down on the Serfs in Medieval Times.I heard many cases where Nice Christian men tried to ask a women out in church,and the women told the pastor on the guys in the church.The guys got scolded by the pastor.Women in their 20’30’s and 40’s are the worst women on the planet.I met two Czech women working down the college bookstore.These girls didn’t treat me like I was some kind of outcast because I was making $6.00 an hour.I’ve tried the online personal ads,and as soon as i told the women my level of income I never heard back from them.

5 years, 4 months ago

You are cutting through sooo much bullshit and Im with you
one hundred percent.
Notice how these bitches try to emasculate you or challenge your sexual prowess. They are truly ruthless wenches who
need nothing more than to be bent over the kitchen sink.
Their feminist illusions have left them empty, they tried to fill the emptiness of being a good wife and mother, with all their career bullshit. These fuckin idiots dont realize they are truly
being priced out of the market of a good man by their own delusions of fucked up affirmation.
No straight and real guy wants a career slag.
It serves them right to be lonely, menopausal, hags that wish they had a family first.

Take that as your paycheck you fucking status whores
Your endless desire nature and emasculated faggots are ruining the free world. You will cry out one day for strong men to fight for you greeedy selfish asses

5 years, 4 months ago

Scorpion, you sound like one of those Arabic terrorists that spit out lines of profanity at the US.

Hey Czech baby, if you ever come to the US, look me up, I’ll show you around.. :)

5 years, 4 months ago

But Scorpion is right, J Lo is ugly, she needs to take back up her custodial career. teehee

5 years, 4 months ago


5 years, 4 months ago

None of this Euro v.s America really matters because Europe is a dying continent, their birth rates are excessively low (well the white birth rates are around 1.1), and they will be destroyed due to past Karma. And lets not get too hung up with European ‘culture,’ which is even if it has more tact is still actually based on material and external things.

Sure, European women are more feminine than American women, but that is more the fault of the foolish American man who wishes his women watch football and ‘be like the guys’ and ‘friends with benefits’ more than any Feminist movement. It is in the hands of the American males to start reassessing what they want from a woman, American males have the power to change this current mess. What you foolishly want in your late teens and early twenties (i.e sex) will deservedly haunt you later, because by your actions you are creating a class of women Neurotic and lacking in confidence , women you will have to marry.

5 years, 4 months ago

a lot of what indian says seems valid to me, it the fault of american men that they have let their women become what they have now sadly become a bunch of sour,ugly femicunts

5 years, 4 months ago

For the woman that claims to be “czech”, you are a liar and piece of shit cunt.

Even if you are czech, your like 1 percent of czech women. You would fit into America since you sound like a fat cow woman.

I have been to Prague, and the women there are kind, beautiful, and enjoy being women unlike American shit face women.

As for Craig, I thought you do not read my posts, you hypocritical faggot.

Indian, the reason Europes population has negative growth is beacause most European men(except UK) are gay ridden faggots and muslims continue to immigrate breed and to Europe in record numbers.

American men that support the feminazis are partly the ones to blame. Any man that supports white american women having more rights should be castrated.

Men that support the feminazis are worse then gays, since at least gays admit what they are, while men that support feminazis claim to be straight, when in reality they are closet gay faggots.

There are essentially two types of American women

1) The obese ridden fat cow that belives its good to a BBW. Usually men that like lard go for these women.
2) The last remaining 5 percent of hot women that walk around with stern almost masculine faces, and treat sex as something they do only when they have to. These women end up with bad boy biker guys or metrosexual faggots. Either way the marriage always ends in divorce since American women feel only they should be allowed to cheat.

Eastern European, South America, and Asian women are the best type of women to be with. They dress sexy, have hot accents, and love to please men. They have trad values and can cook a great meal.

If anyone likes American women over Eastern European, South American, or Asian women then they are gay.

5 years, 4 months ago

By the way Indian, the only woman that matters in a football game, is the cheerleaders.

I hate women that try to be “one of the guys”.

However “freinds with benefits” is a great system, I enjoyed it in South America and Eastern Europe. People that dont like hot women having casual sex are gay.

5 years, 4 months ago

I am gay, so I would know

5 years, 4 months ago

Wow an impersonator, totally pathetic.

5 years, 4 months ago

Hey. Let us talk about positives. What are great things about American women? I think American women have a sense of humor and quite entertaining. They are also good at advertising. If you impress an American woman, she can advertise you really well.

5 years, 4 months ago

Eddy, I hope you are joking. American women have zero sense of humor. They have stern robotic looking faces.

Also American women are horrible at entertaining.
Hey you dont have to travel to Japan to see a sumo wrestling match, because if you married an American woman, you have a live seat to a sumo wrestler.

American women CANNOT cook, clean,
suck dick(except if they want a job promotion), have proper sex, watch the kids, drive, excersise, dress properly, speak another language, and the list

5 years, 4 months ago

what i cant understand is now that the americans have the republicans in power and i know how much they hate liberals they have done nothing except wage war on the middle east (which is good),when they should be going out to change all the feminazi laws you have, cant understand it except i know george bush jr is very thick with an IQ less that 100, lower than average ,so hes probably too blind and stupid to notice and probably has never heard of feminists and feminazi counterparts the idiot

5 years, 4 months ago

the feminazis will love these film clips

5 years, 4 months ago

Reflection from the Flight Deck….

Senor Slade…your views are spot on as W (aka Shrub) really reflects (nothing like a mirro image, eh?) a majority of Americans. Hence the hatred of liberals because they really do think outside the box, that has been reinforced by State…er Corporate…media fanning the flames of discontent. The Sheeple need to be lead!

(Rant on, When has any conservative/neocon/ fundimentalist religious leader ever created anything that was a positive input for society? Ok, Rant off.),

btw I’m an American and open minded…which is an endangered species these days. Talk about the emerging Dark ages…

Senor Scorpion…..your as accurate as a heat seeking missle (on target)about American women.

Questionmundo…what is an acceptable age gap in eastern euro countries between older men and younger women for dating/marriage? I do not want to be an ‘typed’ as Ugly American pursuing their young woman just for their youth. I desire to marry and have children, which means leaving the aviation biz behind!

addendum I’ve made an aquaintance with a person who acts a tourguide to locales all over the world (evidently, the fishing in Cuba is amazing) and he reflects your comments about Eastern Euro AND Brazilian women being the very best. He mentioned that Croatia is emerging as the newest place to go….being where Poland was 15 years ago in the redevelopment curve.

Senor Mike39….not very good news about edu and income levels for single men concerning potential of marrying a (re American Cuntery)woman.
Damn…what a surprise?

Sunday NYtimes article: “The New Gender Divide.
Facing Middle Age With No Degree, and No Wife ”

5 years, 4 months ago

Trying Again (link to NYtimes article)

“Once, virtually all Americans had married by their mid-40?s. Now, many American men without college degrees find themselves still single as they approach middle age.

About 18 percent of men ages 40 to 44 with less than four years of college have never married, according to census estimates. That is up from about 6 percent a quarter-century ago. Among similar men ages 35 to 39, the portion jumped to 22 percent from 8 percent in that time.

At virtually every level of education, fewer Americans are marrying. But the decline is most pronounced among men with less education. Even marriage rates among female professionals over 40 have stabilized in recent years.

The decline in marriage can be traced to many factors, experts say, including the greater economic independence of women and the greater acceptance of couples living together outside of marriage.

For men without higher education, though, dwindling prospects in the labor market have made a growing percentage either unwilling to marry or unable to find someone to marry them…”

5 years, 4 months ago

poor old mickey boy left on the shelf, its strange america ,its all about status and education and very little to do with people as people, u get get the same type of status snobbery in the uk as well, professional middle class people will only associate themselves with other middle class professionals and see the working class people with poor education levels as inferior,stupid thieving scumbags they call CHAVS which is a derogatory term for working the classes, admittedly alot of the young teens/20s are scum, lazy ,drugtaking thieves and criminals not all are though, but all are tarnished, the difference over here is that there are more for opportunities for working class people if they want to go to college or university because most of our education systems are subsidised by govermnet , unlike the US which is geared towards the richer classes who can afford to send kids to college unless they get a scholarship, but with some weird feminazi law coiming into effect, there will be a lot less opportunities for sports scholarships because not enough girls take up sports at colliagate level, so more and more universities are closing and getting rid of sports teams rather than trying to get more girls to compete in sports because they cannot get enough to take part, plus all the extra money it would cost, money that they may not have, and the fact they can get prosecuted if levels are not reached ,this will have an adverse effect on potential american sports men and women not getting the chance to prove themselves and go on to become professional sportstars , this will damage the US as the major sporting nation at world and olympic level, typical FEMINAZI ideology, they have no concern about anyone only what they can change, always for the worse and never benefitting anyone ,even women, they are so full of shit

5 years, 4 months ago

also in the UK u dont necessarlly need to have qualifications to make something of yourself, you can get alot of jobs starting at the bottom and working your way up to senior mangement if you have the drive which is something i doubt you can achieve in the US, your minimum wage is really bad i hear its as low as $4 an hour upto $6 or so even our which is quite poor ?5.05 probably around $8 or so, plus we get a lot of subsidised public services such as free GP visits and hospital treatment,schooling etc. ,might not be as upto date as the US but at least its free yours costs a fortune i hear

5 years, 4 months ago

Senor Slade…..

American healthcare biz model: HMO
ie Huge MoneySucking Organization that mints money for the leadership/principles (not the Doc’s) and provides minimal care for the patients

“Profit is our passion” (same biz model for Big Pharm/Drug Mfg’s)

Speaking of being classified of a particular class…a story (from my travels):

Every time I’d bring a client/aircraft back from Cannuck (Canada) land, I would have to go through US Customs. A Custom’s agent would process the paperwork and clear us to go.
Got to know one agent, and he was one of the “Good Guy’s”….and there are not many in that line of work. Especially since 9-11

Like me, he never married (so we compared notes on dating the locals) while he worked a lot of sectors within the Customs organization.

One day, he just blurted out “I cannot believe these women nowadays”.

Seems he and a Delta stew hooked up for a date. The date wasn’t even 30 minutes down when she asked him what his net worth was. He was taken aback, but disclosed that he had his pension with the Gov’t that was fully vested and a new Toyota Tundra (paid for). He lived in an apartment and liked to hunt. Owed nothing and no children/baggage. He was a real straight shooter…no player type!

She blew him off right then with her expectation(s) that “at his age, he should own at least two houses and have 100k, per decade of his age, put aside before she would get involved. Period”
She split before dinner was ordered and he went into shock mode…..

Btw the bitch was in her early 40’s with two grown kids. Not some hot babe or supermodel!

A local Blues artist has a song called “Show me how deep your pockets,…I’ll show you how deep my love.” With the end of the song tag line: “There’s the door…bye, bye Ho!”

Enough said, eh?

Footnote: More opportunity, in the USA, as you venture West. Whereas, in the eastern sector, it’s all about who your family is/school you went to/who you know & contacts. As you head to the West Coast, the focus is ‘What can you do?’
Why do you think all the high tech firms/startups are out West? Right coast is the old world, while the Left coast is the New world. The South is for all the Religious Facists and ignorant inbreeds.

Btw Even after all the disclosuers about WMD’s not being found in Iraq, 50% of Americans STILL believe that they were WMD’s.

United States of America? Not hardly…

5 years, 4 months ago

Spcwby, it all depends on how old you are.

If your in your 30s you can get young women in there 20s.

If your in your 40s, then you should shoot for 30s or late 20s.

If your in your 50s, then you should shoot for 40 or late 30s.

As long as you dont act arrogant loud mouth or like a drunk bastard, then you will be fine if you chose to go to Eastern Europe or Brazil.

5 years, 4 months ago

Scorpion….Mucho Gracias

I always utilize the ‘John Wayne’ (method acting) response(s) when in a new/unknown environment:

1)Speak Low
2) ” Slow
3)Do not say much…

addendum LOTS of eye contact with women is a plus, though in a subtle manner!

All The Best in Your Journey…..

5 years, 4 months ago

i had to laugh at that story about the customs guy getting blown out by an old hag in her 40s he should have give the old slag a good kicking

5 years, 4 months ago

i know scorpion hates american women but he always talks about them being feminist/nazi etc but surely these are the liberals the democrats,what about the republican women are these the same or better/worse, i dont know being english but i have seen some republican women who write about how they hate feminism but the men are to weak to do anything about it and its probably going to be down to republican women to change things for the better, dont know what the likes or scorpion and other feminazi haters think

5 years, 4 months ago


if Republican women are willing to bring back trad values, then it should be done.

I am an independent but the liberals and dems are a disease in the USA.

The liberal disease has made American women into feminazi “career oriented”, “strong”, “independent”, pieces of shit.

Good luck holding a door for a woman in America, chances are, she will think you will assualt her.

In America, you cannot even say “hi” to a pretty woman, because they will think you are trying to attack them.

In Eastern Europe, South America, or Asia, women do not mind being approached in a courteous manner.

You can smile at them, and they look at you in intrigue.
You smile at an American women, and she will try to call the cops.

America has the most uncultured, ungrateful, obese ridde, scum of women.

American women are NOT women. They are men.

5 years, 4 months ago


Re “American women are NOT women. They are men.”

Correctomundo, while American men have quite effectively been neutered and their spine(s) turned to jelly. I believe the term is “eunuch” ,deemed by the feminist as the desired defacto standard for American men.

Btw More Repub women will have porn on their computer(s) than Demo/Liberal women. Unscientific, and informal research by American women I come into contact with throughout my travels.

Oh and for those neurotic (not to mention Narcissist and Nihilistic) behavoral bitches that threaten legal action show you look the ‘wrong way’ (whatever that entales), make sure that you have your legal counsel (or representative) on speed dial so that you counter any veiled threat of her legal action(s).
Extreme legal response is the only thing American women can comprehend, you cannot reason (or talk) with these bitches. When faced with an equal (or greater) countervailing legal response….they (and feminist groups) quickly fold!

The magic words to trigger their fear(s) is that I WILL legally pursue AND seek damages for remedy, while instigating a private investigation into their background should an American woman accuse me of malicious behaviours. Radical? Welcome to the way of the American woman, circa 2006. Adapt or be taken out….

As always, your views just might be different.

5 years, 4 months ago

cant believe how bad it is in the US, you might as well give the cunts a good kick (in the balls) and be done with it,or just a a good cunt punch, i cant believe its as bad as that but can still believe it, what a nightmare at least our bitches are not that mad, all the blokes should gang up on them and go on a cunt punching spree,now that would be funny

5 years, 4 months ago

i cant believe the lack of civil liberties for men ,i thought it it was called the land of the free, u might as well be an immigrant or a nigger

5 years, 4 months ago

Senor Slade….

Re:”i cant believe the lack of civil liberties for men.”

In America, a married man going through the divorce process will enter a battlefield where there are no rules (think Franz Kafka’s “The Trial” or Dostoyevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”) or a set of rules becomes inverse. As in ‘Alice in Wonderland’:White becomes black….

I’ve never been married (though have had a few ‘live-in’ situations which, all in all, were quite good for both), but have viewed the wreckage from those who have gone through battles. ESPECIALLY when children are involved!

Anyone who submits that (in America) divorce is too easy, hence why 50%+ of American marriages end in divorce court is full of s#it and has not a clue. I’ve watched people age as thought they were fighting violent street battles in Iraq everyday.

Rule of thumb:
1)If the marriage is uncontested, and no children are involved (custody, support, ect) then the average aging factor is about 2 to 1.
That being you will age (from anger, stress, ect) two years for every year your going through the divorce (courts) process. Both genders.

2)If the marriage is contested AND children are involved, the aging factor ramps up bigtime from a 5 to 1, to as even as much as 10 to 1.

I’ve watched men age 10-20 years during a hostile divorce, all the while the courts condone women breaking all the rules and the about to be ex-husband being hung by the yardarm for obeying the ‘rules’. For women, it’s all about being in control. Period!

Shades of Paul McCartney…he’s about to get a real tour de force of the divorce (emotionally and fiancially) process. Watch him age as Heather “cleans his clock”, British style. if Sir Paul was in an American divorce court…..he’d never walk right again.

By the ‘inch’ or by the ‘mile’…..
American men pay dearly for the journey of marriage….especially when the marriage ends!

Those are my thoughts and opinions, to those who do not like them….Wait, I have more!

5 years, 4 months ago

Divorce in America is the womens fault.American women are obese pieces of shit. All they do is lie and play games.

Most married women have affairs in the workplace. It is another reason why women in certain jobs, should only be allowed to work part-time.

My advice to any American or UK, going through a divorce is to leave the country and move to Brazil or Venezuela.

Women should not be allowed to divorce unless they or there childeren are being physically abused. Any women that divorces her husband for any other reason is nothing but a piece of shit rat face low scum creature.

If anyone wants to avoid all these problems, it is best to marry a foreign woman. Only 20 percent of marriages to foreign women end in divorce while marriages with american women end in just over 50 percent in divorce.

If a man marries a foreign wife, and it ends in divorce, then that means the man was unable to control his woman, and they did not prep there foreign wife on the dangers of american feminism.

20 percent is a small number, and it is worth marrying an Eastern European, South American, or Asian women.

Men that pass up on foreign women and decide to marry American women are closet gay. Any man that does not like hot foreign women that have trad values is a closet gay feminist.

5 years, 4 months ago

just marry a foreign woman live in that country or another country where neither of you are nationals then bitch wont get fuck all,avoid most western countries and aus/new zealand/canada some euro places such as spain/italy/portugal and grease should be a safe bet, if not then look at south africa or south america

5 years, 4 months ago

also about heather mills/paul mcartney split everyone in the public including pauls kids new this woman was bad news, she continually got bad press and was one of the most hated figures in the Uk public media, before ,during an now the THE most hated figure after the break, paul is a very nice, kind,generous fellow and she is the complete opposite and nothing but a gold digger but as with american law the bitch will be millions richer by the end of the settlement, die you bitch and I hope your other leg gets chewed of by an angry pack of hyenas

5 years, 4 months ago

I can hardly believe that this mindless drivel is still in circulation after all these months. Hey,
Scorpion, you nasty little bug, you sound like a broken record. You spew your nasty venom to hide your third-grade intelligence. At this point it doesn’t surprise me if you turn out to be a zit-faced, webbed-toed, toady highschool dropout living in the swarm of Louissiana. Your sole experience with those exotic women that you are so fond of is in your tiny little brain while you are surfing for foreign porns on the Net. Anyone who expresses an opinion contrary to yours is either a bitch or a fag. How can you get anywhere in life with such numbling ignorance. Sigh! I shouldn’t even waste my time with you since all you are going to do is to call me a fag. Crawl out of the swarm sometimes, Scorpion. It’s a big world out there.

As always, cheers


5 years, 4 months ago

who is this a feminazi

5 years, 4 months ago

it makes me laugh scorpions comments, as american guys are the biggest bunch of spineless eunochs going ,you all have your balls cut off at birth then bitch about the feminazis but do nothing about it,your colleges are full of female feminazi offspring and rising, before long all you idiots will be doing is sweeping up and cleaning toilets and probably construction as its dangerous and only you pricks are good enough to do it, the feminazis wont risk it, youll become a slave nation to your women as they will have all the power, all the professionals and politicians will be women the men wont figure in anything except menial tasks the women wont do, you need to grow back your balls and spine before its too late, bunch of fucking losers

5 years, 4 months ago

To the last poster

People like Slade and I are the resistance. We are the few who do not neek U.S. or UK cunts.

5 years, 4 months ago

Hey look its the child molester Dildodidier.

I see you must have returned from your child molesting trips.

You really are a gay ridden piece of scum. You still continue to use the world “cheers” and that proves your gay.

5 years, 4 months ago

very true they are scum, any bloke that supports feminazis must be a limp wristed liberal

5 years, 4 months ago

Only closet gay men and child molesters like Diddier support Feminazis.

5 years, 4 months ago


Ok, tell us how your really feel…..

5 years, 4 months ago

who is this diddidildo guy sounds like a weirdo to me

5 years, 4 months ago

Hot time in NY, NY (NOT!)

Gee, I shocked (again NOT!)

NY1 News
Aug 13, 2006
Top News ? NY1 Living

————————————————-Majority Of New York Women Are Single, Study Finds

July 27, 2003

More women in New York City are working, starting their own businesses, going back to school and raising kids ? entirely on their own.

A New York Post study of the 2000 Census found that just over 300,000 women ages 35 to 44 have a traditional marriage, while nearly 400,000 are single. There are three times as many divorced women in the city as men.

The survey also shows female enrollment up a hefty 60 percent at some schools.

On the flip side: Single women are 10 times more likely to rent rather than pay off a mortgage, and they’re three times less likely than men to earn more than $$100,000 a year or more.

There are just over four million females living in the five boroughs ? a majority of the city?s population. The highest ratio of women to men is in the Bronx (53.5 percent) and Brooklyn (53.1 percent), according to the Post.

5 years, 4 months ago

Addendum about American women and the reason that 80% plus of perscribed antidepressants (no stats on other mood altering drug intake available) go to…drum roll…American women!

Again, I shocked…shocked…NOT!


Majority of American women have Histrionic and Narcissistic disorders.

We are talking really serious stuff here. Most American women have at least two serious personality disorder. And having personality disorder(s) and being a good wife are mutually exclusive things. That means American women are completely unfit to be wives and mothers.
Histrionic disorder: manipulative, attention seekers, dominate the conversation, use grandiose language, seek constant praise, dress provocatively, exaggerate illnesses in order to gain attention, exaggerate friendships and relationships, believe that everyone loves them.

Narcissistic disorder: self-centered, seek attention and praise, take advantage of people, fantasize about success and power, expect favorable treatment, exaggerate achievements, have difficulty maintaining long-lasting relationships, expect others to recognize them as being superior.

Many American women also have Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Borderline disorders.

Think about the women you dated and see how many of them had the combination of: mental/biological/genetic problems (defects), tried to kill herself, depressed, mood-swings, arthritic, psychotic breakdowns, unhappy, nutcase, every condition known to man, deranged attention whore.

Learn more about personality disorders here.

More on Narcissistic disorder, lots of problems with western women are related to it:

The only reality which exists for the narcissist is their own, and even when they are repeatedly shown to be wrong or misinformed about something, they will maintain their original stance, despite all contradictory evidence, no matter how compelling.

They have no interest in understanding reality, or others. Instead, they project themselves onto the other: - in lieu of internalising the other, they externalise and generalise themselves.

It has often been noted here that it is difficult to tell whether the narcissist is stupider or madder, as there are such strong elements of both in their disposition.

And the madness is real. The narcissist will twist and distort reality to infinity in order to place themselves at the earth’s center. No amount of objectivity shall be allowed to intefere with this. This is their prime objective, and they will talk any amount of nonsense to achieve it. They don’t care. There is only them, and their prison is a familiar, comfortable zone. It has walls padded with velvety self-deception.

So the narcissist is not just weak, stupid, vain and unrealistic. Because if their condition was just a composite of common character flaws, they could change, grow out of it, be reasoned with. Nor is it just an act of will, for when they are shown that their interests are not best served by unflinching selfishness, there is no change.

Narcissism is a mental illness - a psychological disease which shares many characteristics with schizophrenia. It is a ’self’ trapped in and constructed solely by infinite self-reflections reiterating to infinity.

It cannot change. It cannot be treated. When the window of internalised other closed in childhood, it jammed shut - never to let light in again.

5 years, 4 months ago

nothing shocks me about america these days its a freakshow the rest of the world sneers and laughs at

5 years, 4 months ago

American women are highly anti-social.

Esp the hot american women that happen to be career minded, they are the worst women ever. They should be put in a concentration camp.

Try approaching an American woman that has a professional degree, and she will treat you like your scum. Make you feel unsatisfactory, since she has position of power which she go either through sleeping he way or via Affirm Action.

The irony is an Eastern European woman that is a housewife that has the same educational standing chooses to remain a housewife because she knows FAMILY comes FIRST. While american cunts on the otherhand belive their career is the most important thing in the world. American women are nothing but a piece of shit scum on the planet.

American women will abandon their husband if ever is sick or injured. She will quickly steal away all of his money and find some buff guy. 99 percent of American women are like this.

Marrying an American woman is like signing a death certificate. If a man is marrying an American woman, they should really have warnings.

5 years, 4 months ago

its true they should all be shot

5 years, 4 months ago

send them all to south america and swap them for some desent south american birds, the guys in south america will soon kick em into shape

5 years, 4 months ago

As per John (f#cking metrosexual) Gray:

‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’…can you say “Return the latter to sender?”

‘Boot Camp for American Bitches’ indeed!
………..What a f#cking marvelous thought

Thumbs up Senor Slade:)

5 years, 4 months ago

John Gray is a bastard and only closet gay men like his book.

It should say “American women from hell, American men from heaven”, since most American men, well 80 percent treat foreign women with mutual respect.

5 years, 4 months ago

doesnt seem like theres much you can do, the law is on the side of feminazi until that changes nothing else will

5 years, 4 months ago

i’ve never heard of this john gray freak, all i can say what i’ve seen and heard about his books is throw them on the bonfire and get yourself a foreign chick, who the fuck whats to read that shit

5 years, 4 months ago

Scorpion…Addendum: (besides closet gay’s) only Beta men will read (as directed by American Alpha women) and conform to Gray’s standards.

Slade….The (f#cking metrosexual) beta male guide to reality

Btw Gray has been through FOUR marriages and has a questionable Phd. Yeah, a real epi-center for being a neutured (and spineless) male role model.
Not to worry…as American bitches (Oprah is their God) worship the authors/speakers that spew the ‘man hating cuntism’ …especially if he a properly adjusted American eunuch.

“Other men’s sins are before our eyes; our own are behind our backs.” - Seneca -

5 years, 4 months ago

Translation of common phrases from American woman-speak into English.

After all is said and done, it really is in the translation.


Woman-speak: ?Of course I don?t mind if you??
English: ?You bet your fucking ass I DO mind. Go ahead, you WILL pay later??

Woman-speak: ?Do you like it??
English: ?Fucker, if you do NOT notice my new hairstyle/shoes/mail order catalogue/wall paper/trashy little knicknack/ you are fucking DEAD!

Woman-speak: ?You are an asshole?
English: ?I will be fucking your brains out in 5 minutes?

Woman-speak: ?Do you remember when you got me this??
English: ?I KNOW you don?t remember, you moron, I?m just enjoying seeing you sweat??

Woman-speak: I don?t love you any more.
English: You are broke, out of work, anyway I?m fucking somebody else now?

Woman-speak: ?We need to talk.?
English: ?I need to waste your time.?

Woman-speak: ?We need to talk.?
English: ?I need to cut your balls off and tell you for the 1,000th time how you do not live up to my standards and nag you eternally and try to change you because I am a shrewish cunt. This will undoubtedly give me a stress headache - you won?t be getting any pussy tonight.?

Women-speak: ?I?m tired.?
English: ?I?m blaming you unfairly for my weight gain and my self-image problems, and you won?t be getting any pussy tonight.?

Woman-speak: ?Let?s just meet for coffee.?
English: ?You won?t be getting any pussy tonight.?

Woman-speak: ?Oh, I don?t care what we do.?
English: ?Even if you read my mind and figure out exactly what I want, the odds of you getting any pussy tonight are 115:1.?

Woman-speak: ?You like that football sweatshirt because you went to school there, right??
English: ?I tell all my friends you dress like a fucking slob and I?ll be engaging in my manipulative ?you need to wear what I say is good or you won?t get any pussy tonight? behavior soon.?

Woman-speak: ?Are you going to wear that shirt to the wedding??
English: ?I know these are the clothes I fell in love with you in, but now that I want to own you, they just won?t do. Being the bossy cunt that I am, I need to re-do your entire wardrobe. I?ll be too tired tonight from shopping to suck your dick for the next 15 years.?

Woman-speak: ?Do I look fat in this??
English: ? I need CREDIBLE reassurance that I am NOT a 350lb MacDonalds hog, with a sagging gut and dropping ass??

Woman-speak: ?I love you?
English: ?You are quite a good fuck, and are solvent. My pussy is yours until something better comes along.?
English (alternative): ?I want something from you.?

Woman-speak: ?How thoughful of you!?
English: ?Pussy whipped asshole, you are gonna have to do a LOT better than that to get some this year, let alone tonight. Suck up HARDER!?

Woman-speakS: Are you coming to bed now?
English: I?m going to tease you with sex to get you to drop whatever you?re doing, come up stairs, and cuddle me, but you?re still not getting any pussy.

Woman-speak: ?You are not the man I married?
English: ?In spite of years of manipulation, ridicule and doing my best to mind fuck you on a daily basis to change you into what I want, you have resisted me. Fuck you, no more sex, get out of my life??

Woman-speak: ?I do?
English: ?No more blowjobs?

Woman-speak: ?I can?t find a good man to marry?
English: ?I wasted my life focusing on my hate for men, and now I am fucked, the women?s movement has destroyed my life?

5 years, 4 months ago

that about sums up your pig hog cuntfems that call them selves womyn (feminazi spelling) let them rot in hell the cunts

and that so called metrosexual bollox is another queer guy idea forced upon men to make them look and act like fags and so in turn have no balls

5 years, 4 months ago

watching porn turns you into a sexual mindless killing machine according to feminazi theology ,where do they come up with this fucked up shit

5 years, 4 months ago

Excellent job spcwby. That is truly how American cunt women are. They speak in a coded language.

American women are the evil of this planet. They are pure scum. They have are conniving creatures that are out to set agendas to destroy men. They are nothing but career minded Feminazis.

Eastern Europe, South America, and Asia have the most beautiful women on the place of the world.

5 years, 4 months ago

what i cant understand is why u american losers keep pandering to your disgusting womens every needs have you learned nothing, its time you cunt punched them all

5 years, 4 months ago

i think we as englishmen should wade war on your cuntry along with the rest of europe and even the rest of the world to distroy your vile cuntry and your disgusting feminazis, the world would be a much better place off, as big and tough as you think you are you would be defeated by us, and from then on an new free world would emerge as everyone hates you

5 years, 4 months ago

Slade your welcomed to destroy the feminazis and there allies any day.

But dont mess with the real hardcore Americans that believe in trad values.

5 years, 4 months ago

of course not you would be welcome to destroy the feminaziz as well

5 years, 4 months ago

the hungarian(Magyar) women’s are the best
if any body go to hungary it will be understand it why i am saying that

5 years, 4 months ago

hungary i seen a porno from there once there was some hotties in it

Mike 39
5 years, 4 months ago

Why I will never find a women in America:
.I am not a bad boy with tattoos
.I am too low class for the nice educated women(I am like a serf in Medieval England trying to hook up with a noble women or a countess back in King Arthurs time)
.I won’t lower my standards and date a women with
a potty mouth,does drugs,or has a long criminal record
.I am not the Hollywood hunk type
.I don’ t have some fancy law or business degree
.I am the quiet type
.Most of the women I come across gives me a dirty look
.I am more to the Right and most of the women in Maryland are to the far left.

If i had the resources I would leave the United States and find me a wife and bring her back to the states,and bar her from watching shows like Oprah and Dr Phil.

super lawyer
5 years, 4 months ago

From all these postings, especially by Scorpion, Slade, and Scwby, I have to agree with them. American really are horrible women. Even for the few hot ones, they are atrociously bad. Even while I was in law school, American women are horrible creatures. Most of them as Scorpion said are “career minded” and many must have sucked dick to get into Law school or sleep their way to the top. I am starting to believe that foreign women is they way to go.

5 years, 4 months ago

if you all ignored them and got yourselves a foreign bird then the creatures might fuck off somewhere else

5 years, 4 months ago

Typical american household:

You do everything you can for your kids. God knows I’ve tried. But it seems like God enjoys a good joke, now and then.

I was raised in a strict household. My parents bore offspring from the early-50’s to the mid-60’s. I was around the middle of this brood. With nine mouths to feed, we did not have a lot of extras. We worked for simple things, like bicycles.

Nothing wrong with that. It’s what we knew. And we were given a great foundation, on which we could create a life for ourselves. As I said, my parents were strict - which made me not wish to be such with my kids.

Ah, my kids… I’m in my forties, and the wife is a bit younger. I make a fine income, and try not to sweat anything. I get up… have coffee… look out at the ocean… read the paper… move onto my business.

I appreciate not having a house full of screaming kids in the morning (something that was impossible when I grew up). All I ask of my kids is to; a) be respectful of everyone, b) be honest c) get good grades, d) clean their rooms.

I do not ask for much, nor do I demand much. However… that is going to change tonight. Events that occurred this morning will bring about change like these kids have never known. The wife has kept me in the dark about some things as well.

It’s my fault. I accept it. But I can reverse this downward trend - now. My generation (baby-boomers) has found that it is easier to go around a wall, than climb over over it - or knock it down. I’m as guilty as anyone.

My guilt turned into rage this morning. My son (and my wife) convinced me that he NEEDED a car (he’s seventeen). I was not keen on a kid driving, that has trouble standing a surfboard, or walking down the stairs without tripping.

But I relented (again, why fight it). With some stipulations, we aquired a car for this child. The rules were put in place, and he proclaimed we were the greatest parents in the worls. Uh huh… It’s 12:00pm, and he has yet to get out of bed. His mother has been instructed to tell my prodigy that he is GROUNDED. We have never done this, but we are today. And I mean GROUNDED in his room!

Not out by the pool. Not in the gameroom. His cluttered abode is where he better be when I get home tonight. And I’m going to be stopping for a drink, first. I deserve a drink after this morning. Let me tell you about my day.

I go out to my car in the driveway (I have a three-car garage - and “hers” is the only one that fits inside). My insanely over-priced piece of shit refuses to start today (3rd time in 2 months - the car is 6-monthss old). Okay… I call ‘AAA’; it will 45-60 minutes. No time to wait. Okay… I’m going to take my kids’ car.

I go in and retrieve the keys (everyone is till asleep @ 8am). I leave a note telling him to call me. His car is down the street at a friends house. Why? He claimed that our driveway was too crowded (and the other kids might scratch it).
Okay… I find his car… set off the alarm… Shit! People, one word; LOJACK. Goddamn, I hate those alarms.

Anyways I get in the car, after noticing the REALLY nice rims & tires on it. Hmmm, how did he pay for those? WHEN, did he get those? I get in, and notice a new STEERING WHEEL… without the AIRBAG - that I demanded he have. Oh, this car is totally bitchin’ dude! It gets better…

I start it up… A huge racket comes from the exhaust (not stock anymore!)… And the stereo starts screaming out profanities! The backseat is now occupied by a huge box with speakers in it… and fast-food trash… and ‘ziz-zag’ papers… and empty ‘trojan’ wrappers (a chip off the ‘ole block).

To say the least I am pissed. I proceed to drive this rattling, screaming (I tear the faceplate off - finally), piece of doo-doo down the road. I swear, I think I awakened everyone in the neighborhood. I head out onto PCH, and drive less than a mile… when MB’s finest pulls me over…

WTF? I know I wasn’t speeding. The officer comes up to the car, and asks for my license and insurance card… I hand over the license, and tell him I’m not sure where the insurance card is - ‘it’s my son’s car’… “look in the glovebox” (he is - actually - smiling now)…

I open the glovebox… and a small BONG falls out… I look at him… he looks at me… This is not happening! Oh, but it is. The first thing I say is ‘it’s not mine!’… “um, sir, could you step out of the car, please”…

I get out, and we step onto the sidewalk. He tells me he stopped me for having an illegal exhaust (no shit - it sounds like two-dozen weedwhackers coming down the street). He also informs me that there are plenty more violations on this car… And I start laughing… He asks why am I laughing… And I tell him how my day is going.

“What about the water-pipe?” Indeed! I inform him that this is all a surprise to me, but I would like him to write up everything that is illegal about the vehicle. He looks at me like I’m crazy. But I want my kid to learn a lesson.

And the officer obliges me. He, even, finds some weed in the trunk… 17 tickets later, we are finished… almost… I ask him if I can keep all of the drug paraphenalia? “Why?” I want my kid to destroy it. I want this kid to know his “fuck-off” days are over.

The officer agrees. I could see he was wishing he could be there tonight, for the “lesson”. He was pretty decent about the whole thing. This guy took, almost, a half-hour to go through all of this paperwork - and search. I thank him, and head out… He tells me if I get stopped again today, that I should show all the citations to the other officer - and I should not have any problems…

Problems?!! We have problems. I have lost control of my family. My wife is a co-conspirator. She has just been told that I want a listing of all of our household bills & accounts. ‘Yes, dear - we are going to perform an audit’. She is protesting, but I do not care. This is war.

I know my family loves me, but they have played me for a fool. I may be a fool, but I am not dumb. She does not know that I just found out my son is in Summer school, because of bad grades. She doesn’t know that DMV has provided me with her, and his, records; apparently they have a problem with obeying traffic laws.

It’s not going to be easy, but something must be done. I swear, I feel like I have become my father… I want the best for my family, and feel something radical must happen. I can only hope they - truly - understand it is for our own good.

Some things that will be addressed tonight;

1) Son’s vehicle is gone; oil up that chain on your bicycle.
2) All three kids will empty out the garage; sell it/ donate it/ whatever.
3) Mom will have a household budget.
4) Chores - that’s right; everyone will have assigned chores.
5) Chores will be done, before anything else.
6) Homework will be done daily, before dinner. * Or, immediately after sports events, but always prior to 10pm.
7) Son’s tickets will be paid with his allowance.
8) Son is grounded for the rest of the summer.
9) Son will study from 8am until 4pm - daily, durint the rest of summer vacation.
10) Videogames are banned from 10pm until 6pm - daily.
11) Everyone will be up by 8am - daily.
12) The youngest child is on a diet - now.
13) Mother will inform father of ALL infractions.
14) Dad will be home by 6pm - daily.
15) Everyone will eat dinner, together.
16) Mom will cook dinner - and it better not come out of the microwave.
17) The maid is being given four weeks notice. * That is going to be fun - I may not see a sexual interlude for awhile.
18) Dad is getting a new car, and parking it in his garage.
19) Son may get a USED car, when his grades are A’s & B’s, for two - consecutive - semesters.
20) Mom and son are to attend driving school.
21) Son will explain drug usage - completely, or face rehab & boarding school.
22) Mom will be weaned off of her “medications”; NOW.
23) Children will make their own lunches, for school; no more money for shitty school food.
24) NO soda. Maybe, when we dine out. Maybe, on the weekends.
25) NO MySpace accounts, or any other assinine accounts - a computer geek will check all of their computers - monthly (they need fear put into their lives).
26) Dad will attend all school functions.
27) Everyone will be present for all birthdays.
28) Children will wear clothes that Dad approves of.
29) Mom will dress daughter like a little girl; not a ‘hoochie-mama’. * and - definitely - no “juicy” pants on her bottom!
30) Daughter will not have any underwear, except for briefs.
31) Sons will not be told to pull up their pants, or face having said pants donated.
32) NO ‘Rap’ music, within Dad’s hearing range.
33) NO tattoos, until you are out of my house.
34) NO piercings (except for daughter’s ears), until you are out of my house.
35) NO dyeing of hair, until you are out of my house.

Did I miss something?

I’m continuing to add to the list…

Tell me if I missed something…

Tell me if I’m wrong…

I’ve seen those “wife-swap” & “nanny” shows…

I hate to think that is my life…

Wish me luck…

I may be sleeping on the patio tonight…

5 years, 4 months ago

is it really typical thought most were single parent families with dads playing second fiddle as usual

5 years, 4 months ago

How about Italian women?

5 years, 4 months ago

i thought america was full of them

5 years, 4 months ago

What about Italian women Eddy??

I find Southern Italian women to be really hot.

Italian-American, I would not gamble on.

However Italian-Brazilian is the best combination. Not just will she have a tight body, but she can make some great pasta.

5 years, 4 months ago

that sounds good

5 years, 4 months ago

Advantages of living in Latin America:

1)beatufil women, in some countries, like Colombia, the ratio is 3 women to 1 man!

2)living standards cheaper then USA and Europe, compare a month’s rent in NJ, for a studio you will easily pay 300-400$ a month, and thats in a normal part of town…add the auto insurance and food, gas prices, you easily top 800$-900$ a month just to live, compare that to ecuador, where 1 month’s rent is 100$ and food; theater tickets go for 2.50$; taxi costs 2$; a meal at restuarant 2$ trust me Ive been there its a real bargain…i can live with 300$ a month like a king

3) the lifestyle…slow paced…people really like to take it easy down there

4) the weather…no cold winters…no snow…spring time all the way

5) no overweight women; barely noticeable, i would say 0.01% of all women in latin american are overwieght–they look nice in bikinis, especially the brazilans! wow!!

now, the down side (there is always one)

1) crime, you really have to be careful in some places. some areas people are very poor and when your desperate you will do anything to eat, including robbing tourists; its not like in USA where you can wear gold chain in the streets, you cant do that in colombia no way they will rip it off

2)the local economy is not very good, so you really wont make any money working there, you should make your money in USA

other than that, i think the first step would be to take a vacation down there and see for yourself

now compare that to American women,

what is there to compare with?? 50% of all American women are overwieght, 15% are obese, 15% are destined to be overweight, 10% are lesbian, and 10% are hot and straight…now compare that to
latin america, eastern europe and asia where 80% are hot and straight…what is there to compare with? Ive been down there dudes, trust me


Latin America 10, Eastern Europe 10, Asia 10

America 0

5 years, 4 months ago

i agree but colombia and brazil i would consider to be too dangerous to live, argentina would be a safer bet

5 years, 4 months ago

American women are more dangerous then the street the thugs in Rio or Bogota.

B.T. :)
5 years, 4 months ago

I just want to know what places that you men visit to get the opinons that you have about U.S. women….(I would say america but that would be ignorant b/c we are apart of america not america itself.) I feel sad that some men see us as nothing but fat and not wife material or that we complain alot….some of that is true yes and I’m not gonna deny it, but why does it have to be ALL AMERICAN WOMEN SUCK….its not true. am I trying to defend us U.S. women….no because its your right to think whatever you want and I respect that. now to tell you about myself…..I’m not fat,I hate fat people, I’m open minded, I very polite and smile alot aka friendly, I like to have fun, am I trying to be a man HELL NO, I like to feel sexy and look good for my man ALWAYS and I love to cater to him, I’m calm, I’m not a gold digger, nor do I only like buff guys, I like sex (not saying I will do it with everyone) I am cute, I like quiet people (they make awesome friends),I like to learn about other cultures, I trust my man with all my heart, I have no accent and I’m from the east coast of the U.S. near D.C. ….I got nothing more to say then that.

thats sounds real
5 years, 4 months ago

Hey Scorpio … everything you said is truth , I am glad you mentioned it dude. I wanna ask you something, How often do you travel to Eastern Europe?? because, I am crazy to go over there but I would like to go with somebody because my friends still got hopes on the american Bitches haha.

I travel a lot to south america since I am Latino . Believe me thats heaven , you can have a lot of girls there. This December I am going with two friends to Rio de Janeiro for first time, If it goes as good as the other latin american countries
I am buying an fucking apartment hehe so I save money in hotels.

Dude let me know if you need a wing man either to eastern europe or latin america.

5 years, 4 months ago

i dont know about all american women BT as i’m english but you get an awful lot of bad press,

we hear about how bad the women are in the US and we live over 3000 miles away, ours are not great but are a bit better on average than americans,

we certainly dont hear so much about british feminazis as americans hear about yours
(we have a few in the media and goverment but not very high profile like yours ) and are unlikely to make the inroads yours have on goverment and british law,

your country has to change and its ging to have to be the job of the normal women to crush the feminazi regime that has took over

5 years, 4 months ago


ALL Anglo white american women are feminazis. Its in there nature. They are disease.

Only American women worth talking to are Latinas. Now if you an find yourself a tight bodied American Latina, then your in luck.

As for That Sounds Real, Prague is a great place to go. The women there are beautiful and open,

However I recommend when you go, you MUST BE A GENTLEMAN when you go there.
You cannot have an loud mouth American attitude.
You have to be kind and show respect.

Remember when you learned from your dad to respect women. Well he meant women like these in Prague.

As for Rio. Its a great place. I also love Sao Paulo. Alot of Adriana Limas walking around.
The girls there know how to move there hips and they have sexy moans.

In the end American women are pieces of shit. They are nothing but career minded dogs that have no value or culture. There only interest is to destroy men.

5 years, 4 months ago

Boyz, Ignore the following article at your own risk……

The article that lit off a firestorm of protest(s) from American Cuntery…

Point: Don’t Marry Career Women

By Michael Noer

How do women, careers and marriage mix? Not well, say social scientists.

Guys: A word of advice. Marry pretty women or ugly ones. Short ones or tall ones. Blondes or brunettes. Just, whatever you do, don’t marry a woman with a career.

Why? Because if many social scientists are to be believed, you run a higher risk of having a rocky marriage. While everyone knows that marriage can be stressful, recent studies have found professional women are more likely to get divorced, more likely to cheat, less likely to have children, and, if they do have kids, they are more likely to be unhappy about it. A recent study in Social Forces, a research journal, found that women–even those with a “feminist” outlook–are happier when their husband is the primary breadwinner.

Not a happy conclusion, especially given that many men, particularly successful men, are attracted to women with similar goals and aspirations. And why not? After all, your typical career girl is well-educated, ambitious, informed and engaged. All seemingly good things, right? Sure?at least until you get married. Then, to put it bluntly, the more successful she is the more likely she is to grow dissatisfied with you. Sound familiar?

Many factors contribute to a stable marriage, including the marital status of your spouse’s parents (folks with divorced parents are significantly more likely to get divorced themselves), age at first marriage, race, religious beliefs and socio-economic status. And, of course, many working women are indeed happily and fruitfully married–it’s just that they are less likely to be so than non-working women. And that, statistically speaking, is the rub.

To be clear, we’re not talking about a high-school dropout minding a cash register. For our purposes, a “career girl” has a university-level (or higher) education, works more than 35 hours a week outside the home and makes more than $30,000 a year.

If a host of studies are to be believed, marrying these women is asking for trouble. If they quit their jobs and stay home with the kids, they will be unhappy (Journal of Marriage and Family, 2003). They will be unhappy if they make more money than you do (Social Forces, 2006). You will be unhappy if they make more money than you do (Journal of Marriage and Family, 2001). You will be more likely to fall ill (American Journal of Sociology). Even your house will be dirtier (Institute for Social Research).

Why? Well, despite the fact that the link between work, women and divorce rates is complex and controversial, much of the reasoning is based on a lot of economic theory and a bit of common sense. In classic economics, a marriage is, at least in part, an exercise in labor specialization. Traditionally men have tended to do “market” or paid work outside the home and women have tended to do “non-market” or household work, including raising children. All of the work must get done by somebody, and this pairing, regardless of who is in the home and who is outside the home, accomplishes that goal. Nobel laureate Gary S. Becker argued that when the labor specialization in a marriage decreases–if, for example, both spouses have careers–the overall value of the marriage is lower for both partners because less of the total needed work is getting done, making life harder for both partners and divorce more likely. And, indeed, empirical studies have concluded just that.

In 2004, John H. Johnson examined data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation and concluded that gender has a significant influence on the relationship between work hours and increases in the probability of divorce. Women’s work hours consistently increase divorce, whereas increases in men’s work hours often have no statistical effect. “I also find that the incidence in divorce is far higher in couples where both spouses are working than in couples where only one spouse is employed,” Johnson says. A few other studies, which have focused on employment (as opposed to working hours) have concluded that working outside the home actually increases marital stability, at least when the marriage is a happy one. But even in these studies, wives’ employment does correlate positively to divorce rates, when the marriage is of “low marital quality.”

The other reason a career can hurt a marriage will be obvious to anyone who has seen their mate run off with a co-worker: When your spouse works outside the home, chances increase they’ll meet someone they like more than you. “The work environment provides a host of potential partners,” researcher Adrian J. Blow reported in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, “and individuals frequently find themselves spending a great deal of time with these individuals.”

There’s more: According to a wide-ranging review of the published literature, highly educated people are more likely to have had extra-marital sex (those with graduate degrees are 1.75 more likely to have cheated than those with high school diplomas.) Additionally, individuals who earn more than $30,000 a year are more likely to cheat.

And if the cheating leads to divorce, you’re really in trouble. Divorce has been positively correlated with higher rates of alcoholism, clinical depression and suicide. Other studies have associated divorce with increased rates of cancer, stroke, and sexually-transmitted disease. Plus divorce is financially devastating. According to one recent study on “Marriage and Divorce’s Impact on Wealth,” published in The Journal of Sociology, divorced people see their overall net worth drop an average of 77%.

So why not just stay single? Because, academically speaking, a solid marriage has a host of benefits beyond just individual “happiness.” There are broader social and health implications as well. According to a 2004 paper entitled “What Do Social Scientists Know About the Benefits of Marriage?” marriage is positively associated with “better outcomes for children under most circumstances,” higher earnings for adult men, and “being married and being in a satisfying marriage are positively associated with health and negatively associated with mortality.” In other words, a good marriage is associated with a higher income, a longer, healthier life and better-adjusted kids.

A word of caution, though: As with any social scientific study, it’s important not to confuse correlation with causation. In other words, just because married folks are healthier than single people, it doesn’t mean that marriage is causing the health gains. It could just be that healthier people are more likely to be married.

5 years, 4 months ago

i’m sure the feminazis would love such an article or not as the case may be

5 years, 4 months ago

White anglo feminazi women are evil cunts destroying America. They are all career minded and have no value or culture.

The answer is foreign women. As long as she is warned about the feminazis, she will never turn into them.

5 years, 4 months ago

i dont think eastern euro, asian or south america will ever become overrun by feminazis, they all belong in the good old usa

5 years, 4 months ago

the way i see things now in the good old usa is that its at a crossroads, with a number of directions to take, but the favorite signpost leads me to think that its on the verge of becoming a matriachal society, just what the feminazis have been striving for so long, to crush what they believe to be the remnants of a patriachal stronghold in government and society,

this would be a complete reversal to the nature of true human nature, as we are naturally patriachal all over the world and in most of the natural world except one, the insect world, as i see it now you will become a natural matriachal society over time and will be ruled by the dominant females, ruled by a queen you call president , the males will become known as drones,mindless workers controlled by the hormones (demands) of the queen and do all the dirty mindless tasks in the hope of one day impregnating the queen or the female hierachy

i wonder what the likes of scorpion will do with himself as he licks the feet of his female rulers, with a toilet brush in his hand

5 years, 4 months ago

I will buy a oneway ticket to Prague or Rio, if women gain a majority of power in America.

5 years, 4 months ago

its not far off you best get your tickets ready while your still allowed

5 years, 4 months ago

if that feminazi bitch clinton gets in your fucked scorpion

5 years, 3 months ago

That it’s mother nature (and subsequent different wiring) that’s the bitch factor concerning women compared to men!
Happy Labor day to all……

Note: From a women to men board on (Boston area) craigslist….Oct/05)don’t bother looking as is was deleated after a day, I can only wonder why!
Fortunately I saved the text, and recently found it while sorting through some files.
Praise the Lord….Thank you Christ of Jesus!

btw the bold(or** preface here) type was the reply to the original post



Although the spread is narrowing, there are some basic sexual differences between men and women that make it very hard for women to understand men and sex and vice versa. Fantasy and different attitudes about sex are two sexual differences between genders. Another sexual inconsistency: Men can divorce sex and love and have sex for the sake of sex alone; women can rarely divorce sex and love.

**Although the spread is narrowing, there are some basic sexual differences between men and women that make it very hard for women to
understand men and sex and vice versa. Fantasy and different attitudes about sex are two sexual differences between genders. Another
sexualinconsistency: Men see sex as the foundation of a lasting and meaningful relationship; women see love as the foundation of a lasting and meaningful relationship. Put another way, for men the road to love
begins with sexual compatibility, and for women the road to sexual compatibility begins with love

Bearing in mind there is always that scope for individual variety, here are some almost universal truths about men that women most often fail to understand:

Men daydream about sex with various partners and in various situations.

**Women daydream about wealthy and powerful men taking care of them for life

Men masturbate while indulging these fantasies.

**Women shop while indulging these fantasies.

Men add spice to lovemaking by fantasizing about someone other than the current sexual partner.

**Women add spice to lovemaking by imagining all sorts fairy tales and fables where powerful men crave pleasing them, “saving” them, and
supporting them. Then they insist that the only way they themselves can feel “sexy” or “in the mood” is to make the man join this fantasy world in symbolic ways that she calls “romance”.
This role playing is conditioning to make men docile enough and pliant enough to be
manoevered to the altar where the real domination actually takes place.

The same men who use sex to express love can and will use sex manipulatively and for no other reason than for sex itself.

** The same women who use sex to express love can and will use sex manipulatively and for no other reason than for manipulation itself.
This is how she hones her controlling men with sex skills.

Most men have times when they just want sex for the physical sake of sex itself without the entanglement of a relationship. Sometimes a man just wants a woman’s body. She can be asleep or drunk or even watching television; he doesn’t even care.

** Most men want just want sex for the physical sake of sex itself without
the entanglement of a relationship. Men find relationships with women largely frustrating, demanding, thankless, and completely one sided.
Sometimes a man just wants a woman’s body. Men in relationships can often find SOME of the romance pleasant enough but only to the degree
that they serve as foreplay or afterplay to great sex. If the sex isn’t great (and most of it isn’t) the rest of the dance is worse than
a waste of time, its simply high price tags on shoddy merchandise. She can be asleep or drunk or even watching television; he doesn’t even
care. If she is being honest about her lack of physical involvement by being asleep or drunk or even watching television, they are married and she already HAS him by the financial balls

There was an _expression during World War II that explains this thought process: “Throw a flag over her face and do it for Old Glory!”

** There is an _expression that explains this thought process: “It’s easier to fall in love with a rich man, than a poor man.”
There is an _expression that explains this thought process: “Why would he buy the cow if he can get the milk for free”

Women often wonder, “Why would a man pay for sex when it is easily obtained for free in our society?” The fact is that the man will pay
because he is only interested in “getting in and getting out,” quickly, and without any other involvement. This way of thinking is practically incomprehensible to a woman.

** Women pretend they don’t understand the attraction to hookers, when in fact, women understand hookers all too well. Women know that if a product can be purchased at Walmart, than those selling it at a much steeper price need to convince the market that the higher priced product offers more even if it doesn’t. Like brand name versus generic, women fear that men will become too savvy to the truth that
both were made in the same place, only that wrapping is different.

** On the other hand, men know that the only honest relationship with a women is paying for pussy, one offers and explains the product, the
other offers a price, a deal satisfactory to both is agreed upon, and the parties both deliver the agreed upon consideration, and part
company pleased with the transaction.
Every other transaction with a woman is like a government project. The final deliverable product is never quite understood, the price is always vague. The price tag continues to rise, but you’re stuck and can’t simply walk away with all the cash you thrown at it. By the time the product is finally delivered it never as good a promised, its broken and needs substantial rework.
The costs continue to skyrocket, and even if it does get finished he is so bitter and angry at being played so much it is impossible to enjoy
it anyway.

** Charlie Sheen summed it up for all time: “I don’t pay to have sex with women, I pay them to leave after”.

But even more incomprehensible to a woman is that a man can have sex with a woman he does not love at noon and then expect sex from a woman he does love in the same afternoon. Women can not understand this total separation and then total merger of sex and love.

** Women don’t understand that “love” is only an enhancement to good sex.
Nor do women understand that it is impossible for a man to fall in love with a woman without sex, that indeed, love is a byproduct of sex. Sex is like a great piece of perfectly cooked steak, a joy in its own right, company, mood, great service are all simply enhancements to the
joy of the steak. Without the steak the rest of the experience is of no value. A good piece of meat at lunch sitting at a picnic table, beer
in hand is as good as the piece of meet at night, even if the ambiance is different. The ambiance of the evening is what women call “a

There is another reason men can divorce sex and love. Males reach the peak of their sexual energy in their teens.

** This means males seek sex long before they are smart enough to grasp the long term negative effects of ‘relationships’ Their ardor is strong enough to lead them into the trap of marriage and fatherhood. By the time he realizes he is paying for more and more and more and getting less and less and less, his male sense of responsibility, his duty and
love for his children, and his sense of place in the community keep him in the relationship his sex drive has enslaved him in.

** Women don’t understand that aside from giving them sex and children women serve no purpose. Men find them terrible friends, spoiled, self
centered and petty, in watching how women treat other women, men know women are not to be trusted. With women capable of thought no more
complex than worrying about Demi Moore’s shoes, men find conversing with women soul wrenching.

** Men have brought us up from a feral existence, crawling around on our bellies eating scraps like rats. Men have invented, thought, created everything that separates what we are now from what we were when we hadn’t yet thought to move into caves. Men have given us this physical world, with all the abundance, convenience, safety, health , as well as
language, law, art, literature, (as well as the devices to capturethose things). Men have done all this while expending less yammering than can be heard at any beauty salon any afternoon. And men have done it all without women lifting much of a finger.

** Men know that they need women to fuck them, and to give them the next generation of workers, thinkers, writers, discoverers, doctors, builders, garbage men, farmers, and protectors. That men don’t drown female babies at birth is a testament to his patience, understanding, compassion, and honor.

5 years, 3 months ago

very true statement women are pretty worthless creatures and have done virtually nothing of any worth to add value to modern living

5 years, 3 months ago

i hear shit actresses such susan sarandon,camaron diaz and drew barrymore are feminazi sympathisers, i say to all men dont watch anything with these cunts starring

5 years, 3 months ago

i think a new thread should start the campaign to legalise the slaughter of the feminazi

5 years, 3 months ago

My wedding is only 6 weeks away. I am marrying a woman from Finland! She is beautiful, selfless, considerate, feminine, sensitive, responsible and respectful. I love her and treat her as the most important thing in my life. I call her “minun paras” (”my best” in English).

5 years, 3 months ago

i dont think youd find them traits in many american women

5 years, 3 months ago

Sounds like Sir Paul is going to get a Royal screwing.
Over here (ie Left Coast of USA) it’s called
“Divorce: Hollywood style….The never ending story!”. Heather Mills sure knows how to ‘play the game’…big time!

Sheesh…a millon pounds a week (say about 1.5m usd) for being married. Man-oh-man, a wealthy owner I’ve flown for (Learjet 35a) married wife #5 in June and were divorced in July. This year!
He still doesn’t ‘get it…’ and #5 had a prenup that only cost him 1m usd. Yep a real bargain for another clone of American Cuntery.
Yeah, what a ‘bargain’ (compared to Sir Paul’s adventure) you might say? NOT!

Reposted from Yahoo

McCartney divorce fought out in tabloids
By Paul Majendie
Tue Sep 12, 6:25 AM ET

For Paul and Heather McCartney, the words of the Beatles song “We Can Work It Out” ring hollow.

Their divorce has turned into a battle for sympathy fought out under a glaring media spotlight.

“She is on the attack and he is on the defense,” public relations supremo Max Clifford told Reuters on Tuesday. “He is the one trying to settle as quietly and quickly as possible.”

“He doesn’t want his dirty washing aired in public and she knows that. The more that appears in the papers about her being locked out of the house and the bank accounts frozen, the more embarrassed he becomes and the more pressure he is under.”

In an echo of the bitter fight between Prince Charles and Princess Diana, they even hired the lawyers who represented the heir to the throne and his late wife.

The stakes are high.

McCartney could lose up to a quarter of his estimated 825 million pound fortune. That would equate to roughly a million pounds for every week of their four-year marriage.

With tabloids peppered with tales of the break-up, publicists, paparazzi and lawyers all agree — it has turned nasty.

McCartney, 64, and former model Heather Mills, 38, announced their separation in May, blaming media intrusion for the collapse of one of the most high-profile celebrity marriages.

At first the pair insisted the break-up would be amicable for the sake of their daughter Beatrice, who will be three next month.

But since then, Mills has found that divorcing a national icon can turn everyone against you.

Lurid allegations about her past littered the tabloid press. She hit back with stories about being locked out of the family home in a bid to win sympathy as the wronged party.

Caroline Kean, media lawyer at the London firm Wiggin said: “It is getting more and more acrimonious by the day. I suspect there will be a quiet settlement at some point. There cannot be anything positive for either of them carrying on this way.”

But, like the break-up of Diana’s marriage, the McCartney split sells newspapers and celebrity magazines and one leading photo agency saw little sign of the appetite waning.

“This is going to go on right through to the divorce settlement. Editors will be swayed by the interest in it ,” said Alan Williams, chief executive officer of Big Pictures.

“She is well aware of the power of publicity.”

5 years, 3 months ago

everyone over hates that mills bitch she would be lyched by most people, and has to go everywhere with bodyguards like madonna

5 years, 3 months ago

how come on US tv and film the republicans are always demonised and democrats are always made to look like saints ,strange even though theyve been in power lots of times and everybody else goes on about not being a liberal

5 years, 3 months ago

Senor Slade:

An American writer (sorry, forgot who due to the ravages of time) once said America has ONE political party (that being the party of property) and it has two right wings: The Democrats and the Republicans.

The term United States of America is really an oxymoronic phrase in that there are so many different views (Hell, even NorCalif cannot stand SoCalif….and that’s just one state) across this great land.

Ah, as an American, I’m truly ashamed to admit that most American are quite conservative and sexually repressed….any guess why such an unlimited desire for porn for the USA?
(Btw epi-center for porn production is LA, which now matches,$ to $, the regular Hollywood film sales).

re: liberals outshining conservatives. There are about 80 liberal talk radio (usually on am dial) outlets in the US, while there are about 460 conservative talk radio (think ‘Flush Rimjob’ or counterparts for content) outlets.

Quite a ratio of ‘left wing media’ representation ….eh?

5 years, 3 months ago

i think your better off with right wing media as theres a good chance of them destroying the feminazi regime

5 years, 3 months ago

Speaking of “crackin’ a mirror”, some of you said that the European girl doesn’t show her face, and you also assumed that she is ugly because she’s “hiding” her face.. I don’t think so, because it’s an obvious thing that she is beautiful. She is European. And when it comes to that picture of the American woman.. if her face doesn’t crack a mirror, then nothing does. (although I have seen worse cases, even when they’re smiling..)
P.S The grass IS truly greener on the other side..

5 years, 3 months ago

alot of uk birds are as bad as that american hippo in the pic, theyre getting as fat and ugly as americans

5 years, 2 months ago

Re; “American Hippo”….a virus (no known cure, either the emotional or the physical variations) that spreads like wildfire and is fatal to Western cultures.

Sadly, men put up with this nonsense (er, rot or rubbish on your side of the pond). Look at each subsequent generation of lazy, fat assed western women w/corrosive behaviours are de facto std for America.

Talk about going down in flames (this just occurred to me); I was invited to a football (exclusive American private college = $$$$ tuition) game that an aquaintance’s sons was playing in.
There were a pair of ‘grannies’ (elderly ladies in their late 70’s) who were next to me and observing the game (perhaps looking for their grandson) through their field glasses.
I about choked when I overheard one say to the other, “My, the cheerleaders seem a bit….chunky?”
No shit, as I’ve started to checkout this schools cheerleading squad, I was aghast at the level of fat asses, protruding guts, love handles AND Cellulite legs. On these late teens and early 20’s student cheerleaders, with their uniforms designed to minimized such pathetic female bodies. Not ONE was worth a second look from 50′….an the product diminished within closing range

For a pair of grannies to pick up on it was unfucking believeable…..It’s all downhill here in the states for women!

5 years, 2 months ago

i agree americans on tv/film are portrayed as being fit and good looking but the average ones are ugly and fat ,
a contrast is that brit women on tv and film are pretty normal looking ,average looks and carrying a few pounds, something the american producers would never dream of, having normal/average people starring on tv or film

5 years, 2 months ago

Under the title of “Heather goes American…..”

In America, the term for Sir Paul’s upcoming experience is called the ‘Royal Reaming’.

As a divorce attorney once told me: “Why are divorces so expensive? Because they’re WORTH IT!”

Sorry, but no tears shed for Sir Paul as NO PRENUP on board! It’s onething if your resources are minimal…..and it’s another level when the “little head” is convincing you that your future (ex)wife is different that all those other Ho’s you’ve known. NOT!

As a (well) travelled individual once told me…on the subject of women and behaviour(s)…your best % of positive interaction’s will be if you:
a)Treat a Lady like a Whore
b)Treat a Whore like a Lady

Ho, Ho, eh?……Any Questions? Class Dismissed!

McCartney Responds to Divorce Claims
Oct 18, 1:39 PM EST

The Associated Press

LONDON — Lawyers for Paul McCartney said Wednesday that the former Beatle will “vigorously” defend himself against allegations made by his estranged wife, Heather Mills McCartney.

Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper on Wednesday reported details of an alleged court document containing accounts of acrimony and mistreatment during their four-year marriage.

Video: Mills says McCartney beat her

“Our client will be defending these allegations vigorously and appropriately,” the law firm Payne Hicks Beach said in a statement.

The 64-year-old rocker and 38-year-old anti-land mine campaigner announced their separation in May and have begun divorce proceedings in an increasingly acrimonious split. They have a 3-year-old daughter, Beatrice.

The Daily Mail published extracts from what it said was a court document filed by Mills McCartney in response to the former Beatle’s July divorce petition.

The alleged document contains a litany of allegations against the musician.

Mills McCartney’s spokesman, Phil Hall, described the divorce proceedings as “highly confidential” and said he could not confirm whether the document was genuine. He said Mills McCartney had been “shocked” by the story in the Daily Mail.

Mishcon de Reya, the law firm representing Mills McCartney in the divorce, said it would not comment on “leaked or allegedly leaked documents.”

Paul McCartney’s law firm said the musician “would very much like to respond in public and in detail to the allegations made recently against him by his wife and published in the press but he recognizes, on advice, that the only correct forum for his response to the allegations made against him is in the current divorce proceedings.”

“Our client is saddened by the breakdown of his marriage and requests that his family is allowed to conduct their personal affairs out of the media spotlight for the sake of everybody involved,” the statement added.

5 years, 2 months ago

theres no chance of it not being in the media spotlight, he was a fucking fool everyone warned not to marry that peg legged bitch

5 years, 2 months ago

European women have the exotic look that many american women lack because most americans have mixed ancestry.

5 years, 2 months ago

It really doesn’t matter about a person’s looks. We all will turn into the same skeleton and eventually ashes. We’re all just human pieces of shit.

5 years, 2 months ago

its true to an extent about someones looks but no one wants to go out with someone like the elephant man or quasimodo

5 years, 1 month ago

I am a 5′2″ American woman who weighs 115 lbs. Because of my size, people tend to think that I am very “cute” or “sexy”. I worked my way through my undergrad degree in Accounting and am currently working my way through an MBA program. No one has ever given me a damn thing–I’ve had to work for everything that I have ever gotten. I don’t feel entitled to anything. But, I would never date the man in the picture–he has a beer belly and looks kind of wrinkly.

5 years, 1 month ago

wot are all the guys going to do if that dreadful feminazi creature clinton gets in ,best start packing men

5 years, 1 month ago

The problem in the USA is not that the women arent nice, i know many that are nice…well, yes some arent…and some look nice, but anyways the real issue here is all that fast food! too many french fries and big macs…and not enough excersice to burn all that excess calories… people just have to hit the gym more often…honestly, i see alot more guys in the gym then girls…if you want to look good, you have to take care of your body…if all the girls in USA would go to Bally’s 3 times a week, that would make scorpion a happy man
hey, no pain, no gain!

5 years, 1 month ago

dont think it would make scorpion happy because with america/aussie/brit women, they all have horrid personalities and selfish attitudes

5 years, 1 month ago

This post makes me sad. I am not a “feminazi” and I am also an attractive, approachable, feminine American woman.

My life does not revolve around my career and I am giving and loving.

Did I mention I am very slender? Not obese or mind-game playing or looking to hurt any men.

Please don’t call all of us those nasty things–we are not all like that.

I’m sure Hallie Berry & Jessica Alba are considered obsese and hideous as well? They are American. As are many, loving, caring, beautiful and thin American women.

I wonder what all your mothers did to you as children. You sound like you were put in a metal can and screamed at for years. I wonder what your father did when that happened? Laughed maybe?

I would brush your hair away from your face and made you a cup of coffee and ask…why so angry?


5 years, 1 month ago

PS–I have a lot of hot hot friends who are as well not crazy career minded feminazis–ask Roosh, he’s seen me & them.

We are not all like that. If you want to put us into a 10% area then fine, but please don’t say all.

I don’t know why Scorpion keeps talking about all women being crazy career minded nuts…we aren’t. I pay the bills by having a job…its just what I have to do to survive bc I don’t want to mooch off of a man but my job is JUST to pay the bills. Sad, but true.

I also keep up with how I look, dress and treat people well and I am a huge film and music buff and love good literature.

Maybe its because my father is foreign, who knows but I am definately not all those things you mentioned.

Its just the “all” factor that kills me. There is some femininity left here. We do exist.

And my goal at least is not to destroy men. That is just weird and kind of a paranoid schitzophrenic kind of way of looking at the world.

I could say that all AMerican men are fat, bald, losers who care more about sports than the world and are terrible in the sack bc they dicks are so small and their balls smell like dirty socks.

BUT I dont say that bc its not true that ALL men in America are like that. Some are incredible.

Sorry, I’m just offended bc you list what is appealing in a women and I have all that plus more AND I am American. I guess I am part of that teeny percentage you guys hate to admit exist.

Ps Did I mention I love sex? Kinky, crazy sex. Yep. And I am fucking good at it. And yes, still American.

5 years, 1 month ago

its true not all american/brit women are bad its just that alot of them are and give the rest a bad name

5 years, 1 month ago

where has old scorpion gone, must have gone to brazil

5 years, 1 month ago

Thank you slade…I will agree that many American women ARE fat (REALLY FAT) and career-minded but there are some of us left. I’m not just talking out of my ass either:

I am feminine, cultured, Second generation Hungarian & Czech (maybe thats my plus who knows?). I am tall and slender and I love men. I love men. I love sex, I love giving and I love to make people feel good.And I have usually been the more oversexed of the guys I’ve dated.

I just wish it wasn’t the “all” thing. Maybe its only that .01 percent of us left but I had to represent for the few good ones left.

I also speak 3 different languages fluently and don’t care how much money a guy has or how “buff” he is if he treats me well and gives me regular sex.

My mom raised 4 of us as a housewife and treated my dad like a king and in response he treated her like a queen. I am used to that loving type relationship and that’s what I have always given my men.

If you don’t believe me or think I am bullshitting, I have pics on my blog–I am not an obsese cow…I promise.

Scorpion–If I met you…I would show you that that few of us left are good women. Sold women, and we pride ourselves on our femninity and culture…I would never want to be a feminazi or a man.

:-) Sorry just had to interject on behalf of the few good ones left I guess.

5 years, 1 month ago

thats god to hear girl not sure wot old scorpion would say

5 years, 1 month ago

i think the women are perhaps portrayed worse than the real life ones on tv/film,
(a bunch of ball breakers)
usually a good looking 25 yr old woman police chief,that gives all the men a hard time, who in real life would put up with that shit, get real

5 years, 1 month ago

american women are not really worth it! they are fat,sloppy,ugly,lazy,money greedy,materialistic,hypocrites & fake christians.They go after the men who have a lot of money & they are demons.

5 years, 1 month ago

sounds like a true statement that,blame your mothers for it ,they were the first to adopt the feminazi way of living

5 years, 1 month ago

OK Kasssy, maybe you are one of the few. If more of the remaining “hot” American women would sleep around with all types of men as long as they are nice, then there wouldnt be a problem.

Alas, the last few “hot” women in the U.S. only sleep with buff or gay looking men.

So I have two choices. I can settle for the remainder fat cow obese scum or fly to prague, budapest, or rio.

I will take the latter choice.

5 years, 1 month ago

hes back the man himself ,back to all the ugly fat cunts

5 years, 1 month ago

Oh yea, I am back Slade.

I had a great time in Southern Brazil. Girls straight from Victoria Secrets pack your groceries.
The orgasms they give and the moaning is beauitful.
Way better then the American ugly cunt shits.

5 years, 1 month ago

next time 1 of them american bitches badmouthes u give the fucker a punch in the cunt

5 years, 1 month ago

I don’t think it is the American Woman that is the problem so much as the American Law that applies to men and woman when they get divorced. There would be way less problems if we really were equal and each had our own bank accounts which could not be touched by the other even after divorce. Also if it were equal then the person with the higher income should get the kids as that person would be better able to take care of them, as they could just get another partner with no problem. You would more likely see less bs aas there wouldn’t be as much of a reward for srewing over a man and taking everything from him including the kids. How much human misery has been caused by all the bs laws and calling everyone equal but then having alimony. If people were equal why would they need that as everyone would be equally able to care for themselves. I think you may be going after the American woman but the bs would be so much less without the American laws. When you get divorced sell the house and then split it period. things like that would make it a much more equal playing field if that is what is really wanted.

5 years, 1 month ago

The T.V. plays a big role in the bs as well when you have all these adds for femenine products that are not needed by woman. Majority of woman in the small towns in Inodnesia with no money are already beautiful they don’t need all the crap that is as seen on T.V. There 38 years old and they are still hot and in good shape. I guess eating rice and being poor are apparently all you need to look good. All the bs diets and money spent on all this crap we don’t need. The movie “fight club” summed it up pretty well.

5 years ago

american laws are ludicrous and as such make your cuntry the laughing stock of the world

5 years ago

well i will throw in my 2 euros :-)

women here in europe are not BETTER than american women,we just are DIFFERENT.with the climate differences,genetic differences and cultural differences it is not possible to generalize or compare us.

i love america and i love american women,they are so warm friendly and funny,i have no once felt unwelcomed when visited the USA.the men are also very hospitable and patient,very complimentary.

don’t complain about your country/women,instead be proud to come from such a beautiful place!

5 years ago

america is a joke of a place and the women are horrid creatures ,theres my 2 penneth

5 years ago

I don’t think it is the woman it is the laws that give them unfavorable advantage in a relationship (marriage). If it were equal treatment (no alimony) (whoever has the kid raises it like in a third world country). I believe there would be a lot less problems. I see men who have been literaly destroyed by divorce every day. I am sure there are woman as well, but in witnessing my own parents split my mom had the locks changed wouldn’t let him get his stuff, wouldn’t let him get a single thing out of the house. It was craziness. He didn’t have a place to live. After working all that time his wife could suddenly take his life away. One of his basic necessities. The bad part is now 13 years later he takes care of her as she has mental problems. I couldn’t believe that in my dads time of need she booted him out like he was a bum and a stranger, but in my moms time of need my dad is helping. For what she did I think she will probably burn in hell for a while.

5 years ago

most american and brit women need to burn in hell, they are mostly fat,ugly spongers,the laws are to blame though, its all for the niggers,women and queers, fucking lefty liberals

5 years ago

American women are the best so stop knocking them me as hot blooded Englishman got the best sex from a really fit American girl i met in New York last year man she was gorgeous.

I think of her everyday i wish i could stayed over there with her.

5 years ago

Paul you really are a gay faggot piece of shit. The fact that you said American women are the best proves your a gay faggot. You have no taste in women.

That woman in NYC you were with is a tranny, since all American women act like men. YOur nothing but a product of a crack whore hooker, you faggot.

The best women are Eastern European, South American, and Asians. If anyone disagrees they are nothing but closet gay faggot queer pieces of shit like Paul.

As for Eurorgirl, your nothing but an ugly dyke cunt face feminazi shit face looking dirt bag. Your just a Western European, and therefore your as ugly as any other career minded bitch cunt fat cow dyke. Your opinion is hopeless you cunt.

Again its fact, Eastern European, South American, and Asian women are a billion times hotter, looks and persnality wise, then women in the U.S.

Americna and Western women are all career minded, independent, cunt face, obese bound dirt bags.

5 years ago

that english guy saying american women are best must have had some shit fucks over the years, mind you all the brit women i have fucked are all useless in the bedroom, not fucked any americans or want to they are generally loud ,vulgar and foul, that eurogirl has very misguided ideas about american women, not sure if she is a dyke but alot of brit/american bitches are or bi-sexual,
its very true most european (not german,austrians or swedes) have nice women ,all eastern europe and southern are best including spain,portugal,italy ,greece and french, asian and south american all good ,aussie,canada,new zealand bad, irish good, english bad ,welsh ok scots ok

5 years ago


You are wrong,I am not from Western Europe and I am not fat,nor any of the other things you accused me of.I am sorry that feel the need to be so biased and rude to people that you do not even know.

5 years ago

I am not misguided I only offer my opinon,I really enjoyed my stay at America and found the Americans to me among the nicest I ever had the pleasure to meet.
I am heterosexual,and don’t understand why I am being called a dyke.I made it clear that I have a lot of admiration for American men as well as women.

5 years ago

well euro girl i’m english and admit having never visited america ,but i see from news/net and forums such as this that alot of american men are tired of their women ,the laws are all on their side and men (mostly white) are ridiculed by the tv and media by leftly liberals who love the feminazi bitches that dominate the airwaves, so i can see why guys such as scorpion hate the american women and why other parts of the world think that all americans are either ,redneck trailer trash or lefty liberals dominated by feminazis and beta males, you only have to look at that monstrous creature hilary clinton a closet dyke that hates men and is the true face of american women in general a FEMINAZI, so there u go people may be pleasant on the outside but underneath they have and agenda and that is to get a lefty feminazi into the whitehouse it will be a disaster for all involved, mostly white middle american men, and will i laugh ABSOLUTELY

5 years ago

Eurcunt girl your an ugly piece of shit. Even if you are Eastern European, your one of the few losers that likes American feminazi culture.

American women are nothing but piece of shit rat face looking dirtbags. Only closet gay men would prefer the career minded, independent women, over beautiful Eastern European, South American, or Asian women.

5 years ago

You know something, this Slade and Scorpion seem to be right. Seriously American women only like to sleep with guys that are buff.
If your an average American or UK dude, you have no chance with an extremely hot woman, UNLESS you go to say South America or Eastern Europe.
I have been rejected so many times by hot American woman, it nearly put me into depression.
However once I went to Brazil and Argentina, I was sleeping a large number of hot women that were more beautiful then the woman that I saw in America. I guess this makes me the winner and all American women, the real losers.

5 years ago

Slade & Scorpian,

I do not live in America and so I do not know how the Americans are like,but from my meetings with them I found them to be very nice.
Prehaps I am mislead as I do not have as much experience of them as the guy who made this site,and the other people who comented.

I do not know what is a feminazi,but assume that it is not a compliment,and probably some attack on American women for not being very feminine.
I have to agree that I didn’t find the American women to be very feminine at all.But America is still one of my favorite country to visit,and the people (men &women) are great in my opinon.

5 years ago

euro girl u said it american women are not feminine they think and act like men ,a feminazi is an extreme feminist that hates anything that refers to men, they even call themselves womyn ,but theyre not women or even human in my opinion and they love all things politically correct they are shit bitches and most of then are american

5 years ago

American women are disgusting pieces of crap.

Thats a very good thing you did bulldozer bu going to Brazil and Argentina. The women their are drop dead gorgeous.

Its amazing the number of hot women that exist in the world who look like Victoria Secret models, that are willing to have sex with average looking men.

America is a great place to born, however its the WORST place to get laid or married.

5 years ago

Thank you for explainging,I am sorry women like this exist because it is hardly natural.

5 years ago

alot of the british women are as bad as the american scum thesedays and if the american witches have their way they want to spread their bile to rest of the world

5 years ago

Im Canadian, an trust me fellahs, it’s just as bad here, or at least in in Ontario or Alberta, the two richest places in Canada… It’s ridicoulous how nasty and moody the women are here

1. White: any man percieved as poor gets the dirty look (an all that jazz)

2. Asians: slightly better but most of the good ones have been snatched up while only the Hot Drug Dealer Girlfriends are left over.. yknow, the nasty gold diggars that think and act gangstah black. Vancouver is your best bet, hottest women in Canada all in one place…. but still only date a FOB since most hot asian girls are Gangstah bitches and cash whores.

3. Middle Eastern: Really hot or average but come from very rich backgrounds and are WAY worse than the white girls, no one bothers with them and lately since 2005. They’ve been making moves on white men. These are the hottest, thinest, pretties face women and still no guy other than a Middle eastern will waste his time with them.. They’re all about playing they’re stupid mind games.

4. Indian: Pretty much all arranged marriages. You can have one but it’s more like a business deal. Look at the hair salons in they’re neigborhoods to spot the hot ones that have been a bit more westernized.. (not too much thou).

I say I hate white women the most since I live in a small oil town that has a TON of money, It’s so bad here that EVIL Wal-Mart was cheered for coming to town because the local merchants were constantly price gouging us. So naturally the women were just as bad.. I could spot a Drayton Valley women anywhere anytime,, she’s usually an ugly nasty white bitch dancing around making an ass out of herself with not a single shred of decency because in her lil world she’s the hottest thing to walk the Earth.. an How dare I not allow her to walk all over me.

It is because of growing up around these women that almost made me think I was gay simply because I just had no desire to fuck any of them even thou I REALLY liked women.. usually that hot thin black girl on “It’s A Different World”.

This is the only place I see decent looking guys with girlfriends who are FAT… by a large margin.. I always tell them to fly overseas ASAP!! Too late thou, because women flock to this town or any rich oil town to get pregnant by some dumb oil worker making 6+ K a month so they can retire.

I can’t count how many times the girl cutting my hair to serving me my Takeout starts asking questions like “what do you do? or do you rent or own?”.

As more and more oil workers are flying overseas to all the prime hottie locations.. more and more of these gross whores are knocking on my door.

Oil workers are really fucking dumb.. and it’s because of them that so many of these Jabba the Sluts have been getting away with it for so long.. Even my cousins have become Jabba Sluts.. I dunno, girls that were thin an pretty suddenly just gained a SHIT load of weight the second they graduate High School….It’s true in this country.. any women that’s 25 and over and still hot and single is either a lesbian or a impossible to please gold digger.

Joe T.
5 years ago

Anon from Canada, I’ve never been to Canada, but from what I’ve heard of it, you’re absolutely right. Canadian women are supposed to be among the most stuck-up and picky on the planet. And what is all this shit with Valerie Gibson (the Toronto Globe & Mail columnist) and her “Cougars” movement… older women aggressively going after younger men and pushing the notion that it’s better for women to date younger men. From everything I’ve heard about Canada, it’s just about Ground Zero of obnoxious, uppity, arrogant, picky, hyper-selective women.

BTW, I think it’s probably useless of you to categorize all the different enthicities of Canadian women like that. From what I can tell, and what I can glean from your post, all the minority women are just as obnoxious as your white women. So why even bother to categorize them and compare ‘em? There all the same in the Great White North!

Suggestion: If things are really that bad up there (and I’m down with you in believing they really ARE that bad, though like I said I’ve never been up there)… then MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF CANADA, eh? Move to Europe or S. America or somewhere else far, far away! Or at least move to freakin’ Georgia and date some Georgia peaches, for Jezus’ sake. Bound to be a lot less chilly and a lot more friendly than your frigid, nasty Canuck women.

What keeps you up there, anyway? Family? Job? You like ice and cold? I say, JUST MOVE THE HELL OUT, BRO!!!

5 years ago

i heard the laws in cananda are among the most liberal also and as such along with new zealand another hot bed for the feminazi movement, i ‘m sure lots of guys would rather move somewhere else but because of family,money reasons are stuck and left to suffer

Joe T.
5 years ago

The problem may be that Canadian men are traditionally very meek and polite, so they invite this kind of advantage-taking behavior from women.

5 years ago

probably thats it, if they are all beta males they will be taken advantage of

christmas wish is that all feminazis will die a horrid death on new years day

5 years ago

i just watched the latest episode of masters of horror ,its set in a future where a virus suddenly turns men against women ,this is the future i want to see, as i believe this future is just around the corner, most of the cunts wont believe it but its coming, we need to wipe out the vile scum that is woman and start over as we dont need you, you are the skirge of humanity and need to be wiped out ,women are the root of evil and need to be wiped from the face of the earth Amen to you all (not women)

5 years ago

Its really American women that are a threat to humanity. We really can live without American women or any women that likes to be “strong” (in their terms), “independent”, and “career minded”, and that only wants men that are buff or closet queers.

5 years ago

ok then all american women will be wiped out from the earth as they are the core of the feminazi movement, and their only term in life is death die u scum

5 years ago

seasons greetings to all except the vile feminazi bitches

5 years ago

What is America coming to when Miss Nevada is seen stripping down and kissing other girls.Miss USA will get to keep her crown.I believe that our future Miss USA will be in a “Girls Gone Wild Video”.I believe that every women in America is blatanly evil as long as the feminasties are running the show.I see that we are going in the same way the Roman Empire went in the 5th century A.D.

5 years ago

i believe america and us brits will go down in flames, as we will be destroyed by the rest of the world for spreading bile to countries that hate us anyway ,the middle easterners/chinese and russians will be the future world leaders. the good thing no more feminazis

5 years ago

The most striking aspect of western ‘culture’ and the posters on this blog…

you take yourselves waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooooooo seriously.

Relax already, learn to larf (especially at yourself) and ‘get yer hands and fingers off of it.’

When are you gonna realise that YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL.

5 years ago

i dont think anyone thinks theyre special theyre just voicing an oppinion

5 years ago

‘Battle Royal’ in session……Sir Paul is in full tactical (no prenup, so no stratical planning on his part) response!

McCartney, Estranged Wife in Art Spat
Dec 29, 7:44 AM EST

The Associated Press

LONDON — Police were called to the country estate of former Beatle Paul McCartney after his estranged wife reported the theft of paintings ? including a Picasso and a Renoir ? from the lodge they once shared, police said Friday.

“We checked the premises, and spoke to Heather Mills (McCartney), and as a result it was found to be a civil matter between her and her husband,” Sussex Police spokesman Paddy Rea said. “There’s been no theft.”

Mills called police Thursday night after discovering that paintings valued at an estimated $19.5 million had gone missing, The Sun newspaper reported Friday.

The Sun, quoting an unidentified friend of Mills McCartney, said that McCartney had taken the paintings and reprogrammed the estate’s alarm codes, and informed her Thursday night by text message.

McCartney and his wife announced their separation in May after four years of marriage and began divorce proceedings in July. They have a 3-year-old daughter, Beatrice.

Neither Mills’ nor McCartney’s representatives were immediately available for comment.

Well, What comes to my mind is an old saying; “It’s the Fucking ya get for the Fucking ya got!”

Btw Miss USA in Rehab with Trump’s blessing: Now what an icon of standards for America!

Miss Nevada had no political capital (Trump owns part of the Miss USA program, hence acting as the savior for his own self interest. My, how nobile!) to play, so she is off to music video’s or host a porn channel. Her 15 minutes of fame expired….

As HL Menekin once quiped, “No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public”.

Happy New Year to all…..

5 years ago

well another new year of hell to look forward to

happy new year all (except feminazis)

5 years ago

American vs. Euro females…..What you will not find occuring during the developmental years.

The NYtimes article lays out just how the “game” is portrayed to young girls who grow up into (ex) Miss Nevada, or Miss USA in Celebrity Rehab…

Just like Axel Rose screams in Guns & Roses theme song; “Welcome to the Jungle…”

Btw All The best to you Senor Slade (across the pond) for 2007. And when dealing with those bitches, remember, it is “mind over matter”

You really do not mind…and they (the bitches) do not really matter!

December 29, 2006
Editorial Observer
Middle School Girls Gone Wild

It?s hard to write this without sounding like a prig. But it?s just as hard to erase the images that planted the idea for this essay, so here goes. The scene is a middle school auditorium, where girls in teams of three or four are bopping to pop songs at a student talent show. Not bopping, actually, but doing elaborately choreographed re-creations of music videos, in tiny skirts or tight shorts, with bare bellies, rouged cheeks and glittery eyes.

They writhe and strut, shake their bottoms, splay their legs, thrust their chests out and in and out again. Some straddle empty chairs, like lap dancers without laps. They don?t smile much. Their faces are locked from grim exertion, from all that leaping up and lying down without poles to hold onto. ?Don?t stop don?t stop,? sings Janet Jackson, all whispery. ?Jerk it like you?re making it choke. …Ohh. I?m so stimulated. Feel so X-rated.? The girls spend a lot of time lying on the floor. They are in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades.

As each routine ends, parents and siblings cheer, whistle and applaud. I just sit there, not fully comprehending. It?s my first suburban Long Island middle school talent show. I?m with my daughter, who is 10 and hadn?t warned me. I?m not sure what I had expected, but it wasn?t this. It was something different. Something younger. Something that didn?t make the girls look so … one-dimensional.

It would be easy to chalk it up to adolescent rebellion, an ancient and necessary phenomenon, except these girls were barely adolescents and they had nothing to rebel against. This was an official function at a public school, a milieu that in another time or universe might have seen children singing folk ballads, say, or reciting the Gettysburg Address.

It is news to no one, not even me, that eroticism in popular culture is a 24-hour, all-you-can-eat buffet, and that many children in their early teens are filling up. The latest debate centers on whether simulated intercourse is an appropriate dance style for the high school gym.

What surprised me, though, was how completely parents of even younger girls seem to have gotten in step with society?s march toward eroticized adolescence ? either willingly or through abject surrender. And if parents give up, what can a school do? A teacher at the middle school later told me she had stopped chaperoning dances because she was put off by the boy-girl pelvic thrusting and had no way to stop it ? the children wouldn?t listen to her and she had no authority to send anyone home. She guessed that if the school had tried to ban the sexy talent-show routines, parents would have been the first to complain, having shelled out for costumes and private dance lessons for their Little Miss Sunshines.

I?m sure that many parents see these routines as healthy fun, an exercise in self-esteem harmlessly heightened by glitter makeup and teeny skirts. Our girls are bratz, not slutz, they would argue, comfortable in the existence of a distinction.

But my parental brain rebels. Suburban parents dote on and hover over their children, micromanaging their appointments and shielding them in helmets, kneepads and thick layers of S.U.V. steel. But they allow the culture of boy-toy sexuality to bore unchecked into their little ones? ears and eyeballs, displacing their nimble and growing brains and impoverishing the sense of wider possibilities in life.

There is no reason adulthood should be a low plateau we all clamber onto around age 10. And it?s a cramped vision of girlhood that enshrines sexual allure as the best or only form of power and esteem. It?s as if there were now Three Ages of Woman: first Mary-Kate, then Britney, then Courtney. Boys don?t seem to have such constricted horizons. They wouldn?t stand for it ? much less waggle their butts and roll around for applause on the floor of a school auditorium.

4 years, 12 months ago

ALL Americans, young and old, male, female have been / are being conditioned, 24/7/365 30-40 years with somewhere in the good ole usa with men suck, women don’t. Doesn’t matter both came from same families and have the same dna, men suck, women don’t. There’s a reality that’s pervasive in the usa, that’s really a parallel reality. Men are the problem, which is kinda good, since at least they cna begin to address their developmental shorcomings, and have a chance a completeing themselves into reality, sadly, women don’t. Women, are too busy blaming men, and it’s reenforced 24/7/365 for years, for the entire lives of young women, say under 30. Their entire existence is saturated and throughly corrupted by the message, men suck, women don’t. The mind hears and believes EVERYTHING told to it over and over again, only when the truth is interduced will it readily overwrite the b/s…

4 years, 12 months ago

Here’s the thing, as some men, go off shore marry and mix with Asians, Europians, Latino’s, you name it, it’ll continue to be vividly contrasting to the rest, the status quo, and will change the status quo at an ever increasing rate to eventually be a mass movement, religating the American Women into Anachronistic status, which for most American Women probably is not too good, however for the rest of the world is good, blending differont cultures and ethnicities in the powerhouse of a melting pot called America. Sadly for men and women of the United States, they / most don’t even know of this conditioning, or social reengineerig, many if not most just ‘feel’ bad, and don’t know why. Why indeed, attempting to reassign genetic imperatives that have been etched into the dna/social customs and reenforced with the result florish of health, which is intended to propigate the masses and sybiosis with the spirit as to push humanity towards this paradigm in order to reenforce, what was/is/will be intentional with some modern day nonsence is at best laughable: to watch ‘THEM’ try and overwrite the deep down truths of time and intention with some contemporary crap is for them to battle/war with a creator, that will continue to gently ‘flick’ them aside for what is reality, that is, men are certain roles, just as women are certainly not what the revisionists are selling. It doesn’t work and will continue to shortcurcuit many lives during this modern attempt at telling God what is correct and what is not….it’s a delight to watch, with the outcome certain.

4 years, 12 months ago

its almost as bad over here, the difference is that the male youths have all got a “fuck you” attitude resulting in them dropping out of school and turning to drugs and violent crime and the girls looking towards useless celebs such as jade goody and chantelle who came from a programme called big brother a tv reality show, they see that you dont need intellect to get anywhere just appear on tv a programme and the rewards will come or marry a sportman and sponge for the rest of their lives, its joke and not a funny one

4 years, 12 months ago

Yes, ALL are affected in the west, perhaps the eventual outcome will bring us to a higher level, after all the experimentation is deemed in error. Hopefully this journey won’t result in the it’s failure.

The pain, oh the pain, that so many feel is designed, imho, to move one to induce, conjole them into something that’s not currently being done. However, with the obfuscation of all the many man made distractions, that are devised to anestitise the self from the pain resulting in a rudderless ship that eventually crashs is unfortunate to say the least. The body/mind and now of it all, confounds self-actualizing imperatives of the body/mind/Soul…which this particular generation insists on redesigning, just like trying to redesign the wheel, reengineering what the intellect of generations before know as a truth, a visceral truth, the truth that only the soul knows,….

…there is GOD.

And no amount of energy spent on overwriting the truth with information steeped in cognitive error will change what the soul knows, deep, deep, deep down inside, with 100% absolute certainedy,

there is GOD…

This, imho, does not have to be black/white or orthodox, but insists on a symbiosis of spirit, human spirit with the teacher. Oh but of course, you can resist, you can do your own thing, and you can even attempt to overwrite what eons of intellect discovered and reaffirmed long ago, but in the end, there it is, staring back at you, what you may ask…..?

The Truth

4 years, 12 months ago

This Rosie Odonell in the USA is causing trouble by hating on hot women. Although hot woman are bad, Rosie is even worse and she is the type of woman that would ban hot women to this country.

I shall side with Donald Trump.

Now moving on, if more hot women were imported to the USA, more healthier offspring would be produced. This is another incentive.

4 years, 12 months ago

rosie odonell is a big fat ugly old lesbo no wonder shes jealous of hot babes

4 years, 12 months ago

Why are you hating women so much?If a woman saying the phrases you are say about them,regarding would call them man-hating feminist bitches.

But it is ok for you to sterotype and generalize in this way? I think it is time you realise women are not completly evil.Some are,others arent

I am not the way you descrive

4 years, 12 months ago

Follow-up to NYtimes article, though in Newsweek

Well, well…what do we have here?
An anomaly just in a affluent TX school district?
Not hardly….just another reflection of American (in this case: young women) values.

Damn, I dated a few milf’s who had a daughter (or two) like described in the following article.
And the daughter(s) KNEW they were Hot & and no one was going to mess with them in ANY capacity!
Then the question arises, Like mother, like daughter? Well…after a while…I began to see from where the daughter(s) values were sourced from. The daughter(s) were taking the basic values (beliefs system) and ramping them up from their mom.

Those ‘Hot’ daughters were going to live life on their terms and conditions.
But as an old storyline went:

“Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends….”

Bulsco..your focus is excellent, and I could never improve upon your prose.
Great comment about God (and the Truth), though his son (Jesus) was a great bit more compassionate with the trials and tribulations of humanity.

Amazing how really God-less most God professing Americans are….All religious flash, but (underneath the facade) really just trash!

As always, your view(s) maybe different.

By Gretel C. Kovach and Arian Campo-Flores
Updated: 1:37 p.m. PT Jan 2, 2007

Jan. 2, 2007 - The pictures posted on looked like the latest installment of “Girls Gone Wild.” In them, cheerleaders from McKinney North High School in Texas exhibited all variety of bawdy behavior. One shot showed a bikini-clad girl sharing a bottle of booze with a friend. Another featured a cheerleader and several other girls in risqu? poses offering glimpses of their panties. But the most infamous photo of all was taken in a Condoms To Go store. Five smiling cheerleaders dressed in uniform posed with large candles shaped like penises. At least one of them appeared to be simulating fellatio. “It would be an overstatement to describe any of the photographs as pornographic, but it would be an understatement to describe them as harmless high jinks,” wrote Harold Jones, a lawyer hired by the school district to investigate the incident. “Quite frankly, I personally found it ‘creepy’.”

The photos are at the heart of a scandal that has rocked McKinney, an affluent bedroom community north of Dallas. By many accounts, the group of cheerleaders, known as the “Fab Five,” were out of control?an elite social clique that flagrantly flouted school rules but faced few sanctions. In many ways, they seemed like the stereotypical “mean girls” that periodically trigger bouts of consternation among parents. But there’s an added wrinkle to their tale: the Fab Five’s alleged ringleader was the daughter of McKinney North’s principal, Linda Theret. Amid charges that Theret gave the girls preferential treatment, the school district launched a $40,000 investigation conducted by Jones in the fall. His 70-page report, which harshly criticized Theret and assistant principal Richard Brunner, helped prompt Theret’s resignation on Dec. 21 (Brunner remains on paid leave as he fights to retain his job). But Jones’s report takes plenty of others to task as well, from parents to police. “Kids will be kids, but adults have to be adults,” he wrote. “Sadly, in this saga, I was struck by the reticence of many adults to accept the role of ‘being the grown-up’.”

The cheerleaders had reportedly been a menace long before the condom-store episode, according to the report. When one teacher told a squad member to quit chatting on her cell phone in class, the girl replied, “Shut up, I’m talking to my Mom.” On a separate occasion, she offered this response to the teacher’s reprimand: “Pull your panties out of a wad.” “Gang members were nothing compared to these girls,” the teacher told Jones. “They believe they cannot be touched.” The girls were apparently just as ornery in their cheerleading activities, leading five coaches to quit in the last three years. The principal’s daughter flipped off one former coach. But instead of kicking the daughter off the squad, school administrators allowed her to quit so she could try out the following year. After the incident, the coach told Jones, Theret “tried to ruin my life over this. I was called a liar, crazy, on meds.” (Theret’s attorney denies this.)

The problems culminated this fall under the most recent cheerleading coach, Michaela Ward. Though her relationship with the girls started off amicably, things quickly soured. Among the pranks they allegedly pulled on Ward: giving her what the report described as a “chocolate tampon” and sending racy text messages from her cell phone to her husband and another coach. When the condom-store photos hit the Internet, they triggered a firestorm. Now taking a hard line, Theret, according to her attorney, recommended kicking the five girls off the squad. But a committee of administrators from the school and the district recommended 15-day suspensions for the girls in the drinking photo and 30-day suspensions for those in the condom-store snapshot. After parents protested that the latter picture shouldn’t be treated more harshly than the former, the superintendent of schools agreed and reduced the penalty for the condom-store photo to 15 days. In the aftermath, Ward warned the cheerleaders that she would kick them off if there were any more incidents. “Good luck with that,” one is said to have replied. Not surprisingly, there were more incidents, including the night of the homecoming dance, when some of the cheerleaders arrived in a limo packed with students who had apparently been boozing.

All of this might have remained below the radar had it not been for Ward. In October, she abruptly resigned and recounted her experiences with the girls to the media. In the resulting uproar, the school district called in Jones, whose report makes clear that he was as dismayed by the behavior of the adults as he was by that of the Fab Five. He criticized Ward for abetting the cheerleaders’ misconduct. He lambasted school administrators for giving the girls far too many second chances. And he rebuked Theret for failing to balance her dueling obligations as a mother and a principal.

The parties involved, of course, dispute these conclusions. Theret’s attorney, Bob Hinton, says that she was doing her best to control her recalcitrant daughter and that as principal, she propelled the school to the “pinnacle” of academic excellence?a point that Jones agrees with. One of the Fab Five claims that their depiction as “Girls Gone Wild” is unjustified. Critics “made us out to be people we’re not,” she says. Ward didn’t return calls for comment.

At McKinney North, the tumult is finally beginning to subside. None of the Fab Five remain on the team, according to one of the ousted cheerleaders. Theret recently reached a settlement with the school board, agreeing to resign in exchange for a payment of around $75,000 and a letter of recommendation. In her wake, an interim principal has been named. “We want to move on,” says a McKinney schools spokesman. Perhaps now that the reign of the Fab Five is over, they can.

4 years, 12 months ago

Followup on American Women values….My opinion of American women continues to decline each day. Yep Scorpion, you see the (USA women) game for what it is:pathetic and narcissistic

It is true, one is considered old when nothing surprises you. Well, I must still be young!

Note to eurogirl….just my assesment, but of the many women I dated, why is it that I gave them more love and respect than they could give to themselves? After 40+ girlfriends (ok, I am quite a bit older than the avg of ages here), the same pattern(s) seem to surface again and again. I am not a perfect man (though affluent, attractive, educated, kind/caring, patient…) but the inability of most women to love themselves, when your gender has an infinite capacity for nuturing, amazes me. Then, again, maybe it just another reflection of American women values that I have seen all too much thereof.


Ovulating…. - 34

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Date: 2007-01-04, 8:00PM PST

I will be ovulating in two days and would love to meet someone interested in giving me a special gift. Would prefer someone interested in going to term with me.

Location: San Fran

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4 years, 11 months ago

I would say that many, use the scriptures, bible, Christ as a forumula or perhaps the only formulat that they know, to achieve a relationship with the power. Personaly, and I know the time will come, I’ve chosen to resist the temptation to read the bible, although many years ago I was exposed to it and certainly would not suggest that that model is in any way flawed. However what I’ve found, is when a person ‘clears’ the way, through thinking in a way that builds, actually restructures nural payways, and attends to the obligatory developemental process, then a some point, asks, he receives…


…periods of time that would be best described as conflagurations, of clarity. Or perhaps, one can eventually hear, and for the first time with regularity, The Holy Spirit. It seems to me, to be, something one experiences more and more often, daily really. And it’s as if, where did that come from, not just one thought, but truly a litany of seminole cognitions. I’m convinced, that for the first time that I’m aware of, that the ‘Nuts & Bolts’ of Self-Actualization is available, which I believe and seems to me, an imperitive. That is to say, a relitively steady progress at quieting the noise, or the critical that along with finally haveing control in a building way of, obsessive thought. Which in my way of thinking, is responible for many if not most of the ‘isms… Yes, I do believe that finally an individual that is truly developemntally stunted, or inmature with all the fallout that a life of being stuck will produce from depression to obsessive thought to someone that has honed the abiltiy to ‘Cork-Screw’ themselves into the ground and at the worst possible time, or chronic self-hate, which often is not recognized, since they’ve never experienced anything else. I believe this methodology, is extremely affective, and probably for the majority, guess well see.

Books, group speaks, internet access, etc., is in thought, and will be available, in due time, soon..

4 years, 11 months ago

Which, in no small way, explains and really offers another way for the 50% that have or do have failed marrages, an Nuts & Bolts approach that everyone can learn to do, that will help them ‘RAISE’ themselves, and not rely on ‘Others’ to do it. I’m talking real empowerment and not some snake oil, tangable results. Any not just in the subject of Marrages, but All relationships, including and most importantly the one with self, and God. I know, as soon as one hears someone say God, they immediately think, judgements, orthodox religion and J. Swaggart, I’m not. I’m talking more along the lines of what many have describe in not so many words, as the ‘Zone’, or what Einstein was refuring to, when he said, I’m interested in what God thinks, the rest are details. And even if one didn’t get this far along into it, it definitely would help, the alcoholics, drug addics, foodaholics, sexaholics, buy stuff you can’t affordoholics….you know, ALL that man has devised to not feel the pain, oh the pain. Which again, brings me back to intention,al….

4 years, 11 months ago

The traits you use to descrive yourself (affluent, attractive, educated, kind/caring, patient) certainly suggest you are the perfect man,or at least are very close to be.

I only can suggest you were dating women much below your worth,very imature women who did not know how to love a man or be loved by one.
I could be wrong but it’ my opinon.

Please do not judge all women by american women standards,or even all american women by the women you had those unfortunate experience.

4 years, 11 months ago

euro girl u need to wake up ,most (not all)american,canadian,swedish and new zealander women are self obsessed FEMINAZIS who mostly hate men, and its mostly down to to ridiculous liberal laws and beta male sympathisers

4 years, 11 months ago

Eurogirl your just a cunt. You dont know anything about American women.
Western Women except Spaniards and Portugese are scum.

Men that support feminazis should be put in concentration camps.

Face reality, Eastern European, Southern European, South American, and Asia women are supeior to all North American and Western European scumbag women.

4 years, 11 months ago

Scorpian you are being rediculous,I do not live in America..but I have met many Americans and find they very agreeable,nice people.

If you dislike American womens so much,I suggest you move to another country.But not Czech Republic please,we don’t want your rudeness and ignorance here

4 years, 11 months ago

anyone can be nice to your face its the two faced sour attitude you dont see,the american creatures will find your pressence a threat to their existence as a feminazi, as eastern euro girls have no interest in their narrow minded prejudices and hatred of men

4 years, 11 months ago

euro girl I have been to Prague many times and slept with many of the hot women in that country. Your just one of the few obese cunt rags that no one wants.

You will be married to the typical czech male that is usually a close homo.

Do yourself and get out of the Czech Republic because they dont want fat cow women like yourself you ugly shit face product of a hooker.

4 years, 11 months ago

Scorpian, I am obese? If 49kg is obese,prehaps all womens should be anorexic?

Im’ ashamed if my countrywoman slept with a man as pathetic as yourself,normaly Czech women have much more self pride.

Czech men are a thousand time sexier than American (or any other countrys men) I have travled frequently and am always pleased to return home to my people.

I have nothing else to say to you.I am very feminie and not obese,your words mean nothing to me and I pity you deeply. You behave like alittle boy rejected by the women of his country,seeking out foreigners who possibley only care for his wallet

You are right.Humans are twofaced,I hope I did not expierience this from American which case I would have to admit I was wrong of their personalitys.And you were correct

4 years, 11 months ago

i think american men in general have had enough of their women because they are generally horrid people, but then americans in general are, you only have to look at their braindead president, what a joke, the two faced prissy attitude that american/brit women have has been inbred into them by ridiculous one sided programmes like oprah, that have brainwashed them into thinking all men are either murderers,woman beaters,paedophiles and philanderers, until this changes each generation of women will be just as bad and the men in general will turn their backs on them and look at getting proper women from elsewhere such as europe,asia,south america

4 years, 11 months ago


“Trust your hunches. They’re usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.”
- Dr. Joyce Brothers -

Now for the REST of you….GET A GRIP on your anger, frustration, hate, and rage that is flowing in excess here.

Judas H. Priest…try to enjoy life instead of all this pissing and moaning about he said/she said. Each of us do not get enough time in this lifetime, and I have come a hell of lot closer that all of you in almost going bust. Still here.

I am watching (and hearing about) more and more friends/associates (yes, even a few choice enemies. Your enemies define who you are, as a person, better than your friends) going before their time…So CHILL OUT, It is a short stint in this lifeform. No reruns!

That said…All The Best to each of you in your journey.

4 years, 11 months ago

THe American looks happy…

4 years, 11 months ago

hes probably pissed

4 years, 11 months ago

euroe girl must have AIDS or somethins.

Czech men beat there wives and have a habit of being closet homos.

Czech men also fight lile girls. I remember I banged this girl in Prague, and her bf tried to attack me when he caught us.

I immediatly broke his teeth and he cried like a girl.

The only straight men in Europe are the Brits.

4 years, 11 months ago

very true most other euro guys are very much either beta male homos or butch closet queers ,except us brits of course

4 years, 11 months ago

At least the Brits have some guts to send a reasonable amount of troops to Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Czech men are all gay faggots. They only beat there hot and nice wives.

The only women that deserve a beating are American feminazi women.

4 years, 11 months ago

and brit feminazis as well theres not as many as americans but they do exist

4 years, 11 months ago

Scorpian,I think you are talking out of youur asshole

Czech men are well mannered,best humor,high educated,great dressed,the best to party with in the world. You very obviously do not know much of them

My experience of Brit men I really liked them,they have a great love life attitude and seem to havefun wherever they go.

Fortunately for me I have not met many American like yourself,the ones I have had the pleasure of meting have all been charming,sociable and intelligant.

4 years, 11 months ago

i cant comment on czech men i dont know any, but we do have a lot of poles over here,i dont know any of them personally but a lot of brits dont like them being here ,but that goes for indians,pakis and middle easterners or any other muslim people, theres growing hatred towards them the same way as americans hate and distrust them

4 years, 11 months ago

F Scott Fitzgerald had no idea as to Americans ability (and the American public’s appetite) to re-invent themselves (re Madonna: “I won’t be happy till I’m as famous as God.”) when he wrote: “There are no second acts in American lives.”

But he also was quoted:”Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.”

Miss Ex Nevada will come out better than Trump’s program could have have evolved…..Miss USA doing Celebrity Rehab not withstanding.>1=7703

4 years, 11 months ago

Czech men are all homosexauals. When they talk they sound like faggot. There nothing but cuckholds.

I remember in prague when I knocked the teeth of this Czech guy. I was banging his girlfrind and he couldnt even throw a punch.

Eurorgirl your just one of the few fat cow women in your country. No one likes you. Your mother is a prostitute and your father is a drunken dirtbag.

4 years, 11 months ago

Czech men are all gay faggots. There pussies. Most Czech women hate them because they are Czech men are closet faggots.

Even Asian men are desirable in Czech Republic then Czech men. Czech are nothing but queers.

4 years, 11 months ago

European women are great. Forget the (mostly) flabby US whales. Go Europe…

4 years, 11 months ago

Scorpian I will not no longer waste my time to write on u.I hope you grow up soon

4 years, 11 months ago

Czech men=gay faggots with AIDS that only fat cow women may want

Czech women=hot sexy

4 years, 11 months ago

send all the fat US feminazis to czech and import the czech women to the US sorted

4 years, 11 months ago

“Houston…we have a problem”

Say Scorpion looks like Brazil is sliding a tad bit! Sounds like western neurosis is setting in.

January 14, 2007(NYtimes)In the Land of Bold Beauty, a Trusted Mirror Cracks

AS king of carnival, the corpulent Rei Momo is supposed to embody all the jollity, carnality and excess associated with that most Brazilian of bacchanals. So when the event?s reigning monarch has gastric bypass surgery, sheds 150 pounds and starts an exercise program, you begin to wonder what?s going on.

And when six young women die of anorexia in quick succession ? two in the last two weeks ? the wonder turns to bewilderment. Brazil may well be the most body-conscious society in the world, but that body has always been Brazil?s confident own ? not a North American or European one.

For women here that has meant having a little more flesh, distributed differently to emphasize the bottom over the top, the contours of a guitar rather than an hourglass, and most certainly not a twig. Anorexia, though long associated with wealthier industrialized countries, was an affliction all but unheard-of here.

But that was before the incursions of the Barbie aesthetic, celebrity models, satellite television and medical makeovers made it clear just how far some imported notions of beauty, desirability and health have encroached on Brazilian ideals once considered inviolate.

By ? ?upgrading? to international standards of beauty,? said Mary del Priore, a historian and co-author of ?The History of Private Life in Brazil,? the country is abandoning its traditional belief that ?plumpness is a sign of beauty and thinness is to be dreaded.? The contradictory result, she added, is that ?today it?s the rich in Brazil who are thin and the poor who are fat.?

A generation ago, the ideal type here was Martha Rocha, a Miss Brazil from the mid-1950s. She finished second in the Miss Universe competition supposedly because her body was a bit too generous in the hips, buttocks and thighs, but since those characteristics were so highly valued here, as suggested by cartoons and the popularity of the semi-pornographic drawings of Carlos Z?firo that circulated, it was the rest of the world whose taste was questioned.

Even the famous ?girl from Ipanema,? immortalized in the bossa nova song written in 1962, illustrated the cultural differences that prevailed then: only in the English lyrics is she ?tall and tan and young and lovely.? In the original Portuguese version, the emphasis is on ?the sweet swing? of her hips and backside as she walks, a sway described as ?more than a poem, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.?

Today, in sharp contrast, the epitome of beauty is Gisele B?ndchen, the top model whose enormous international success has inspired the thousands of Brazilian girls who dream of emulating her to enroll in modeling schools and competitions. But very little about Ms. B?ndchen?s body ? tall and blond, rangy yet busty ? connects her to her homeland and its traditional self-image.

?Hers is a globalized beauty that has nothing to do with the Brazilian biotype,? said Joana de Vilhena Novaes, author of ?The Intolerable Weight of Ugliness: On Women and Their Bodies? and a psychologist here. ?She has very little in the way of hips, thighs or fanny. She?s a Barbie,? one whose parents are of German descent.

Dr. Novaes and others have noted that during the 1960s and 70s, Brazilian girls played with a locally made doll named Susi, who, reflecting the national aesthetic, was darker and fleshier than her counterparts abroad. But in the 1970s, Barbie arrived, and by the mid-1980s, production of Susi dolls had ceased, though it has resumed in recent years in a sort of backlash.

Yet until recently no one here would ever have talked with admiration about having an hourglass figure like Barbie?s, let alone the coat-hanger physiques of the international runways. Instead, the ideal was what is known as ?um corpo de viol?o,? or ?guitar-shaped body?; that is, like Susi?s, thicker in the waist, hips and fanny.

One indication of how rapidly values are changing can be gleaned from a government study released in November, just after the first in the cluster of anorexia deaths, that of Ana Carolina Reston, a 21-year-old model. According to the survey, the percentage of the population taking appetite-suppressants more than doubled between 2001 and 2005, making Brazil the world champion in the consumption of diet pills.

?The reasons are purely aesthetic, not medical, especially for women,? who account for at least 80 percent of the market, said Dr. Elisaldo de Ara?jo Carlini, a professor at the Federal University of S?o Paulo who is the author of the study. ?They want to get thin no matter what, all because of images from north of the Equator. It is a cruel cultural imposition on the Brazilian woman.?

Women in countries around the world are subject to such pressures, of course. But Brazilians argue that the situation here is more extreme: this is, after all, a tropical country in which, much more than the United States, Europe or Japan, people live their lives outdoors, often, for comfort?s sake, in skimpy clothes showcasing the body?s glories or defects.

A result is a culture of vanity that seems to know no boundaries. This summer, the newest rage, according to local news reports, is liposuction on the toes, and there have also been accounts of a boom in plastic surgery among women 80 and older.

Men are not immune. President Luiz In?cio Lula da Silva is reported to have recently had cosmetic work done on his teeth, and even the chief of an Indian tribe in the Amazon had plastic surgery because, as he guilelessly put it, ?I was finding myself ugly and I wanted to be good-looking again.?

But most of the complaints about the tyranny of the culture of beauty here come from women. Each year follows the same pattern: Enrollment at gyms, here called ?academies,? declines as cool weather arrives and then rises in the final quarter of the year, as women try to prepare their bodies to look good on the beaches during the Southern Hemisphere summer vacation season, which runs from just before Christmas until carnival, about two months later.

But Brazilian eating habits don?t make the process easy. If the emblematic American meal consists of fried chicken, corn on the cob and apple pie, its Brazilian equivalent is more like this: rice and beans, potatoes, pasta, bread, salad and a slice of meat sprinkled with farofa, or ground and toasted yucca flour.

The Brazilian diet is much higher in carbohydrates and lower in protein than is recommended, said Claudia Carahyba, a nutritionist in S?o Paulo whose clients include modeling agencies that want to break their girls of such bad habits. ?That is especially true of the poor,? she said. ?Since protein costs more, they trade that for more carbohydrates like yucca, which are cheaper and make you feel full.?

In fact, the new paradigm has been slower to penetrate poorer regions like the Amazon and the northeast, where hunger is still widespread and the idea of ?fartura,? or cornucopian abundance, is especially valued. There, men in particular are proud to show off wives and children whose bodies are more rounded, as a sign that they are good providers.

?To be fat used to be considered wonderful in Brazil, because it showed that you eat very well, which is important to Brazilians,? said Roberto da Matta, an anthropologist and newspaper columnist who is a leading social commentator. ?That you have three meals a day and eat meat and beans, calmly, at a table with friends and relatives, means that someone is taking good care of you.?

Experts also agree that Brazilian men, whatever their class or race, have been much slower to accept slenderness as a gauge of feminine beauty. When they are looking for a sexual partner, Brazilian men are consistent and clear in saying that they prefer women who are fleshy in the rear ? ?popozuda? is the wonderfully euphonious slang term used here ? and have pronounced curves.

In the past, that standard was so firmly established that some Brazilian women resorted to breast reduction or buttock augmentation surgery, sometimes even transferring their own tissue from top to bottom.

But as the international standard has taken hold, tastes are changing.

?Those huge breasts you see in the United States, like in Playboy, were always considered ridiculous in Brazil,? said Ivo Pitanguy, the country?s most renowned plastic surgeon. ?But there is now more of a tendency than before to want breasts that are a bit larger ? not to make them huge, mind you, but more proportional as part of a body that is more svelte and more athletic.?

Though such globalized standards of beauty originated in rich, mostly white neighborhoods, they are gradually being spread to the rest of Brazil and across racial lines by the actresses and models who live here and perform in popular telenovelas. Exercise academies can be found in slum areas, and newspapers noted that the most recent anorexia victim was a dark-skinned teenager from a working-class suburb of Rio who dreamed of becoming a model.

In fact, all six women who died of anorexia lived either in Rio de Janeiro or in S?o Paulo, the country?s most cosmopolitan states and centers of the Brazilian fashion industry. The death that followed Ms. Reston?s was of a 21-year-old fashion student. There was also a 23-year-old student and office worker who had a home page on the Web and gave English lessons.

Ms. del Priore, the historian, pointed to other fundamental changes, which she said have led to a rebellion against machismo and the patriarchal structure that she believes persists here.

?This abrupt shift is a feminine decision that reflects changing roles? as women move out of the home and into the workplace, she said. ?Men are still resisting and clearly prefer the rounder, fleshier type. But women want to be free and powerful, and one way to reject submission is to adopt these international standards that have nothing to do with Brazilian society.?

4 years, 11 months ago

well that goes to show that america is a poison on the planet and as such should be nuked

4 years, 11 months ago

Brazil still has hot women. Brazilian women are not “plump”. They are athletic. The author is a gay faggot and has no idea what he is talking about.

The Southern part of Brazil is the best. Thats where you find the VS models.

Brazil is not dead like this fat cow country, the USA.

4 years, 11 months ago

it probably is shit but barazilian feminazis u know where they adopted that from

4 years, 11 months ago

feminazis try to infect other countries but it usually fails. Only the weak countries like the U.S. and and Western Europe buy into feminazis.

4 years, 11 months ago

Addendum to “American Values…”

Btw Eurogirl….this article is pretty accurate in assesment of how todays (young) women view marriage.

I would have to say that young women, (age:26-34) that I have dated (yes, I am an older man), that a high percentage eventually lay out how much they owe (ie student loans, credit cards, notes on automobiles, ect) with the premise of that is what it will take (ie can I absorb their debt ranging from 20k up. One MD, just finished her resident program, said she would not marry any man unless he absorbed her 200k student loan. With a wink and a smile too!) before they would consider having a relationship.

I am not a practioner of law….but the premise of exchange of funds for sexual activity sure comes close to sounding like prostitution.

Too Bad America has degenerated so far so fast…

As always…your views maybe different.

51% of Women Are Now Living Without Spouse


Published: January 16, 2007

For what experts say is probably the first time, more American women are living without a husband than with one, according to a New York Times analysis of census results.

In 2005, 51 percent of women said they were living without a spouse, up from 35 percent in 1950 and 49 percent in 2000.

Coupled with the fact that in 2005 married couples became a minority of all American households for the first time, the trend could ultimately shape social and workplace policies, including the ways government and employers distribute benefits.

Several factors are driving the statistical shift. At one end of the age spectrum, women are marrying later or living with unmarried partners more often and for longer periods. At the other end, women are living longer as widows and, after a divorce, are more likely than men to delay remarriage, sometimes delighting in their newfound freedom.

In addition, marriage rates among black women remain low. Only about 30 percent of black women are living with a spouse, according to the Census Bureau, compared with about 49 percent of Hispanic women, 55 percent of non-Hispanic white women and more than 60 percent of Asian women.

In a relatively small number of cases, the living arrangement is temporary, because the husbands are working out of town, are in the military or are institutionalized. But while most women eventually marry, the larger trend is unmistakable.

?This is yet another of the inexorable signs that there is no going back to a world where we can assume that marriage is the main institution that organizes people?s lives,? said Prof. Stephanie Coontz, director of public education for the Council on Contemporary Families, a nonprofit research group. ?Most of these women will marry, or have married. But on average, Americans now spend half their adult lives outside marriage.?

Professor Coontz said this was probably unprecedented with the possible exception of major wartime mobilizations and when black couples were separated during slavery.

William H. Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution, a research group in Washington, described the shift as ?a clear tipping point, reflecting the culmination of post-1960 trends associated with greater independence and more flexible lifestyles for women.?

?For better or worse, women are less dependent on men or the institution of marriage,? Dr. Frey said. ?Younger women understand this better, and are preparing to live longer parts of their lives alone or with nonmarried partners. For many older boomer and senior women, the institution of marriage did not hold the promise they might have hoped for, growing up in an ?Ozzie and Harriet? era.?

Emily Zuzik, a 32-year-old musician and model who lives in the East Village of Manhattan, said she was not surprised by the trend.

?A lot of my friends are divorced or single or living alone,? Ms. Zuzik said. ?I know a lot of people in their 30s who have roommates.?

Ms. Zuzik has lived with a boyfriend twice, once in California where the couple registered as domestic partners to qualify for his health insurance plan. ?I don?t plan to live with anyone else again until I am married,? she said, ?and I may opt to keep a place of my own even then.?

Linda Barth, a 56-year-old magazine editor in Houston who has never married, said, ?I used to divide my women friends into single friends and married friends. Now that doesn?t seem to be an issue.?

Sheila Jamison, who also lives in the East Village and works for a media company, is 45 and single. She says her family believes she would have had a better chance of finding a husband had she attended a historically black college instead of Duke.

?Considering all the weddings I attended in the ?80s that have ended so very, very badly, I consider myself straight up lucky,? Ms. Jamison said. ?I have not sworn off marriage, but if I do wed, it will be to have a companion with whom I can travel and play parlor games in my old age.?

Carol Crenshaw, 57, of Roswell, Ga., was divorced in 2005 after 33 years and says she is in no hurry to marry again.

?I?m in a place in my life where I?m comfortable,? said Ms. Crenshaw, who has two grown sons. ?I can do what I want, when I want, with whom I want. I was a wife and a mother. I don?t feel like I need to do that again.?

Similarly, Shelley Fidler, 59, a public policy adviser at a law firm, has sworn off marriage. She moved from rural Virginia to the vibrant Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, D.C., when her 30-year marriage ended.

?The benefits were completely unforeseen for me,? Ms. Fidler said, ?the free time, the amount of time I get to spend with friends, the time I have alone, which I value tremendously, the flexibility in terms of work, travel and cultural events.?

Among the more than 117 million women over the age of 15, according to the marital status category in the Census Bureau?s latest American Community Survey, 63 million are married. Of those, 3.1 million are legally separated and 2.4 million said their husbands were not living at home for one reason or another.

That brings the number of American women actually living with a spouse to 57.5 million, compared with the 59.9 million who are single or whose husbands were not living at home when the survey was taken in 2005.

Some of those situations, which the census identifies as ?spouse absent? and ?other,? are temporary, and, of course, even some people who describe themselves as separated eventually reunite with their spouses.

Over all, a larger share of men are married and living with their spouse ? about 53 percent compared with 49 percent among women.

?Since women continue to outlive men, they have reached the nonmarital tipping point ? more nonmarried than married,? Dr. Frey said. ?This suggests that most girls growing up today can look forward to spending more of their lives outside of a traditional marriage.?

Pamela J. Smock, a researcher at the University of Michigan Population Studies Center, agreed, saying that ?changing patterns of courtship, marriage, and that we are living longer lives all play a role.?

?Men also remarry more quickly than women after a divorce,? Ms. Smock added, ?and both are increasingly likely to cohabit rather than remarry after a divorce.?

The proportion of married people, especially among younger age groups, has been declining for decades. Between 1950 and 2000, the share of women 15-to-24 who were married plummeted to 16 percent, from 42 percent. Among 25-to-34-year-olds, the proportion dropped to 58 percent, from 82 percent.

?Although we can help people ?do? marriage better, it is simply delusional to construct social policy or make personal life decisions on the basis that you can count on people spending most of their adult lives in marriage,? said Professor Coontz, the author of ?Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage.?

Besse Gardner, 24, said she and her boyfriend met as college freshmen and started living together last April ?for all the wrong reasons? ? they found a great apartment on the beach in Los Angeles.

?We do not see living together as an end or even for the rest of our lives ? it?s just fun right now,? Ms. Gardner said. ?My roommate is someone I?d be thrilled to marry one day, but it just doesn?t make sense right now.?

Ms. Crenshaw said that some of the women in her support group for divorced women were miserable, but that she was surprised how happy she was to be single again.

?That?s not how I grew up,? she said. ?That?s not how society thinks. It?s a marriage culture.?

Elissa B. Terris, 59, of Marietta, Ga., divorced in 2005 after being married for 34 years and raising a daughter, who is now an adult.

?A gentleman asked me to marry him and I said no,? she recalled. ?I told him, ?I?m just beginning to fly again, I?m just beginning to be me. Don?t take that away.? ?

?Marriage kind of aged me because there weren?t options,? Ms. Terris said. ?There was only one way to go. Now I have choices. One night I slept on the other side of the bed, and I thought, I like this side.?

She said she was returning to college to get a master?s degree (her former husband ?didn?t want me to do that because I was more educated than he was?), had taken photography classes and was auditioning for a play.

?Once you go through something you think will kill you and it doesn?t,? she said, ?every day is like a present.?

Ariel Sabar, Brenda Goodman and Maureen Balleza contributed reporting.

4 years, 11 months ago

who the fuck wants to marry anyway as most women are selfish cunts anyway ,i’d rather just fuck and keep things casual, and any bitch that Ms. in front of their name is a feminazi

4 years, 11 months ago

Spcwby thanks for the article I read it with interest and also much sadness.Sadly now in many European countries marriage is being seen as oldfasion and outdated,something the praent and grandparents believed in (western europe mostly,but also the sentiment is gradually taken in Prague amongst young people)

Sometimes I really pity for the next generations to live in the world we are creating

4 years, 11 months ago

it’ll be a world of bastards ,whores and crime

4 years, 11 months ago

Again, Western culture has always infects the rest of the world, but it also dies away slowly.

Eastern Europe hates Ameriacan culture. Until the women start getting fat or they stop sleeping around there is nothing to worry.

Prague, Budapest, Rio, Bangkok, Moscow, Tallin, are still sex capitals. There is plenty of hot pussy available, unlike in America.

4 years, 11 months ago

Eurogirl….I can only ’see’ marrying a Euro woman as the pool of single American women just turns my stomach at the mention. Divorced American women embrace such toxicty, I avoid them (yes, there are probably 5% who really are ok) like nuclear waste. Women over 40 and who have never married = plutonium.
After 400+ dates..a blind and deaf man could “see it forwhat it is!”

As I do intend to have a family (as I sure came from a family of origin Hell) to know what it takes to provide a loving & warm house/home for my my ‘future daughter’ (an intense experience that occured from a skin cancer bout a couple of years ago.)

Scorpion…I heartly agree, ANYWHERE (wait, excluding Aussieland, Canada, England or France according to my sources) but here!

Btw 300+ replies to the NYtimes article on the NYtimes blog.

An expose (reflection) of the defragmentation of American (Western) society….

4 years, 11 months ago

i agree england,aussie,canada,usa and maybe france have the worst women all stuck up bitches or feminazis

4 years, 11 months ago

When I was in Eastern Europe and South America, feminism is differen from feminism from the USA.

They want the rights not to get beaten/tortured which is what there men to do those beauitful creations.

In American the feminazis want to eradicate men or turn them into queers.

Eastern Europe under communism, feminism in the feminazi form existed at various times. However since there capitalists, they will never want full blown feminazi feminism because it will lead back to communism or even nazism.

4 years, 11 months ago

well its true nobody should get beaten even women, the only ones that need a kicking are true feminazis but these creatures are not even human

4 years, 11 months ago

Historic modeling indicates that nations/societies trend toward extreme nationalism (ie militarism) when the ratio of men to women shifts over 108 (ie 108 men for every 100 women) as the US is about 103.

So if you are expecting to score a Chinese girlfriend/wife…you better get on it as the demographics are heating up against us Western males.

Footnote: An aquaintace of mine is Japanese/American (born in the states) and is married (happily) to an American woman. They been together 22+ years. I once asked him why he did not marry an Asian (Japanese or Chinese) woman. His eyes widened as he stated that Asian women become “Hell on wheels” once you marry them. They may appear docile during dating but become shrewish and demanding once into the marriage. They always want “more” than what the husband could bring home (re$ource focu$).
Many (married) Japanese/Chinese men he knew warned him to stay away from Asian women unless he desired to be unhappy.

Go Figure!

Btw Eurogirl (if you are still checking in on this venue), what would you suggest (other than moving to Central Europe) to meet/exchange greetings with other Eurogirls? I am at a point in my life that I could send a summer (no winters) in Poland, or the Czech republic (and I hear that Hungary is where Poland ‘was’ say 15 years ago in terms of development).
I would appreciate any comments/thoughts. Here or off-line. Thanks in advance!

UPDATED: 08:57, January 12, 2007
30m men face bleak future as singles

By 2020, some 30 million Chinese men will find it well-nigh impossible to find a bride as a result of a rising gender imbalance, a report warned yesterday.

For every 100 baby girls born in 2005, there were 118.58 baby boys, and the gap will continue to widen, said the report by the State Population and Family Planning Commission.

In southern provinces such as Guangdong and Hainan, the picture is grimmer: There are 130 baby boys for every 100 baby girls.

Since 2005, the number of men reaching marriage age has been much more than women. “The increasing difficulties men face finding wives may lead to social instability,” said the report by more than 300 Chinese demographers after two years’ research.

This is because Chinese traditionally prefer boys, and with their financial status improved, those in the booming coastal areas can afford to find out the sex of the foetus.

The picture will be starker in the countryside than in cities, said the report.

To solve the problem, there must be a full-fledged social security system so that rural residents don’t have to depend on their sons when they get old, said Wang Guangzhou, researcher at the Institute of Population and Labour Economics affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

According to the report, China’s population will increase by 200 million in 30 years, which means the total population will hit 1.36 billion by 2010 and 1.45 billion by 2020 before peaking at 1.5 billion in 2033.

The figures are calculated on the assumption that China’s birth rate will be kept at the current 1.8 meaning one woman of childbearing age giving birth to 1.8 babies. The country must maintain the ratio if it wants to build itself into a well-off society reaching the goal of US$3,000 per capita of GDP in 30 years, said the report.

The silver lining is that “for a long time to come, China will not be short of manpower”, it said. There were 860 million Chinese of working age between 15 and 64 in 2000, and the number will reach 1.01 billion in 2016, which is “more than the total number of working age people in all the developed countries”.

Source: China Daily

4 years, 11 months ago

I would suggest Bratislava,Wroclaw and Ljubljana.I would avoid Russia all together,maybe visitng the Ukraine. Youa re sure to find a lovely girl over here if you have good manners and humor! These are the most attractive things in any man from any country,i beleive u have them/

This was written by ‘mel’ 7 months ago:

I went to America last summer and I think the American men/women are the most beautiful, charming and friendly people in the world. I went to the Czech Republic at Christmas time and I thought the Czech women were tarts and ugly bitches. The Eastern Europeans are unfriendly and rude. Men please use your eyes, Eastern Euopean women wear lots of makeup, if they take that makeup off and fancy clothes they look terrible. Also I would like to remind people that Chicago had the most fattist people per-se in America. Now there are lots of Polish and Czech people in Chicago. People become like their culture and these so called thin Eastern European women will soon be fat if they move to America. I think that American women are 100 times more beautiful in side and out than the ugly Eastern European women who are just after American men?s money. I also noticed that Czech people do not like other nationalities learning their language.

Mel,your opinion is your own and I don’t wish to pursuaide your views.I disagree,Czech people like nothing more than the few tourist that take time to learn our language,even if only a basic phrases.Prehaps you encountered stares that you considered ‘rudeness’ when speaking in Czech..I promise that this was not rudeness,foreigners have a accent that is very hard to understand in times (especially for the older generation who are not use to hear anyone except Czech speaking Czech) ..we all encourage travellers to learn and wish many more would!

Mel: ‘I went to the Czech Republic at Christmas time and I thought the Czech women were tarts and ugly bitches. ‘

Dusana (Me) : Please compare the teenage pregnancy rate of Czech Rep with that of your country or any other,before making this generalization.We are not tarts,and have high family based morals.

‘The Eastern Europeans are unfriendly and rude.’

Dusana (Me) : We are polite,we just do not feel the need to smile to everyone we pass.Why should we?A smile is something intimate and beautiful,we also do not laugh at your jokes if they are not funny.Excuse us for not wishing to appear sycophantic.

‘Eastern Euopean women wear lots of makeup,’

Dusana: No more than any other woman in the world.

4 years, 11 months ago

First of all dont listen to Euro Girl, she has AIDS and her mother is a prostitue. She is a dumb cunt. She is not even European. Her father is a bastard
That guy Mel is a gay faggot.

I was in Prague a couple months ago. In order to score with a Czech woman, you need to pick up on some Czech words. At the same time you need to be nice and kind.

Czech women are awesome. They are great at sex and they hate Czech men for being closet homsexuals.

Czech women want real men, and they know U.S. and UK men are real.

4 years, 11 months ago

Please keep your own misstaken thoughts to yourself.

4 years, 11 months ago

I am from Ukraine.
I heard a lot about beauty of our women from foreigners. They said that they are shoked how many pretty,well-attended women in our country!!!!
I was in Germany and I saw that women (not all) but majority. They wear formless T-shirts and jeans!!!
I think that must be always pretty,well-attended,be in good form. Then they will have not only good mood and also always desired:)

4 years, 11 months ago

Alesya, Ukraine has alot of drop dead gorgeous girls. They are very beautiful like many of the Eastern European women.

I agree with what you said. Women must always be pretty, well attended, and in good form.

In Kiev the hot women wear short skirts, which is really sexy.

American women are nothing but fat obese dogs. They are worse then German women. Ameriacn women wear nothing but sweatpants or pajamas.

4 years, 11 months ago

Three years ago I was engaged to marry an American woman, but she cheated on me. The day she cheated on me was the greatest ever. You must be thinking I am crazy.
Today I am 32, and married to a drop dead gorgeous woman from Brazil. She is 22, 5′7 120lbs, European lookig with a golden complexion, tight body with the bubble butt. My previous fiance was basically a BBW, 5′7 180lbs pale like crap. Now I am married to a girl that has a tight body. We have sex 4-6 times a day. She is horny and wild like anything. Sometimes I cant keep up. At the same time she is kind ,caring. and cooks a great meal every day. She has a sexy accent. When I come in from work, she say in that sexy Brazilian accent, “hey baby”. Also you may think I have a slave, but thats far from it. She speaks 4 langauges and holds a Master and Phd. She works part time at a bank, but always is there for me.
My advice. Well if you want a woman to cheat on you and emabrass you, then marry an American woman. If you want a woman that is hot, caring, enjoys sex, then marry a Brazilian.

4 years, 11 months ago

americans/brit/german dont compare to women anywhere else as they are the ugliest beasts on earth

4 years, 11 months ago

The word feminine,feminist and (? feminazi?) have been used in this comments over and over again.

I wonder how you guys would define feminine? I wonder if we are expressing diferent views when use this word.

Personally I would descrive a feminine woman as one who has all classical womanly traits,great cook,unamusing and mild,sensertive,maternal etc..
Of course somethings are more overtly feminine than others,dresses/skirts over jeans etc..

Anyway I would be interestd to hear your view,what makes a women feminine? I believe that it should come naturally

4 years, 11 months ago

Sorry!! I mean to say ‘unasuming’ not unamusing!

I do not think women should lack a sense in humor :D

4 years, 11 months ago

A feminine woman is one that is kind, hot, open, has values, belives in tradition, and sexy. Woman from Eastern Europe and South America fit this pattern.

A feminazi is a woman that is rude, mean, asexual, valueless, acts like a man, hypocrite, career minded, too indepenent. Your typical American woman fits this pattern.

Hope that helps

4 years, 11 months ago

also ugly,closet lesbian,man hater,vain,cold and arrogant these are also traits of the feminazi

4 years, 11 months ago

lol spcwby That shit on that site is so crazy. Don’t people see it coming. Woman talking about the workplace needs to change to allow flexible hours so they can take care of there kids, and how woman have to work so much harder than men. The shit is off the wall. Try a woman in Indonesia they have to raise the kids and make the money going to work in foreign places, and take care of the man, while the men stay home and chill out. Woman in the US are like I want to raise my own family and get alimony from that sucor I married before and get child support and I want to work whatever hours I feel like working. Don’t they realize that is not sustainable on the global market where the minimum wage in other countries is 120 dollars a month. See what happens I wreckin. Seriously though check into indonesia I’m doing pretty good with the one I have had for the last 2 years. They like to do the traditional woman stuff and they also work lol

4 years, 11 months ago

american women talk so much shit they actually spit diahharea

4 years, 11 months ago

Mucho Gracias to all responses….

OT: Anonymous, Re Americans not ‘getting it’.

No kidding?

A professional aquaintance tells me of all the bankruptcy/auctions now occuring in Motor City (aka Detroit, Mich) where all the fab/tool & die shops that used to supply the auto mfg’s with tons of speciality work are vaporizing due to the shutting down of the auto makers (big 3) assm/mfg plants. Vast over capacity and a shrinking market for US auto makers.

Guess who are the main buyers of the hardware/machinery? Chinese or East Indian companies, as they load up the (for about 10-15 cents on the USD replacement costs) entire facility (right down to the trashcans) into containers that will be sent overseas. Care to venture a guess as to where mfg capacity will be emerging? For about 1/5 the costs of a US based facility?

The destruction of the American is about complete, with the erosion of the our mfg capacity. The USA lives on borrowed money (Japan, China, The Saudis, Europe buying T bills and pools of MBS) to finance an endless war, with its citizens hopelessly addicted to consuming Chinese made products from China-mart, while buying bigger houses with ARM’s.

Warren Buffet greatest fear is of a new generation of American sharecroppers are emerging. What the American ‘middle class’ use to be….

Then again, just an older dude’s perspective observed from my travels.

A Chinese parable…..

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole, which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water, at the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. “I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.”

The old woman smiled, “Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side?” “That’s because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.”

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it’s the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You’ve just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.

SO, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path!

4 years, 11 months ago

WHOOPS….my bad, the above comment (with “Anonynous” as the perceived poster) was supposed to be sourced from me. Now how did this condition occur? Sigh, me and computers just do not get along very well!

4 years, 11 months ago

you can only smell bullshit if a feminazi walks down any path

4 years, 11 months ago

Hummm…Progressive concepts amongst the destruction in Iraq?
Overtones of a “try before you buy” program…Maybe rollout this concept(franchise?) to the West?
Now I understand why this region is considered the ‘cradle of civilization’…makes perfect logic (now) to me. Though the femminists might not will see such “logic”…no surprise there, eh?

Temporary �enjoyment marriages� back in Iraq.
Banned under Saddam Hussein, some say they are cover for prostitution.

By Nancy Trejos
Washington Post Staff Writer

Updated: 10:03 p.m. PT Jan 19, 2007

BAGHDAD - Fatima Ali was a 24-year-old divorcee with no high school diploma and no job. Shawket al-Rubae was a 34-year-old Shiite sheik with a pregnant wife who, he said, could not have sex with him.

Ali wanted someone to take care of her. Rubae wanted a companion.

They met one afternoon in May at the house he shares with his wife, in the room where he accepts visitors seeking his religious counsel. He had a proposal. Would Ali be his temporary wife? He would pay her 5,000 Iraqi dinars upfront � about $4 � in addition to her monthly expenses. About twice a week over the next eight months, he would summon her to a house he would rent.

The negotiations took an hour and ended with an unwritten agreement, the couple recalled. Thus began their “mutaa,” or enjoyment marriage, a temporary union believed by Shiite Muslims to be sanctioned by Islamic law.

The Shiite practice began 1,400 years ago, in what is now Iraq and other parts of the region, as a way to provide for war widows. Banned by President Saddam Hussein’s Sunni-led government, it has regained popularity since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq brought the majority Shiites to power, said clerics, women’s rights activists and mutaa spouses.

“During Saddam’s time, there was no religious freedom,” said Faris al-Shareef, a sheik who lives in the mainly Shiite city of Hilla.

Opponents of mutaa, most of them Sunni Arabs, say it is less about religious freedom and more about economic exploitation. Thousands of men are dying in the sectarian violence that has followed the invasion, leaving behind widows who must fend for themselves. Many young men are out of work and prefer temporary over permanent wives who require long-term financial commitments. In a mutaa arrangement, the woman is entitled to payment only for the duration of the marriage.

‘A cover for prostitution’
“It’s a cover for prostitution,” said Um Akram, a women’s rights activist in Baghdad. “Some women, because they don’t want to be prostitutes, they think that this is legal because it’s got some kind of religious cover. But it is wrong, and they’re still prostitutes from the society’s point of view.” Um Akram, like the mutaa spouses interviewed, asked that only parts of her name be published.

Many intellectuals consider ancient traditions such as these an obstacle to Iraq’s effort to become a more modern, democratic society. In recent years, extremist religious groups have gained more power in Iraq.

“These steps are taking the whole country backwards and are definitely hurdles to the advancement of the country,” said Hamdia Ahmed, a former member of parliament and a women’s rights activist in Baghdad. “The only solution is to separate Islam from politics.”

Shiite clerics and others who practice mutaa say such marriages are keeping young women from having unwed sex and widowed or divorced women from resorting to prostitution to make money.

They say a mutaa marriage is not much different from a traditional marriage in which the husband pays the wife’s family a dowry and provides for her financially.

“It was designed as a humanitarian help for women,” said Mahdi al-Shog, a Shiite cleric.

According to Shiite religious law, a mutaa relationship can last for a few minutes or several years. A man can have an unlimited number of mutaa wives and a permanent wife at the same time. A woman can have only one husband at a time, permanent or temporary. No written contract or official ceremony is required in a mutaa. When the time limit ends, the man and woman go their separate ways with none of the messiness of a regular divorce.

Temporary arrangements
Although the temporary arrangements are becoming more common, they are still controversial, and people usually conduct them secretly.

Ali had a normal marriage once. It lasted only three months because the couple did not get along. Her chances for another permanent marriage, she said, were slim. Men often prefer virgins over widows and divorced women, she said.

She welcomed Rubae’s proposal because he was a well-known sheik in her neighborhood. Her family was fond of him. “He was a good guy, and he was a religious man,” she said……


4 years, 11 months ago

its sounds alrite to me having a temporary wife go round have meal then a shag then leave no commitments

4 years, 11 months ago

That is probably the biggest issue between the two groups one gets easy sex with however many partners they want with no responibility, one doesn’t. They both hate each other for it. Jealousy can be ugly.

4 years, 10 months ago

Parting comments…so long folks, its been real!

4 years, 10 months ago

Have a good one spcwby good luck on your endeaver although with the goodbye you may have succeeded.

4 years, 10 months ago

dont blame u parting, this thread has been going on a bit long now 16 months, have we all got nothing better to do

4 years, 10 months ago

Latin american girls xD

euro girl
4 years, 10 months ago

I think American girls that are hot are really HOT it’s just that there isn’t many of them like that but when there is they are usually more beautiful than the hot European girls…just because there is a lot more fat girls in America than in Europe that doesn’t mean that all American girls are fat and ugly :((((( When it comes to attitudes and personality that’s when American girls are the UGLIEST…..
p.s. when i lived in the states i thought the girls (white) that dated black guys were the worst!!!!!!!

4 years, 10 months ago

Euro girl it seems we both were using same name,so I will use Dusana now when comment ;-)

euro girl
4 years, 10 months ago

ok that’s cool

4 years, 10 months ago

I think eurogirls ARE the best and if you find the right girl you will be very happy in your relationship. Also euro girl the reason the white American girls date the black guys, well there’s only one reason and it’s because of the size of a certain appendige they posses.

Super Slovak Girl
4 years, 10 months ago

Euro girl and Dusana you both are ugly fat stupid bitches. The reason you are saying American women are better looking then European you are one of thefew fat ugly Euro women that we have in Europe.
I am from Slovakia and I am student/part time model. Our men are useless pieces of garbage. They disrespect us and beat us. Even in other countries nearby such as Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania, they men are just as usless.
When I visited America/UK, the men are so kind hearted and friendly and they act like real men. The America women are another story. They are ugly and diseased looking. They mistreat there poor men. The only other men that I find attractive are Asian-Indians. They look sexy like Bollywood stars and always are cute.

4 years, 10 months ago

I despised American girls ever since I was 15 years old because they were always mean to me because I was a nice guy.All my stories have been horror stories with members of the opposite sex.I used to go in the clubs but the women in there always treated me like I had some contagious disease.I think that Generation X American women are the worst on the planet.I’ve been to churches,singles groups,etc and the women there have treated me like I was a child molester or a rapist.I work as a cashier clerk in a store and the women that come in there are very demanding,they jump down my throat when we are out of their brand of cigarettes.They look down on me because I have a GED and they have college under their belt.I despise the media even more because they only show the good looking women(who lack brains and intelligence).They would have you believing that every women in America looks like Jessica Simpson when there are only 1% that look that good,most are fat,rude and arrogant.The only way to get a women in the USA is to get tattoos all over your body, become a druggie,and a dealer or become a bad boy rock star.I hope that Anna Nicole Smith is burning in hell,it could not have happen to a nicer girl.


Super Slovak Girl
4 years, 10 months ago

In my country we dislike the bad boy image since they on cheat and beat us.
We like nice guy such as America/UK and Asian-Indian men. Those are the only groups that are caring.

4 years, 10 months ago

super slovak girl jdi do prdele! blbecek your ignorance makes me ashamed.

4 years, 10 months ago

Mike39.I am ready to admit i am wrong,or seem to be.prehaps i had too high estimation of your country and women,the men excluding a few seem very mild and well mannered guys who i am honoured to know.
You deserve much more than to be treated thisway.

euro girl
4 years, 10 months ago

Slovak Girl, first of all learn your English ;-) ok darling? second, who cares about your Slovak men this isn’t about them…. and they probably wouldn’t beat you if you were doing shit right ;-)..third, you are just sucking up to American men…

Super Slovak Girl
4 years, 10 months ago

Euro girl/Dusana I think you are the same person.
Why dont you stop sticking or licking in your case for America shit women you stupid fat loser.
Your just upset that no American men want to ever talk to you because you are ugly just like the women they have back home.
Men in Eastern Europe are wife beaters and closet homosexuals.
U.S./UK/Indian men are the most kindest men. They never once hit me or any of my female friends.

4 years, 10 months ago

Super Slovak Girl I think you are Scorpian,how pathetic!
You write exactly the same bullshit as he! Do you think we are stupid!?

A simple question would prove otherwise..

Co si myslis o ceskej politike a tradiciach?

euro girl
4 years, 10 months ago

Euro girl/Dusana I think you are the same person.

euro girl
4 years, 10 months ago

Slovak Girl, you’re like name calling people that you don’t even know, in this case me and Dusana, which shows your ignorant personality just like that of an American woman (as you would say). Anyhow, you’re probably just trying to make yourself feel better because you are nothing but a desperate Slovak girl that only gets those American men that American women don’t want!
P.S. I have nothing against American men I think they’re awesome ;-))))))))))))

Super Slovak Girl
4 years, 10 months ago

I feel better knowing there are men better then what we have in our region. Plus you are the same person. I think you’re prostitute mothers raised you to become fat whores. EE men are all homosexuals that beat there gfs/wives. You are just in denial about it. You cant help the fact that U.S./UK/Asian-Indian men are superior to EE men.

American women are useless and ugly fat women. Its more of the American men leaving them for women that are attractive like me.

Now go around the corner, your Pimp/father is calling for you.

Super Slovak Girl
4 years, 10 months ago

European women are always better looking then American women.

The hottest European women will always be hotter the hottest American women, beacuse American women cannot compete. The country is full of fat women.

You dont know anything euro-girl. You are just a prostitue like your mother. All you know is from your prostitute mother and pimp/father.

euro girl
4 years, 10 months ago

P.S. DAMN YOU GOT PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

euro girl
4 years, 10 months ago


Super Slovak Girl
4 years, 10 months ago

Your the loser since you said American women are better then European. You are an ugly piece of shit. You are not European and you do not represent Eastern Europe. You can stay with your homosexual Czech men who all have herpes like yourself and will gladly beat you like prostitute that you are.

I will take American/UK/Indian men any day over our Eastern wife beating men.

4 years, 10 months ago

I very rarely hear of Czech men attacking their wives/girlfriends..the count is much lower than American and British ratings.So please save your ignorance opinons for people who give a damn?

And I notice you didn’t answer my question,I’ll repeat:co si myslis o ceskej politike a tradiciach?
A true Slovak would give quite an answer

4 years, 10 months ago

The Christian women are alot worse that the women who have no religion, they seem to go after the bad boys in droves.The women in this country seem to discriminate against men who are alot lower income that them.They either want bad boys or guys with plenty of money.They are called “Entitlement Princesses”.Most of the women in America seem to go for the guys that are very controlling and tell them how high to jump.

4 years, 10 months ago

I am back guys.

Oh look here, we got Dusana and that ugly AIDS ridden bitch Euro Girl who isnt even European.

I see we got Super Slovak Girl. I visited Slovakia and Czech Republic many times before and the girls are beauitful. Never had so much sex in life.

Super Slovak girl is correct about Czech men. They are hated because the men are mostly closet homosexuals or cuckholds. Plus it is true they are wife beaters as she says.

One time I banged this hot Czech girl in Brno and her boyfriend caught us and he tried to attack me but I broke his nose and he cried like a girl. Czech and other Eastern European men can only beat up women, but they are pretty much little bitches when they have to fight other guys.

4 years, 10 months ago

Ok Scorpian believe what you will,I donot give a shit!
It’s only a shame that you are so arragant.

4 years, 10 months ago


4 years, 10 months ago

To the last poster you are a product of a drug addicted mother. You are just the typical gay European male with AIDS that has nothing else better to do in life. You are just a pure homosexual.

Face it I have travelled to Eastern Europe and South America and and had fun with girls that look a billion times better then ugly American women. I didnt have to drop a dime except for my plane ticket and food.

Dusana you are an ugly fat piece of shit that isnt even European. You are just an ugly dog. No real Eastern European women says U.S. women look better. You are a rotten piece of shit from.

euro girl
4 years, 10 months ago


4 years, 10 months ago

Scorpion I dont think its ok to generalize the whole american women population, but i do agree with you that European girls are alot better than american girls in most respects,(education looks and personalty would be amoung them) To the Iranian guy who posted way way above (if you are still reading this) I agree with you i am also Iranian and live in Canada and my cousin was cheated on by a canadian girl with a white guy >:( And I know european girls are awesome because my old girlfriend was croatian and we had alot of fun together.

4 years, 10 months ago

Its right to generalize against 99.9 percent of American women. Most of them are fat obese pieces of shit. IF they are hot, they act asexual and only are willing to date guys that have alot of money or are buff.

You say you are of Iranian descent. Well guess what my friend. Most American women have cannot even tell the difference between Shia and Sunni. They have no idea what that means.

Eastern European girls on the otherhand have more knowledge of the world. This therefore makes them superior to American women not just in the looks department, but also in personality and brain.

4 years, 10 months ago

LOL I guess your rite that american girls donno what Shia and Sunni means! Actually I have never even heard of it till now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and plus its not like it matters…….peace

4 years, 10 months ago

It matters in that it show American women are uncultured and dont know anything about the world whereas Eastern European women have a better grasp on the world.

If you dont think it matters you are a retard.

4 years, 10 months ago

i’m back ,

its true american women and just about all americans know nothing about other countries, as they have no culture, never travel out of the country and are generally of low interlect, very few americans have done anything to advance mankind without help from scientists,inventors,doctors etc from other countries mostly europe.

i must admit slovak girl does sound like scorpion but maybe i’m wrong and as for euro girl and dusana, they also seem to be the same person but again maybe i’m wrong, but it is funny reading the comments of both parties, both have extreme views,

i’m english and have commentated about american and euro women before,i know euro girls are way better in every respect,americans women and most men are selfish,arrogant,rude,ugly,fattest in the world,ignorant,uncultured and stupid, english women are not much better either, also canadian,new zealand,australian and german are also bad, the best as far as i can see are the rest of europe,south american and far eastern (middle eastern are mingers)

the problems the bad countries have stems from liberal goverments that have allowed women to evolve into the feminazi monsters they have now become, these creatures are no longer women but men in womens bodies that hate men ,so its no wonder guys are looking for women in other countries where they have traditional views and look and act like women

4 years, 10 months ago

Me and Euro girl are not the same person,an ip adress check would prove would also give interesting result regarding scorpian/slovak girl i bet!

4 years, 10 months ago

You say you are of Iranian descent. Well guess what my friend. Most American women have cannot even tell the difference between Shia and Sunni. They have no idea what that means.

- Quote from Scorpian

All I say is,if it’strue it’s a real shame.

4 years, 10 months ago

Eu girl,where are you from?I don’t beleive Scorpian is ‘ a geeky american guy’ he’s probably just jaded by his experience with women there?
In either case,he’s givening an interesting debate and comments by everyone here have definately opened my eyes and made me that little more proud to be from Czech.

4 years, 10 months ago

Dusana I am average looking. I am sad to say this but I am. I am slim but healthy. I am not GQ material. However while in Eastern Europe including your country I had a great time. The hot girls there are not so judgemental.

Dusana if you are Czech as you claim then be proud. American women are all feminists aka feminazis and 90-95 percent of them are obese and fat. I know Czech women are NOT desperate to leave the Czech Republic like Russian women but they both still belive in traditional values.

Even though younger Czech women take alot of Wester Influences, compared to U.S. women, they still are more cultured and knowledgable about world events.

Dusana it is true American women are stupid. They have no idea what is the difference between Shia and Sunni or Islam and Hinduism. They think it is all the same. They dont even know the difference between Catholicism, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodox. Forget about if they know the differnce between Arabs and Persians. To them its all the same.

Hell American women do not even know who the vice president is.

The irony is in the Czech Republic, most of the people are either atheist/agnostic. However they were more knowledgable about religions then many American women I met.

4 years, 10 months ago

My only beef was when Euro Girl said American women are better looking then Eastern European women.

That is totally FALSE!

If you took the hottest American women and put her up against the hottest Czech, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian, or Slovakian girl, the American girl will LOSE. Only a closet homo would take an American woman.

No real Eastern European girl will ever say that an American woman looks better then her. If they do then they are not from there and pure liars and most likely fat messess.

4 years, 10 months ago

The same holds true if the hottes U.S. women were put up against the hottest South American/Latin women. U.S. women would LOSE!!!

Brazilian girls have awesome bodies.

4 years, 10 months ago

I am 100% Italian and I have a very European look about me. I live in redneck infested northern Louisiana where pretty much everybody looks the same, no distinctive features, reddish skin, dyed blonde hair. All the women around here look alike. I think the reason why European people are better looking is because they are not mixed muts like Americans. I’m glad I know my ancestry. Most americans do not have a clue. It’s really sad.

4 years, 10 months ago


Many Brazilians are mixed but they came out really hot. I am of course talking about the females.

In Eastern Europe, many of the women are a mix of various ancient tribes that inhabitated the area thousands of years ago. Plus the Huns and Turks conquered it later on.

So to your conclusions that all Europeans are not mixed its not true. Actually many of them are in fact mixed.

4 years, 10 months ago

Thank you Scorpian I am Czech and proud,but hope that if I were American or any other race I’d also be proud.A country without pride is a poor excuse.
I don’t know what GQ but believe me its best to be average looking with a great personality then great with a terrible one.
And finaly I am very glad to see somebody dismiss the stereotype that ALL Eastern Europeans are seeking to leave their countries,this one really pisses me off when i hear people suggest it.

4 years, 10 months ago

its true most europeans are mixed race ,i myself am not i’m pure celt/gaelic origin, most brits and our language has influences from all over europe including pagan,latin,greek,roman,french amogst others and most people are from mixed races from these cultures

4 years, 10 months ago

I am proud to be an American, but I am not proud in the women we have in our country.

By the way American is not a race, its a nationality.

American women are the scum of the planet. Those that question this are also scum.

euro girl
4 years, 10 months ago


4 years, 10 months ago

i agree american women are disgusting feminazis, just look at that hilary clinton monster

4 years, 10 months ago

euro girl you are an ugly fat obese piece of scum. You are just an ugly dyke piece of shit.
You are not even European. No European women says American women look better unless she is really an American.

Oh yea Slade, I already made up my mind. I am voting for Rudy Giuliani. He is the least worst out of all the candidates.

4 years, 9 months ago

i have to agree i think euro girl must be an american as any true euro girl would never say american women are better than them

4 years, 9 months ago

i think most sound minded people will vote for Giuliani , the idea of hilary clinton as president is enough for all white american men to emigrate (except beta males and fags)

4 years, 9 months ago

Sorry I didn’t mean race,I mean nationality but thank you for corecting me.I appreciate it when people do.

Also what is a beta male? I think a weak one (the oposite of alpha)?

4 years, 9 months ago

A beta male is an emasculate male. Generally this type of person will support feminisms and womens actions against straight men.

4 years, 9 months ago

beta males are no more than straight fags or women in mens bodies

4 years, 9 months ago

Ok,thank for clearing that up! I just wondered as Roosh has written before about ‘beta males’ and many comments contain this word.

4 years, 9 months ago

Dusa !American women are the worst in the world.If you are the nice shy type the women in this counrty think that you have the boubonic plague.You probably see the propagandist wan’t you to see.The only descent women left in this counrty are the senior citizen who are in their 70’s and 80’s.99.9 percent of the women are rude,arrogant,selfish,mean spirited,self-centered is is all about them.The only type of women i will date are the immigrant women that come to the USA.I believe that they are superior to American born women.

4 years, 9 months ago

The worst thing about American women and there emascualte gay male allies is that they will always tell that average men should not hot beautiful women. That they should lower there standards.

Well WTF should we date ugly fat BBWs ??

All we need to do is book a flight to Brazil, Argentina Czech Republic, or Russia where we can hot drop dead gorgeous women. Thats what I did.

4 years, 9 months ago

scorpion thats the way to go for most guys these days ,as well as american ,brit birds are no better theyre either very cheap or a complete snob and most are fat and ungly, so i dont date them anymore just have the occasional shag or go abroad for decent chicks

euro girl
4 years, 9 months ago

I am actually European who cares what you all think!

4 years, 9 months ago

Oh yea euro girl, its more like who cares what you think you fat slob.

You have been discredited considering your statement that American women are better then European women.

No real European women would say that. I never met one European girl that ever said. Therefore you are discredited and a total farce and just an ugly cunt.

4 years, 9 months ago

its the weirdest thing ever for a euro girl to say american women are best,unless you are a two headed hunchback of course

4 years, 9 months ago

Slade I think euro girl is a two headed hunchback.

She totally sounds like a feminazi.

Either she is an American or if she is a European, then she is one of those few ugly ones that her country does not want You run into those from time to time.

4 years, 9 months ago

theres always a few to spoil things for the rest

4 years, 9 months ago

Gees….just checked back in and such a level of anger/frustration and mistrust is so rampant!

Note: If you have had partners that were empty and abusive (or wanted to be abused)….You attracted them. Period!

Btw “Shift happens…” Change is coming…bigtime

Note: Six minutes long and highly profound in (demographic & techo) outlooks

“It’s been real….” So long folks!

4 years, 9 months ago

its a lot of dreadful women that cause the anger,frustration and mistrust

4 years, 9 months ago

You got to come to Indonesia some day. We will get you hooked up. You got some cool sites. I think if you have money 20 years form now prob will be able to live forever.

4 years, 9 months ago

I think that we ought to deport all American women to Saudi Arabia and the Muslim countries and let them see how well they have it in the United States of America.Then I believe that we ought to bring women from the Former Soviet Block countries and let them in the USA.I would start with Rosie O’Donnell,Hillary Clinton,Britney Spears,Nancy Polosci,Maxine Waters,and the rest of the Communist gang to the Middle East.We need to do that before the women in the United States round up all the men and send them off to a concentration camp.The women will do that if they ever gain power under the Hillary Clinton Regime.

4 years, 9 months ago

you cant moan now it was more to with men passing extreme liberal legislation that had led to your monstrous women becoming what they are

4 years, 9 months ago

I think european women are hotter and thinner than american women, but I don’t agree to scolding any woman.

4 years, 9 months ago

are a new girl… you is so right euro girls are much better than the cheap plastic american fakes

4 years, 9 months ago

American women are nothing but fat shit face slime.

We have every right to scold American women.

Those that defend American women are clost homosexuals.

4 years, 9 months ago

thats the whole of the democrat party then, a bunch of closet homo’s

4 years, 9 months ago

I have decided to throw my vote for Giuliani. He maybe liberal among the Republicans, but he will crack down on the Islamo-Facists.

Clinton/Obama aka Osama will take the USA to hell much faster.

4 years, 9 months ago

if clinton gets in you will have a bunch of muslims,queers,dykes and feminazis running the show a recipe for disaster

4 years, 9 months ago

I hope the Republicans will put up a great candidate to defeat hillary.I would like to see Fred Thompson get in there and take on Hillary.

4 years, 9 months ago

How to not attract American women

1.Don’t make eye contact with them
2.When you make conversation with them look down at the ground
3.Tell them that you make a wage below the national poverty level
4.Stay out of places that attract single
5.Tell them that you are married when you are still single
6.Tell them that you are a nice guy
7.Tell them that you don’t have any tattoos on you skin
8.Tell them that you believe in strong family values
9.Tell them that you belive in a smaller Federal Government and that they should repeal the nanny state

Just An Opinion
4 years, 9 months ago

Beauty is subjective. In my personal opinion the European woman in the picture more put together than the American woman, but she is a little thin. I am an American woman and I take a great deal of pride in my appearance withouth having to be a stick figure. Also, I do not drink bear of alcohol of any kind and I try to eat healthy and walk everyday. I may not be rail thin, but I think that it is desrespectful to say all European women are better than American women. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A sweet heart and personality is much more attractive than a killer body.

4 years, 9 months ago

The people on this page are too mean. They need to learn that personality counts, not looks. Get a life you people who only think about looks. Everyone will look old and wrinkling one day and then what will these look obsessed people do?

4 years, 9 months ago

yea but american witches have only ugly personality as well as faces, its more about values than looks and american women are all hilary wannabees horrid closet lesbos and feminazi manhaters

4 years, 9 months ago

To Patrice

You have your Feminazi elder sisters to blame Like Betty Friedan,Bella Abzug,Gloria Steinem and the likes to blame,before the Feminazi movement of the 1960’s men and women got along fine.It’s the women out there that judges a man by how much money he makes.I was looking at the personal ads on and to even get a date with these Americunts I would need to be a lawyer or a stockbroker.

4 years, 9 months ago

all these femicunts should be shot, they are a dirty vile skirge thats needs to be eliminated

4 years, 9 months ago

Ameican women are UGLY inside and out.

Even the few hot women in America all act like men. They try to take jobs away from men by sleeping there way to the top.

In Eastern Europe and South America, the women are more beautiful and have nicer personalities.

All American women care about is a guys looks and wallet. Thats all.

If anything average men are deserving of hot beautiful women.

4 years, 8 months ago

To Mike40,

Think twice before you write something untrue. I am a good Christian woman brought up in a sect that believes in not judging people by their looks. Many girls die of anorexia every day because they feel they are not pretty enough. I get along with men just fine, but our society is too based on looks. Really, it does not matter what people look like as long as they have a good heart.

4 years, 8 months ago

The posters on hear only have bad things to say about others. They should make list about their ten short comings. Some women do not care how much money a man makes or what he looks like. It is probably hard to believe in your shallow world, but some of us get our kicks out of helping out build a house for a poor family.

4 years, 8 months ago

patrice i’m sure not all american women are bad, not the good christian ones anyway,but there are too many bad ones that outdo the good and feminazism is a trait that poisons american society

4 years, 8 months ago

Without the 60’s women would mostly still be stay at home wives and mothers. They would not have the freedoms they have now and I think life would not be as interesting. As for the assertion that men and women got along better before the 60’s, read history and you will find that is not always the case.

Men could beat their wives without getting so much as a slap on the wrist. A single mother that was abandoned by her husband could only work as a maid. If she was lucky enough to have her education, she might be able to get a job as a school teacher.

The woman’s movement was just about making women equal with men. We are all equals now and this is great. There are many American and European women out there that have good personalities, but remember like attracts like. The same men who say they do not want gold diggers also will turn down a nice librarian type because she is not “hot” enough.

I have been married for three years to my beautiful American wife and we have three greats sons. She is not the most “beautiful” woman in the world, but I learned to look past looks and I think she is “beautiful” because she is so good to me. So remember Like attracts like.

4 years, 8 months ago

Ok Timothy just cause you like BBW women doesnt mean we have to also like it.

Feminism has led to an above 50 percent divorce rate in America. Women are mostly to blame for this problem. Prior to the 1960s the U.S had one of the lowest divorce rates in the world.

In Eastern Europe and South America women are hot AND have great personalities. They strive to be slim, tight, and be kind to there husbands. In Eastern Europe, many hot girls work in libraries. So your assumption that librarian types are ugly is false. .

Yes in America, the few 5 percent of hot women have horrible personalites, however BBW women are just as bad, since they like to remain fat.

Rosie Odonell now is speaking trash. If anything Feminists aka Feminazis are just as bad if not worse then the Taliban.

4 years, 8 months ago

Oh and if you support feminishm, then you are gay.

4 years, 8 months ago

its obvious that timothy is a left wing liberal and of course a beta male, with leanings towards closet homosexuality, anyone man that supports feminazis is a lefty gay beta faggot

4 years, 8 months ago

also that fat cunt rosie odonell needs to keep her fat gob shut over the british captives in Iran, coming out with bullshit like that i want to kick the cunts teeth in

4 years, 8 months ago

an ammusing site for all feminazi haters

4 years, 8 months ago

To Patrice

I used to go to church,but one of the reasons I stopped going was because the women there in their 20’s and 30’s were were very rude and unfriendly.The women in their 50’s 60’s and 70’s were some of the most friendliest women on the planet.Now when i go to church, I sit with the senior citizen where I feel the most comfortable.I wrote off American women along time ago.My only female friends are women from Egypt,THe Former Soviet Union and Pakistan.I believe that American women have to be more like the women coming from other countries.

4 years, 8 months ago

Like I said in a previous post when I do go to church,I sit where I am welcome, with the senior citizen.THe women in the churches can have all the Non Christian thugs with tattos.I ignore all the single women in their 20’s,30’s and 40’s.Patrice you talk about women with bullimia,what about men who abuse steroids to look like the guy on the cover of weight lifting magazines.

4 years, 8 months ago

its true older women are nuch nicer than the younger ones

4 years, 8 months ago

Proof that American women are stupid.I work as a cashier clerk at a convience store,and I was ringing up a young lady,and her stuff came up to $1776 I made a joke that her stuff came up to the same year that America won her independence from Great Britain.She made a remark like”I never knew that”.I work with a girl from Egypt and she knew the whole history of her country Egypt and the whole history of the United States.I belive that American women are Intellecturally bankrupt as well.There are plenty of American women in their 30’s and 40’s who don’t know that.

4 years, 8 months ago

theyre dumb asses as well as feminazis pathetic creatures

4 years, 8 months ago

mike you’d be better joining the forces, army or something, its gotta be better than workin in a shop

4 years, 8 months ago

Mike did you or are you in the process of graduating high school ?

If so, you really need a college degree. I mean its not just about hot women, but also you dont want to starve. You aftermall need food. In America, a college degree is a minimum requirement. Unless you’re Bill Gates or have a rich uncle, it is essential you have one.

4 years, 8 months ago

its true u need a degree to get anywhere otherwise u going to end up doing shit minimum wage jobs, youll never get any women because you wont be able to afford any foreign or not, if u have no qualification join the police or the forces

4 years, 8 months ago

What is so darn sad is how some of the people attach worth to yourself by how many pounds you weigh. Not on how smart you are, or how funny, or clever, or how clever, or how loving, but just how much you weight. If that is the Europen model of self worth it is little wonder why an entire continent needed bailing out of 2 world wars!

4 years, 8 months ago

modax if you prefer fat cow women, then you are either a loser or just a chubby chaser.

European and South America women are superior in looks and personality to U.S. women. U.S. women are just a bunch of fat obese messes.

Europe needed help in WW 2 because it was the men who were cowardly pussies. Even today European men for the most part are queers.

Except for the Brits, the rest of Europe’s men act like girls.

4 years, 8 months ago

You know I could get into the whole Bs. But suffice it to sayI am freakin’ sick unto death everything American getting torn down. By Amercans! Listen its not that I love fat obese women. You know what I love merican women. Because fat or not they lead the planet. They have to know the the entire world needs them. We buy all the crap from the rest of the planet. Those big farmer girls produce the food.American women are born with freedom in their blood. No matter if they Cheryl Teigs or Rosie Odonell. Theys what I like. That look of I can do anything I need to do no matter what you think that should be in the eyes of every American woman.

If you like the skinny bone thin European woman well ladi freakin da. Good for you. Go to Europe, or stay there, and leave us the hell alone.

“Big or small American women, I like them all!”

4 years, 8 months ago

american women are the skirge of all that was once decent in women ,they are the vile pigs that advocate hatred towards men and propogand shit feminazi bullshit to poison the rest of the normal women/girls

i’m not even american and i can see what theyre like theyre scum and nobody needs them not even american men

dont even go there about the wars its us thats always bailed you out

4 years, 8 months ago

Hers the deal DB American woman have given more to the planet than any woman since Eve. They give their, fathers, husbands, and sons every there is some crap going on in Europe. With this sacfrice most of you would be speaking German or Japanese.

So if you like that skinny, hairy, no bathing, cigarette smoking, no dental plan, piece of Euro-trash, She is all yours! As for me, Big or small, American Women, I like ‘em all!

I am done… say whatever….

4 years, 8 months ago

Heres the deal DB American woman have given more to the planet than any women since Eve. They give their, fathers, husbands, and sons every there is some crap going on in Europe. Without this sacfrice most of you would be speaking German or Japanese.

So if you like that skinny, hairy, no bathing, cigarette smoking, no dental plan, piece of Euro-trash, She is all yours! As for me, Big or small, American Women, I like ‘em all!

I am done… say whatever….

4 years, 8 months ago

I am convinced modsax is a gay faggot queer. Only closet gay men like American women.

American women have not done shit for anyone. The last time American women to do anything were the abolitionists that got the slaves freed. American women are the most self-absorbed women on the face of this earth. They are pure scum like you modsax.

American women are fat obese pieces of shit. You say “freedom runs in their blood”. Thats totally FALSE. If anything, they are nazis. They rather have most straight men killed.

By they way American cannot even cook a proper meal. They make the worst food.

Eastern European, Southern European, South American, and Asian women are so much more hotter then the fat cow piecies of shit that you like.

4 years, 8 months ago

that wanker modsax needs to take a long hard look at himself and america, and the way it has declined in popularity, virtually no other country likes america

american women are vile worse than any other,they are vain,loud,selfish,arrogant,self obsessed,cold,heartless,narcsistic,unfaithful,
cheap,insane and fake

if modsax likes them then he must be an obedient,brainwashed,liberal,metrosexual/closet fag who like to be kicked in the balls,pissed and shit on by feminazis and probably a eunoch

european women are much better than any american as well as east asian,south/central american all better

4 years, 8 months ago

I live in the
Socialist Peolpes Republic of Maryland where the Libs ruined the states of education by busing good kids to bad schools in the 1970’s and 1980’s.The women in this state(Most who vote for Socialist Democrats) helped to ruin the schools by having kids left and right out of wedlock and not having the man in the home to disipline the kids.My educations experience was horrible trying to ditch gangs in the school hall.Maryland is a horrible state to live in thanks to our new PAM(Pusssified American Male)Martin O’Malley and the Democratic controlled General Assembly.I have been saving my money to take up Accounting online

4 years, 8 months ago

also the views he has about european women dates back to the 70s when eastern europe was communist and the only women ever seen from these countries then were ugly,steroid boosted freaks in the olympic games.

this steriotyping has long gone, now they are free ,the women now are beautiful,clean,non smoking,teetotal and look after themselves,

how on earth he gets the idea that it was american women won 2 world wars is beyond me, as very few were in the forces then, and dont forget that americans are all desended from europe you stupid twat modex

4 years, 8 months ago

YOu I am wrestling with pigs…. I should know better… When you wrestle with pigs you jut get dirty and the pigs like it. You what else? I know you don’t have to look like a pig to be one. So Slade, I wish you the most happiness and hope your paper-route goes well for you. Sporp, I trust the medicine will kick in some time soon and you can stop jacking off on the bus in front of the other children. To everyone else big and small, have a great day!

4 years, 8 months ago

your the jerk off,u jerk off you fucking idiot in front of the school gates of the all boy school,like most americans your fucking thick and its time to wake up and look at the world around u

4 years, 8 months ago

modsax is just an emascualte queer loser. Their is no question he is gay.

He loves obese women. I bet he is in Mcdonalds(haven for American women) trying to pick some up.

He is the real pig lover.

4 years, 8 months ago

I thought I saw modsax screwing your mom……

4 years, 8 months ago

You’re right he may be gay, he was also doing your dad….

4 years, 8 months ago

The last poster is another fag queer feminazi that his a product of a hooker.

4 years, 8 months ago

i think modsax is a fucking woman pretending to be a man ,because no bloke in his right mind would defend such vile pigs

4 years, 8 months ago

when are you buttfuckers gonna shut the hell up?
Have you noticed that noone cares… That modsax guy split. and you two babble on. Shut the fuck up.

4 years, 8 months ago

no u shut the fuck up we like to have our say

4 years, 8 months ago

chica you are piece of ugly fat cow shit.

If you do not like what I or Slade have to say then go fuck yourself you fat obese pig faced grand canyon vagina dirtbag.

4 years, 8 months ago

i bet your cunt stinks chica

4 years, 8 months ago

All of u , r assholes!!!!

4 years, 8 months ago

38-24-36 dark brown hair, golden brown skin. I the kind of women you faggots are drooling over. Please…..Chica will make a wonderful dinner for you, go out with you and make all the other men hate you, take you home and fuck your brains out, then chop your head off. This chica don’t play…

4 years, 8 months ago

your breats maybe good, but you still sound like you have a jubba the hut gut and a grand canyon sized vagina,

4 years, 8 months ago

she sounds like a crack ho to me ,who likes it up the ass

4 years, 8 months ago

urban definition of chica the ho

slut whore bitch skank prostitute hoe tramp hooker cunt pimp trick sex slag ass pussy girl fuck easy skeezer woman cum dumpster hoochie harlot

4 years, 7 months ago

Let me get this straight. American women are obese and American men are slim fit and trim. American women are materialistic and American men aren’t. American women are monolingual and American men aren’t. Europeans tend to have a grasp of more than one language because they come from small countries and learning other languages is to their advantage. What fucking planet do you come from. You’re a product of the same culture dingbat. The grass looks greener somewhere else because it’s different than what your use to. I tend to find men from different cultures interesting, but I don’t go trashing American men.I think part of the problem here is that some American guys have trouble dating American women and find it easier to pick up foreign women, because they find you different. A lot of you guys need to grow up.

4 years, 7 months ago

Slade, I bet you’re British probably English. Let me tell you as far as looks go I find the English very plain. There are good looking European women but I also notice there are many ugly ones. Brits and Europeans need to shake up their gene pool. I find Americans in general to be better looking because we have a very diverse gene pool, it really does make for better looking people.There are many over here who are not descended from europe. We have many asians, latinos. With the mix we have you’ll find a lot of stunning people. I also find many English to be drunk, violent with miserable dispositions. I guess if I were living on a small crowded island with crappy weather I’d be the same way. The US should never bothered entering WW2. You guys have been killing each other for centuries, so what’s another war? To bad you didn’t sink into the cold north atlantic just like the titanic. The Brits aren’t very popular around the world either. Remember you guys follow us around everywhere we go. A fact you need to wake up to.

4 years, 7 months ago

i agree brit women are horrors in general,but dont forget that americans come from europe, and yes brits are in general a bunch of drunken yobs,i’m english/irish and mostly hate brits and britain in general,the gene pool in britain is mixed for centuries so ,infact we have too many immigrants now and they need to shipped home,most other europeans are much more respectable than us and i’ve never defended brits in any way, were just as bad as americans and probably hated as much,the main problem is not about looks in america its the attitude of your people selfish,arrogant,stupid,vain and fake to name a few of your traits and lets not mention FEMINAZISM

4 years, 7 months ago

mindy you are stupid retarded fat cow cunt.

American people are the NOT the most mixed. If anything they are of the of the least.

The country that has the BEST and MOST mix is Brazil.

The reason is U.S. women do not like mixing with other men unless they man is blonde, esp if they are buff. Brazilian hot women mix with alot of guys and becuase of that, they have the best gene pool and the women are the hottest.

Think before you talk, you ugly cunt.

4 years, 7 months ago

Without bothering to comment on the original Euro women vs. American women (pointless argument), I will say that this long, sad string of comments only proves that people who cannot debate with any kind of articulate or intelligent thought simply resort to name-calling in the most childlike ways.

That the owner of this blog allows these obscene comments to go on without end says much about him. I didn’t bother reading the entire thing, but small-minded people like Slade and Scorpion find their glory online by espousing hatred and ripping anyone who disagrees with them.

Simply by politely offering a different perspective Euro Girl found herself the victim of a vicious and obscene attack. Talk about Euro vs American women all you want, but there are some men here who should learn something about the idea of being a gentleman.

I know it’s way to late for you, but I’ll say it anyway: show some class. I’m sure your mothers are proud of the fine men (and I use the term loosely) that you’ve turned into. Maybe you are sweethearts around your mothers and become tough-talking and hate-filled once you sit at your computers.

Very impressive. I’ll bet women are just lining up for these fine catches.

4 years, 7 months ago

KR sounds like another emascualte feminazi supporting queer.

4 years, 7 months ago

the arguements have been there for all to see,me and scorpion do rip into people but only because they come on here and slag us off,people call us childlike and juvenile when its just some horrid american fag or feminazi trying to justify there abhorrent behaviour, so shove it up your FAG/DYKE ASS KR

4 years, 7 months ago

You guys might be rude, hate-filled and ignorant, but at least you are consistent.

4 years, 7 months ago

abolutely,but ignorant and hate filled no, rude yes i guess, but who gives a shit its a freedom of speech thing isnt it

4 years, 7 months ago

i also think its hilarious to hear people reactions to opposing views

4 years, 7 months ago

Are Western European girls really as bad as American girls?

4 years, 7 months ago

no their not as bad as americans

4 years, 7 months ago

U.S. women women are the worst of the worst. The next group would be Canadian.

4 years, 7 months ago

next after canandian, english then australian

4 years, 7 months ago

Europe has the most beutiful women in the world, but Greece has the most beutiful women in the Europe…..;)

4 years, 7 months ago

What’s you experience with Greek girls?(From the mainland, not the immigrants)

4 years, 7 months ago

Well, well, well…What do we have here?

Looks like a real (British) smooth operator who could teach Amerikan cunts a thing or two…..
Katie needs to move her act (er, ass) to Amerika to show these pathetic cunts a thing or two about making things happen.

Can you say branding, media magnet, and epicenter of various tv series (…paging Burnett/Trump production)

Brittney/Paris/Nicole and the like of Amerikan icons of sluthood have some lessons to learn from Katie.

Btw It was 40 years ago today, That Sgt Pepper taught the band how to play….

4 years, 6 months ago

You know I find it interesting that men from other countries speak respectfully about the women from their countries, but American men do not. American men talk trash, verbally abuse, and disrespect American women.

Unfoturnately this behaviour goes with American men to other countries. The American men who claim to want “traditional” women are in St. Petersburgh in bed with 13 yo old girls. European women do not like American men because you treat them like whores, and lie to them about everything.

The things you say about the women in your own country are just a precursor to how you look at all women. You speak and act like filthy pigs and cry when the women make the fool of you.

I think American women should make a picture of American men and put a European man next to his. Except with the European man you can show his face because he will be a lot better looking and better built than the American man. He also has been taught good manner, and will show you a better life.

4 years, 6 months ago

Hi guys, I didnt come here for a while because I forgot of it,Now I remembered I see that nothing much changed.

How pointless it seems to be just repeating yourselves,aren’t you bored with it yet? I am.

It doesnt matter how often you say American Women are fat,British women are drunk,Eastern european womens are submissive(!?!) or Brazils women are hot.
It doesnt change anything,so why don’t we talk about something interesting? Like the reasons why our countries have these problems,or our cultural experiences with other countries (other than fuck this mexican/english/czech/usa/asain girl)

Just some thoughts..

4 years, 6 months ago

its incredible that this discusion has been going on nearly 2 years, its quite absurd and shows that some people must have nothing to do but bitch over and over again, i admit being one of the worse for discusing on this page but even i have now found the topic boring,

by the way i think portugese,spanish and italian are better looking than greek,greek are still pretty good but like italians balloon up when older

4 years, 6 months ago

yes it was me last post

4 years, 6 months ago

by the way from spcwby link above ,i have been watchin the brit apprentice and this girl (katie)is one of the vilest women i have ever seen, a dreadful arrogant snob ,ugly persona and looks, dresses and acts like some yuppie from the thatcher 80s

4 years, 6 months ago

Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! jsgplitxmsx

4 years, 6 months ago

Dear women of the world,
Please take all of our ugly,fat,socially inept American men such as scorpion. Obviously men like this have been rejected time after time after time by American women and now display a great hatred of us and can no longer function in American society. They need to leave the US and find themselves a gorgeous european,latin or asian women because we all know that women in other countries are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our poor male specimens. Sorry to inform you scorpion, but according to sociologists, Brazil AND the US have the most ethnically diverse populations.

4 years, 6 months ago

an obvious feminazi

4 years, 6 months ago

Mindy you are an ugly fat Rosie Odonelll piece of sewage trash that is a product of a crack whore mother.

You are a typical retarded American retard white cunt face woman.

Brazil is WAY more diverse than the U.S. because the hot women are not racists and they are willing to sleep around.

U.S. women are inferior ot South American, Eastern European, Southern European and Asian women.

4 years, 6 months ago

Carlos is a gay faggot emasculkate queer.

Except for the Brits, most European men are gay faggots. They didnt even participate that much in Iraq becuase they are girly men queers.

Fact is most Eastern European and South American women like, because they men in their countries are closet gay faggot homos like Carol.

Carlos sounds like a cuuckhold or gay male pedophile.

4 years, 6 months ago

also alot of brit/US guys have alot more prospects and money, in the likes of poland/russia and other eastern euro countries they earn shit money probably about £50/$100 a week if their lucky ,an so ship themselves off to other western countries so they can earn decent money and women are left with a shortage of men

4 years, 6 months ago

European men are the biggest faggots. Most of them are gay like Carlos.

Except for the Brits, they all act like cuckhold queers. I remember when I was in Prague I was banging some hot Czech girl, and when her bf caught us, he tried to attack me, but I beat him to a pulp and he stood their crying while I creampied his girl.

EE and South American women dislike their men because they act like women.

U.S. and UK men are considered the MOST desirable men in the world. Even if the U.S. or UK man were to decide and live in the girls country, he still is desirable.

4 years, 6 months ago

i also hear in eastern euro and south america the guys beat the women and are often drunks or gang bangers

4 years, 6 months ago

As posted on Craigslist (FL…but befitting the rest of Amerika), the source (ie writer) is spot on with regards why Amerika’s women suck.

Now for all you sluts who bitch & moan about the “lack of nice guys”…..think about the following premise when you are dissing some dude while pointing a finger at them.

Remember that while pointing your finger at the perceived problem…there are three fingers pointing back to the source of the problem.

Enjoy the ride, its all downhill from here….

RE: Where all the nice guys - 32

Reply to:
Date: 2007-06-19, 12:56PM EDT

We went back to strip joints, bars or just staying home watching Seinfeld re-runs on Friday night, instead of wasting our time spending money frivously trying to impress you.

But our efforts are ignored, our nobility discounted. No more flowers to your job for no reason, and no more poems left in your purse for you to see in the morning while searching for your car keys.

That’s all over now.

You all don’t appreciate a nice guy. You critique us, you judge us, while your lives are flawed yourselves. You judge us for our shoes, our height, the car we drive, the job we have and if we’re happy doing it, and if we have plans for ultimate supremacy, i.e. constant promotions for you to brag to your family and friends about.

You judge us for having kids, or not wanting them if we don’t. You judge us for our friends and their lifestyles, even though your best friend is a man-hating skank who dreams of diving her face between your legs everytime you get drunk around her. You judge us for our family and our relationships with family members, even though you were touched inappropriately by your uncle (or was it your grandfather? it’s always 1 of the 2) and you hate your mom, because she has everything you ever wanted but will never find…because her generation they judged men for their hearts not their credit score. So over time, their loyalty was rewarded with bigger houses, longer vacations and a love with a real foundation. Based on hard work, honesty, and lask of selfishness, something many single women today know little about.

There is no more reaching goals “together as a team”. It’s all about you “better have it now at your age”, or he is a loser to you women.

That is why you are unhappy with the men out there. We are not “perfect’ the way you wish us to be in that small, little “stepford wife” mind of yours.

The nice guys are still here. We are the guy you ignored in Publix yesterday. Or the guy who hit on you while you got in your car leaving work the day before. We are everywhere. You can’t see us, though. Because you are too busy looking for the shining armor and the white horse you pray we are riding in on.

We are here. We just don’t care to let you know where we are anymore.

You’ll just ignore our calls the next day anyways. Or tell us you want to be friends.

4 years, 6 months ago

best thing to do with women is ignore them all

4 years, 6 months ago

Heh. I find it hilarious Scorpion had to leave the country to find somebody who’d take him.
And I’m assuming that any foreign women he engaged in sexual intercourse with couldn’t understand a damn thing he said, otherwise they’d have taken their “pleasure” else where.

As for my opinions on American women v. European? I think American women are great. And I think European women are great. Personally, while I’m proud to be an American woman, I plan on relocating in a couple of years to Europe. Just because I’m fascinated by the culture.

Anyway, I’ve found this post, and the many different attitudes fascinating.. although there were some replies that frankly set my teeth on edge.. like the comments that American women didn’t know their place? I’m sure that Europe is filled with strong, beautiful women.. women who know how to love and have fun.. while pursuing successful careers. But there are just as many beautiful, successful American women over here.

I think the problem isn’t the American women. It’s the men who aren’t good enough for them.


4 years, 6 months ago

I agree that a lot of American women have become overbearing nags that have let themselves go, but American men are just as guilty as their female counterparts. Most of them are uneducated, overweight, and have low paying jobs to boot. Just like American women, what are they good for?

I have a bachelor’s degree in nursing. I have a good job that pays well. I own my own home. I am very physically fit (I go to the gym five days a week), as I am health conscious. I enjoy traveling because I love learning about history, architecture, foreign languages, cultures, etc. Like most of the men on this site, I will only date foreigners (of the male persuasion of course) as well. They’re physically fit, attractive, educated, well-traveled, great conversationalists, and they’re good in bed.

Although I am neither overweight or unattractive, I am probably the epitome of what you hate – a woman with standards. I work very hard to stay in shape and look the way that I do. I’ve also worked very hard to make it through university in order to have the well-paying job that I have. I want to be with a man who works just as hard to look good, and is just as educated as well.

The problem with most American men is they’ve been raised to believe that they’re entitled to a beautiful woman, even though most of them have nothing to offer in the way of looks, fitness, attractiveness, education, money, etc. And when those attractive women won’t bat an eye in their direction, they’re accused of being superficial bitches. Instead of you men going out and joining a gym and enrolling in university in order to become more educated and more attractive to the women you so desire, you’d rather be lazy and go find women abroad.

You’re hypocrites. You want women to accept you the way you are, and yet you won’t accept women the way they are. You hold them to high standards (physically fit, beautiful, sweet, educated), but you want them to lower their standards and accept you the way you are, even with all of your flaws (overweight, uneducated, unfit, unattractive, low paying job). That’s extremely hypocritical.

There is an attractiveness scale. Unlike men, women know where they fall on the attractiveness scale. It’s rare if you ever see an overweight, unattractive woman approach a physically fit, attractive male. Men, on the other hand, no matter how ugly and/or uneducated they are, will approach a woman that is way out of their league, because they think that they deserve women at the top of the scale. They’ll aim for the top, and when women of that caliber won’t accept their advances, they aim for the next level down. And they keep aiming until they reach a level on which the women will accept their advances. And by the time they’ve reached the level of females that will have them, they’ve usually become embittered, like most of the men on this site.

I’ve got news for you, if you’re feeling angry because you’re not getting the women you want, it’s because you have nothing to offer them. I suggest you enroll in university, change your diet, and start going to the gym five days a week. When you live up to the high standards that you want your women to live up to, that is when you’ll start attracting women of the caliber that you want.

If you’re too lazy to do this, then by all means travel abroad to find yourself a foreign woman. But don’t ever fool yourself into thinking that could or would ever fall in love with you for you. They want a ticket out of the country in which they live, and they think that you’re it.

4 years, 6 months ago

“If you’re too lazy to do this, then by all means travel abroad to find yourself a foreign woman. But don’t ever fool yourself into thinking that could or would ever fall in love with you for you. They want a ticket out of the country in which they live, and they think that you’re it.”
The problem with this little statement is that the woman who “love” for your career and fitness are not in love with “you” either then it’s just more work for the one with the high money expectations. Answer me this successful woman. How would you ever get the time to devote yourself fully to a man and a relationship (God forbid kids) with all that other crap going on in your day. There are only so many hours. Something will lack and it won’t be your career it will be your man. Also who wants out of there country? I don’t see a trend of people moving to America. I see a trend of people who have money moving out of America. In Indonesia I think they have the better lifestyle than Americans do today more freedoms way more time off. When there not working they pretty much work 2 months a year. Not more freedoms because your told, “your free to do this”"your not free to do this”. More freedom because noones telling you to do anything. American men are slaves to there jobs and “careers” woman are not they can choose not to work and still be fine because the laws favor them so much in there relationships. Oh yea how many career woman are there really most relationships the wife stops working after a while and still wants to complain about laundry on the floor. Do you think my wife would be happier in Indonesia with all the support of hundreds of relatives, or in the states with the 4 members of my immediate family. She likes it in Indonesia but will go wherever I want to live because she even places me above all that. She loves me and is my woman. She would come to Iraq to be with me because she wants to be with me. Do you know why she could come to live with me in Iraq if that was possible? It is because she doesn’t have a career. Her focus in life is me. She is the drive behind why I am acheiving my goal of being financially independant so I can just chill out with her and we can get in adventures. She is also the first woman I want to have children with I was married 5 years and was not ready I could not imagine raising them in the states. I look at there lifestyle and could imagine for once that it would be ok to see my children grow up in a good environment and also somewhat free without free just being a word. I couldn’t think of anyone else I would rather share that with.

4 years, 5 months ago

career bitches are either bitter twisted old spinsters or feminazis and marry men beneath them so they can use them like the faggot beta males they are and deserve to used, alpha males either succesful or not hate career obsessed bitches and would rather fuck whores than you vile bitches, we prefer women who look and act like women, have traditional values, rather than men in drag like the feminazi so called strong women who arn’t proper women at all

4 years, 5 months ago

Re: Gunslingergregi

“The problem with this little statement is that the woman who “love” for your career and fitness are not in love with “you” either then it’s just more work for the one with the high money expectations.”

Well, men would never be in love with me simply for my personality. All of the men on this site have made it very clear that they’re only interested in having very physically attractive women that will devote themselves to a man’s needs. You’re a reflection of most American men. How is it any less superficial for a woman to want you for your physical attractiveness, as well as how educated you are? It’s not.

“Answer me this successful woman. How would you ever get the time to devote yourself fully to a man and a relationship (God forbid kids) with all that other crap going on in your day. There are only so many hours. Something will lack and it won’t be your career it will be your man.”

I think that if a couple decides to have children, one of the parents should stay home. For that reason I don’t plan to have children. My boyfriend and I both have careers. We’d rather spend our free time doing things together, like traveling and having sex. Children would only cramp our style.

“American men are slaves to there jobs and “careers” woman are not they can choose not to work and still be fine because the laws favor them so much in there relationships.”

Yes, American men are slaves to their jobs, as are American women. I work 12 hour shifts, and sometimes more. And laws don’t always favor women more than men. Men still make significantly more money than women who do the same job as they do. A good friend of mine quit her job a year ago when she learned that the man whom she’d replaced at work (because he’d retired), was paid $20 000 more a year than she was making, even though she was doing the exact same job. She’s a chartered accountant. I’m glad that she walked out, because what was done to her was wrong.

“Oh yea how many career woman are there really most relationships the wife stops working after a while and still wants to complain about laundry on the floor.”

I’ve seen this sort of behavior, and I find it disgusting. I have a problem with women that immediately start demanding that their husband do things around the house as soon as they get in the door after a long day at work. As a person that works very long shifts, all I want to do at the end of the day is absolutely nothing. However, I don’t think people should just drop things on the floor. It’s easy enough to toss dirty clothes into a hamper instead of just tossing them onto the floor. It makes life a little easier for everyone.

“She would come to Iraq to be with me because she wants to be with me. Do you know why she could come to live with me in Iraq if that was possible? It is because she doesn’t have a career. Her focus in life is me. She is the drive behind why I am acheiving my goal of being financially independant so I can just chill out with her and we can get in adventures. She is also the first woman I want to have children with I was married 5 years and was not ready I could not imagine raising them in the states. I look at there lifestyle and could imagine for once that it would be ok to see my children grow up in a good environment and also somewhat free without free just being a word. I couldn’t think of anyone else I would rather share that with.

I’ve known many women that have wanted to stay home and raise their children. It’s really not financially possible anymore. The cost of living has increased dramatically in the last few decades. Also, it would be pointless to let some of them stay home when they don’t do anything around the house at all. My brother is with such a woman, and he’s told her she’s to get back out to work, because she sits around all day. She doesn’t clean. She rarely cooks. I agree with him totally!

I’m glad that I live in this day and age though, so that women like myself who never wanted to be married or to have children have the opportunity to get out into the workforce. However, I do wish that for the many women that want to be wives and mothers, the “leave it to beaver,” June Cleaver type attitude were common.


“career bitches are either bitter twisted old spinsters or feminazis and marry men beneath them so they can use them like the faggot beta males they are and deserve to used, alpha males either succesful or not hate career obsessed bitches and would rather fuck whores than you vile bitches, we prefer women who look and act like women, have traditional values, rather than men in drag like the feminazi so called strong women who arn’t proper women at all.”

No, I don’t have a traditional outlook on life. I don’t plan to marry. Instead, I plan to have many lovers throughout my life. It’s far more exciting. Twisted? Yes, but only when it comes to sex. Feminazi? Spinster? No, I go to great lengths to make sure I look good. I am very proud to be a woman, and have no desire to emulate males. I talk, dress, and act like a woman. The only thing male about me is my love for sex. I’ve never had any complaints.

“, alpha males either succesful or not hate career obsessed bitches and would rather fuck whores than you vile bitches, we prefer women who look and act like women, have traditional values, rather than men in drag like the feminazi so called strong women who arn’t proper women at all.”

So, whores are act like real women should, and have traditional values? How can what a whore does be equated with femininity and traditional values? Well, I’ve seen plenty of them walking the streets of the city I live in. So come the time you want to find yourself a wife, Slade, I’d be more than happy to help you find a whore that acts like real woman and has traditional values.

4 years, 5 months ago

i’m not saying women should not work ,most people these days need to work my mum has always worked part time and my dad fulltime ,neither are educated so my dad worked as welder and my mum in pubs,shops, cleaning etc. as they needed the money to bring the 4 of us up

the thing is depending on your outlook in life you either want a family or not, career obsessed types should not have kids because they end up in a loveless environment, kids being brought up by nannies and then sent to boarding school ,they may have a good start if they want a career but will likely not want much to do with their parents later in life

i would never have anything to do with proffesional women i find them vain,cold,snobbish and arrogant ,i would much prefer and old fashioned working class women,and i dont mean trailer trash

4 years, 5 months ago

i thought scorpion would find this interesting as he thinks every country is gay except USA this is a snippet from a real survey and it says australians and americans are the biggest load of fags on i laughed

MORE than 17 per cent of Australians are involved in gay or lesbian relationships, putting the country equal first in the world for its proportion of homosexuals, according to a new worldwide survey.

The survey of sexual habits by international condom maker Durex found that together with Americans, Australians had the highest proportion of same-sex relationships.

At the other end of the scale, Vietnam recorded the lowest proportion of gay and lesbian relationships, at three per cent.

The company said Australians enjoyed a busy love life, having sex on average 125 times per year.

Hungarians came out on top, having sex 152 times per year.

But Australians were still ahead of Americans, at 118 times a year.

4 years, 5 months ago

Green eyes girls your an ugly fat piece of shit. When you go to Europe you may be get bonesd, but thrown to the side of the curb. Men in Europe hate American women.

Your dumb retarded fat obese shit faced cunt.

Girls I met in Eastern Europe are highly intelligent yet look like Drop Dead Gorgeous Models, unlike the shit faces here. Plus they can speak 3 or 4 languages. You can’t even speak English, cause your a retard.

Go to Europe, but dont comeback crying because everyone in Europe hates U.S. women.

4 years, 5 months ago

As for Shelli your boyfriend is a beta male faggot. First of all women in the U.S. are not even attractive. They are the most fattest in the world. Only maybe 5 percent are. However the only want guys that buff or a billionares

However in Eastern European countries the girls are look like VS models and I have so many female friends that look like that after spending alot of time their.

Unlike your obese self, they keep their body in great shape and strive to be slim. Also their not shallow and instead prefer if a guy is nice over whether he is in GQ.

Initially when hot women in the U.S. said no to me, I was left with two options, take fat cow women or go to another country. I chose the later because I hate BBW women. Their gross.

FYI women have no right to desires or to be extremely chosy. Women like that deserve to be beaten.

By the way I hold multiple advanced degrees. Your just a nurse which is the crappiest job in the U.S. My Czech gf has more advanced degrees than you, yet looks like a model. Face reality, your OUT OF MY LEAGUE.

4 years, 5 months ago

Listen here shitface Shelli. You are the one that is a hypocritical cunt.

Your against average men having hot foreign women.

Obviously you are against it because you are a shitface that belives that average men should only end up with horrible looking women. By the way their is no such thing in the average women. Theirs only hot or not.

Also the reason you dislike hot foreign women coming to the U.S. is because you are jealous. You are jealous that all men will abandon their pot belly women like yourself for hot tight bodied women with beautiful accents.

I abandoned U.S. women a few years ago, and my life has improved dramatically, ever since I ventured to Eastern Europe and Latin America and I never looked at a U.S. woman ever again. Instead they look at me when I am with the my Czech gf.

In the end of the women in the U.S. like yourself are the lowest scum on this planet.

4 years, 5 months ago

very true U.S and brit bitches are the worst by far

4 years, 5 months ago

You boys should have been born in another century.. Because you don’t fit in with the 21st. You’re average and behind on the times. Trying to hold on to some stupid idealization of womenhood, but not trying to be a REAL man?
Pathetic. Whiny. Go to the local walmart and purchase some disposable diapers. That’s all your ass is good for.

I am not ugly or obese. I’m not stupid. And excuse me for only speaking two languages well. I’m working on the others.

4 years, 5 months ago

Green Eye Cunt you are an ugly obese fat piece of feminazi shit.

You like every other U.S. woman are nothing more than the scum of the planet. You are inferior and unworthy. You dont know any other language except the language of shit which comes out of your shit sourced mouth.

I have already travelled to Eastern Europe and Latin America, and you cant even compete with the hot women that are their.

Your mother definitly is a hooker and you must have been the product of your crack whore mother and the people that creampied her.

Before you speak, lose weight. You got too many Big Macs down your throat you fat piece of shit.

4 years, 5 months ago

american women are the biggest load of hypocrytical bitches going one minute they want beta males all soft and obedient the next they say they want macho men ,what a bunch of weirdos

4 years, 5 months ago


“As for Shelli your boyfriend is a beta male faggot. First of all women in the U.S. are not even attractive. They are the most fattest in the world. Only maybe 5 percent are. However the only want guys that buff or a billionares”

My boyfriend is in no way, shape, or form a beta male faggot. He’s been on his own since he was 18 years old. Aside from being very physically fit, he knows how to take care of himself completely on his own. And because he’s not dependant on having his mommy or a woman take care of him, he’s not desperate to hook up with the first woman he sees. He’s always been extremely choosey as to who he dates.

“However in Eastern European countries the girls are look like VS models and I have so many female friends that look like that after spending alot of time their. Unlike your obese self, they keep their body in great shape and strive to be slim. Also their not shallow and instead prefer if a guy is nice over whether he is in GQ.”

I’m not obese. If you bothered to read my previous post you would see that I work out five days a week. I also subscribe to a healthy lifestyle, which means I eat properly. I don’t eat sugar, white flour, and try to stay away from processed foods as much at possible.

As far as being shallow goes, I take good care of myself. I’m also educated. I want someone that takes good care of themselves and realized the benefit of having a good education as well.
As far as American women being shallow because they want GQ looking males. Well, they’re the exact same as you. You want an Eastern European woman simply because they’re attractive. You’re just as shallow.

“Initially when hot women in the U.S. said no to me, I was left with two options, take fat cow women or go to another country. I chose the later because I hate BBW women. Their gross.”

It’s fine that you’re not attracted to fat women. I’m not attracted to fat men. That doesn’t mean that I’m rude or mean to them. I just don’t date them. And if you’re not attracted to fat women, you don’t have to date them either.

You mentioned that hot women reject you. Well, get a membership at a gym, enrol in university, clean up your insult ridden, swear word ridden language, and I’ll guarantee you you’ll find yourself a hot girlfriend.

“FYI women have no right to desires or to be extremely chosy. Women like that deserve to be beaten.”

Women have every right to choose who they do and don’t date, just like you (a male) have the right to choose who you do and don’t want to date (hot Eastern European women with hot bodies as opposed to fat american women) If women they aren’t choosey, they might end up with a male like you who openly advocates beating women.

“By the way I hold multiple advanced degrees. Your just a nurse which is the crappiest job in the U.S. My Czech gf has more advanced degrees than you, yet looks like a model. Face reality, your OUT OF MY LEAGUE.”

I don’t doubt that the Eastern European women you talk to have degrees. Most Europeans value education. Hence the reason I date European men. However, I don’t believe you have any degrees. You can barely spell half the things you write, and half the time it’s incoherent as well. I’d be willing to be money that you still live with your parents, and that you have a high school diploma, if that.

Face reality, I’m out of your league? Yes, I am way out of your league. You could never have a woman like me. And I’m glad that wouldn’t want me anyway. That way I wouldn’t have to waste time rejecting you.

“Listen here shitface Shelli. You are the one that is a hypocritical cunt.”

Does your mother know that you speak this way?

“Your against average men having hot foreign women. Obviously you are against it because you are a shitface that belives that average men should only end up with horrible looking women. By the way their is no such thing in the average women. Theirs only hot or not.”

Yes, I am against the average male having a hot woman period. I’m also against the average female having a hot male. We all have to work for everything we want. If average men want a hot woman, they need to work at being not so average in order to get one. They need to get to the gym to get themselves a nice, buff body, they need to get to university to educate themselves, they need to start dressing better and talking better as well. If the average woman wants a hot male, she has to do the same thing. Nothing in life is free or comes easily.

“Also the reason you dislike hot foreign women coming to the U.S. is because you are jealous. You are jealous that all men will abandon their pot belly women like yourself for hot tight bodied women with beautiful accents.”

I’ve never been against foreign women coming to the U.S., so don’t accuse me of such a thing. You’d just better realize that when they get here and see men that are better than you in every way, they’ll leave you for those men.

Again, I don’t have a pot belly. I’ve got abs. I eat properly and work out.

“I abandoned U.S. women a few years ago, and my life has improved dramatically, ever since I ventured to Eastern Europe and Latin America and I never looked at a U.S. woman ever again. Instead they look at me when I am with the my Czech gf.”

Good, I hope you move to the Czech Republic very soon. Perhaps when you move there to be with your girlfriend, you won’t feel the need to spend most of your time posting on here and calling other people names. Despite the fact that you’ve found all these wonderful women, you still seem very miserable to me.

“In the end of the women in the U.S. like yourself are the lowest scum on this planet.”

Yes, we’re absolute scum. Move away from here as quickly as possible.


“american women are the biggest load of hypocrytical bitches going one minute they want beta males all soft and obedient the next they say they want macho men ,what a bunch of weirdos”

You’re right. Some women can’t make up their minds. I know what I like though. Yes, I like a man that can fix cars and plumbing, if need be. But I also like a man that’s very loving, caring, and supportive. I like it when he puts his arms around me when I’m feeling sad, or even when I don’t need anything at all. Maybe we like an alpha/beta male rolled into one.

As far as what I bring to the relationship. I also try to be loving, supportive, and caring as well. And I try not to nag, because I hate to be nagged myself.

4 years, 5 months ago

“Well, get a membership at a gym, enrol in university, clean up your insult ridden, swear word ridden language, and I’ll guarantee you you’ll find yourself a hot girlfriend.”

I hold an MBA, JD, and MA from various universities. I make 6 figures and I am in healthy shape and run 10 miles. I dont need to pay for gymand be in there full of queers like your husband. You have an RN which I even doubt but if so, it is pathetic. My Czech gf is in Residency and she is only 21. Soon she will be commanding your haggard self.

“My boyfriend is in no way, shape, or form a beta male faggot”

Your bf sounds like the queer faggot considering he is with you. Oh and most European men tend to be gay.

“I don’t doubt that the Eastern European women you talk to have degrees.

My gf is smokin model hot and in Residency. So much for you fat obese cunt face loser.

“Yes, I am against the average male having a hot woman period.”

Because your a jealous feminazi cunt. Hot women are on earth to please men you fat jabba the hut cunt. If this were Roman times you would be in a in a Lions mouth for the shit that you talk. One day the Roman Empire will return and you feminazis will be history.

“Good, I hope you move to the Czech Republic very soon. Perhaps when you move there to be with your girlfriend, you won’t feel the need to spend most of your time posting on here and calling other people names. Despite the fact that you’ve found all these wonderful women, you still seem very miserable to me.”

I am very happy with my gf you ugly cunt. I would love to move, but I have friends and family here and I love them just as much. However I have been considering the idea and it can be heavan on Earth if I leave. Also I am considering Brazil, excellent temperature.

“I’ve never been against foreign women coming to the U.S., so don’t accuse me of such a thing. You’d just better realize that when they get here and see men that are better than you in every way, they’ll leave you for those men”

Your against hot foreign men coming and marrying average looking men. Therefore you are a cunt liar. You are against them because you are inferior to foreign women and cannot compete. Your just like At&T back in the day or Microsoft afraid of competition that can kick your sagging ass. By the way 80 percent of foreign marriages are successful, so your idea that they leave for another men shows your full of shit down your throat.

“Yes, I am way out of your league. You could never have a woman like me. And I’m glad that wouldn’t want me anyway. That way I wouldn’t have to waste time rejecting you.”

More like I would be rejecting your pathetic self. If you saw my gf and you even tried to talk to me she would spit on you and slap you. She did that before to one of my ex american gfs that tried to make up. I had to hold her back.

4 years, 5 months ago

american women and most of the men are the biggest(fattest), most vain ,plastic,arrogant phonies going… nobody likes you and the US in general is becoming the most hated planet on earth and something of a joke on the world stage

4 years, 5 months ago

Sadly the U.S is being hated on not becausse of Bush, but because of ignorant and retarded people like Shitface Sheilli and Green Eyes Cunt .

4 years, 5 months ago

i think its partly bushes problem and your ludicrously liberal laws, remember you had fag/dyke marriages decades before it was forced on us brits by the eurocrats, you will become the biggest ever joke if that disgusting man hating feminazi clinton gets elected president

4 years, 5 months ago

Bush did whatever he could to stop homos from marrying. Blair didnt win in that department also.

Its best for single men to be in the UK considering alot of hot women are imported to the UK from Eastern Europe and even South America. I noticed alot of hot Polish girls on my last trip.

4 years, 5 months ago

there is alot of poles in the uk unfortunately most are men , the few women are snapped up faster than a paparazzi trigger finger

4 years, 5 months ago

oh by the way thankfully that matriach blair has been shown the door at number 10… its now a jock called gordon browne as PM

4 years, 5 months ago


this book is awsome i recommend it to everybody the show is coming out aug 1…

4 years, 5 months ago

never heard of it

4 years, 4 months ago


There is primary european women at

It is a site for beautiful or rich people, why dont beautiful afros sign up…. :-)

An Englishman
4 years, 4 months ago

I love American (USA & Canadian) women, whilst I like English girls, Americans are more friendly and fun.

Typically though it doesn’t matter where someone comes from, as what matter is a genuine connection between two people.

4 years, 4 months ago

Hello again,and this time from UK!
don’t you realise this gusy are just playing a joke with you? ;)

after a year it is still fun for Slade and Scorpian to tease you into saying equally ridiculous things and themore you comply,the stupider you get.

focus on the important things in life..

4 years, 4 months ago

its very true that girl hahahahahahaha !!!

4 years, 4 months ago

Englishman you are a gay faggot and a loser. Only fags like Anglo women over Slavic or Latin girls.

It does matter where someone comes from you fag loser.

4 years, 4 months ago


Slade and I are exposing how inferior U.S. and other anglo women are inferior to slavic women. Those that like anlgo women over Slavic or Latin women are scum.

4 years, 3 months ago

Slavic people are just normal people, we eat and drink and do the same things as other europeans with only some small differences. American culture may be another whole different story,I am not able to comment..

The only thing I miss since coming to UK is Albert supermarket:D

4 years, 3 months ago

Slavic people are somewhat like other Europeans except the Brits. At least they dont go to McDonalds every day like UK and U.S. fat cow women.

4 years, 3 months ago

yep im a european and i do think that europeans are better than americans just because americans are self-centered bigots who have a serious case of superiority complex

4 years, 3 months ago

Your all on the way out. The photos at the top of the page say it all. Shame on all of you!!!

4 years, 3 months ago

I agree with everything that Scorpion says.I think that American women are the worst in the world and the most Anti-social,anti-stranger and the least friendliest in the world.I thank God everyday that no American women or girl ever showed interest in me.Most of the Available women I run into have tatoo’s on their arms,Suffer from Mental illness(talking to themselves and holding conversations with themselves),or Feminazi’s who act like they don’t need men.I will stick with foreign women because at least they know I exist,Unlike American women who doesn’t acknowledge my existance.I can’t wait to leave the Socialist Feminist Peoples Republic of Baltimore,Maryland.

4 years, 3 months ago

Scorpian , that may be true infact im sure it’s, but I remember when mc donalds first came over here,we all went crazy for it! it was always crowdy in there.. have you been in Prague? Remember mcdonalds near Charles Bridge (less than 10 mins walk) .. only 2 mins from my old home! I am surprised I am not fat :DDD

4 years, 3 months ago

Dusa, the key is for you people NOT to buy into Americanism too much or else the women in your country will be as worthless.

What I liked about many EE countries including the Czech Republic was they had their own unique culture. This is how the Czechs can continue to maintain their culture and keep their women hot. Remember women are worthless when they become fat cows.

They key is to do what you Czechs normally(from when I was their) do.
-Continue going to cafes even if more expensive.
-ALWAYS make sure the women are excercising.
-Smile when necessary.
-Be open to others even when they are not pale.
-Wear sweatpants only when excercising.
-Eat McDonalds only once a month.
-Avoid watching MTV, Oprah, or Tyra Banks.

By doing so the Czech Republic and other EE countries will have hot beautiful women and still have culture.

4 years, 3 months ago

american fast food has been a world plague, look at at all the fat bastards in america and britain and probaly all over in time to come

Space Cowboy (aka spcwby)
4 years, 3 months ago

An American behavioural exclusive….something I have noticed in my travels (and dating) recently!

As always, your mileage (and views) maybe different….I (sadly) lean towards Scorpion therom that (most) Amerikan women are f#cked up. Sadly, most Amerikan men seem to accept that premise as normality.

Btw As you read this article, notice that the center of attention goes through TWO Raspberry martini’s and then breast feeds her two month old? Ok, what’s wrong with this picture?

Something seems to ring out OCD (Obsessive Complusive Disorder) for this woman (and a mother of two small children) that would just freak me out. Perhaps its just my advancing age….

The Starter Husband By Gretchen Voss

You’d never buy a car without test-driving it first right? So why settle into a lifelong marriage before trying one on for size?

I’m just really not ready to be committed like this.” That’s what Andi said to Tucker, her husband of 11 months, after she came home from a crazy day at work two years ago with an overwhelming urge to quit her marriage. Today. Right now. “This just isn’t for me.”

She spoke stoically — no tears, no histrionics. She had been imagining this moment since she moved out of their condo a few months earlier, but she wanted to ease him into the inevitable — to somehow tiptoe her way through the minefield of Tucker’s emotions. But now, having scored a direct hit with those crushing words, she watched Tucker crumple against the dining-room table. “I don’t understand,” he said, over and over. “We’re married.”

“Look, we can do this now, or we can do this five years from now when it’s a lot messier,” Andi said, softening her voice but not her position. “I want a divorce.” The guy didn’t really do anything to deserve this, she thought, looking at Tucker’s ashen face. He must think I’m a monster. Watching her husband shuffle to the door of her temporary apartment, Andi felt awful. But mostly, she felt unbelievably relieved.

“I was married for like, two seconds.” That’s what Andi says to me today, her enormous kohl-rimmed blue eyes crinkling as she recounts her drive-through union. “It was literally an entry-level marriage.” We’re sitting in a cafe in a funky Boston neighborhood known for its liberal attitudes and alternative lifestyles — this is where gay couples raise their children — and yet women are actually swiveling in their seats, doing indiscreet 180s to get a look at the impeccably coiffed, blonde-haired woman saying such things.

Hearing her words, I flinch slightly. We’re talking about an event that’s supposed to be a turning point in life, and she sounds so cavalier. And yet, Andi is only articulating what the one in five women under age 30 who get divorced every year must think.

After graduating from college, Andi jetted off to culinary school in Paris, then switched to journalism, where she climbed the ranks, moving from one semi-glamorous job to the next — all the while hooking up, dating, dumping, and moving on. She’s a perfectly modern gal, a gorgeous mess of neuroses and contradictions — the kind who never pictured herself married by 27, divorced by 28, and remarried with two toddlers at 35.

But along the way, she met Tucker. “He was what I was supposed to marry. He was what everybody else in my life wanted for me and what the world tells you you’re supposed to want,” she says. “I got sucked into the idea. I was in my 20s, and I felt like there was so much pressure from my family to find the perfect person. I just felt like, God, I’d be stupid if I didn’t do this.”

Within months of promising to love and honor and cherish Tucker forever, she knew she had made a huge mistake. The problem? He was boring. “Wholly uncomplicated,” as she puts it. The kind of guy who reads Tom Clancy books on the couch and watches Adam Sandler movies while dreaming of white-picket fences. Going to depressing French movies, leapfrogging over the less ambitious on the company ladder — those were the things that excited Andi. “The idea of spending my life with someone like that seemed stifling,” she says. “It finally just got to me that he was so . . . sunny.”

I hoist my drink in that you-go-girl kind of way, but I’m struck by her casual disregard for the institution. Marriage used to be a big deal. How could she slip in and out of it so easily? She’d plodded along for nearly 12 months, passive-aggressively avoiding her relationship by consuming herself with the restaurant openings and black-tie benefits that were part of her job. But then Tucker started talking about having children. “To me, once you have kids, you can’t get out,” she says. “When he began asking about a family, I felt like that was too final of a commitment. That’s when I had to say, ‘OK, I’ve got to fish or cut bait here.’”

Her own parents split up when she was 3, and she didn’t want to condemn another generation to that hell. Andi and Tucker got divorced almost a year to the day after they had vowed to be together forever.

“Oh, my God, it was so easy,” she says, exhaling loudly. “I realized, I can get out of this, and he can get out of this, and we can get on with our lives.” They sold the condo and split the profits, and that was that. She felt bad about hurting his feelings, but she never doubted her decision. I raise an eyebrow. “Never,” she repeats.

Andi takes a throaty slug of her second raspberry martini, picks at her fish taco, then sits back in her chair. “I think marriage is the new dating and having kids is the new marriage,” she proclaims loudly, as yet another woman dining with her partner turns to stare. “It’s true. I wouldn’t have married him if I didn’t think I could get out of it.”

Despite how it sounds, Andi is not a first-class bit**. She’s the type who will hunt down the most perfectly thoughtful baby gift or whisk you off to a much-needed mani-pedi after your boss goes nuclear on you. But when it comes to relationships, her attitude is pure pragmatism: Clearly she’d screwed up — best to press delete. And I bet there isn’t a married woman out there, if she’s really honest, who hasn’t flirted with the thought of doing the same. I know there have been days in my own five-year marriage when I’ve dreamed of reclaiming my freedom. Not many, but a few. But then I wake up, not just because I love the guy — and I’m damned lucky to have him — but because I’m married. That is supposed to mean something.

Andi was my introduction to the concept of an icebreaker marriage but certainly not my last. Burning through a starter husband is almost becoming a rite of passage: While newly-marrieds everywhere fear the one-in-two-marriages-fail statistic, the more relevant stat is that while the median age at which a woman first marries is 25, the median age at which she first divorces is 29. In fact, 20 percent of marriages fail within five years, and of those, one in four end within two years. So much for until death do us part.

I don’t have to look far in my own life to find human faces that bear out the numbers: One of my best friends from college barely scratched out a two-year union following her six-figure Hawaiian wedding; my brother managed to eke out almost 29 months before he and his betrothed packed it up for Splitsville. Their divorces were good things, believe me. Still, I was miffed that they got married in the first place. These relationships were never the stuff of happily ever after.

Of course, our generation can afford to chuck the Cinderella story when the glass slipper doesn’t fit. While our grandmothers were forced to remain shackled to unhappy unions for monetary reasons, most women today have the financial wherewithal to cry uncle and bolt whenever we get uncomfortable.

For some, a starter husband is like a starter home — a semi-commitment where you’re willing to do some of the surface work, like painting the walls, but not the heavy lifting, like gutting the whole foundation; he’s just not a long-term investment. Others compare a starter husband to a first job, where you learn some skills and polish your resume before going after the position you really want.

In our everyday life — one where we’re encouraged to pursue the bigger, better anything (witness the average college grad who now burns through seven jobs before turning 30) — how can you commit to something, or someone, forever? “That’s a huge promise. We live in an incredibly fast-paced consumerist culture,” says Pamela Paul, author of the book The Starter Marriage, who herself was divorced less than a year after taking her vows at age 27. “Ours is an H&M culture, where you go out and buy 10 cheap items for the season, then toss them, rather than investing in one beautiful coat you’ll wear for another 10 seasons. More and more women have that throwaway mentality with their first marriage — the ‘I want it now’ attitude.” Until, of course, you don’t.

And that’s just our prerogative, says Generation Me, fingers poised above the do-over button. We can pick and choose among limitless possibilities seemingly unattached to consequence because today’s 20-somethings are living out an extended adolescence in a manner unlike any generation before them. We’re still knocking around and figuring it out, often on our parents’ dime.

“Simply put, my 20s were freaking me out,” says 29-year-old Elisa Albert, a wavy-haired brunette and adjunct assistant professor of creative writing at Columbia University. “I felt unqualified to be barreling into adulthood alone — I felt at loose ends in regards to my career, my ability to support myself, even my post-college social identity. I was lonely and scared. At the same time, I’m watching Sex and the City and going, OK, so should I spend the next 20 years getting my heart broken and pretending that it’s all in good fun? Or should I marry this dude I’m dating, have a gorgeous party, and make my parents really, really happy?”

She chose wrong.

It all started over a steaming cup of coffee in a New York City diner. Elisa’s mother suggested she give a family friend a call in the wake of his sibling’s death (Elisa’s own brother had died a few years back). “We talked about our brothers, which was intense, and then somehow we went from there to falling in love and having this 100-mile-an-hour courtship,” Elisa says. “We were talking about naming our unborn children after our dead brothers. It was totally crazy.”

From an outsider’s perspective, you could see trouble ahead: They crashed between breakup and make-up like a game of pinball. But during one warm-and-fuzzy reconciliation, they decided to get hitched. Suddenly, the relationship snowballed into something bigger: getting married.

“I totally bought into the wedding-industry machine,” admits Elisa, who spent more time obsessively planning every detail of her nuptials for 300 at a Malibu estate than she did working on her master’s thesis. From the five-star vegan menu to the Japanese lanterns to the playlist, Elisa’s focus was all wedding, no marriage. “I had a totally misguided notion of what a wedding was about,” she says. “You work toward this giant event, have an enormous party, then an hour after you get married, reality sets in. I was like, Oh, sh** — that didn’t really solve anything.”

You can almost forgive a girl for focusing on the party and forgetting about the hangover. After all, it seems that we don’t have a clue what the heck marriage is anymore. Like a fat promotion to the corner office, we aspire to it — the sparkler on my finger means I’m a success, receiving the final rose means I win — but what is the prize again? For that cluelessness, apparently, we can thank our single moms and alimony dads. “We are the children of parents who divorced in the ’70s and ’80s,” says Paul. “Divorce is out there as a familiar possibility.”

My own parents’ bitter divorce — many, many years in the making — played out right around the time of my engagement. I knew all too well what the seamy underbelly of marriage looked like, and it had made me incredibly cautious about commitment — it took me seven years of dating my husband before I could consider the concept of “forever.”

Still, it’s a legacy that cuts deep. “We were both like, We’re going to do this right! Divorce is for losers,” Elisa says of her and her ex’s attitude toward their own parents’ divorces. But she knew in the back of her mind that there was a plan B, that marriage was not necessarily a binding contract. And when she realized that she didn’t even have a clue what a good marriage looked like, let alone what one felt like, she didn’t hesitate to produce her Get Out of Jail Free card. “It was a constantly pitched, keyed-up hell,” she says. Their downstairs neighbors left a note on their door: “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you people, but you need to stop screaming at each other.”

Pulling the trigger was easy; dealing with the fallout was not. “Every time I ran into somebody I knew, I wanted to die,” Elisa says. She briefly moved back to her childhood home in L.A. to regroup. “Even if they were nice, I just felt this pity from them, like, ‘Oh, my God, you fu**ed up big. Wow, that sucks.’” Looking for guidance, she joined a divorce support group out in the Valley. It was an eye-opener. “It was full of women in their 50s with kids and mortgages,” Elisa remembers. “They knew their marriages were doomed straight out of the gate but stayed shackled to them for 20 years.”

Confronted with that alternative, Elisa’s confidence in her decision was restored. Today, three years later, she considers her first husband the perfect warm-up for the real deal. “I could not be more grateful for that experience,” she says. “I’m in a really good relationship right now, knock on wood, and I would never have been capable of that without my first marriage — learning how relationships work.”

It’s easy to write these women off as callous or self-absorbed. And yet on some level, they just might be pioneers: Why stay put in an empty shell of a marriage — an arrangement on paper only — instead of calling it what it is? “This generation is reinventing marriage,” says Paul.

“I think women our age are like, We’re either going to fix this, or we’re going to end it, and that’s for the better,” says Kay Moffett, coauthor of Not Your Mother’s Divorce. She married her own starter husband in a funky, flamingo-filled Florida wedding at 27, then divorced him four years later after realizing she could never make the real commitment of having children with him. But don’t call her divorce a failure; in this enlightened world, it was simply a relationship that ran its course. “I think maybe we’re moving more toward a serial-marriage society — maybe you have three marriages in your life and several different careers. That’s where I’m heading,” she says.

Still, even unapologetic Andi admits that the process is not always easy. “On the one hand, I felt empowered, like, Woo-hoo, I have the rest of my life in front of me. But there were moments of, Oh, my God, I’m a divorcee — does that mean I’m all washed up?” she says. It’s why, she suggests, she turned to drinking heavily for several months after her breakup, trying to reconcile those thoughts — and perhaps, I suspect, dull some of the pain she’s so sure she never felt.

Then she met David. He was supposed to be her rebound relationship. Three years later, she realized that she wanted to have kids with him — and that was the clincher.

Andi lifts her 2-month-old daughter up to her breast in the middle of the café. I ask if her second husband is The One, since they have kids and all. “I’m happy, but I try not to think about it,” she says. “It’s like, if I thought I had to have my hair the same way for the rest of my life, I’d freak out.”

Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc.

4 years, 3 months ago

fuck them weird bitches off i say

4 years, 3 months ago

so you chose these photos to make a point. Then why was the pic of the european girl taken from the back? do all european girls have buther faces or do you just have a hard time getting them to notice you?

4 years, 2 months ago

The comparison is body type jack ass. Also European and Latin women have hotter faces compared to women in the U.S.

4 years, 2 months ago

Reflections of Reality (Amerikan in this case)

It is…..what it is!

You have to read the response. THIS APPEARED ON CRAIG’S LIST - must read down to the reply…

What am I doing wrong?

Okay, I’m tired of beating around the bush. I’m a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl. I’m articulate and classy. I’m not from New York. I’m looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don’t think I’m overreaching at all. Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board? Any wives? Could you send me some tips? I dated a business man who makes average around 200 - 250. But that’s where I seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won’t get me to central park west. I know a woman in my yoga class who was married to an investment banker and lives in Tribeca, and she’s not as pretty as I am, nor is she a great genius. So what is she doing right? How do I get to her level?

Here are my questions specifically:- Where do you single rich men hang out? Give me specifics- bars,restaurants, gyms -What are you looking for in a mate? Be honest guys, you won’t hurt my feelings-Is there an age range I should be targeting (I’m 25)?- Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the Upper East Side so plain? I’ve seen really ‘plain jane’ boring types who have nothing to offer married to incredibly wealthy guys. I’ve seen drop dead gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village. What’s the story there?- Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows - lawyer, investment banker, doctor. How much do those guys really make? And where do they hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang out?- How you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend? I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY Please hold your insults - I’m putting myself out there in an honest way.

Most beautiful women are superficial; at least I’m being up front about it. I wouldn’t be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn’t able to match them - in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth.
it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercialinterests PostingID: 432279810

THE ANSWERDear Pers-431649184:I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully about your dilemma. I offer the following analysis of your predicament. Firstly, I’m not wasting your time; I qualify as a guy who fits your bill; that is I make more than $500K per year. That said here’s how I see it. Your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple a crappy business deal. Here’s why. Cutting through all the B.S., what you suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I bring my money. Fine, simple. But here’s the rub, your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity…in fact, it is very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won’t be getting any more beautiful! So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earningasset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciationaccelerates! Let me explain, you’re 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!
So in Wall Street terms, we would call you a trading position, not a buy and hold…hence the rub…marriage. It doesn’t make good business sense to “buy you” (which is what you’re asking) so I’d rather lease. In case you think I’m being cruel, I would say the following. If my money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need an out. It’s as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage. Separately, I was taught early in my career about efficient markets. So, I wonder why a girl as “articulate, classy and spectacularly beautiful” as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy. I find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K hasn’t found you, if not only for a tryout.
By the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and then we wouldn’t need to have this difficult conversation.
With all that said, I must say you’re going about it the right way. Classic “pump and dump.”
I hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of lease, let me know.

4 years, 2 months ago

its a typical american bitch mentality that the only thing that counts is money

4 years, 2 months ago

You guys seriously are pathetic. Stop generalizing about women and go date. It’s your own fault if you can’t get a girlfriend to be honest. Stop blaming society.

4 years, 2 months ago

The last poster is a pathetic faggot loser with no life. Or it, yes it could be a fat obese cow with no life.

4 years, 1 month ago

Heather Mills Pulling a ‘Tom Cruise’ on Brits tv

(Sir) Paul keeps going lower in my book every day if this was the prize he is divorcing. One cannot help but feel sorry for the child of this pathetic union… about ‘Star Crossed’.

4 years, 1 month ago

If Men have any doubt about their Worth to today’s Society, let’s just put this topic to rest for once and All.

You are a wallet and nothing more in today’s society.

Don’t believe me? Go to divorce court with children and you will find out just how little anything other than your wallet matters to society today.
Moral of this story….moral of this song:

A ‘working girl’ (escort,GFE) rents (or leases) out the goods (on a mutual acceptance basis),
A woman, who marries, sells to the highest bidder on an unspecified contingency of unending $upport.


Looking for love? Pony up the cash

Rich, successful men are going online to find young, attractive women

By Courtny Gerrish and Alex Johnson
NBC News and MSNBC
updated 11:51 a.m. CT, Tues., Nov. 13, 2007

CHICAGO - Nicolette Blair is 23, blonde and beautiful, assets she means to work for all they’re worth.

If she plays her cards right, that could be millions.

“This is the time to do it — when you’re young and you’re single,” said Blair, who’s eager to snag a rich man and doesn’t care who knows it.

Forget the bar scene or the personal ads. From her home in Chicago, Blair sifts through prospective suitors at, which unabashedly markets itself as the Web’s “premier Sugar Daddy dating site.”

“We are committed to being the most trusted dating resource for the rich and the beautiful,” says the site, which promises to help the beautiful — and ideally, it says, “ambitious and young” — find “a generous benefactor to pamper, mentor and take care of you — perhaps to help you financially.”

In return for the rich older guy, offers connections with “perhaps a ‘personal secretary’? secret lover? student? or a mistress for an extra-marital affair?”

SF ISO big wallet and dozens of similar sites — with names like, and — unmix the signals being sent by a certain slice of the dating crowd. The young and attractive and the rich and, well, seasoned can seek each other out without all that awkward dancing around motives, hidden or otherwise.

Most of the women on the site are in their 20s, while the average man is in his 40s or 50s. But it is strictly non-partisan, offering parallel services for young men and older, successful women, called “Sugar Mommies.”

The age disparity is not a problem for Blair, who made it clear that she wasn’t looking for a traditional boyfriend, anyway.

“It’s a mutually beneficial relationship, and if I was looking for a traditional relationship I would be seeking someone my own age group,” she said, adding that she wouldn’t be satisfied with a nice present or two for her time.

“Gifts are not going to help you,” she advised would-be suitors. “It’s not a smart investment.”

What’s love got to do with it?
Such sites raise ethical and moral questions, said Judy Lauwasser Bruett, a relationship coach with the Ommani Center for Integrative Medicine in Pewaukee, Wis. She said relationships built through Seeking Arrangement and similar services were really nothing more than business transactions for “men wanting to buy sex.”

“I don’t know that anybody with good self-esteem would do it,” Bruett said. “My sense is the men are not looking for love.”

The same may be true for many women on SeekingArrangement, which prominently features a link to its sister site:

John Fergus, who identified himself as a onetime sugar daddy on SeekingArrangement, said he was put off by the forwardness of the women he found there, whom he called nothing more than “golddiggers.”

“Some of these people wanted $5,000 cash up front — they wanted an apartment,” said Fergus, who decided in the end that “I’m not the sugar daddy that way.”

Hardheaded search for a soft landing
But he is in the minority. SeekingArrangement boasts that it has attracted more than 100,000 paid members since it launched a little more than a year ago, even though it is among the more demure sites in the burgeoning sugar daddy field, strictly banning nudity in its profiles.

Other sites are more blunt in what they offer. For example,, which allows users to post racy and explicit photos, targets well-to-do older men with this come-on: “Looking for an extramarital affair? Find what you really want and join our free adult dating site. Cut to the Chase!”

Meanwhile, at, users vote on how attractive the young women are. Winners are given free memberships with which to go on the prowl for older men, whose verified incomes must exceed $200,000 a year.

Nicolette Blair knows what some people think about sites like and the people who use it. She is adamant, however, that she is not flirting with prostitution. Not every arrangement involves sex, and both parties bring much more to the table, she said.

For some, it’s about security. For others, it’s about excitement.

“Prostitutes, I feel, are selling just their bodies, and we’re selling a lot more than that,” Blair said. “If a man wants just sex, he can go find that.”

Courtny Gerrish is a correspondent for NBC affiliate WTMJ-TV in Milwaukee. Alex Johnson is a reporter for

4 years, 1 month ago

Yep, another winner off of Craigslist…

Those striking writters in Hollyweird may take time, from the picket line, to consider the potential of development for this ad ….say for a new venue of reality tv shows?

As always, your mileage may vary…


R&R: Looking for a tall, older gentleman to pamper me - 25 from W4M

Reply to:
Date: 2007-11-14, 3:13PM EST

*sigh* Sombody seems to have it in their mind to be Mr. Flaggy McFlagerson today, So I’ll post it here and there, again! If you want to read the original post that got me thinking its here but Everything in that post is in my response below… Enjoy!

“I must admit, after reading this ad, I thoroughly analyzed the posting to flesh out the wonderful and misunderstood young woman and her plea for a good man. To help others realize the intricacies of this post, I have taken the liberty of breaking down her ad (Bold) and decoding it, rendering my expert opinion on what I think she really wants.(quotation marks)”

Hi, I am sick of dating guys my own age that are broke and insecure.

“Hi, I’m opening up my ad by slyly stating I want a sugar daddy! I say slyly because if I came right out and said it, everybody would call me a gold digging whore (more on that later) and that is the furthest from the truth. Notice how I mentioned my disgust for broke men closer to my tender age of 25? Cause men my age have things like student loans to pay for and starting salaries to pay with, which leaves not enough $$$ for yours truly. That means I’m hoping for you, the Old and Rich train, to plow me into the station! Whoo! Whoo!”

I deserve to be taken out and pampered from time to time.

“Even though I’m 25, and have only been out of college a couple years, I’ve worked really hard, using my Comm major to advance me to the corner reception desk, and I’ve EARNED the right to be materialistically spoiled upon by a older man. But only if you have money! Cause a poor older man trying to pamper me is just weird.”

I just broke up with someone that took me out on a date once a month (maybe). I feel like that is just like having a good friend.

“Like most girls, I dated within my age group, but gosh darn it if my former same age bf didn’t buy me food, clothes, electronics, or jewelry on a very regular basis! I mean taking me out to dinner a couple times, or buying me a cute babydoll dress and gold earrings on my birthday just isn’t enough to achieve the status of me as your girlfriend! I mean truly caring for somebody and showing your love such as holding the door open for them, bringing flowers and supplying massages, or holding their head over the toilet while they puke that 3rd appletini only gets you to the friend zone in my book!”

I am a good woman. I like to cook, I am funny, I’m attractive, and I’m honest.

“Now before you think that in exchange for your hard earned money all I’m good for is a roll in the hay (Dirty boy! Hee Hee!) I have other positive attributes as well! I’ll explain…

Good Woman: I hate the Devil! He’s a pretty mean guy ya know (I hope you haven’t made a deal with him for all your fortunes cause that would lose you points right there)

Like to cook: I’m pretty mean cook with that Hamburger Helper, especially the one with the meat included! I’m not perfect ya know, sometimes I read the High Altitude instructions and it comes out all wrong, so I have a couple of the best restaurants speed dialed in my cell phone! Of course you’d pay for the both of us, but it’s the fact I tried that counts!

I’m funny: Not only will I laugh at the lesser spoiled *ahem* bi-otches that your friends have (always funny), I’ll laugh at all of your jokes no matter how silly they are, and that one joke with the Priest, The Rabbi, a duck, and 5 gallons of flavored lube you always like to tell will get me every time!

I’m attractive, and I’m honest: I decided to roll these together because if you couldn’t tell by my attached pic, I’m honestly attractive. And I’m also honest enough to say what I want! That’s not being a *ahem* bi-otch but just being forward! Isn’t that a nice change of pace?”

I am tired of young guys that don’t have anything but sex to offer me. I mean, I want someone that actually wants to make me feel special.

“Young guys think that even though they have few Jacksons, that the mere promise of mind-blowing love making always will catch this tiger, but they’re sadly mistaken if they think that alone will get my kitty kat. I like sex as much as the next girl but a new ipod nano and/or my own apartment (2 bedroom minimum with full utilities) will make me feel special enough to try that 3some you always wanted. I’m naughty I know, just part of the package ;)”

The holidays are coming up and I am looking for someone to share them with.

“Santa Claus knows if you’ve been naughty or nice, and nothing says nice like a warm fire, hot spiced cider, you by my side, and a diamond necklace on my delicate neck.”

Anyone that doesn’t like this add, don’t bother writing to me to tell me off…instead, I suggest you find a hobby.

“You know how earlier how I said some people might read my ad and get the wrong idea? (not you of course, you’re a sweetheart) Well sometimes I get so mad when they think I’m just a “hollow shell of a human being” Somebody actually wrote that to me! The nerve! I wish they’d get a real hobby like shopping all day at Neiman Marcus or drinking $10 mudslides with my trendy girlfriends and laughing at the girls buying the well drinks because they don’t have someone like you!”

I’m looking for a real man. A tall man with a sense for romance.

“Some guy the other day messaged me and said he had lots of money and thought I was cute enough to be spoiled on. Turns out when I met him, he was that Dr Evil guy from the Austin Powers movie! So from now on, I want real live men (It was an embarrassing date, you have no idea) Not only that but short men? Eh they’re not attractive at all. I mean that Michael J Fox is kinda cute, but he’s only 5’4”! They shoulda cast him in the Wizard of Oz as one of the midgets. See this girl is 1st class and if you wanna upgrade from coach, you gotta be 6’ 2 at least. I’m surprised there are even guys under 6 foot tall. You’d think no self respecting girl would have sex with them and they would die out sooner or later. Learned that one in my bio class :p”

I don’t like middle eastern guys though. They usually treat us women like dirt, and that is the opposite of what I am looking for. Sorry, just like what I like.

“I remember where I was on September 11th, I was in the tanning booth when somebody said the World Trade Center was hit, and I was thinking where’s that? LA somewhere? Later on, when I heard Middle Eastern guys had done this to us, it made me so mad! I mean how could they make their women wear those sheets covering their whole bodies all the time, It’s so hot down there… and why couldn’t the women just take them off and say “I going to wear a tube top and hot pants and that’s final “(I told my daddy that back in high school and all he could do was yell!) See as an American, I like my freedoms, that somebody else’s father, brother, or sister died for, so I could search in peace, for my one true tall romantic older gentleman to pamper me”

Addendum: Alas, this was the end of the personal ad that this nameless young lady so boldly wrote. In passing, I hope my in-depth look and explanation of her ad will help her find that one lucky qualified gentleman (could it be you?)that will make her the kept woman she so aspires to be

Location: Cowlumbus
it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 478842806

4 years, 1 month ago

I wonder why most American women speak with the nose. Really, this is absolutely anti-sexual.

They seem to think it’s cool, or sexy, or clever. But it’s not at all.

Any explanation?

4 years ago

American women are more over weight compare to alot other countries……………….but that women is not a good mosel for plus size women………..I know alot of plus size girls that carry themselves much better………. I’m 5″7 and 180 pounds but I look nothing like that !!!!! I can’t see her face is she cute ?

3 years, 11 months ago

I just discovered this blog and it’s pretty much confirmed what I’ve suspected for years. As a Brit who has lived in the USA for 15 years, I have had challenges dating American women. At first I thought there was something wrong with me, but a lot of my fellow Brits have said the same thing. It seems that while American women always go on about loving my accent, they are very closed-minded about the culture. I cannot be direct and to the point with an American women. It seems that I have to pussyfoot around and beat around the bush with them, like treading on eggshells, for fear of saying the wrong thing. I’ve basically diluted my personality to the point where I’m not being myself, almost fake really. American men have grown up with American mothers and sisters that they have learned to appease (read supplicate). Probably moving back to Europe at some point, we’ll see what happens!

3 years, 11 months ago

Word: Demasculization (of American males)

from a talk show blog:

“WHY have men allowed women to steal their balls! grow some nuts you bastards. and women! for shame all of you, turning men into the “metro sexual” sissies they are today gah! how is a girl supposed to feel safe at home when she’s a better shot with a gun then he is? and he spends more time doing his hair then she does? Men and women play specific roles in the world, we where designed as a species that way, men are stronger then women, their skin is thicker, they are built to endure more then a woman ever should. (not that she can’t lord knows women have deffinately become masculine) Women give LIFE! nuture and provide emotions and support that a man has been trained to repress! and WHY?? because when our god damn cave men ansesters where out hunting they couldn’t have one of them men breaking into an emotional ball of mush! Women and men MUST co-exsist, without each other as a race we will die out. WOMEN! should not be put into a situation that a man should handle, like the army! the last thing we need is a woman breaking emotionally because she killed someone and can’t handle the burning hole it leaves in you to know you have STOLEN life. THAT IS A MANS JOB! TO PROTECT! TO KILL IF NEED BE! a womans job is to give that man comfort! to take him into her arms and into herself so that he can FORGET (if for a short time) the horrible acts it takes to be a man. the kind of control it takes to suck it up, as fathers have said over the generations. women GO HOME! raise your own damn children rather then dropping them off at a strangers day care and hoping they don’t get molested or worse! go home and respect your husbands, your boyfriend, your whatever! respect the fact that, that man doesn’t have the option of breaking down into an emotional heap of bitchyness. and then just shrugging it off as PMS. if you have a sissy man i suggest you SERIOUSLY evaluate if you are really happy.. or are you just a control freak?
the demasculization of man is a terrible thing but almost as terrible is the DISRESPECT of women! yes women used to be a commodity, owned by the man. But if women can learn to respect and not demasculinize their men, men in turn should learn that a woman is NOT a piece of flesh to put your cock in and ditch as soon as possible. you want to be treated like a man, grow up and act like one, respect your woman, thank her for the emotional support, the love she gives without question, the trust she gives when she lets you into her bed, and realize that catting around from one woman to another is a useless waste of time, sex is sex eventually, you can try new things with the same woman, if you love her enough to explore both of your sexuality. to truely be a man take a wife, make a family live by god or athest or whatever, and have pride, respect, and protect that which you made yours! Women GO HOME! raise your children, men GROW UP! learn what it is to really be a man! someone that can be DEPENDED on.

My name is Kitterkat, I am a happily married female, a stay at home mom, and i cook dinner for my husband every night, and thank him for providing me with the ability to be a good mom, and a good wife. and he respects me, he is gentle in our bed and hard when we both desire it, he stands up for himself without being an ass. he is a man. as a woman i desire no more.”

3 years, 11 months ago

Hmm, well there definitely is a backlash against the feminist movement. I think my generation and I’m going to label it generation x( which is a term I think is ridiculous but I can’t think of anything else to call it) was the last bastion of feminism in this country as I’ve heard from quite a few females of generation “y” that they would prefer to stay at home. The problem though is the decreased earning power of the American male thanks to outsourcing and other factors which require two breadwinners to support a family, but that is a different debate.
Interestingly enough the women in this country who could take me as i am (a straightforward Brit) all had European fathers! There must be something to this.
I am looking forward to my move to Europe in a couple of years (probably Prague or Bratislava, I like both) and being able to be myself!

3 years, 11 months ago

This comparison is ok only for continental Europe. Statistics show that the British Isles are very close to the Americans for the increase of obesity.

3 years, 11 months ago

I haven’t lived in the UK in 15 years, my friends tell me the rate of obesity is high, but nowhere near as bad as the U.S. which has by ratio to population, the largest people in the world. The main problem here is that everything is built around the automobile. Many towns and cities have no sidewalks or bike lanes, just green verges and curbs, and even if you want to walk everything is really spread out. In the UK every town has sidewalks and many amenities are within walking distance. When you couple driving everywhere with junk food, you are looking at a rapidly expanding ass.

3 years, 11 months ago

‘Yo Anonymous…this is the state of affairs in the UK (which leads the US by a few years, near as I can tell by what I view occuring on the West Coast of the US) as viewed from both sides.

Btw I apologise for any negative comments I have made to you over the years. A long story, but the fault lies within me. All The Best in your journey!

From The TimesOnLine, February 1, 2008

Where have all the men gone?
British women in their thirties want mates. They can’t find any. Why? Because most eligible males are selfish, mixed-up man-boys chasing no-strings sex, says our correspondent.

Laura Nolan
Men are like eggs. They must hatch or go bad. I came to this conclusion after seeing in the new year with a gang of university friends and hearing one of them, a single guy of 35 called Jamie, declare with complete sincerity that his resolution for 2008 was not to get a girlfriend.

I groaned. His vow struck me as odd, not just because Jamie is a remarkably warm, kind and entertaining individual rather than some ropey Lothario, but because I knew him ten years ago when he was mustard keen to marry his then girlfriend. And when I thought harder about it, I realised that over the past decade Jamie has effectively been degenerating from the man he was at 25 years old to the boy he is today.

The person who fell in love and believed that when you found a great girl you counted your blessings and married her has morphed into someone in search of nothing more than a bit of fun, who views any relationship that he can’t get out of at the ping of a text message with genuine unease.

Where have all the men gone? Instead, we have an overload of man-boys – which leaves a generation of single, thirtysomething women who are their natural mates bewildered. I am one of those women.

I am often told that our problem boils down to bad timing. In our early twenties (the age at which our parents tended to meet and marry), we, arguably the first generation of properly educated and professionally ambitious women, were not ready to settle down and start having babies.

By our late twenties many of us did end up reconnecting with our first loves, or met men of a similar age who were still young enough to want to match and hatch. But for those who didn’t, life is increasingly complicated – and infuriating.

The assumption seems to be that it is our fault that we can’t find “him”. I have lost count of the number of articles by female columnists that I’ve read, urging “career women” like me to get pregnant before it is too late. I want to point out that I work to eat, and that earning a salary funds the social life needed to meet new people.

What do they think we are doing? Take India Knight’s attack, in The Sunday Times, on what she called “the sweetly retro notion of mooching around pining for Mr Right as the (biological) clock ticks away”. “My advice to all my girlfriends is, just do it,” she announces. “Get pregnant. Don’t wait. Mr Right can turn into Mr Wrong overnight: there are no certainties.”

And we wonder why men are afraid to commit, when women like me are depicted as hormonally charged sperm-bandits interested in nothing beyond the urge to have a child.

Does society really want usto settle for Mr Only OK rather than the real deal? Marriage strikes me as hard enough work without saddling yourself with someone for whom you don’t quite feel all that’s necessary. And giving birth with your mother at your bedside because your child’s father isn’t that into you, or the baby, strikes me as far sadder than never getting pregnant at all.

Having lived in New York for five years, and compared notes with friends in other cities (Hong Kong, Paris and Singapore among them), I can assert that the attack on thirtysomething singletons seems to be a particularly English trait. In other cities we are left alone at worst, celebrated at best, and most people find someone at some stage, even if it is at the age of 40. In my view, London is quintessentially chauvinist, a state of affairs exacerbated by the City, the all-male drinking clubs, the pub and football culture, and the strong, albeit small, group of women who seem to treat marriage as their sole raison d’être.

But what of these Brit boys who fail to hatch by their mid-thirties? Do they really turn bad? They don’t necessarily become bad company – as long as the relationship is kept platonic. Many of my best friends are utterly charming bachelors, but they are also the first to admit that they are rubbish boyfriends. Interestingly, they also agree that this wasn’t always the case.

“Looking back, I can see a couple of girls I was ready to marry ten years ago. But I seem to have drifted farther and farther away from being ready since then,” one of them confided as his 40th birthday approached. “I felt a level of certainty about people then that I don’t feel now.”

Personally, I think an odd thing happens to man-boy brains at about the age of 30. Some neural pathway, hitherto well oiled through a diet of normal relationships and an awareness of such terms as “compromise” and “I’m sorry”, tunes in to a specific area of the brain labelled “navel gazing”. If it miraculously misses that zone, it veers into another equally exclusive area: “near-total romantic/emotional shutdown beyond the next 24/48-hour period”.

My last few years of dating reads like either a therapist’s dream or a dictionary of neuroses. On the neurotic front, one man-boy aged 32 had a panic attack at dinner, which he thought was a heart attack until we got to A&E and he was assured otherwise. Another wore a watch that monitored his sleep patterns.

More common, however, are those who insist on persuading you that they are the one you have been waiting for, only to run away the second you show signs of agreeing. One man rang me every two hours for a week to persuade me that what we had going was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, until I started to think that he might be right – at which point he told me that he was too messed up for a relationship.

Another invited me to Spain after one date, only to say at the end of it that it was “all too full-on”. Another couldn’t stop sending soppy texts, until I sent one back. All were thirtysomething, bright, successful bachelors. They had all had therapy. They all talked ad infinitum about their “ishoos”. But not one of them asked about mine. I listened, and either left, or they did.

Nobody expects these guys to settle for Ms Only OK, either, but it’s fair to say that most of them are not looking to settle for anyone – and, in fact, dating a series of Ms Only OKs fills the gap nicely.

“In theory I’d like a family,” says one. “But it doesn’t feel urgent and in the meantime I have a great life with plenty of sex – all on my own terms. Love has sort of disappeared from the menu. And yes, now I’ve learnt that I can, I mess women around in ways I’d never have done in my twenties.”

Horror stories from friends abound, too. “I spent most of last year with a guy who used to weigh me every day and refused to sleep with me if I got too heavy,” admits a colleague. “How bonkers was that? But the awful thing is that once you pass 36, you find it’s single men rather than single women who are the prize commodity.”

I don’t know of any woman my age (35) who hasn’t spent several years in love with a boyfriend, only to have to give up on the relationship after realising that children and commitment were not going to happen for ages, if at all.

Many of these guys would be living happily as husbands and fathers if they had taken the plunge. But they haven’t. So what’s the answer? Become more hard-boiled and accept that, in return for children, we will have to make do with someone Only OK? Go after men ten years younger than us? Or try bruised divorcés ten years older?

There is another option, of course. And that is that the whole generation of single man-boys start behaving like men. Meanwhile, everyone else could stop asking us why we’re not married yet, and wrongly assuming that it’s because we are so work-obsessed that we don’t want to be.

Believe us, we are not single through want of trying.

It’s a statistics thing

For every 100 females, 108 males are born in the UK. But owing to the higher mortality rates of young males, by the mid-teens the numbers have evened out. This remains the case until old age, when a surplus of women arises again.

In some big cities, including London, there are more women than men. There is debate about the reasons for this, but it is nothing new. The thirtysomething single status is new, however – mainly because women now leave it later to marry. In their mid-thirties they find themselves in a predicament, whether they outnumber men of their age or not.

A study I carried out on lonely hearts ads indicated that, while single females typically advertise for men three to five years older than them, men advertise for women of a certain age irrespective of their own. Their preferred age is 24 to 25. So the men that the women want are looking for women, but younger ones.

So should a woman in her mid-thirties be looking for a man in his forties instead? Perhaps – but only in his late forties. I was involved in research that looked at how the sexes perceive their market value – ie, what they think their “package” is worth to the opposite sex. The results suggested that males in their early and mid-forties overestimated their standing the most. They are getting richer at this age, and become self-deluded about what they can get in return. They also want to attract a twentysomething, but are less likely to succeed than younger men. Only in their mid to late forties, when their risk of death increases (they may be rich, but they may also die), do they become more realistic.

In short, women seem to hang on to the ideal, and many get lucky. But when they start wanting to settle down, they opt for what biologists call the Hobson’s Choice Strategy. In layman’s terms, they opt for something over nothing.

Robin Dunbar is Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at the University of Oxford

The man’s view: try this instead

Most single men want love. But they are also terrified of failure, poverty and being trapped. They are scared of turning into their dads, or, if divorced, repeating their old mistakes. They are scared that their women will make them throw out their comics, their motorbikes and their dreams of writing novels.

It doesn’t really matter which type of man you go for – younger, older, divorced. What matters is that you go for him.

Personally, I think the divorced man is more realistic. He’s not like a young man who can’t commit because he yearns for a fairytale goddess whose heart he may one day capture. The older man just wants someone who won’t shout at him. If it takes her two minutes to get into the car, she’s ideal. If she’s giving, and laughs at his jokes, he’ll love her for ever. Give those bruised men a try. Stop expecting to find The One. Find someone, and give him love recklessly.

Or you can snare one of the single man-boys, but you must be cunning. You must wait for him to call but, when he does, you must be devoted and give him glorious sex in flattering lighting.

There is only one time when a man knows, for certain, that he loves his woman and will stay with her for ever: when she has just chucked him. The rest of the time he’s not sure. I remember the first time my wife said: “Let’s have children!” I knew that this was an historic moment. I must respond like a man. So I ignored her. Men’s heads are filled with confusion, fear and football statistics. And whenever they are made an offer, they always feel the negatives first – and if they can’t express them, they clam up like oysters.

In which case, trapping them may involve trickery. After five months – preferably during a three-day trip to Paris, so he can’t get away – you must say, lightly and just before sex: “I love every part of your life. I want to see you richly succeed. But you must marry me.” Then you must change tack and become very soft. You have touched on his deepest fears. Listen. Tell him to write that novel. Tell him that you love ELO. After a two-day sulk, which will be immensely wounding for you, he will begin to express his horrid, selfish fears, and thus you will be stumbling towards your perfectly imperfect life.

Try not to worry about what happens. Remember, there are also loads of men like me: the ones who hatched, and still went bad. We wish you luck. We wish you love. We’ll see you by the swings in five years.

Andrew Clover’s Dad Rules is published by Penguin in May

3 years, 11 months ago

spcwbynw, I have not received any negative comments from you, I think you must be confusing me with another anonymous, as I’ve only just found this blog!

3 years, 11 months ago

Follow-up on Word: Demasculization (of American males)

I’ll tell you why women are running out of men to marry (

By Boris Johnson

Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 01/02/2007

I was half asleep in the front seat the other day, coming back from some exhausting tour of an educational establishment, and in the back seat were two twentysomething female graduates. They were talking about men, so I tried to focus, while keeping my eyes cunningly half closed.

One of them made the eternal feminine complaint. “All men are useless these days,” she said. “Yeah,” said the other. “The trouble is that they haven’t risen to the challenge of feminism. They don’t understand that we need them to be more masculine, and instead they have just copped out.”

I am afraid that, at this point, I copped out myself, and slid into unconsciousness. But before I went under I thought, hmmm, this is interesting; and I think back to that conversation as I read that women continue their astonishing dominance of university admissions.

advertisementLook at those girls go! Women now make up 57 per cent of university entrants, and they outnumber men in every subject — including maths and engineering. This thing is huge, and it is happening at every level, and no one seems to be thinking about the consequences.

Most trainee barristers and two thirds of medical students are now women — compared with 29 per cent women in the early 1990s. If current trends continue, most doctors will be female by 2012. It is ludicrous for the Equal Opportunities Commission to keep droning on about “glass ceilings” at the top of corporate Britain, or in the judiciary, when you think how fast this transformation has been.

It is a stunning fact — the biggest social revolution of our lifetime — that far more women than men are now receiving what is in theory an elite academic education. When I was at university 20 years ago, the figures were almost exactly the other way round, with the ratio 60:40 in favour of males. Far more female graduates are coming out of our universities than male graduates — and, in 30 years’ time, when these people reach the peak of their careers, the entire management structure of Britain will have been transformed and feminised.

Speaking as an ardent feminist, I expect that this will have many wonderful results: a culture that is more feng shui and emotionally literate and altogether nicer, and an economy that benefits from unleashing the phenomenal energy and talents of British women who are — if GCSEs, A-levels and university entrance results mean anything — currently giving the male sex a good old intellectual thrashing.

Obviously a neanderthal corner of my heart worries about some aspects of the coming feminisation. Will we all become even more namby-pamby, elf-n-safety-conscious, regulation-prone and generally incapable of beating the Australians at anything than we already are? Hmm? And even if the feminist revolution is good and unstoppable (and it is both), we should perhaps consider some of the downsides — and the most interesting is that greater equality between the sexes is actually leading to greater division between the classes. Here’s how.

Since the emergence of our species, it has been a brutally sexist feature of romance that women on the whole — and I stress on the whole — will want to mate/procreate with men who are either on a par with themselves, or their superior, in socio-economic and intellectual attainment. A recent study shows that if a man’s IQ rises by 16 points, his chances of marrying increase by 35 per cent; if a woman’s IQ rises by 16 points, her chances of getting hitched decline by the same amount.

Now look at those university entrance figures again, feed in that basic human prejudice, and some recent social phenomena become intelligible. If you have a sudden surge in the number of highly educated women — more women than men — then it is not surprising that you have a fair few Bridget Jones-type characters who are having a tough job finding Mr Darcy. It is a gloomy truth that 40 per cent of female graduates born in 1970 are likely to enter their forties childless.

As a result of the same instinct — female desire to procreate with their intellectual equals — the huge increase in female university enrolments is leading to a rise in what the sociologists call assortative mating. A snappier word for it is homogamy. The more middle-class graduates we create, the more they seem to settle down with other middle-class graduates, very largely because of the feminine romantic imperative already described. The result is that the expansion of university education has actually been accompanied by a decline in social mobility, and that is because these massive enrolments have been overwhelmingly middle-class.

It is one of the sad failures of this Government that relatively few bright children from poor backgrounds have been encouraged to go to university, partly because of weaknesses in primary and secondary education, partly because of the withdrawal of the ladder of opportunity provided by academic selection. Once they have failed to go to university, the boom in the number of middle-class female students only intensifies their disadvantages.

Let’s put it bluntly: nice female middle-class graduates are either becoming permanent Bridget Joneses, or marrying nice male graduates, and they seem on the whole to be turning up their nice graduate noses at male non-graduates. And when the nice middle-class graduate couples get together, they have the double income to buy the houses and push the prices up — and make life even tougher for the non-graduates.

The result is that we have widening social divisions, and two particularly miserable groups: the female graduates who think men are all useless because they can’t find a graduate husband, and the male non-graduates who feel increasingly trampled on by the feminist revolution, and resentful of all these hoity-toity female graduates who won’t give them the time of day.

What is the answer, my friends? I don’t know. We could try fiscal incentives for heterogamy. We could have plotlines in soap operas, in which double first girls regularly marry illiterate brickies.

But the only long-term solution for the “uselessness” of young men, as complained of by my twentysomething colleagues, is to get serious with the education of males in primary schools. And if the Equal Opportunities Commission wants to say something sensible for a change, it should start campaigning for more male teachers.

Boris Johnson is MP for Henley

3 years, 11 months ago

I’d be interested to see how many of these hoity-toity female graduates are still single and childless in their thirties. One of the reasons I left the UK in my early twenties was the class system, although in the U.S. I still have to deal with feminist females.

3 years, 11 months ago

皆わ本とに ばかだよ! こくさい文化を知ってるふりするということがおかしいだと思う。

3 years, 10 months ago

I dread election season.The overwelming single women will vote for Baraq Obama or Hillary Clinton.I think that one of the biggest mistakes we ever made in this country was to give women the right to vote.I live in the Peoples Republic of Maryland, and the women in this state voted for the Communist candidate Martin O’Malley, and the taxes in this state are going thru the roof.The single women in this state voted for O’Malley because he had a nice smile.

3 years, 10 months ago

Martin O’Malley is a tax and spend communist.Not only did he raise the sales tax from 5% to 6%, but he is give drivers license to illegal aliens,and he has raised the state payroll tax,and he will be extending the sales tax to services.Alot of people I have been talking to will be leaving the state for Penn or Virginia.We can thank those single women voters in the Peoples Republic of Maryland.

3 years, 9 months ago

American women are fat pigs with terrible grooming and worse attitudes

its as simple as that. I mean, you don’t see men from other cultures chasing after them; they can’t be bothered with the greasy pigs

3 years, 8 months ago

New qualifications to be Miss USA in the future

.Must have slept with half the college freshmen.
.Must have made a “Girls Gone Wild Video”.
.Must be bisexual.
.Must be a died in the wool feminist.

3 years, 8 months ago

New qualifications to be Miss USA in the future

.Must have slept with half the college freshmen.
.Must have made a “Girls Gone Wild Video”.
.Must be bisexual.
.Must be a died in the wool feminist.

3 years, 8 months ago

Scorpion, your comments made my day. LMFAO. Thanks, man. Actually, your point is correct in many ways. I don`t agree with all your statements, but in general I have to say you have surprisingly good insight into the characteristic qualities of women in Americas, Europe and Asia. I`m male, half Czech, and my nation has troops in Iraq and Afghanistan basically from the very beginning. The numbers are significant when you consider the small population of our nation. So even from that point of view you are wrong when you include Czech men into your “faggot and pussies” group. In my opinion East and Central EU girls are amazing. Some Asians too. I`ve not dated South Americans yet, but from what I know they might be cool too. I`m just not sure if they stay slim and tight over their 30s. Into the top females of the world I would personally include African girls, especially those from DRC, RSA, Ethiopia and Ghana. Many of them respect traditional values and make even better wives than Euro girls. I agree with you on general basis, but unlike you I believe that in the U.S. with a population of nearly 300 million and large number of immigrants from all parts of the world, still is a number of wonderful girls and women. Even among the Americans by birth. And no, I am neither gay, nor closet faggot. I`m 100% into feminine women and agree that the bloody feminists and men-like women suck. What worse can a woman do than to act, look and behave like a male?! It`s disgusting! I also can`t believe that some grown-up women like the gay-looking pussies, who dress unisex, dye hair and look more feminine than women and gays combined.

3 years, 8 months ago

[...] consider her email fun flirting and something I’d positively respond to, so why do American girls serve up this cocky banter bullshit to “flirt” with me and my friends? I don’t [...]

3 years, 7 months ago


3 years, 7 months ago

It’s not just that American women are generally fat and ugly but they have a crap attitude and are really stupid, introverted, ignorant, materialistic even if they are ugly like most of them and selfish and that is not there worst points. They have got to be the worst catch in the world and the men are equally as bad. I would NEVER consider an American woman unless it was Michelle Pfeiffer. As soon as i hear an American accent male or female its torture and repugnant as i know something completeluy ignorant and stupid is gonna come out of its mouth. Nice country though just a shame about its people.

yahoo hooray
3 years, 7 months ago

Fatirah, you better shut your mouth, cause you don`t know what you`re talking about. Your opinion is as relevant as if I said: I lived in the middle of nowhere somewhere in America and Americans are like this and that! On other words you say that Euro girls don`t bath frequently, smell, don`t shave, have bad teeth… You dumbass, have you ever noticed how many Euro girls have become top models? Europe has a population of over 700mil. people and consists of some 50 different countries. Do you really think your knowledge and opinion is relevant? When, for how long and where did you live to get your stupid opinions? Some village in Ukraine that was full of rednecks? Do you think girls in Paris, Munich, Amsterdam, Prague, Stockholm or London don`t bath or don`t brush their teeth? Believe me, you don`t know shit about Europe and your comment only confirmed that some American women are really stupid and ignorant. Haha, try to say some women from Europe that they did not keep personal hygiene until they moved to the States! Talk to Italian Madonna, Czech Ivana Trump, German Heidi Klum or find some others yourself to educate you.

Mike 40
3 years, 6 months ago

A good example of the future of American females
A Time Magazine article.

Pregnancy Boom at Gloucester High
By Kathleen Kingsbury

As summer vacation begins, 17 girls at Gloucester High School are expecting babies — more than four times the number of pregnancies the 1,200-student school had last year. Some adults dismissed the statistic as a blip. Others blamed hit movies like Juno and Knocked Up for glamorizing young unwed mothers. But principal Joseph Sullivan knows at least part of the reason there’s been such a spike in teen pregnancies in this Massachusetts fishing town. School officials started looking into the matter as early as October, after an unusual number of girls began filing into the school clinic to find out if they were pregnant. By May, several students had returned multiple times to get pregnancy tests, and on hearing the results, “some girls seemed more upset when they weren’t pregnant than when they were,” Sullivan says. All it took was a few simple questions before nearly half the expecting students, none older than 16, confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. Then the story got worse. “We found out one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy,” the principal says, shaking his head.

The question of what to do next has divided this fiercely Catholic enclave. Even with national data showing a 3% rise in teen pregnancies in 2006 — the first increase in 15 years — Gloucester isn’t sure it wants to provide easier access to birth control. In any case, many residents worry that the problem goes much deeper. The past decade has been difficult for this mostly white, mostly blue-collar city (pop. 30,000). In Gloucester, perched on scenic Cape Ann, the economy has always depended on a strong fishing industry. But in recent years, such jobs have all but disappeared overseas, and with them much of the community’s wherewithal. “Families are broken,” says school superintendent Christopher Farmer. “Many of our young people are growing up directionless.”

The girls who made the pregnancy pact — some of whom, according to Sullivan, reacted to the news that they were expecting with high fives and plans for baby showers — declined to be interviewed. So did their parents. But Amanda Ireland, who graduated from Gloucester High on June 8, thinks she knows why these girls wanted to get pregnant. Ireland, 18, gave birth her freshman year and says some of her now pregnant schoolmates regularly approached her in the hall, remarking how lucky she was to have a baby. “They’re so excited to finally have someone to love them unconditionally,” Ireland says. “I try to explain it’s hard to feel loved when an infant is screaming to be fed at 3 a.m.”

The high school has done perhaps too good a job of embracing young mothers. Sex-ed classes end freshman year at Gloucester, where teen parents are encouraged to take their children to a free on-site day-care center. Strollers mingle seamlessly in school hallways among cheerleaders and junior ROTC. “We’re proud to help the mothers stay in school,” says Sue Todd, CEO of Pathways for Children, which runs the day-care center.

But by May, after nurse practitioner Kim Daly had administered some 150 pregnancy tests at Gloucester High’s student clinic, she and the clinic’s medical director, Dr. Brian Orr, a local pediatrician, began to advocate prescribing contraceptives regardless of parental consent, a practice at about 15 public high schools in Massachusetts. Currently Gloucester teens must travel about 20 miles (30 km) to reach the nearest women’s health clinic; younger girls have to get a ride or take the train and walk. But the notion of a school handing out birth control pills has met with hostility. Says Mayor Carolyn Kirk: “Dr. Orr and Ms. Daly have no right to decide this for our children.” The pair resigned in protest on May 30.

Gloucester’s elected school committee plans to vote later this summer on whether to provide contraceptives. But that won’t do much to solve the issue of teens wanting to get pregnant. Says rising junior Kacia Lowe, who is a classmate of the pactmakers’: “No one’s offered them a better option.” And better options may be a tall order in a city so uncertain of its future. — With reporting by Kimberley McLeod/New York

Sazeeb (Bangladesh)
3 years, 5 months ago

I think this is a ridiculous debate and I support Mr.’Norwegian’. How people can hate women on the basis of country of origin? Everyone (especially women of US and Europe) should hate this type of people.

3 years, 5 months ago

you are fucking sexists pricks

3 years, 5 months ago

okay, Scorpion does not fit to breath the same air as human beings. He sounds like a complete pig (note that almost everyone of his post involves “euro women being a lot more sexually active”).

I’m sorry Scorpion but you sound like you’re really ugly that no American women would date you, so you have to be one of those guys who go to third world countries and hire prostitutes. that’s why you’re getting all these “beautiful euro women”

you basically fit on of the posting about howw there are really ugly rich white men in America with a gorgeous euro women.

and also i’m asian and i do believe that american women are often on the heavy side, but so are american men.

3 years, 5 months ago

noticing that all these american guys are complaining about how american women behave “men like”, well american men are like little boys. they dont believe that they should pay for dinner and that it would be best if the girl paid for half, yet they’re expecting american girls to kiss their ass and act like euro women from third world countries. of course these euro women are going to be sexually open to you… she hoping that you’ll get her a green card for god sake.

i personally find american men unattractive because theyre so fucken cheap and unmasculine. they need the girl to pay for herself all the time and support half the household… so why is it again that she’s not allow to be “men like”? she’s doing the man work.

and american men are reallly dumb… they lack basic common sense.

3 years, 5 months ago

Wow, the majoria of these posts are just complaints from some very pathetic men. Let me pose an intelligent question!

Would an attractive man that speaks five languages and has a master’s degree in business want a very average-looking woman that works at the library?

The answer is NO! If you guys can’t get hott, classy women in your country, it’s because you guys aren’t physically appealing or smart enough for them to want you~

And foreign women don’t want you either, trust me, we don’t, we have a lot more taste than that. The only way you guys could possibly get laid (American, Foreign, any pussy) is through the use of date rape drugs or maybe if you pay a lot of money to our prostitutes. Okay, I’m ready, call me a feminazi, an obese bitch, whatever you want. At the end of the day, its you poor, hopeless men that are jacking off alone in your trailor parks.

Adeus bixonas!! And please stay the fuck out of Brasil!! We brasilian girls don’t want you here! Our men actually have something to offer!

3 years, 4 months ago

What is wrong with jacking off in a trailer park?
A masters degree and 5 languages does not guarrentee happiness in America. If he will marry an american. Whether that woman works in the library or not. American woman after they have kids she can detroy his lifes work. She can divorce him and keep the kids more than likely and charge him a large fee for being a man. Do you understand now. That is why even successful men from America would be desiring a foreign woman. Also unsuccessful men that get a foreign woman can become successful through their love of that woman. The difference between rich and poor is just a few years of work. The difference between heaven and hell can be an American woman that lives under american law.

The difference between any man being pathetic or not is the quality of their woman. Obviously you do not have what it takes Izabella to turn a normal man into a great man. You expect the man to be great first and then be worthy of you. Like you said why would a man after he is successful pick you. You should move to the us and get the fuck out of brazil where all I hear is how great the woman are. Izabella you belong in America.

3 years, 4 months ago

We brasilians are great…! We are fun and like to enjoy life. We actually exercise and care about our bodies. I met many American men because I live in Rio and they come for vacation. They are boring…just talk about work…and most are very fat. They are good just for money. For sex, for love, and for all other things, all other men do better.

Is your first name Gunslinger? Such a ugly name. You must be confused and lonely. In Brasil, everyone would see you as a vagabundo…I love my country, I hope to meet you here, maybe I can make you into a great man, I can take your virginity hahah and teach you how to plesure women…vou ti comer y depois vc vai ficar feliz huahahah….

3 years, 4 months ago

Ok, man there are a lot of rude people commenting.
Here is what the difference is between the american women and the europeans.
American women who are ‘normal’ will do anything and everything to improve what they have. They will strive to have everything on them as beautiful as possible. For example, American women will always die their hair over going grey, they will wear contacts over glasses, they will get plastic surgery to get their face together and they will diet and workout fiercely to obtain a look. They will bleach their teeth, inject their skin with botulin, implant breasts, do their nails with acrylic, paint their toes and put sparkles on them, tan their skin and get their cellulite removed or sucked out.
What do European women do?
Oh, like NOTHING!
First of all, European women are accepted as they are, and they do not feel the pressure to have nose jobs. They all wear glasses if they need them and there are a lot more women with short hair. They dont care as much about foundation, aging, wrinkles or bleaching their teeth, or even putting braces on their teeth or their children. The entire society does not command perfection therefore they don’t conform.
I go to Germany all the time, and for example, I see some women there who for American standards would be a candidate for extreme makeover! But they are loved by their husbands and live productive lives. These same women would have been banished to ugly land if they were here.
When I am in Europe I feel wonderful and beautiful.
When I am in America I feel ugly and fat and not good enough.. why? Well when all you see are magazines of women who are nothing but fake you think thre is something wrong with you for being real……
The Europeans wouldnt want you any other way!

3 years, 3 months ago

Ive seen woman that show off and they are grosse who cares about a nice body if thier a snob and theres nothing inside,
ive seen african woman that are really sweet and they care more about you in a really genuine way than alot of ones ive seen here,
I think african woman care about family alot, and, and they have genuine values,
And you can talk with them without them getting hyper like alot of american ones ive seen here,
I cant stand hyper woman they turn me off,
You can never trust what thier gonna say,
as alot of the time, its made up insecure BS anyway to just sound off so they dont care what you say or think,

3 years, 3 months ago

i just read alot of posts on here and me being american am unlike alot of guys out there that are cheap and dont care about a woman,
im the opposite,
I like to dote on her and touch her and love on her and share with her,
I treat a lady with love and respect and I try to be with her as much as possible and I dont care about looks or the make up thing to make yourself better like woman do over here,
I treat a lady with respect and if she dont like it,well then i guess her and me will go our seperate ways and then whatever,
I see alot of,,,,,,
tooo much of this stupid stinking independant attitude over here in the USA,
I mean ive not had a nice date in yrs as all i see is this crap that the woman are all busy with kids or alot of timees really dont care about you anyway and are selfish beyond measure,
Im weary of woman over here that are BSers and ones that hang out with the low class crowd,all i try to do is get along and if i cant do that than forget the whole thing,
I take her out to dinner and whatever else she wants and i dont like to talk about work but if its on her mind than ill go over it with her and then we can go to something else,

3 years, 3 months ago

Hey, you haven’t mentioned romanian, ukranian and women from Moldova Republik. Check them out here

3 years, 1 month ago



3 years, 1 month ago


3 years, 1 month ago



3 years, 1 month ago


david linden
3 years, 1 month ago

Being a European who lived in the States I can say this: Europe unlike the U.S. consists of numerous republics and kingdoms. You travel for an hour and get to see people with different history, economy, nationality and culture. Although the States are multicultural and multiethnical in a way, this is different. Whenever you folks say Europe is this and that or Euro girls or this and that, you are wrong. In America there are differences between cities and rural areas, but in Europe you cross a border to another country and see a 100-yr difference in development level and totally different people. So next time you try presenting yourself a “Euro-women-expert” first ask yourself what countries you have in mind by Europe. Are talking Russia, France, Germany, Czech, Monaco, Albania, Ukraine, Sweden… hope you see how retarded are the generalizing comments above.

david linden
3 years, 1 month ago

P.S. I bet those “would be experts” who tend to judge Euro women and men can`t even name all the European countries and their capitals. You might travel to one, two or a few countries, shag a few whores, but that does not make you qualified to judge the whole continent. You`re generalizing in a retarded way. It`s like saying e.g. Asian women look this way, do this and don`t do that. Well, what Asian women are you talking about?! Thai, North Koreans, Indian, Malaysian…? Do you comprehend the differences between Japanese and Mongolian women? The answer is NO! Therefore don`t you dare to say, that you know European women and men! If I shag a smelly, hairy, drug addicted whore in Alabama and then one ugly, drunk blonde slut with breast implants in New Mexico, does that qualify me to tell what American women are like?

3 years ago

Prescription pills

3 years ago

eastern european women look like whores, unless they are my mothers age, then they look like my uncle

3 years ago

i like nice woman thet have personality and they arent so reserved like ones Ive seen soo much of,,
but again Im not judging anyone,
all i see is woman that are soo hot looking like a hot auburn hared girl in this town and she is soo reserved its rediculous,
I mean is it a self protection thing or do they just dont care about anyone but them selves?
every single one ive ever seen thats all dlooed up and really nice looking and all they want is to talk the social bit and thier really not into anything thats interesting,
I mean im not trying to judge but where do i find woman that can talk and youd like to have them on your arm and just touch them and hold them and they like it same as you do?
I mean all I want is a person with some personality thats NOT MARRIED AND NOT INTO THE SO CALLED SLOB UNKEPT KIND OF GUYS I SEE SO MANY WITH OR the hot looking stubborn ones that cant or wont listen to anything,
I mean what do i have to do to just talk to a lady and not her wonder what i do or what i drive or this or that,
Or BSing me all the time about needless rederick,?
Im 48 not married not bald nice looking not macho or self centered,
If theres a lady out there that wants this type of guy to be with than get a hold of me on this ok
Im not asking of the world,

2 years, 11 months ago

I’ve been to Europe and I didn’t see one European chick prettier than me.

2 years, 11 months ago

I like the way nice british lady’s talk, i mean in thier lingo its so enticing and its sooo nice to listen to them,
I mean it get me going just to listen to them, wow,wow,
thyey have a feminine way about them that american woman dont have to much of anymore and i see it as really sad,
its like the americans are trying to be just plain talking nlike men or compete with men ,one or the other, really stupid,

Space Cowboy
2 years, 10 months ago

An alternate to this site is ‘Men are better than women’ which has some distinct logic concerning women (in general).

Your mileage may vary….

Btw From a woman comedian: “You know what a Soccer Mom is? A woman between the age of 35 and cunt!!”

Truer word I could not have expressed myself. I have dated many who fit that category. No more!

Regarding Latino chicks as the ‘hottest’….
major downsides are 1)Drama Queens (addicts) and 2)you will inherit their dysfunctional families.

Wow…One year since my last post, go figure that nothing has changed? Surprise, surprise, surprise!

2 years, 9 months ago

i love jessica simpson